My Master Is a God

Chapter 2374 The secret of immortality’s true immortality

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, Feixiong brat and Loach were a little embarrassed, but he could tell that they were both foodies.

After Lan Xin spoke, the little kid quickly thanked him, grabbed the honey and honey crystals on the table, and hid away to show off.

It seems that in the eyes of the two foodies, these honeys and nectar are more important than the advice of Lan Xin, a strong man.

Yang Yiyun shook his head speechlessly, but did not say anything anymore. He knew that no matter whether he was a flying bear brat or a loach, they were essentially fighting the same thing. They didn't have much experience in the world, and their minds were like those of a child.

I won’t think too much.

Lan Xin just smiled and said nothing. She knew Feixiong's nature very well.

After Feixiong and Loach went aside, Lan Xin looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "Don't be restrained. After all, we are destined. As for the magical power of Fangcun Qiankun, it is your chance. After so many years, you can Have you reached great success in cultivation?"

But after Lan Xin asked about Fang Cun Qiankun's magical power, Yang's face turned red. He couldn't even achieve it, let alone Dacheng.

Because after practicing, this magical power did not have the expected effect in his hands, so he did not delve into it in depth later.

At this moment, when asked by Lan Xin, facing the person involved, Yang Yiyun was really blushing and feeling guilty.

But he was not prepared to hide it, and said with a blushing face: "No... I dare not hide it from senior. Junior Xiaocheng has not achieved the magical power of Fangcun Qiankun, and he has failed to live up to senior's high expectations."

He felt like a child in front of Blue Heart Immortal King. Facing Lan Xin's eyes, he felt guilty even if he wanted to lie. Moreover, he didn't want to lie and told the truth.

Originally, he thought that what was waiting for him was a curse from the Immortal King Lan Xin. Unexpectedly, the next moment Lan Xin smiled slightly and said something that shocked him.

Just listen to her say: "That's very good~"

"Ah~" Yang Yiyun was stunned.

Lan Xin smiled and continued: "Don't worry, I don't mean to blame you. On the contrary, it's a good thing for you that you haven't achieved greatness in cultivation."

Yang Yiyun listened to Lan Xin's words and became even more confused: "Senior, this junior doesn't quite understand~"

"Your name is Sister Fengxian. I and Fengxian are sisters. This title of senior is inappropriate. You can also call me sister. You don't have to be formal. How about it?" Lan Xin smiled and corrected Yang Yiyun's problem with the title.

This made Yang Yiyun happy. He didn't expect that Lan Xin was really approachable. She obviously felt that her cultivation was extremely powerful, but she didn't put on the airs of a senior in front of him at all.

This made him feel good, but he climbed over along the pole and shouted: "Yang Yiyun has seen Sister Lan Xin~"

This is a strong man. If he cannot seize this opportunity, he will be a fool.

"Okay, okay, okay, you will be my Lan Xin's younger brother in the future~" Lan Xin smiled.

She looked happy.

Yang Yiyun was happier than her.

The topic changed, and Lan Xin continued: "The magical power of the Square Cun Universe that you got when you stayed in the lower world actually had many flaws and was not very practical. Later, I re-understood and improved the magical power of the Square Cun Universe. If you have achieved great success in cultivation , there is no way to practice. I have improved Fangcun Qiankun now, so it is a good thing for you."

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed when he heard this. It turned out to be this reason, and according to Sister Lan Xin's intention, she also wanted to teach him the new and improved Fangcun Qiankun.

It sounds like the improved Fangcun Qiankun is even more powerful.

If he had achieved great success in cultivating the previous Fang Cun Qiankun, he would not be able to practice the now improved Fang Cun Qiankun pot. The previous Fang Cun Qiankun had flaws.

How can this make Yang Yiyun not excited?

"Thank you, Sister Lan Xin~" Yang Yiyun quickly thanked her.

He has no shortage of magical powers, but he lacks high-level magical powers~

There is no doubt that Sister Lan Xin is a strong person. She was the Immortal King more than 100,000 years ago. Now she is definitely a strong person at the enlightenment level. Maybe she is still a high-level enlightenment strong person.

