My Master Is a God

Chapter 2377 You guys stand back and watch me break them.

After Yang Yiyun listened to Feixiong's story, he really wanted to see what it was like.

But look, if it takes too much time, then he also knows to give up looking for Black Lotus to come out of the mountain for the time being. Time does not allow it, and he will come back next time.

"Let's take a look before we talk~"

Yang Yiyun waved his hand and the loach flew down from the sky...

Sure enough, I saw a forest burning with raging fire at the foot of Xiaobuzhou Mountain, which was very spectacular.

You can feel the hot breath from several kilometers away.

Seen from above, this flame forest surrounds Xiaobuzhou Mountain in a circle, looking like a flame defense wall.

Endless as far as the eye can see~

The loach moved and landed on the edge of the flame forest.

“So hot~”

The flying bear kid muttered.

It's indeed a bit hot here, but it's still on the fringe, not a temperature you can walk into.

If you want to set foot on Xiaobuzhou Mountain, you must pass through this flame forest. It is conceivable that the depths of this flame forest must be extremely hot.

However, this kind of heat is nothing to them. Although it may be a little troublesome, it is not overwhelming.

"Everyone, be careful~"

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he took the lead and stepped into the flames.

In fact, in terms of cultivation, everyone present is better than him, so he should be the one who really needs to be careful.

It's just that Yang Yiyun is concerned about his life and habitually protects the people around him, and takes the lead himself.

A simple and casual instruction made the corners of the Bee Immortal's mouth curl up slightly, and he said to himself: "Brother Yun is still the same one who sacrificed himself for others back then. Sister, I made the right choice to follow you out of the mountain and join the Yunmen."

As for the loach, he suddenly disappeared and followed Yang Yiyun, ready to protect him at any time. The loach's body emitted colorful light, and he was not affected by the flames at all when he walked into the flames.

Not to be outdone, the little Fei Xiong kid flashed to Yang Yiyun's right side, his whole body exuding a faint red halo, as if forming a shield, and the flames had no effect on him either.

The Bee Fairy moved slightly and followed Yang Yiyun with a smile.

In fact, none of these people are vegetarians.

Although Yang Yiyun's cultivation level is only the peak of Immortal Emperor's Great Perfection, his strength and means are not even different from those of the three.

He might be worried in other circumstances here, but the flames have no effect on him at all. He can absorb the Green Lotus Immortal Fire, which was ranked among the top ten in the immortal world, and integrate it into his body. What's more, the flames here are still in his eyes. Not as good as Qinglian Fairy Fire.

Of course, this does not mean that the flames here are ordinary.

Only after Yang Yiyun was in it did he feel that the temperature of the flame here was not bad, and it was weaker than the Qinglian Fairy Fire.

He knew that the real danger here was not the flames, but as the little kid said, the fire-attribute creatures hidden in this forest of flames.

Everyone only needs to guard against the creatures in the flame forest. As for the flames, they are fully capable of resisting them.

As soon as I thought this in my heart, it immediately came true.


A burst of flames rushed towards his face.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and slapped his backhand to scatter it.


The next moment, a flaming snake twenty to thirty meters long and thick as a bucket stood in front of them.

When Yang Yiyun was not ready to take action, the loach beside him shouted excitedly: "Master, if you don't want to catch a little bug like me, leave it to me~"

Before he finished speaking, the loach rushed out and roared: "Hum~"

When Loach made this sound, he saw the fire snake lying limply on the ground. It seemed that Loach was scared to death.

Immediately afterwards, the loach opened its mouth and swallowed the flame snake on the border into its belly.

This scene made Yang Yiyun smile bitterly. He never thought that Loach, a foodie, would be so carefree that he would swallow everything.

But okay, the problem is solved.

"Loach did a good job." Yang Yiyun praised Loach.

"You should serve your master~ Hehe~" Loach replied with a smile, his eyes full of pride as he looked at Feixiong as a little brat.

"Humph, what are you so proud of? It's just a demon king-level insect. I can kill a large area with one slap." Feixiong was unconvinced.

Backlash between the two.

The power of the loach is greater than that of the flying bear, but the flying bear is also a bold master. When they first met, he even tricked the loach. Later, he almost swallowed the loach, but he was still unconvinced by the loach.

"Uncle, I'm just better than you, what can I do?" Loach said proudly.

"We'll see who can do more for the master." Feixiong was not to be outdone.

Two foodies are a living pair.

This is where competition begins.

Yang Yiyun and Bee Fairy looked at each other, shaking their heads and smiling bitterly.

But competition is a good thing, and progress is rapid.

Loach needs killing and fighting to improve his strength and experience. Although Feixiong is a smart boy, he has never been outside the sea of ​​flowers and lakes. He is also a rookie with no experience in the world. Yang Yiyun can see that they have been tempered by such battles.

Then the creatures in this flame forest suffered.

Encountered two competing gods of plague.

