My Master Is a God

Chapter 2372 The Blue Heart Immortal King back then

"Long time no see, sister Jiu'er~"

Yang Yiyun watched the bees that were covering the sky and flew away. He was relieved and greeted the Bee Fairy with a smile. Seeing that she had indeed reached the level of the Great Immortal, he felt sad in his heart.

When she and Liu Er were rescued in the Blue Heart Garden, they were recultivated from the Celestial Immortal, but the Immortal was already a Great Immortal in terms of aura.

I think they were almost the same in terms of cultivation at the beginning, but when they met again after thousands of years, Bee Immortal was already a great immortal.

And his hard-working cultivation is now at the pinnacle of the Immortal Emperor's Great Perfection, and he is still one step away from the realm of the Immortal Lord.

People are so irritating~

Yang sighed inwardly.

But it’s normal to think about it. The original Bee Immortal and the Six-eared Macaque were both demon kings in the previous era. They just re-cultivated and returned to the realm of the Immortal King very quickly. Besides, so many years have passed. From now to the Great Immortal Lord There is nothing unimaginable about the level, and it is even considered low for them.

The same is true for the Blue Heart Immortal King.

All in all, they are all creatures of the previous era, at least they have existed for more than 100,000 years.

With this level of cultivation, it is impossible to compete.

The Bee Fairy leaped down from the air and landed on the ground. The two of them seemed to be seeing each other again after thousands of years, but both of them felt sad.

Yang Yiyun was sighing in his heart at the speed of the Bee Immortal's cultivation, and why wasn't the Bee Immortal lamenting Yang Yiyun's rapid progress?

In the eyes of the Bee Immortal, Yang Yiyun is already at the pinnacle of the Great Perfection of the Immortal Emperor. In just a few thousand years, this little brother has already achieved such a level of cultivation. It only takes less than ten thousand years for Yang Yiyun to reach this level of cultivation. .

What about her?

It can be regarded as a re-cultivation of Nirvana. It takes more than ten years of practice in total. The re-cultivation of Nirvana is the Great Perfection of the Demon Lord.

In the eyes of Bee Fairy, Yang Yiyun is amazing and his future is boundless.

There was some complexity in his expression.

However, thinking about the opportunities that happened to him when he met Yang Yiyun, the Bee Immortal felt relieved. It was not an exaggeration to say that Yang Yiyun was a child of destiny under the great road. He should have this level of cultivation.

The two of them looked at each other and had basically the same thoughts in mind.

They all came back to their senses in the next moment, their eyes met, and they all saw similar looks in each other's eyes.

Then everyone laughed.

"Haha, brother Yun~"

"Haha, sister Jiu'er~"

"Come on, give me a hug~"

Bee Fairy smiled happily, but took the initiative to give Yang Yiyun a hug.

The two met each other but were wary of each other, and then later became friends in life and death. They were indeed regarded as siblings. Seeing Yang Yiyun again made me feel very happy.

Yang Yiyun smiled and hugged each other before saying, "Sister Jiu'er, I really didn't expect to see you here. I thought the fairy world was so big that I would never see you again~"

"Giggle, who says it's not the case? By the way, why did you come to Xiaohonghuang and find the place where my sister and I practice?" Bee Fairy asked with a smile.

Yang Yiyun glanced at the little Feixiong kid behind him and said, "I came to Xiaohonghuang to find someone, and it was just a coincidence that I came to you. It's my fault that Feixiong did it..."

Yang Yiyun then said a few words.

Only then did the Bee Immortal know the purpose of Yang Yiyun's visit, and glared at the little Fei Xiong kid and said: "Actually, after I ascended to the Immortal Realm, I found the whereabouts of Sister Lan Xin after several twists and turns. She was in the Chaotic Immortal Realm's Little Wilderness...

The latter found Sister Lan Xin here, and it was then that he realized that we actually had this little chubby bear neighbor...

After arriving here, Sister Lan Xin planted a lot of flowers here, so I summoned the peaks to brew honey. Unexpectedly, after the little fat man found out, he often came to steal honey. Haha, speaking of it, sister, I have many ways to teach you a lesson. It’s the fat man’s, but Sister Lan Xin is kind and seeing that you are not bad in nature, otherwise I would embarrass you, so I just want to have fun. I have been competing with the little fat man over the years, haha..."

At this point, Feixiong's face turned red, but he retorted in a low voice: "You can't beat me. We are evenly matched. Which sister am I afraid of, but I am not afraid of you~"

"Giggle, why do you run every time if you're not afraid of me?" Bee Fairy joked.

In fact, Yang Yiyun could tell that the Bee Fairy was just fighting the little fat man.

"You released so many bees, I'm so stupid that I'm not afraid~" the little kid said harshly.

