My Master Is a God

Chapter 2378 Domineering and practical world

As soon as Yang Yiyun said this, both Loach and Bee Fairy looked at him in shock.

The little kid also grinned and said: "Master, please come together. The flames on the stone man's body are not weak. It hurts when it burns. And the pure strength is no worse than mine."

The little brat who suffered a loss due to his carelessness was speaking very seriously at the moment.

"Yes, Yunzi, don't be careless~"

"Master asked me to go~"

Bee Fairy and Loach said one after another.

Yang Yiyun smiled slightly and said: "If it comes to the magic power of the realm, I might not dare to go up rashly, but since these flame stone men are puppets without magic power, I really have a way to deal with them. Don't worry, I just want to try Lan Xin. My sister’s improved magical power, Square Cun Qiankun, is just right for dealing with these stone men.”

After saying this, Yang Yiyun didn't wait for the Bee Fairy's three answers before he jumped up and reached the sky above the eight flaming stone figures.

At this time, the old voice said with a disdainful tone: "You overestimating your capabilities, little guy, since you are seeking death, I will help you and set up a formation~"

The last formation word was closed, and the eight flame stone men burst into flames~

"Boom boom boom..."

Purple-red flames erupted from each stone figure, and eight flames soared into the sky, reaching the sky in an instant.

However, a Bagua formation was formed, with eight flames rising into the sky occupying eight directions and surrounding Yang Yiyun.

This scene made the loach anxious and he was about to rush forward.

However, the Bee Fairy said: "Loach, don't be anxious and take a look. Since your master is confident, I believe he has the means. He is not a reckless person. The three of us will act according to the opportunity later. You two will pay attention to the cracks." Over there, the mastermind behind the control of the Flame Stone Man should still be hiding in the cracks. If we don't find him, it will always be a problem."

"Okay, let's find an opportunity to find the shrinking turtle." Loach said.

While the three of them were discussing and talking, Yang Yiyun was trapped in mid-air by the flames rising from the bodies of eight flaming stone figures.

But he didn't care at all, the flames still couldn't reach him.

Each of the eight flaming stone men is 100 meters in size. They look very imposing, but in Yang Yiyun's eyes, they are just that. If he uses the Dharma Golden Body, he can be more than ten times larger than these stone men.

Moreover, Yang Yiyun wanted to try Lan Xin's improved Fangcun Qiankun magical power today. Facing these big guys, Fangcun Qiankun magical power was the most suitable.

As for the stone man formation, haha, in the final analysis, it is just a wild monster. What formation can be arranged?

On the way of formation, the human race is the ancestor.

The demon clan just learned it secretly, and they couldn't learn the essence.

The Eight Trigrams Stone Man Formation arranged by the eight flaming stone men was full of flaws in his eyes, and it would not affect his ability to use the magical power of the universe at all.

"In a matter of inches, the world is reversed~"

Yang Yiyun was suspended in the air, looking down at the eight stone figures, activating the magic power in his body, chanting the secret method, and flying his hands in a series of magic hand seals.


With a dull sound, the mana condensed in Yang Yiyun's body exploded and spread, covering the eight stone figures in an instant, and the surrounding world was distorted.

A powerful airflow field is formed instantly.

Sure enough, the formations laid out by the eight stone men had no effect on him at all.

Of course, this does not mean that the formations laid out by the eight stone men are not formations, but that the flaws are exposed in Yang Yiyun's eyes. His magical power of the universe comes out of these flaws, so it does not affect it at all.

A miraculous scene happened in the next second.

In the eyes of the three bee fairy loach little boys standing outside the field, they saw Yang Yiyun's body erupting with powerful air currents that rippled out, forming a light shield with a radius of a thousand meters, connecting the eight huge stone figures with underground cracks. All enveloped.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them saw eight huge 100-meter-high flaming stone figures, but they shrank in an instant.

"It's done. Yunzi has learned the magical power of Sister Lan Xin's improved rear inch universe. It is very powerful and the effect is amazing. The eight flame stone men are about to be finished now~ This kid really has a very high level of understanding. He has used it in just three months. My improved magical power has already taken shape, it’s really amazing.” Bee Immortal looked at it and sighed.

"Hey~ Why are all those stone men shrinking..." Loach was surprised.

The little kid's eyes widened as well. Neither of them had ever seen Lan Xin's magical power, so it was an eye-opener for them.

"This is called Square Cun Qiankun. It was taught to Yunzi by Sister Lan Xin. Yunzi practiced it when he was in the lower world, but it was not so powerful. This time he has obtained the true inheritance from Sister Lan Xin." Bee Fairy told Ni Loach. Explained to Feixiong little brat.

"Looks so awesome~"

"It seems as long as the master doesn't change~"

Loach and Flying Bear sighed.

Bee Fairy smiled and said: "The beauty of the magical power of Square Cun Qiankun is here. The caster himself is not affected, but it can continuously shrink anything in the surrounding environment, including living beings. Also within the scope of the magical power, the magic power of the caster Wait, all aspects will be greatly affected. Just watch, the eight flaming stone men will be finished, and even the turtle hiding in the crack will be caught by Yunzi~"

"There is such magical power in this world~"

"Isn't that right? It's better to make the master less angry in the future~"

Both Loach and Flying Bear were still frightened.

