My Master Is a God

Chapter 2371: Show mercy when an old friend comes to visit

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun quickly asked Feixiong: "Does this honey have an owner? Or is it brewed by someone who organized the bees?"

Hearing Yang Yiyun speak, the little kid was stunned and said, "How do you know?"

Yang Yiyun's face became excited and he quickly said: "Tell me everything you know~"

"Master, it is true that the honey of these heaven and earth spiritual creatures actually has an owner. Behind the waterfall in the upper reaches of the lake is a cave paradise. There is a powerful woman there. She is a human race. There is a demon race next to the human race woman. He is also an immortal from a prehistoric alien species.

A strange demon bee with nine wings, her cultivation level is almost the same as mine, but as a Peak Immortal, she can recruit any bee group between heaven and earth. This honey is the spiritual substance of heaven and earth brewed by the bees under her. You are so greedy, why don't you just steal it, or borrow honey? But every time, you get stung all over your body.

This time I met the loach boss... then I asked for help and managed to get this far. Fortunately, the bee fairy didn't chase him out. If he really chased him out, I would definitely lose a layer of skin..."

The little kid had some palpitations when he spoke.

But when Yang Yiyun heard him speak, he felt happy. It sounded as if the bee fairy in the kid's mouth was the sister Jiu'er he knew.

This is just fate~

After we parted ways in the lower world, I never saw Sister Bee Fairy Jiu'er again.

But now listening to the kid's story, it seems that the kid's neighbor is sister Jiu'er.

Yang Yiyun quickly asked: "Have you seen her?"

"Master, which one do you think it is? There are two women living in the Cave Heaven Wonderland. I have only seen the back of the other human woman again, and only the Bee Fairy has met in person." said the little Fei Xiong kid.

"Two women?" Yang Yiyun didn't hear clearly before.

"It's another human race that feels more powerful than the Bee Fairy. I'm very afraid of her~" said the little kid.

Yang Yiyun pondered for a while and said: "Condensate the appearance of that bee fairy into a shadow and let me see~"

No matter who the other human woman is, he must first determine whether she is Sister Bee Immortal Jiu'er. If she is, then he must pay her a visit.

They were considered life-and-death friends back then, and they were considered siblings, so Yang Yiyun had a deep friendship in his heart.

"Okay~" the little kid responded, and the next moment he waved his hand, and a magical influence condensed out.

In front of Yang Yiyun, a woman wearing silver costume appeared.

"Haha, it's indeed Sister Jiu'er~"

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed after seeing the image.

"Come on, let's go visit."

Yang Yiyun waved his hand to find Bee Fairy.

"Well, Master, please be careful. Not to mention there is a human woman who is more powerful than the Bee Fairy. The Bee Fairy's cultivation and magic power are on par with mine. The key is that she can summon the powerful alien bees in this small prehistoric world. It was overwhelming and very scary. Although those bees were not lethal enough, the stings behind their tails were poisonous and had the property of piercing the space. They were not fatal, but they were very painful to be stung.

Moreover, Boss Niyi and I just stole someone else's honey, wouldn't it be like falling into a trap if we go now? They will be beaten to death. Master, it is better not to provoke those two women. Women, those are very scary creatures..." When the little kid said this, he had a rare expression of fear.

Yang Yiyun was stunned and said: "Stop talking nonsense, follow me this time, and I promise not to suffer any loss. To tell you the truth, your master, I and that Bee Fairy are close friends of life and death. We are called sisters and brothers, and we are only eight friends apart. Don't worry, nothing will happen." of."

"Well...if that's the case, you can go, but the master has agreed first. I have been neighbors with that bee fairy for thousands of years. Of course, she is a latecomer. She often does things like that. She doesn't want to see me. When the time comes, please beg for mercy~" The little kid thought about his escape route first.

"Stop talking nonsense, you are my master's younger brother now. With me here, Sister Jiu'er will not make things difficult for you, a little brat~"

Yang Yiyun laughed and scolded and then left...

"The master is here. Behind the waterfall is the entrance. After entering, you pass through the mountain. There is a grand canyon on the other side. It is covered with huge flowers. There are all kinds of flowers. There are more flowers than here outside. Much more..."