One is Kunpeng, and the other is a special flying bear from a prehistoric species. Its cultivation level is comparable to that of the Demon Lord Dzogchen. If it fights an immortal of the same realm, the flying bear can definitely torture an ordinary Immortal Lord at the peak of Dzogchen.

Not to mention the loach Yunei Kunpeng, the flying bear almost swallowed it in one bite.

Along the way, there were no Demon Lord-level creatures in the Flame Forest. Most of them were Immortal King-level creatures. The occasional Emperor-level creature was not enough to see.

Along the way, loaches and flying bears competed to kill the entire flame forest.

But it's also strange that the creatures that rush out have no intelligence, they just come to the beast head for nothing.

There is no need for Yang Yiyun and Fengxian to take action at all.

Bee Fairy stayed close to Yang Yiyun, but protected Yang Yiyun at all times. She had been in Xiaohonghuang for thousands of years, but she also knew the weirdness here.

If you don't protect them all, a powerful ancient beast will jump out. Often, the ancient beasts with extraordinary talents are difficult to deal with, and they are also intelligent creatures.

So Loach and Flying Bear were messing around, but she couldn't. She wanted to ensure Yang Yiyun's safety. In her eyes, although Yang Yiyun's cultivation methods were not bad, he was still not at the level of respect. The cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor's Great Perfection Peak was not enough in Xiaohonghuang. of.

Under such circumstances, two days later, when they were about to walk out of the flame forest, an accident happened, or in other words, the real overlord of the forest appeared.


The earth roared and shook.

"Be careful~"

Yang Yiyun stopped and asked Loach and Feixiong to stop.


A roar sounded extremely dull, but upon closer inspection, it came from underground.


A huge crack spreads.

Yang Yiyun fell back hundreds of meters in a few moments.

Looking around, there was a large crack of more than a hundred meters in the ground beneath his feet, and flames were constantly coming out.

Like a volcano erupting.

At the same time, a powerful aura emanated from inside.

"There is an aura of strength at the peak of the Demon Lord. Please be careful," Bee Fairy reminded, but she did not panic.

At this time, an angry old voice sounded from the big crack: "A few little guys who don't know whether to live or die are really cruel to kill so many of my subordinates. Let's see if I don't swallow you up today."

"Tch, you're being mysterious and hiding your head. If you have the ability to come out and fight, you can even swallow us. You're not afraid of dying. If you have the ability, try swallowing one. It's these little bugs that are hindering us. Do you understand?" The flying bear kid had a nasty mouth. No taboos at all.

Yang Yiyun wanted to laugh when he heard this. He also felt that the other party was pretending to be cool. It would be better to let the little brat curse and anger him.

He was just a peak demon king, and they really didn't take him seriously. As long as he wasn't at the enlightenment level, it wouldn't be a problem.

"You, junior, are looking for death~"

Angry at you~

The next moment, a huge burst of flames shot up from the huge crack, hundreds of meters high.


The ground shook suddenly, but the flames dissipated, and a flaming giant about a hundred meters high appeared.

"Hey, it's actually a flaming stone man. How come it doesn't have any aura?" Bee Fairy couldn't help but say.

Yang Yiyun was also surprised. Could it be that this flaming stone man was the one who spoke just now?

He felt that there was indeed no breath, but the temperature was comparable to the Qinglian Fairy Fire. The stone man looked like the flames were red and purple, with purple-red flames all over his body. Only these flames looked extraordinary.

Furthermore, it is huge in size.

Yang Yiyun didn't care.

Then there was another boom, and another flame shot into the sky.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of eight steps forward and backward.

In an instant, eight identical flame stone figures appeared in the field.

But that demonic energy is still in the huge crack.

Bee Immortal looked a little solemn at this moment and said: "Yunzi, be careful. These flame stone men are more like puppets. They are very cunning and are still hiding in the cracks. They are obviously an old monster. They just drove out eight huge flames." If the stone man is not protected, there will be back-ups."

"Master Shaoan, look at me smashing these big rocks and pretending to be a ghost. Who am I trying to scare?" This time, the little Fei Xiong kid took action first.

As he spoke, he jumped up and suddenly hit a flaming stone man on the head.

In terms of body shape, the kid at this moment did not have an incarnation, and was still in the human form of about ten years old. When he rushed up to face the flaming stone man, he was like a little kid bumping into a mountain.

But when he punched out, the world was in turmoil, which showed that the power of the little brat's punch was not sustainable.

However, the next moment, the flame stone man waved his arms very flexibly and quickly, and punched the little kid.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun saw the purple-red flames all over the Flame Stone Man's body flowing like inscriptions and converging on the huge fist.

"Be careful~" Yang Yiyun instinctively felt something was wrong and immediately reminded the little kid not to be careless.



A duel broke out, and the sky was filled with flames, but the little kid screamed in pain and flew backwards like a kite with its string broken.

The loach roared and flew into the sky, but it caught the little kid.

The next moment he put down the flying bear kid, Loach was about to rush forward, and Bee Fairy was about to take action as his aura exploded all over his body, but Yang Yiyun said loudly: "You guys stand back and watch me smash them~"

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