My Master Is a God

Chapter 2369 Keep a bear under your lips

The loach despised the flying bear. After saying this, his whole body burst into colorful light, and his body grew longer in the wind in an instant...

In the blink of an eye, the loach transformed into a behemoth with a body measuring ten thousand meters, suspended in the sky, looking down on the flying bear.

"" Although Feixiong has a bear face, he is very humane. His big black eyes widen, his mouth widens, and he looks at the loach covering the sky. , but was speechless.


At this moment, the loach's huge wings flashed, and the somewhat confused Flying Bear was directly shot away.

After all, the flying bear was also a huge body of 100 meters, but at this moment, it was swatted away by the loach and disappeared from sight.

It was like a speck of dust being blown away by the wings of a giant eagle.

Yang Yiyun also had a look of astonishment on the treetops below. He had thought that the Loach would be powerful after digesting the Black Turtle, but he did not expect it to be so powerful. The aura of the Flying Bear was that of an Immortal Master at least, and he was just slapped away and disappeared. Trace?

Of course, it seemed that the flying bear was shocked by the huge body of the loach and therefore had no defense. However, in any case, the loach finally became stronger, which is worth being happy about.

And it seems that Loach's trip to the prehistoric times is really a bit of a chance. It has eaten a lot before, and it is estimated to have a lot of benefits for it.

Otherwise, no matter how careless the flying bear is, it will be impossible for him to fly away without losing sight of the loach.

But he knew that things might not go that smoothly. In any case, that little brat Fei Xiong was, after all, a prehistoric alien species comparable to the Great Immortal.


Sure enough~

Just when Yang Yiyun was thinking this, a roar sounded from the sky.

He looked up and saw that the flying bear was rushing towards him like a burning flame, heading straight towards the loach.


At this time, Loach seemed to have greatly increased his confidence and turned on the invincible mode.

He also let out a long roar, flashed his wings, and faced the flying bear.


In the blink of an eye, when the flying bear was within a few hundred meters of the loach, it suddenly roared. However, Yang Yiyun saw circles of red halo-like things appearing in the flying bear's roar, and it attacked directly. loach.

The loach was not afraid either. The inscriptions all over its body flashed and shone in the roar, and they once again converged on the horn above its head.

This time Yang Yiyun found that the single horn on the loach's head was different from before. The colorful halo became more intense, and it seemed to have turned into a huge sun on the sky. It was so dazzling that he could not open his eyes.

How big is it~

It was so big that Yang Yiyun visually measured it to be hundreds of meters in diameter.

Loach Unicorn obviously gathered all the energy in his body.

The energy of the inscriptions gathered on the loach's horn formed a huge sphere, and the pressure it exuded made him feel extraordinary. There was a trace of palpitations in the sky, and the wind and clouds gathered in the sky, as if the sky was about to collapse, and it was very... A horrific sight.

Looking at the circles of light coming out of Feixiong's mouth one after another, they also shook the space, making it somewhat distorted.


The attack between the two finally broke out.

Yang Yiyun couldn't see clearly with his naked eyes. When he turned the Eye of Heaven and Earth to look, he saw that the huge colorful sphere gathered on the horn on the loach's head finally exploded and turned into a thick beam with a diameter of 100 meters, like a laser cannon. Whoosh! He rushed towards the flying bear.

And the bright red halo of light spitting out of Fei Xiong's mouth was actually extraordinary.

Both showed their natural talents.

It depends on who is stronger.

Yang Yiyun originally looked over and thought that Loach should have an overwhelming advantage. However, when Loach's attack and Flying Bear's aperture attack collided, he sighed in his heart.


However, he saw that the huge ball of light emitted by the loach was actually caught in the aperture of the flying bear. Then the magical power of the aperture of the flying bear was like a rope trying to cut off the colorful ball of light of the loach.

Finally, with an earth-shattering boom, Loach's colorful light ball exploded instantly. At first glance, it seemed that it was strangled by the flying bear's aperture.

The entire sky was turbulent and colorful clouds formed in an instant that covered the sky and sun, but the flying bright red halo also dissipated immediately.

It looked like Feixiong had the upper hand in this attack.

That's why Yang Yiyun sighed in his heart.


Immediately afterwards, a long roar sounded, which shocked him.


It's the roar of a loach.