Both of these creatures can grow in size, especially the loach, which is originally an advantage, but if it encounters Yang Yiyun's magical power, it will be its nemesis.

So the two foodies had lingering fears.

Not to mention the sighs of the three bee fairies outside the court.

Yang Yiyun, who was in the field, was also sighing in his heart, sighing secretly that the improved Fang Cun Qian Kun was indeed more magical to use, and it was easier to use.

At this moment, after he was suspended in the air and used Square Cun Qiankun, he could clearly feel that under Fang Cun Qiankun, the changes in the heaven and earth within a kilometer radius centered on him were changed, and some things were shrinking rapidly.

The most obvious thing is the eight flaming stone figures. The originally 100-meter-tall body has shrunk by half in the blink of an eye, and is still shrinking.

The same goes for things in your environment.

When Yang Yiyun was taught by Lan Xin, he heard him talk about such changes, but at this moment, he still couldn't help but marvel at the magic of this magical power.

At the same time, he also thought that Lan Xin had said that within the magical power of Fangcun Qiankun, as long as he focused his power awareness on certain or single changes, he would selectively shrink them, which would save more effort.

Under the same principle, everything will shrink and change, but it will consume more mana, soul, etc., which will be detrimental to itself over time.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun focused his consciousness on the eight flaming stone figures.

Sure enough, the next moment other things stopped changing and shrinking, but after concentrating all their energy, the eight flame stone men suddenly changed from about fifty meters to less than half a meter, completely changing from giants to pocket-sized ones. version of the Little Stone Man.

Yang Yiyun laughed now.

With a thought in his heart, he flew down and stood in front of the eight flaming stone men. He was a normal body size at the moment, with a height of 1.8 meters, but he became a giant in front of the eight flaming stone men.

The eight flaming stone men were giants one moment ago, and Yang Yiyun was a giant at this moment.

A magical power was unleashed, and it was immediately reversed.

"How can this be……?"

A cry of surprise came from the crack in the ground.

Yang Yiyun grinned: "You are so clever, let me crush these little stone figures like you, haha~"

"Bump bump bump..."

When Yang Yiyun raised his foot, he brought his magic power and stepped out. A series of dull sounds were heard, and eight flaming stone figures less than half a meter in size instantly exploded into pieces under his feet.

The improved magical power of Fangcun Qiankun is not just as simple as shrinking things. The reason why it is more practical and more domineering is another important point.

Anyone who is cast by the spell can have their magic, soul, etc. suppressed.

It is equivalent to shrinking things while also weakening their power.

So, the eight stone figures who were originally puppets were all crushed by Yang's kicks without any effort.

Of course, even if they are real creatures, as long as their cultivation level is not too much higher than Yang's strength, they will still be abused.

Yang's current strength is definitely enough to arm-wrestle with the Immortal Lord at the peak, but of course it can only be limited to a few times. If he meets some outstanding Immortal Lord or someone who is enlightened, then his use of the universe may not be effective.

Even so, Yang Yiyun's magical power is definitely quite incredible.

I was thinking about finding an opportunity to seek Lan Xin's opinion and keep this magical power in the Yunmen Gong transmission hall, so as to provide a guarantee for all Yunmen disciples and become one of the magical powers of the Yunmen Town Sect.

Anyway, Yang is really not easy to bully at this moment.

Not to mention that he himself has a heaven-defying perfect basic physique, and he is also a person who cultivates the divine way. Coupled with the existence of the Qiankun Pot, even if his cultivation realm is at the peak of Immortal Emperor Dzogchen, he can still be on the same level as the Immortal Lord. Arm Wrestling.

The eight flaming stone men are just stone puppets in the final analysis, controlled by the big demon in the dark. Even if he doesn't use the magical power of the universe, he can still fight against them.

Thinking of the big demon in the dark, Yang Yiyun sneered.

After killing the eight stone men, the guy actually made no sound. He was obviously scared.

I don’t know what it is, but he does have some tricks. He can make eight flaming stone puppets, and he can punch the flying bear kid away with just his strength. He is also a master with tricks.

But at this time, Yang Yiyun was not ready to let him go.

In the blink of an eye, I felt the ground shake, and there was a rumble.

I originally thought that the other party had some tricks to unleash, but who knew that in the blink of an eye, a huge flame crack of a hundred meters was extinguished, and the cracks were actually merging.

At this time, Yang Yiyun still didn't understand that the other party was trying to escape and was scared~

He snorted coldly and said: "Are you scared now? It's too late, get out of here."

With a loud roar, Yang Yiyun enveloped all the power of Fangcun Qiankun's magical power on the big crack and suddenly stamped his feet.


The crack instantly shrank ten times under the magical power of Qing Fang Cun Qian Kun. Yang Yiyun stamped his foot with all his strength, and the ten-meter crack that had shrunk with a roar suddenly opened and exploded.

At the same time, a scream sounded: "Oh~ don't, don't, don't, don't kill me, spare my life..."

Along with screams for mercy, a white flame was ejected from the crack by Yang Yiyun's kick.

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