My Master Is a God

Chapter 2375 Immortals also have longevity

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

According to Lan Xin, as long as you practice to the point of enlightenment and the Immortal Soul undergoes a huge transformation to cultivate the Immortal Core, you will be truly immortal.

Reincarnation and re-cultivation, or other forms of nirvana, can be repeated again, but the memory of the previous life is lost. However, after a re-cultivation, as long as you reach the top again and gain enlightenment, you can restore the memory of the past and present lives. In this way, you are immortal. Immortal.

The main purpose of cultivating to become an immortal has always been immortality.

It turns out that it refers to the immortal core of enlightenment.

There is no great transformation of the Immortal Soul below enlightenment. If you cultivate the Immortal Core, you will still die.

Only by understanding the great transformation of the immortal soul and cultivating the immortal core can the real secret of immortality be revealed.

Now Yang Yiyun has gained a lot of experience and broadened his horizons.

However, he gained a huge amount this time. After countless years of improvement by Lan Xin, the power of Fang Cun Qian Kun's magical power has been greatly improved, which is very different from before.

The literal meaning of "there is a universe within a square inch" has completely become a reality. Now if you use this magical power, you can control the environment of heaven and earth within a certain range, and you can control the laws within this range to directly defeat enemies or enemies. Target narrowed.

At this point, the improved magical power of Fangcun Qiankun directly cut off the amplification, and only retained the ability to shrink things, making them easier to use and 30% more powerful.

In the past, the magical power of Fangcun Qiankun was able to make things larger and smaller, and it also tampered with the laws of heaven and earth, but it was only suitable for those below the same level, but now its power has been increased by 30%.

For example, if Yang Yiyun's spellcasting skill is at the primary level of the Immortal Emperor, he can cast spells on the intermediate and late stages of the Immortal Emperor and Dzogchen.

This is a very huge improvement.

The higher the cultivation level, the greater the power of the magical power of Square Cun Qiankun, and the longer the duration will be, and of course the reverse is also true.

If you encounter a strong person who is beyond the scope of your cultivation strength, the influence of this magical power will be weak.

However, Yang Yiyun is already very good. If there is no level to influence, then it is not a matter of strength, but a matter of defiance.

There is no magical power in the world that is invincible.

Lan Xin's improvement simplifies the complex and leads to the great road. Small changes have huge power. This magical power should not be underestimated now.

Yang Yiyun feels that if used in fighting battles, it will be able to produce a comeback.

This time I really got the benefit of the old man.

I am also full of curiosity about the old man, but I don’t know what kind of existence the old man is in the age of immortals and demons. What kind of story does he have in the era of immortals and demons?

So he found that as a disciple, the less he understood his master, the old man was once again shrouded in a layer of mystery in his mind.

Regarding the story of the dead old man’s previous life in the age of immortals and demons, I’m afraid the senior brothers, senior sisters, and even ten years and others don’t know about it, right?

According to Lan Xin, maybe after the old man reached the peak of enlightenment again in this life, he has restored the memory of his previous life. There is no doubt that his cultivation and magical powers will take another big step forward.

Think about it, this may be inevitable, otherwise thousands of years ago, the dead old man took a group of enlightened people from the immortal world to the road to heaven, breaking the shackles of the avenue, or in other words, the aborigines of the god world won the battle to guard the passage to heaven. This Winning means that the old man regained the memory of the fairy and demon era in his previous life. Perhaps he had great supernatural powers and was able to master the game. Only then did he break the shackles and have the vision of the world from that year.

I don’t know what’s going on with the old man now?

Did he and the Titled Immortal Sect who went to the Road to Heaven enter the God Realm?

Or are you still on your way to heaven? Or even that they were trapped on the way to heaven? There are many doubts...

However, according to what Tianji and Lao Liushu said, the dead old man is definitely not dead, but they don’t know what the situation is.

Today, according to Lan Xin, the immortal who has reached enlightenment and whose immortal soul changes drastically and cultivates the immortal core will not die at all. Even if the immortal body is destroyed, there are many ways to survive.

So Yang Yiyun knows that the dead old man will definitely not die. Does this mean he doesn't know what the situation is now?

For this reason, Master Tianji has already gone to Dengtian Road to check the situation...

Yang Yiyun also wanted to go, but the master's wife said that the road to heaven is not so easy to get to. Don't even think about entering the road to heaven without enlightenment and cultivation. Don't even go there without high-level enlightenment and cultivation. It will lead to a dead end.

With his current level of cultivation, he can only just follow and worry about it. He doesn't even think about going to the road to heaven. He can't go there at all. That is where the truly strong go to defy heaven and wait for the road to heaven.

The only thing he was worried about was his master and master. Hearing what Lan Xin said today, he was somewhat relieved.

Speaking of which, he has a lot of unsolved matters of his own. The Cloud Gate Ceremony is about to be established, and there is no news about Qiu'er from Little Phoenix. This is what needs to be done urgently at the moment.

After thinking about it in his mind, Yang Yiyun was ready to leave. He wanted to find Heilian and finish what he was about to do.

The old man is a real strong man and he believes that everything will be fine.

But before leaving, he still had a bold question to ask Lan Xin.

"Sister Lan Xin, can I ask you a question?" Yang Yiyun said.

"Tell me~" Lan Xin smiled.

Yang Yiyun whispered: "Sister, how many realms of heaven have you realized now?"

Lan Xin was stunned and said: "Sister, I can be considered as enlightened to the eighth heaven now, and I am still one step away from the ninth heaven."

