My Master Is a God

Chapter 2367 Do you understand the Flying Bear?

The weirdness of Xiao Honghuang made Yang Yiyun very careful, but for him, what he should be careful about was the unknown environment of Xiao Honghuang and the giant beasts of Xiao Honghuang.

He didn't care much about the cultivating beings. Among the powerful cultivating beings, he always had wisdom. Often, the wise beings had attained the Tao through cultivation. With cultivation, there would be flaws. He just wasn't invincible.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, the demon bear kid who played tricks on Loach was like this. According to Loach, a foodie, he shouldn't be that kind of invincible existence.

In this case, if you bully Loach, a foodie, then he, the master, should go and get it back.

This place is very big. A single lake alone has a diameter of several kilometers, but overall it seems to be circular. Anyway, it is surrounded by mountains on three sides in the distance.

The lower reaches of the lake seemed to go away from the forest when he came in. As for the source of the upper reaches, Loach said that there was a waterfall thousands of meters high somewhere in the mountain. He met the little demon bear kid in the lower reaches, and in the upper reaches of the waterfall. There is a waterfall cave behind and there is another world after entering.

But he didn't go very deep, because the little demon bear went in and stole the honey.

Now take Yang Yiyun toward the lower reaches of the lake to find the little demon bear kid.

"Master, this is where I met that little kid~" Loach said as he led Yang Yiyun to a big tree.

"You're a brat too~" Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and muttered, but his eyes were looking around. According to his speculation, the demon bear should be in this area, and he should be able to find it if he looked carefully.

He turned the Eye of Heaven and Earth on the spot and began to search.

For a few minutes, his Eye of Heaven and Earth was blocked by a very old and towering tree, and he could not see the face of the tree clearly. It seemed that there was a power of the five elements shrouding the tree.

Yang Yiyun suddenly stopped and said: "Follow me, I should have found it~"

Hua Luo and Ni Loach left thinking about the towering tree.

It is said to be a giant tree because it is very big. You can see the outline in the blur. One tree seems to cover hundreds of meters in radius.

I don't know how big the diameter is either.

If this area is a place where demon bears roam, then the area near this giant tree is most likely the demon bear's lair.

When Yang Yiyun and Ni Loach walked into the big tree, they finally saw the original appearance clearly. They looked at the hazy big tree with the eyes of the universe. Now that they got closer, they could see it clearly with the naked eye.

Indeed, this is a giant tree, its branches and leaves soaring into the sky~

And it's a certain type of fruit tree, with a kind of red fruit on it, like a bunch of huge grapes, each one as big as a fist.

The fruity flavor is very refreshing.

Indeed, it covers an area of ​​several hundred meters, like a giant open umbrella.

"What a big tree~"

Loach couldn't help but sigh, but the next sentence directly said: "It looks like a fruit~"

The true nature of the talkative foodie was revealed, but he had already rushed to the treetops in one move.


After a while, the loach came down with a bunch of red and attractive fruits in its mouth.

"Master, eat it, it's very sweet and full of energy~"

"You're a foodie, can you eat as much as you can?" Yang Yiyun scolded Loach with a speechless smile. This guy is really hopeless. Ever since he entered Xiaohonghuang, he has completely turned into a foodie.

Eat whatever you see.

Although he cursed, he still took the fruit from the loach, picked one and took a bite.

It is indeed very sweet, melts in your mouth and fills your mouth with saliva.

A hidden energy also spreads out from the body.

Although he cursed the loach not to eat randomly, he knew that the loach still had this ability to distinguish, and it was Kunpeng after all. If it didn't have this ability, the name Kunpeng would be in vain.

And there is nothing wrong with these fruits in his perception.

Just as Loach said, every fruit contains energy, and it is energy higher than the power of immortal energy, but it is very violent.

He thought that this must be the power of the prehistoric times. The creatures born in the ancient prehistoric times are indeed somewhat different from the outside world.

But the violent energy that can be hit is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Any power has different attributes. Generally speaking, the immortal power is relatively mild, but the violent power and domineering force contained in these fruits conflict with the immortal power.