", if you weren't cute, how could my sister let you steal honey successfully every time? I'll sting you just to tease you, you little fat guy, if you come to my sister openly, I want honey, My sister thinks you are cute, how can you be a stingy person? But you have never been upright in thousands of years, and you steal everything every time. It would be strange for your sister to let the peaks sting you.

Okay, now you can follow me, brother Yun, which is a blessing for you. Sister, I will let you have a good meal later. "Fengxian said with a smile.

At this moment, Feixiong's eyes lit up, but he also had a look of shame on his face. Indeed, for thousands of years, he had never openly asked for honey from his neighbor sister. He had always stolen it secretly.

Now the Bee Fairy generously said that she would give him a hearty meal, but he felt embarrassed.

After thinking about it, he solemnly saluted the Bee Fairy and said, "Thank you, sister, for being so tolerant. I was not sensible before, so please forgive me."

In Feixiong's mind, after all, he didn't do the right thing. He had been a neighbor for thousands of years, and now he was leaving with Yang Yiyun, so he should apologize to Sister Bee Fairy.

"You, if you want to thank, just thank Sister Lan Xin. She is the one you should thank. If Sister Lan Xin hadn't stopped you from the beginning, I would have dealt with you long ago." Bee Fairy scolded with a smile.

"I...I'm a little afraid of her~" the little kid said weakly.

Yang Yiyun stood aside, listening to the Bee Fairy and the little kid talking, but he was also excited in his heart. Sure enough, he was right. The Blue Heart Immortal King was indeed here. The one that the Flying Bear little kid said was more powerful. Sure enough, he was right. It’s the Blue Heart Immortal King.

Of course, after so many years, the Blue Heart Immortal King is no longer at the Immortal King level.

He also wanted to meet the Blue Heart Immortal King.

At this time, the Bee Fairy smiled and scolded: "You little fat bear, you are really an idiot. Think about how you started spiritual cultivation?"

The Bee Fairy blinked as he spoke.

Yang Yiyun was the first to react and blurted out: "Sister Jiu'er, is it possible that the little kid's enlightenment is the Blue Heart Immortal King?"

Bee Immortal smiled and said: "Brother Yun is still smart. Sister Lan Xin lived here in seclusion and practiced Taoism for a long time. About 30,000 years ago, one day this little bear accidentally broke into my sister's practice dojo and gave him enlightenment. Only then did he become the little chubby bear he is now."

"Ah~" these little flying bears said in surprise, and after a while they said: "I remembered it. I was confused after channeling, but someone did appear deep in my memory. It turned out to be that amazing sister. ~"

"Otherwise, what do you think, do you have a second neighbor in this place like Xiaohonghuang?" Bee Fairy said with a smile.

At this time, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but said: "Sister Jiu'er, I want to visit the Blue Heart Immortal King. Back then, the lower realm got her magical power of the Square Cun Qiankun Pot. This is a kindness. Since I met you today, I should visit you. I understand. Let’s work out the cause and effect in my heart.”

"Let's go. Sister Geng is here. Let's catch up on old times. But Sister Lan Xin has been meditating. It depends on the chance whether she will see you. Speaking of which, I haven't seen her for thousands of years. She has been meditating on the great road in the valley. …”

The Bee Fairy spoke and took Yang Yiyun and the three of them towards the depths of the valley.

The two of them reminisced about old times on the road. In fact, the main reason was that Bee Immortal knew about Yang Yiyun's deeds. There was nothing much to say about her deeds. She had been practicing here since she found the Blue Heart Immortal King and had never gone out.

And Yang Yiyun also briefly talked about his experience of ascending to the Immortal Realm... He kept saying that he would establish Yunmen in the Chaotic Immortal Realm, and this time he entered Xiaohonghuang to look for Black Lotus...

Of course, after Yang met the Bee Immortal and the Blue Heart Immortal King, he was also thinking about whether he could invite them to come out and join the Yunmen incident...?

But when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them back.

Because according to the Bee Immortal, there is no doubt that Blue Heart Immortal King’s cultivation level is already at the level of enlightenment, and it may be at the high level of enlightenment. If you want to invite such a strong person to join Yunmen, I’m afraid that It's a bit whimsical.

So he suppressed this idea and just thought that he could pay a visit to the Blue Heart Immortal King and understand the connection in his heart. It was more important to go back to find Hei Lian. He was still confident in asking Hei Lian to come out.

"Yunzi is here~"

Just when Yang Yiyun was thinking wildly, Bee Fairy spoke.

He looked up and saw a small courtyard built with thatched huts beside the cold water.

It should be the place where Blue Heart Immortal King cleanses himself.

There is some expectation in my heart...

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