At the source of the upper reaches of the lake, Feixiong Little Boy brought Yang Yiyun and Niyi to the mountain and spoke while looking at the roaring waterfall hundreds of meters long.

"Then let's go and take a look~"

Yang Yiyun said and took the lead to leave, but his heart moved, thinking of the Blue Heart Immortal King.

Because according to the little kid's story, after entering the waterfall, there is a flower valley through the mountain, with huge flowers.

It looks very much like the garden place created by the Blue Heart Immortal King back then.

The flying bear kid also said that besides the Bee Fairy, there was a human woman that he was afraid of, which made Yang Yiyun think of the Blue Heart Fairy King.

Only the Blue Heart Immortal King's magical power of the Square-Cun Qiankun Pot can change the living creatures in the environment, turning small flowers into something as big as a house through magical powers.

So now he guesses that the other human woman is the Blue Heart Immortal King.

Speaking of which, the Blue Heart Immortal King was already a person from a hundred thousand years ago, and he had the kindness to teach her the magical power of the universe, and he could be regarded as half a master.

I have always thought that if she was still alive, I could meet her in the fairy world one day, and it would be a change of heart, so I thanked her back then.

If it hadn't been for the small world created by the Blue Heart Immortal King, he wouldn't have gotten to know Brother Liu Er, Sister Jiu'er, and the five-color sacred cow, and he wouldn't have had the magical power of the Blue Heart Immortal King. He rarely used this magical power, but he also obtained those honey crystals in the Blue Heart Garden, which gave Yunmen relatives and friends training resources, allowing them to greatly increase their cultivation.

This is a kind of kindness, and it is also the cause and effect in cultivation.

Keep it in mind.

Now I have a chance to repay my gratitude.

But according to Fei Xiong’s little brat, sister Jiu’er is already at the Great Immortal level, and the other human woman who is suspected to be the Blue Heart Immortal King is even more powerful. In this case, Bao Buqi is an enlightened level existence. Already...

Thinking about Yang Yiyun, he was a little excited.

After crossing the waterfall, there is indeed a natural cave, keep walking forward...

After walking for about half an hour, their vision suddenly lit up and they walked out of the mountain.

Sure enough, we came to a valley filled with flowers.

Just as the little kid said, the flowers here are huge and come in all kinds of flowers. They are very similar to the environment of the Blue Heart Garden that I saw in the lower realm.

The four seasons are like spring, and the flowers are in bloom. It is indeed a fairyland mansion.

After taking Little Kid and Loach out to the edge of the sea of ​​flowers and looking at the environment, there was a huge buzzing sound from the sky.

"Oh my God~ It's the bee that's here, she found us, what should the master do~"

Feixiong became anxious almost subconsciously, and his expression changed. It seemed that he had suffered a lot.

The loach, which had been tortured by bees, subconsciously hid behind Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun laughed and scolded: "Two cowards~"

"Buzz buzz..."

In the blink of an eye, bees appeared in the sky above them, covering the sky and the sun, and they were about to surround the three of them.

At this time, a cold snort sounded, and he scolded with tenderness and anger: "You shameless little fat man, today I took advantage of my seclusion to steal honey, and you refused to repent. You actually dared to bring outsiders here. I don't think I can do it today." I’ll pluck your bear skin and make clothes~”

When Yang Yiyun heard this curse, it was so familiar that he was immediately sure that it was the voice of Sister Fengxian Jiu'er.

At this moment, I am extremely excited. I am an old friend whom I haven’t seen for thousands of years~

"Master, what are you doing? That woman is angry. Why don't you run away? Being stung by her bees will be very painful~" Feixiong's voice was trembling as he spoke.

"Buzz buzz..."

At this time, the swarm of bees that covered the sky and the sun was already like a black cloud, reaching three heads of Yang Yiyun's heads.

Yang Yiyun came back to his senses and said quickly: "Sister Jiu'er, please show mercy when an old friend comes to visit~"

The next moment they were about to be swept away by a swarm of bees. As soon as Yang Yiyun made a sound, the swarm buzzed suddenly and whirred past their heads.

"Brother it you...?"

A voice of surprise resounded across the sky.

Then there was a flash of light in the sky, and a beautiful woman appeared, it was Bee Immortal Jiu'er.

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