My Master Is a God

Chapter 2383 Entering the realm of the Immortal Lord (fifth update)

Yang Yiyun looked at it blankly, but he saw a dark round object, which looked nothing strange. It was floating in front of him at this moment. It was obviously a three-headed eagle from the Netherworld that was brought to him from the bottom of the Netherworld Lake.

But the Zamao Bird said it was a magic weapon!

Subconsciously holding this object in his hand, Yang Yiyun didn't have time to look carefully, but there was a general protrusion. The originally dark ink-like thing like a mirror burst out with golden light, forming a perfect contrast with its own pitch-black color. There was an obvious contrast, and then Yang Yiyun's expression changed drastically.

What he didn't expect was that this thing came out with an irresistible suction, or it emitted a golden light and enveloped the whole person in it. In an instant, he felt that most of the blood and essence in his body was absorbed. .

Resistance has no effect.

I was so frightened that I broke out in cold sweat. I couldn't throw it away even if I wanted to, as if it was growing in his hands.

He quickly asked the God and Demon Bird loudly: "What's going on with the miscellaneous feather bird? This thing seems to be sucking my blood?"

However, the God and Demon Bird said very calmly: "Don't panic, weakling. This is your chance. This object is a divine and demon weapon. It is not a treasure that can be found in the immortal world. It is an artifact that truly comes from the heaven.

You kid always has shitty luck. Anyway, these artifacts were obtained by the Netherworld Three-Headed Eagle from the bottom of the lake. This shows that there is indeed something at the bottom of the lake. When you come back in the future, don’t go looking for something at the bottom of the lake. What, there are billions of creatures in the world, and there are billions of secrets. Since some things are sleeping, let them continue to sleep~

And you should be lucky that the three-headed eagle threw this artifact directly to you, instead of throwing it to someone else, otherwise it would not be yours. All divine and demonic treasures naturally have to recognize the owner. This is Most of the time, the method is not passive but active. Since this magic weapon has chosen you, it is your opportunity.

The magical weapon recognizes its master and sucks blood. The Netherworld Three-Headed Eagle does not meet the conditions as a Netherworld creature. It is just right to throw it to you, kid. Don’t worry, it is just some energy and blood. It will be fine later. And for you, kid, there is Huge benefits, you are really lucky..."

There was a sour taste of envy and hatred in the words of the God and Demon Bird.

Yang Yiyun felt relieved when he heard what Zamao Bird said. Sure enough, the next moment his energy and blood were no longer lost, and the loss of energy and blood was within the tolerance range.

Then some information appeared in his mind.

The yin and yang mirror of gods and demons reverses into yin, seizes souls and souls, and reverses into yang, kills gods and destroys demons, the two qi of yin and yang, good fortune can be expected.

This is the treasure information fed back.

The message is just a few dozen words, but it is unparalleled in its domineering power.

Yang Yiyun was shocked all over.

Sure enough, this is an artifact from heaven, called the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons.

Literally understood, it is simply a powerful mess.

The meaning of this passage is that when this artifact is activated, reversing the activation can capture the soul. This is an attack on the divine soul, and it is an extremely yin power.

And when it is activated in a forward direction, it is the most powerful and yang power. It is said to be able to kill gods and demons, and it is so loud that it scares people to death.

This is the function driven by good and bad times.

Also, it can be activated at the same time. The last part is that the two qi of yin and yang can bring good fortune.

Yang Yiyun was a little confused by these two sentences, but if understood from a literal sense, it should be that activating both sides of yin and yang at the same time would produce both yin and yang. This should be used to his own benefit, because the last sentence means that good fortune can be expected. , meaning wait and see what good fortune will appear.

This made Yang Yiyun's heart move and he was ready to give it a try.

This mirror has a yin and a yang, one side is black and the other side is gold.

After recognizing the Lord at this time, changes also occurred.

The front turned into gold, and there was a mysterious golden inscription on it. Yang Yiyun didn't recognize it, but after refining it, he found that the inscription meant Yang.

The other side is black and also has an inscription, but it represents Yin.

The yin and yang are opposite, and the gods and demons are also opposite, so it is called the yin and yang mirror of gods and demons.

Yang Yiyun's mind moved and he put both yin and yang at the same time and activated this magic yin and yang mirror.


In an instant, the mirror in his hand buzzed, and the positive and negative yin and yang sides, one black and one golden, burst out from it at the same time. In the blink of an eye, yin and yang merged together, but they flashed and entered his body...