How could the magical powers she created be any worse?

So Yang was very excited when he heard Sister Lan Xin talking like this. This was to teach him the improved magical power of Fangcun Qiankun again~

Yang Yiyun is full of expectations for this.

Just listen to Lan Xin say again: "Are you willing to learn an improved version of my Fangcun Qiankun?"

"Ah~ yes, yes, ten thousand yes, thank you sister Lan Xin..." Yang Yiyun replied excitedly, and he would be a fool to say no at this time.

"Okay, in that case I will teach it to you..."

Lan Xin always speaks and does things with caution. After finishing her words, she nodded with one finger between Yang Yiyun's eyebrows...

At this moment, the Bee Fairy stood up and smiled, greeted the Loach and the Flying Bear, and walked out, closing the door. She knew that Sister Lan Xin wanted to give Yang Yiyun, this little brother, a chance, and it was important to go out to protect the law at this moment, and not to disturb them. they.

For Yang Yiyun, the room was indeed an opportunity.

When the Blue Heart Immortal King put his finger behind his eyebrows, Fang Cun Qiankun's improved secret method for cultivating magical powers suddenly appeared in his mind...

It is true that the square inch universe he practiced in the past is very different, but the basic foundation has not changed much, which allows him to understand it quickly and be able to digest it in the fastest time.

At the same time, Lan Xin’s narration also sounded in my ears...

Although he was inspired by the narration of Blue Heart Immortal King, the magical power of the square inch of the universe in his mind was better confirmed and had a strong sense of picture.

An opportunity for Yang began.

It didn't last long, and Lan Xin's explanation ended three months later.

This is a great story.

Yang Yiyun has benefited a lot.

This is an enlightenment, a practice, and a creation.

After Yang Yiyun opened his eyes, he solemnly saluted Lan Xin and thanked her: "Thank you very much, sister Lan Xin~"

Lan was deeply touched by this gift.

He smiled and said: "You don't have to be polite. There is a connection between you and me. This is what I should do. It can be regarded as a repayment~"

Yang Yiyun actually wanted to ask why?

He always felt that Lan Xin had a good impression of him from the moment they met until now. Of course, this good impression was not an emotional one, but more like a kind of family affection.

Although she had helped Liu Er and Bee Fairy by chance in the lower realm before, and had obtained her magical power, Lan Xin had said before that she had a deep relationship with Liu Er Bee Fairy, which was considered a kind of repayment.

And Yang Yiyun didn't think that just this could make Lan Xin take such good care of him. It could be seen as giving him everything he had.

He knew that every magical power created by a strong man was a lifetime effort. If he did not choose to pass it on to others, he would never pass on the secret magic power.

But he was not Lan Xin's disciple, nor did he become an apprentice, just because the lower realm had helped Bee Immortal and Liu Er back then, which Yang Yiyun thought was far-fetched.

So I was very confused.

Now that he heard that Lan Xin had a connection with her, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but ask: "Sister Lan Xin, I have learned from you, but you have taught me so much, how can I repay you? "

This is a test.

Lan Xin smiled slightly and said, "I knew you would ask this, okay, sister, I'll just tell you."

Yang Yiyun's heart moved and he said nothing, waiting for her to continue.

"This layer of origin is naturally the origin of your master~" Yang Yiyun was shocked as soon as Lan Xin opened her mouth, but she also realized something in her heart after thinking about it.

"There are two reasons. One is that your master Yun Tianxie helped me, but I never had the chance to repay this kindness. The other is that I was able to create the square inch universe because of the guidance of your master Yun Tianxie, so this is the origin. ." Lan Xin explained the reason.

But Yang Yiyun's thoughts flew to the sky.

He thought about it on his own, thinking that the old man had actually given some advice to Sister Lan Xin? Could it be that there is something between the dead old man and Sister Lan Xin...?

should be……

Yang Yiyun felt relieved when he thought about it.

