My Master Is a God

Chapter 2370 Familiar Smell

The water of life has never let Yang Yiyun down~

A drop of the water of life was given to Feixiong, and the flying bear, a strange species from the ancient times, surrendered. It would not work if he did not surrender. When Yang activated the water of life, Feixiong gave up on the spot.

"Are you convinced?"

Under the big tree where Feixiong was, Yang spoke lightly and looked at Feixiong who was lying on the ground like a dead dog and asked.

"Are you convinced?" Kunpeng, who was three meters tall, squatted next to Yang and pretended to be powerful.

"I'm convinced... I'm convinced, I'm convinced~" Feixiong replied weakly.

"What should you call me?" Yang asked with a grin.

"Master, master~" Feixiong replied quickly.

"Okay, get up, just know the rules." Yang Yiyun was satisfied with Feixiong's current attitude.

The next moment, Feixiong's whole body flashed red, and he turned back into the plump little shed he originally looked like. However, only a pair of rolling eyes ruined the innocent look on his face, otherwise he would have looked about ten years old. At his age, he is cute and naive and is a lovable master.

It could be an old goblin who has been practicing for who knows how many years.

"Do you have a name?" Yang Yiyun looked at Feixiong and asked.

"Return to the master?" Feixiong shook his head and replied.

"Then let's call him a brat~"

The wicked Yang gave him a name casually, but seriously, he just gave Fei Xiong a nickname.

"I don't want it~" Feixiong shook his head without hesitation.

"That's it. If my objections are invalid, I'll call you a little brat." Yang was very domineering and didn't give any room for negotiation.

At this time, Ni Loach grinned and said: "You are satisfied, uncle and I, Kunpeng, are all called Ni Loach. It sounds much better to call you little brat, haha~"

Loach, who had always been brooding about his own name, finally regained his inner balance after hearing the name Yang gave Feixiong.

It feels great.

"I..." Feixiong, no, he should be called a brat now. He suddenly felt aggrieved. Looking at the glaring Yang, his mouth started to hold back. Tears were rolling in his eyes. He wouldn't bully a bear like this. .

It’s okay for you to join forces and beat me up, and it’s okay to forcefully subdue me, but I didn’t even give you a chance to name you.

Bully the bear~

"Hold it back, and if you act like a monster again, be careful to break your legs."

Yang yelled at Feixiong mercilessly. In fact, he knew very well that this little fat kid, who looked cute and cute on the outside, was actually very smart. Anyway, he was several times smarter than the foodie Loach. , and now he started to act pitiful again.

"Okay, Master."

The tears in the little kid's eyes disappeared in the next second, and the expression on his face returned to its original state. He stood obediently and answered quickly.

Yang sneered in his heart, this guy is really a thief, and he also knows how to use his cute expression to win sympathy. Fortunately, he is that person. If it were another woman, he would definitely be fooled by him today.

No, you kid, I have to explain it to my senior sister later so that I don’t cause any trouble in the future.

After subduing a little boy named Feitianxiong Yang who was at the level of a great immortal, he was still in a good mood. Of course, the biggest contributor was Loach.

If Loach's weird binding inscription hadn't trapped the kid so tightly that he couldn't move, he wouldn't have given the kid a drop of water of life with just a flick of his finger, thereby controlling the kid's life and death. , let him be obedient.

In this regard, Mr. Yang rarely praised Ni Loach, who still had resentment in his heart, and said: "Ni Loach, you did a good job this time. This is your first achievement. I will reward you later. You showed your Kunpeng style in this battle. You will continue to work hard in the future." .”

No matter they are humans or monsters, they all like to be praised by others, and Kunpeng, the immature loach, is no exception. He almost swallowed the flying bear in one bite and had a delicious meal, but was abruptly interrupted by his owner Yang Yiyun. I didn't dare to say anything more, but I still felt a little unhappy.

When I heard Mr. Yang's praise, I immediately felt happy, and all the resentment in my heart disappeared completely. He said happily: "Master, don't worry, I will work harder in the future to help master conquer more little demons."

"Tch~ give me some of Yangguang's brilliant fool~" After hearing this, Fei Xiong muttered disdainfully to Loach, with an expression on his face that said your IQ is not up to par.

"What are you talking about, little brat? Are you looking for a beating?" Loach's sharp eyes and ears immediately exploded.