This scene shocked him!

Because I clearly feel that there is a huge energy in the body, a very strange energy, and there is also the power of the soul in it, which enters the Dantian and the sea of ​​consciousness, nourishes the soul, and illuminates the universe...


Yang Yiyun's whole body was shaken, but at this moment he actually advanced.

Well, this advancement was something he never expected.

He has been stuck at the peak of Immortal Emperor Dzogchen for a long time, and he has also been anxious, especially after his two senior brothers, young senior sister Ji Zixia, and even his nephew Luoyang became Great Immortal Lords, he was deeply concerned about his own cultivation. I struggled with it and tried to reach the realm of Immortal Master, but is it really that easy to advance to Immortal Master?

Tried several times but ended in failure.

Another important reason is that the upcoming grand ceremony for the establishment of Yunmen will invite prominent forces in the immortal world to attend the ceremony. At that time, thousands of large and small sects will follow behind those powerful forces.

Yang Yiyun thought in his heart that if the leaders of other immortal sects, big and small, saw that the majestic Yunmen sect leader was just an immortal in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, he would be very embarrassed.

In addition, now that Yunmen has merged with Master Niang's forces to forge the Immortal Alliance, hundreds of thousands of disciples and disciples see that the leader of Yunmen is not even in the realm of Immortal Lord, but is just an Immortal Emperor. Although he won't say anything on the surface, But talking in secret is inevitable, and it is also detrimental to the foundation of Yunmen.

It was true that when the Yunmen Grand Ceremony was about to begin, he was extremely irritable, so he found an excuse for himself to go out and find Heilian to come out and take charge of the Yunmen Supreme Elder.

Of course, he really wanted to find Heilian...

I use this to relax my mind and calm down my Taoist mind. I also want to find Black Lotus to see if there is any way for me to break through to the realm of the Immortal Lord. By then, at the Yunmen Ceremony, it will be possible to have the cultivation of the Immortal Lord. , if you don’t want to embarrass Yunmen.

But he also knew that it was so easy to break through to the Immortal Lord?

Many people find it difficult to reach the level of immortality in their lifetime, and it is normal for some people to be stuck at a bottleneck for thousands of years.

But I didn’t expect it now~

It went so smoothly, it felt like I had advanced to the realm of Immortal Lord by accident.

I really don't know how to express my feelings at this moment.

In short, it is joyful.

Anyway, it is time to step into the Immortal Lord from the peak of Immortal Emperor Dzogchen.

This is……

This is the credit of the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons.

The yin and yang qi that had just activated the yin and yang mirror of the gods and demons entered the body, allowing him to successfully enter the primary realm of the Immortal Lord.

I also understand the meaning of the last two sentences of the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons. It is indeed good for myself.

With the two qi of yin and yang, good fortune can be expected!

It is indeed a blessing.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed.

Baby, baby, the ultimate treasure, the ultimate treasure, hahaha, buddy, this opportunity has been passed away.

Yang shouted in his heart and was so excited that he started to pick up.

He has some treasures on his body, but if you really think about it, he doesn't have an incredible attack treasure.

The Qiankun Pot is not included, because the Qiankun Pot is a treasure of one's own life, a treasure that cherishes one's own life, and cannot be simply regarded as a vessel.

The Dragon Slaying Sword and the Coiling Dragon Sword are attack-type weapons, but they are swords. If the sword wants to exert its true power, he knows that he must major in swordsmanship like his second senior brother Xing Chenzi.

But he is not majoring in swordsmanship, so the Dragon Sword and the Coiling Dragon Sword are still a bit inferior in Yang Yiyun's opinion.

Something else...

Thinking about it, there seems to be no more.

Fortunately, today I got this magical weapon from the mouth of the Zamao Bird, the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons. It is a true attack weapon, and it is a treasure from heaven.

The reverse and forward movement alone is attack, while the simultaneous movement is creation. The two qi of yin and yang combined into one is actually a powerful energy. Yang Yiyun feels it now, and it seems to be very consistent with the power of the divine way in his body.

By the way, since this treasure comes from the God Realm or the Heaven Realm, the energy after the two qi of yin and yang merge into one is the power of the God Realm. He cultivates the divine way, and the power in his body is not the power of immortality, but the power of demigods. Power, no wonder he felt that this power fit so well, allowing him to break through to the early stage of the Immortal Lord.

Everything is a great opportunity~

Anyway, he was really ecstatic when he got this treasure.

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