Yang Yiyun felt relieved. He became bolder now that she was not angry. He knew it was rude to ask others about their cultivation, but Lan Xin didn't care.

In his heart, Mr. Yang has a plan, which is to recruit masters for Yunmen. Lan Xin, who has understood the eighth heaven and is about to reach the ninth heaven, is undoubtedly the top expert in the immortal world. If you can invite him to Yunmen, I will do it. Thinking about it makes me excited, who will dare to bully Yunmen disciples in the future?

Couldn't he also walk sideways in the fairy world?

So he said shamelessly: "Sister, can you come to my Cloud Gate to play?"

As the leader of Yunmen, there is nothing wrong with Yang being so shameless. Looking for a strong person to take over Yunmen is to find a backer for the countless disciples of Yunmen.

Although he knew that this invitation was a little overestimating, he still said it. Of course, Lan Xin, who has understood the eighth level of heaven, is the guarantee of Yunmen in his eyes. After all, he is a strong man, so he doesn't feel comfortable directly saying that you come to Yunmen. What is your position and training resources?

These are nothing in the eyes of such strong men. At this level, status and resources no longer matter. What matters is the understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth.

So Yang could only say, please invite Lan Xin to Yunmen to have fun.

Lan Xin stared at Yang Yiyun and smiled, with playful eyes. This made Yang Yiyun's face turn red. Indeed, he felt that he was too Meng Lang. He was just a newly born Yunmen, how could he attract Lan Xin to come?

The point is that Yang Yiyun feels that his heart is not as penetrated as Lan Xin's.

However, things often change unexpectedly. The reason is that Lan Xin will get angry, but she did not expect that she smiled slightly and said: "Do you want me to give you Yunmen to take charge?"

Yang Yiyun blushed and nodded: "Ahem...yes~"

"It's understandable, but sister can't agree to you. I have reached a critical moment in my cultivation. I don't want to be entangled in the world. I have to go to heaven. Where is the destination of every enlightenment, just like your master...

Do you know what kind of person your master was in the age of immortals and demons? Lan Xin asked suddenly when the topic changed.

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes in his heart, how could I know, but he honestly shook his head and said he didn't know.

Lan Xin looked at Youyou and said: "The age of immortals and demons is a great catastrophe. It is a war between immortals and demons caused by the people of the heaven who do not want to see the immortals ascending to the divine world, and do not want anyone to break the barrier on the way to heaven. It can even be said that every This is true for every era.

But in your immortal and demon era, your master's generation, that generation of strong men still boarded the road to heaven, but... the result was a disastrous defeat.

At that time, I, including many immortal beings, did not understand why they had to go to heaven to fight against the real beings in heaven. If they continued to cultivate immortality well, they would always have endless longevity, so why would they have to die?

This issue was finally understood after I attained enlightenment. Cultivation is endless and the road has no end. The destiny or inner pursuit of every cultivating creature is the ultimate in cultivation. The years when you are stuck in a bottleneck always say to cultivators. It's just that life is worse than death, especially when standing in the pyramid.

Therefore, we must find another way to go, and this way is to continue to pursue the great road, or to ascend to heaven, from the fairy world to the heaven or the god world, and cultivate the gods!

And the most important point is that immortal beings who have not become enlightened have longevity. It does not mean that after you become an immortal, you will really live as long as heaven. That is a rumor spread by some people in heaven. It's a big joke.

The lifespan of an immortal is indeed long, but it does not mean that there is no end to the lifespan. Just like without enlightenment, the lifespan of every immortal creature is only one era..."

Yang Yiyun was shocked when he heard this and couldn't help but ask: "How long is an era?"

"An era is 600,000 years. This is only for the Immortal Lord level. Lifespan will fall off slowly below the Immortal Lord. If the peace is not broken, the lifespan will eventually be exhausted and dissipate in the world. In the past, there were legends about becoming an immortal. After that, Shou and Tianqi lived forever, which were all lies.

The only thing that is truly immortal is the Immortal Core of Enlightenment. Even if one has reached the level of enlightenment and has a longer lifespan, or the Immortal Core is immortal, it may not be complete. At least the creatures in the heaven can destroy the Immortal Core. , die like immortals, and it is not impossible for even enlightenment to fight and destroy each other.

Therefore, after enlightenment, the pursuit of higher levels is an innate obsession. Every enlightenment will lead to the road to heaven, because after cultivating to enlightenment, you will discover the high-level mysteries of cultivation. Then It is a fatal temptation that cannot be resisted.

Therefore, sister, I cannot promise you to protect your Yunmen, nor do I have time to stay quietly in the fairy world. The summons from heaven will inevitably lead me to pursue a higher road. Even if I fight for this, I will not be able to fight against the creatures in heaven. He has no hesitation and creates opportunities for those who come after the immortal world to reach heaven.

Every time there is an enlightened person on the road to heaven, the creatures in the immortal world will have one more chance to reach heaven. But don’t worry, before I leave, I will not stand by and watch if Yunmen is in trouble. You will take it with you when you go out this time. Bee Fairy, she still has a long way to go before she reaches enlightenment. It will be good for her to practice in the world. Having Bee Fairy here can also be a help to you. "

After Yang Yiyun finished listening, his heart was filled with emotions. What Lan Xin said today were all the secrets of cultivating immortals in the immortal world.

But he didn't expect that immortality and unlimited longevity were just an illusion.

In other words, if you don't have enlightenment, you won't be a true immortal.

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