The little kid shrank his neck and said with a smile: "Boss Loach, don't be angry. I mean you are brave and powerful, and I will follow you from now on~"

As for Loach's true identity, the little boy now also knows clearly, but he didn't expect it to be Kunpeng...

After all, the little kid is a prehistoric alien species with ancient inherited memories. Naturally, he is no stranger to the legendary Kunpeng, but he has never seen it before. Now that he knows the identity of Loach, he naturally does not dare to make mistakes.

Moreover, he was almost swallowed by a loach before, and the smell of death still made his heart palpitate. If Yang Yiyun hadn't shouted stop, he knew that he would have become Kunpeng's snack.

Regarding the loach's attitude, he is both afraid and hateful.

Now that they have all become Yang's subordinates, the little kid still dares to quarrel with the loach, but he just doesn't dare to face it head-on.

He also knew that he had just surrendered to Yang, so his status was naturally incomparable with that of Ni Loach. He could see the situation very clearly, so the little boy's words were a disguised recognition of Ni Loach's boss status and gave Ni Loach enough vanity. Heart.

Sure enough, after these words came out, Loach immediately became happy.

"Work hard in the future and help the master share your worries. If you don't understand anything, just ask me." Loach quickly entered the role of the boss, feeling very happy and giving instructions to the little kid.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely try my best to help the master share his worries in the future. Of course, everything will be dominated by Boss Loach..." The sly little kid's sharp mouth is unmatched by ten loaches.

Yang Yiyun saw this scene in his eyes, but didn't say anything. It was a good thing for him that the subordinates he accepted were competitive, so he let them go. He just mourned for Nilu in his heart, and he was probably sold by the little brat. I also have to help count the money.

Loach was very satisfied with the little brat's attitude, and said proudly: "Then brat, you've wiped out all the tricks you've done before, but I was tortured by those bees anyway. Although it's not a big deal, I did my best. Now you Should you take out that honey and give it to me... No, you should share it with me and the master?"

Yang Yiyun burst into laughter and said secretly: "It seems that Loach is not so stupid that he can't be saved. He still knows the benefits and has some prospects."

The kid's mouth twitched as he listened to what Ni Loach said, but under Ni Loach's gaze, he quickly said: "It should be right, Boss Ni Loach and the master will wait a moment, I'll go get it now~"

The chubby little kid disappeared in a flash of red light, but Yang Yiyun discovered that he had fallen into the giant tree, and knew that the little kid's home was within the giant tree.

He opened his mouth and said to the giant tree: "Little brat, pack up your things. We will leave Xiaohonghuang in the future."

Now that I have subdued the little brat, this flying bear, I will naturally take him away and not let him stay here any longer.

After a while, the little kid walked out of the giant tree, his eyes a little red and said: "Master, where are we going in the future?"

While he was talking, a wooden object appeared in his hand and he handed it over: "This is the honey from before, this is the only one~"

Yang Yiyun took the wooden utensil without any courtesy. He knew that the honey that could be missed by a little kid must not be a mortal thing.

While opening the wooden lid, he said: "Don't worry, I will take you to Yunmen later. That is my master's fairy gate. There are good things you can't finish. This is..."

At this moment, he opened the wooden lid. Sure enough, there was honey inside, but the smell of honey gave him a very familiar smell.

The incident in Blue Heart Garden suddenly came to mind.

There was also honey in the Blue Heart Garden built by the Blue Heart Immortal King back then, and there were also honey crystals. It was also where he got the inheritance of the Blue Heart Immortal King, the universe.

He also got acquainted with the six-eared macaque, the nine-winged queen bee, and sister Jiuer.

However, now, after he opened the wooden lid and asked about the smell of honey inside, it smelled exactly like the honey he got from the Blue Heart Fairy King.

He immediately thought of Bee Fairy Jiu'er.

Because the taste of honey is so familiar. There are many big bees in the fairy world, and there are naturally many kinds of honey. But honey with the same smell is rare. Everyone has a unique secret method to drive bees to make honey, and this is almost like heaven and earth. Yang Yiyun believes that few people can brew Lingbao’s honey.

Only Sister Jiuer, the Bee Immortal who is a Bee Immortal and can control the peaks of the world, can do this.

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