Full of strong confidence and coercion, Kunpeng's roar was inviolable.

He looked quickly, and his eyes widened in the next moment, but he couldn't help but cheer in his heart.

"It turns out that this is not a real killing move. The real killing move is waiting here~"

Yang Yiyun muttered to himself, with a smile on his face.

He saw a loach roaring in the sky at this moment, and the familiar scene he had seen back then appeared.

It was the scene where the loach broke out of its egg and used the power of heaven and earth to devour the golden-armored black turtle in one gulp.

This loach is actually ready to swallow the flying bear in one bite!

Back then, the loach was born with a vision of heaven and earth and a thunderous force. It swallowed the black turtle with the help of that great force of heaven and earth. Today, although it does not have the help of the thunderous power of heaven and earth, it has the help of its own talent.

This talent is naturally the giant colorful sphere that exploded just now. Although it seemed to be blasted by the flying bear's bright red aperture, the colorful light after the explosion spread and scattered around the flying bear. , actually forming a siege.

The point is that Yang Yiyun saw golden inscriptions circulating in the colorful clouds. The sight of these inscriptions was exactly the same inscriptions on every scale on the loach's body.

The flying bear was completely surrounded by it, and it seemed to form some kind of extremely powerful restricted area.

The next moment, Feixiong struggled and roared in panic, but he still couldn't break free from the clouds and mist formed by the colorful inscriptions.

The giant loach's 10,000-meter body swam in front of the flying bear, opened its huge mouth almost as big as a black hole, and swallowed the flying bear in one gulp.

How could the flying bear not be afraid at this moment?

"Ho ho ho..."

Seeing that he was about to be swallowed by the loach, the flying bear let out a desperate roar with frightened eyes.

Yang Yiyun reacted after seeing this, and he felt happy immediately, even though he didn't want the flying bear to become a snack for the loach.

There was a flash of light, and Yang soared into the sky, shouting: "The loach has a bear under its mouth."

Are you kidding me? I promised the young senior sister to find an immortal beast for the Yunmen Immortal Beast Academy. However, this flying bear is actually very attractive in terms of appearance and strength. It is equivalent to the level of a great immortal. We can’t let the loach ruin it. .

The point is that today he has seen the powerful talent of Loach. This guy can really swallow anything.

The powerful light ball formed by the strange seven-colored light actually conveyed all the inscriptions on its body, but it was really not easy.

How could the inscription on Kunpeng's body be a mortal thing?

This is still the growth stage of the loach. Now it can swallow the ancient alien beings at the level of the Great Immortal. In the future... it may not be a problem to swallow the immortals at the enlightenment level.

It makes me happy just thinking about it.

Today, this guy has shown the style that a Yunei Kunpeng should have.

Yang was very satisfied.

After shouting, he came to the sky and was suspended between the loach and the flying bear.

After being shouted out by someone like this, Loach had no choice but to stop talking even if he was reluctant.

But he was still dissatisfied and said: "Master, just let me swallow this demon bear kid in one gulp. This kid has such a mean mouth. I will let him know what the real overlord of Yunei is. He is nothing but a prehistoric alien." .”

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said: "Okay, I can use this bear, so stop making noise~"

After speaking, Yang Yiyun looked at Feixiong, who was imprisoned by Loach's magical power, and said with a smile: "Little Feixiong, do you want to live?"

"Think about it... Please save me, don't be too big..." Flying Bear originally wanted to say that the loach is a worm, but when the words came to his mouth, he quickly changed his words: "Don't let it eat me, wuwu..."

But he cried loudly. Don't be frightened just now. Feixiong clearly felt the power of the big guy opposite him and could really swallow him in one gulp.

"Okay, if you want to live, just open your mouth~" Yang Yiyun smiled and a drop of water of life appeared on the tip of his finger.

Feixiong was still very vigilant. When he saw a drop of extremely green water on the tip of Yang Yiyun's finger, he stopped crying immediately and said vigilantly: "What... do you want to do?"

"Stop talking nonsense. This is the opportunity I gave you. If you keep talking, I will change my mind and the loach will eat him~" Yang threatened shamelessly.

"No, I open my mouth~" Feixiong was frightened and quickly opened his mouth.

With a flick of Yang's finger, a drop of water of life instantly entered Feixiong's big mouth, and then he laughed.

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