My Master Is a God

Chapter 2373 The Immortal who is more like an Immortal

Yang Yiyun naturally knows that the current Blue Heart Immortal King is not the Blue Heart Immortal King of the past. His friends may think that he is a hidden boss, a real strong man.

But he has been fascinated by the lower world thousands of years ago. Her methods are so powerful that she can resurrect Liu Er and Bee Immortal, and allow them to reach nirvana and rebuild themselves. These methods can be achieved at the level of the Immortal King. According to Yang Yiyun It is impossible to understand the immortal kings of the contemporary immortal world.

And the focus is on the characters from the era of the Blue Heart Immortal King’s war between immortals and demons. They had talked with Bee Immortal Liu Er back then, and she might have died a hundred thousand years ago.

Unexpectedly, she is still alive. Coincidentally, she is still hiding in the small prehistoric wilderness of the Chaotic Immortal Realm. Naturally, he wants to meet such a strong and strange woman.

Now that it was right in front of him, it was inevitable that he would be excited.

Looking at the small courtyard built with three thatched houses, Yang Yiyun was a little stunned, thinking that it was too simple.

The Bee Fairy beside him seemed to see what Yang Yiyun was thinking, and asked with a smile: "Do you think it's very simple?"

Yang Yiyun smiled sheepishly and nodded: "In my opinion, the dojos of senior masters like the Blue Heart Immortal King should be the kind of extremely grand~"

Bee Fairy smiled slightly and said, "I had the same idea as you at first, but what do you think Sister Lan Xin said?"

Yang Yiyun cooperated and said: "How do you say it?"

Bee Immortal said: "She said that all laws return to their origin and the great road is simple. This is the essence. Cultivation talks about the truth. What you cultivate is the heart. What you refine is the heart. Apart from that, everything else is just appearances. The more you return to nature, the more you return to nature. The simpler.”

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but nod when he heard this. He felt that these words went straight to the bottom of his heart. He bowed to the Bee Fairy and clasped his fists: "Thank you sister Jiuer for your advice~"

"You are still polite to me. If you want to thank me, just thank Sister Lanxin. She said these words." Bee Fairy smiled and looked at the thatched cottage courtyard.

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment, then bowed in the direction of the small courtyard and saluted.

At this time, the Bee Fairy whispered to the small courtyard: "Sister, your successor Yang Yiyun visited the Blue Heart Garden in the lower world~"

Yang Yiyun was also a little nervous at the moment. He didn't know if Lan Xin would see him?

He also knew that such ancient powerful men would not meet people easily. Even Bee Fairy, a person who often accompanied him, had not seen Lan Xin in thousands of years.

She has been practicing with great concentration, truly reaching the goal of enlightenment.

At this moment, Bee Fairy is shouting, but she doesn’t know if Lan Xin will see her?

What Yang Yiyun didn't expect was that after the Bee Fairy shouted, the door of the thatched house opened automatically, and a soft and magnetic voice came out: "Jiu'er, please bring him in~"

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed, but he didn't expect Lan Xin to see him.

"Giggles, let's go. You have face. Sister Lan Xin and I live in the valley. Sometimes when I go to see her, she may not even see me." Bee Fairy smiled and spoke, taking the lead into the small courtyard and motioning for Yang Yiyun to follow. .

While talking, Yang Yiyun followed the Bee Fairy into the thatched house, and Loach and Little Kid naturally followed.


Bee Fairy went in and called out.

Yang Yiyun looked around and saw that she was indeed a beautiful woman in her twenties, with a somewhat cold face. She was sitting on a futon in the main hall, and she looked like she was meditating and practicing Taoism.

Yang Yiyun was shocked when he first saw it. It was indeed the Blue Heart Immortal King he had seen back then. Of course, what he had seen in the lower realm was a ray of image soul, but his appearance had not changed at all from now.

But he knew that Lan Xin was no longer in the realm of the Immortal King.

As for the realm of cultivation, he couldn't figure it out at all.

The other person is meditating with his eyes closed.

At this time, he opened his eyes and looked over.

But when Lan Xin opened her eyes, Yang Yiyun saw the scene of Master Tianji going to Jiuchongtian for the first time.

The moment Lan Xin's eyes opened at this moment, they were very similar to the eyes of Master Tianji back then, but he saw a scene of bright stars in her eyes.

Yang Yiyun almost lost his mind.

Fortunately, after a moment, Lan Xin's eyes returned to normal.

She is definitely strong.

This was the first thought in Yang Yiyun's mind.