But there are many problems that he can't figure out, that is, according to time, Sister Lan Xin was a person more than 100,000 years ago, and the old man didn't cultivate under his influence for that long, right?

Being able to point out the Blue Heart Immortal King, doesn’t it mean that the dead old man was also a figure from the age of immortals and demons more than 100,000 years ago?

This is a bit awesome and a bit messy~

I couldn't help but said: "That's not right. My master is the Supreme Loose Immortal of the Twelve Tribulations. As far as I know, there is a Heavenly Tribulation once in a thousand years. Even if my master suppresses the Heavenly Tribulation of the Loose Immortal, he will not live for more than a hundred thousand years." Bar?"

Lan Xin laughed and said, "How much do you know about immortals?"

Yang Yiyun was stunned. This question really stuck with him. It's just a simple question. Immortals started practicing as immortals and have only cultivated to the realm of immortals. Isn't this a very simple question?

But he knew that since Lan Xin asked this, she certainly didn't mean this.

Sure enough, Lan Xin just listened and said: "Contemporary immortal creatures all know that the highest state of immortals is the realm of immortals, but immortals still have enlightenment, and the real secret of immortality is enlightenment.

Only the realm of enlightenment is the core of the immortal. After enlightenment, you will be a truly immortal immortal. The immortal here refers to the immortal of enlightenment, because enlightenment is a kind of enlightenment, a great way, and a great change in the immortal soul. The enlightened person is immortal. Even if the physical immortal body is destroyed, as long as the enlightenment immortal core is still there, he can be reincarnated and rebuild. The next time he is enlightened again, he can condense the memories of the past and present lives.

I can only tell you that your master was a strong man of my era before the Twelve Supreme Loose Immortals, a strong man at the pinnacle of enlightenment, so he can give me guidance.

At that time, I was just a little immortal who had just advanced to the level of Immortal King, and your master was already the top being in the age of immortals and demons. Later, the top experts of that era all fell in the battle between immortals and demons, but I know that your master is like It is impossible for existence to perish. At most, it can only be reincarnated and rebuilt.

Later I noticed that it was not easy to find after reincarnation. Time passed by and I experienced the age of immortals and demons. Now I can be considered as a person who has achieved enlightenment. I would never have the chance to know the whereabouts of your master. , but after thousands of years of shackles of heaven and earth visions were opened, I found out that your master was reincarnated and cultivated into the Supreme Twelve Tribulations Loose Immortal.

So I said that there is a connection between us. It is not an exaggeration for you to call me senior sister. Of course, if your master has not recovered his past life memory, he will not remember me when we meet again, but I remember him. I will always remember him to repay my kindness. .

But your master is still the top being in the immortal world. I have no ability to repay the kindness he has shown to such powerful men. But you are different. After I learned that you were actually a close disciple of Yun Tianxie, I naturally repaid this kindness to you. , it can be considered that I have fulfilled a wish and cause and effect, so that my path to enlightenment can be completed in the future. Do you understand now, but don’t have any worries. "

Yang Yiyun was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that the dead old man was so awesome, but he was actually a reincarnated and powerful man.

After rebuilding his life, he still stood at the top of the immortal world.

After listening to what Lan Xin said, he nodded and understood. Of course, he remembered these things, and he needed to digest a lot of the information slowly.

And Lan Xin was not surprised to know that he was the disciple of the dead old man. Such a strong man wanted to know something about the immortal world, and he was afraid that someone could know it by deducing the sky with just one thought.

Of course, according to Lan Xin, at first she didn't know that the old man was the one who had given her guidance. But on the day of the vision of heaven and earth, she finally knew that the old man was the one who had given guidance to her, so he This disciple became the beneficiary.

Lan Xin repaid this kindness to him.

I have to say that he took advantage of the old man's dividends.

I feel sad in my heart, things in this world are really wonderful.

What is more shocking is the great change in the immortal soul that Lan Xin said, and what kind of immortal core can be cultivated. This is the secret of the immortal immortal's true immortality. This is the secret of the immortal.

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