The energy that Yang Yiyun took in one bite exploded in his body. His expression changed, but he did not panic. A movement in his heart activated the internal and external Qiankun Kung Fu.

For him, Shinto Kung Fu is a powerful advantage over any immortal. As long as it is the power that exists in the immortal world, theoretically speaking, he can refine and transform it into the Shinto power that can be controlled in his body through Qiankun Internal and External Kung Fu. force.

Tried and tested, he was able to refine even demonic energy back then.

The ancient power contained in a fruit is of course not to mention.

This time is no exception.

In the blink of an eye, the violent energy in this fruit was refined.

Looking at the foodie Loach, he was holding a large bunch of red fruits in his arms, clicking each one into his mouth. The food tasted very sweet. It was obvious that the violent energy contained in the fruits had no effect on him at all.

Think about it, this guy is Kunpeng, a very ancient and powerful existence. His ancestors existed long before the creation of the world. At that time, the power in the world was naturally much more domineering than it is now.

This little bit of violent power is a piece of cake for Loach.

When one person and one beast felt the deliciousness brought by the fruit, the next moment an angry voice came from the tree: "You two thieves, eat my goblin fruit, you are shameless, who gave you the courage?" Stealing food?"

Questioning, getting angry~

Yang Yiyun and Ni Loach suddenly looked up at the next moment.

Not only his expression changed.

The sound sounded right on the treetops above them, it could be said that it was very close, but they didn't notice it at all.


Yang Yiyun muttered in his heart.

Then he looked through the treetops and vaguely saw a flash of bright red appearing on the treetops dozens of meters away.

There was no doubt that there seemed to be some kind of creature in the treetops.

He dared to think this in his heart, but the loach beside him screamed, and the breath in his body increased greatly and he cursed: "Little brat, you lied to me, come down~"

After that, he said to Yang Yiyun: "He is the master, that little brat. He is the one who lied to me."

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and tensed up his whole body, ready to take action at any time. It was obvious that the demon bear kid in the mouth of the loach was definitely not a good person. From such a distance, he didn't notice any aura at all.

They also knew that they had found the right place. This demonic bear had indeed appeared here, or this huge towering tree was the lair of this demonic bear.

After eating a few of his fruits, he was called a thief, which made Yang Yiyun a little funny.

It did sound like the voice coming from the tree was that of a child.

But he also knows about the creatures that can appear in Xiaohonghuang, especially what kind of children?

But all cultivating creatures should not be judged by their appearance.

Swish swish swish~

There was a sound in the treetops, but a bright red color flew out from the treetops.

Now Yang Yiyun could see clearly.

A panda with red hair all over its body, dark eyes and a pair of wings on its back. It was indeed a bear. It had a plump, round and honest appearance and came down from the tree.

Then it fell to the ground and turned into a child in a flash of red light.

He looks about ten years old, barefoot, wearing a suit of armor, with long red hair hanging loosely on his shoulders. He is not tall, only 1.23 meters tall.

Even though he has transformed into a human form, he is still plump and looks very cute, making it impossible to be hostile.

Of course, Yang Yiyun didn't feel any hostility from this child, which made him somewhat reassured, but he still did not relax his vigilance.

What he felt from this child was the majestic demonic energy, which was very powerful, at least comparable to the Immortal Lord's Dzogchen aura.

He does look like a little kid, chubby and cute.

At this moment, the little kid came down from the tree and landed ten meters away from Yang Yiyun and Nilu. He snorted angrily: "You big bug, don't talk nonsense. You ran away on your own, and I was right."

At that time, we agreed that I would give you half of the honey when I got it, but when I came out, you were nowhere to be seen. Do you blame me?

Also, you guys who ate my goblin fruit without my consent are simply thieves. If you don’t give me an explanation, I ate you today~ Also, let me tell you two bumpkins, I am not some monster bear, I am It is the only flying bear in the world - the flying bear, do you understand that it is a different species in the world? "

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