There is no sense of magic power in Lan Xin's body at all. He looks like an ordinary person, but the more ordinary he is, the more extraordinary he is.

The next moment Lan Xin stood up and her eyes fell directly on Yang Yiyun.

Yang came to his senses and quickly bowed and saluted: "Yang Yiyun paid homage to Senior Lan Xin, and by chance in the lower world, he received the inheritance of his magical powers. This junior has always wanted to have the opportunity to thank senior in person, and now he has got his wish. Thank you, senior."

"You don't have to be polite. Everything is determined. It's your chance and luck. And speaking of which, I also want to thank you. If it weren't for you, Bee Fairy and Liu'er, I'm afraid they wouldn't have returned to the fairy world so early. , get up, come and sit~"

Lan Xin's voice was very gentle, with a smell that was not touched by fireworks. Yang Yiyun could also feel that there was a feeling in her that she wanted people to get close to her very much.

In the fairy world, he has seen many immortals and fairies, but at this moment, he feels that Lan Xincai is more like an immortal.

Very dusty.

While she was speaking, a set of tables and chairs appeared in the hall with a wave of her hand, and there were various fairy fruits, honey nectar, and even honey crystals on them. The quality was even better than what he had seen in the Blue Heart Garden in the Nether. Much.


At this time, a sound that ruined the atmosphere sounded, which was obviously the sound of swallowing saliva.

As soon as Yang Yiyun turned around, he saw that the little kid Fei Xiong was swallowing his saliva, his eyes fixed on the honey nectar and honey crystals on the table.

This made Yang Yiyun feel even more embarrassed. He glared at the little brat and cursed in a low voice: "You worthless fool~"

The little boy winced when Yang cursed him, but he still didn't take his eyes away from the table.

"What are you looking at? Go and say hello to Senior Lan Xin. She is still the benefactor of your enlightenment." Yang Yiyun cursed the little kid.

At this time, the little kid reluctantly looked away, took a step forward, came to Lan Xin, but immediately knelt down, and said loudly with a childish voice: "Flying Bear greets you in the Goblin Forest by the Sea of ​​Flowers Lake. Dear Master, thank you for your spiritual enlightenment."

"Bump bump bump~"

The little kid spoke three times quickly.

Yang Yiyun secretly admired in his heart, this little kid is really a thief, he directly called "respected master" in his mouth and kowtowed quickly, this is acknowledging the master~

But having said that, anyone would be willing to have a strong man like Lan Xin as a master.

So Yang Yiyun took a high look at the little kid and said bears were stupid. But now that the little kid is a flying bear, it has nothing to do with stupidity.

The thief is shrewd.

Yang Yiyun secretly glanced at Lan Xin, but found that there was a slight smile on her calm face, and then the little Feixiong was subdued after a moment of sleeves.

Just listen to Lan Xin say: "You are so smart as a naughty bear. Back then, I opened your spirit casually. It is considered your own creation and you don't need to be a disciple. Even if it is the cause and effect of you being my neighbor for tens of thousands of years, I have no intention of accepting it." Disciple, don’t worry about it.”

After Lan Xin finished speaking, she seemed to have read through Fei Xiong's little brat's thoughts, and said with a slight smile: "It seems that you are going to leave the Little Prehistoric Land, so that's fine. You can't make progress if you always stay in the Little Prehistoric Land. Once the restraints are lifted, the true journey of cultivating the great path has just begun.

In the future, in the fairy world, blessings and misfortunes are unpredictable. Without strength, you will not have the ability to protect yourself. After all, you still need to find a big tree to protect you. You also need to continue to work hard in cultivation. It doesn’t matter if you go outside, it will be overflowing for you, but After you go out, be sure not to be a human being or a monster in an upright and upright manner. In the future, you must not act in an obscure way, as that will not lead to the high road.

Eat whatever you want, and give your partner a share, if it’s not enough..."

At this time, Lan Xin spoke to the little kid like a kind elder, with a loving look in his eyes.

Yang Yiyun could also tell that Lan Xin had been paying attention to the little kid for so many years, but she just didn't show up.

In other words, for so many years, Little Fei Xiong has been protected by Lan Xin. After all, this is a small prehistoric world, a world where wild beasts are rampant. Without Lan Xin's protection, Little Fei Xiong would have died early. Just died tens of thousands of times.

Although Immortal King Blue Heart rejected Fei Xiong's apprenticeship, Yang Yiyun could clearly hear the concern in his words.

In addition, from what she meant, she seemed to have known for a long time that he had subdued the flying bear and became its master, but she did not explain it.

This made Yang Yiyun a little embarrassed.

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