My Master Is a God

Chapter 2384 The golden light of the soul

As for the attack of the God and Demon Yin Yang Mirror, Yang Yiyun really wanted to try it at this moment, and he was a little excited.

But there are no test subjects~

After the Netherworld Three-Headed Eagle came out, the Netherworld River returned to calm again.

Looking for the creatures in Netherworld River, Yang Yiyun is really worried.

Zamao Bird just said vaguely that there are many secrets in this world, which may be understood as dangers. If you can move, you should not move, so as not to cause trouble.

Moreover, the three-headed eagles of the Netherworld came in and made a fuss. It was obvious that the creatures in the Netherworld River were in trouble, and they were probably being killed. The point was that the three-headed eagles brought out the Yin-Yang Mirror of the Gods and Demons from the Netherworld River. A most precious item.

If he provokes the creatures in the Netherworld River again at this time, something will happen and it will be difficult to deal with.

Thinking about it, there is not much time left, and there is no need to waste it.

At the founding ceremony of Yunmen, everyone is waiting for him as the sect leader. Don't miss him when the time comes, and the two senior brothers will have to deal with him.

Let alone the establishment of the Grand Ceremony, he, as the sect leader, can no longer embarrass Yunmen.

As for testing the two other attacks of the God and Demon Yin Yang Mirror, there are plenty of opportunities.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun gave up.

At this time, he still closed his eyes and felt the difference of reaching the primary level of Immortal Lord.

But only when you take it seriously can you understand what respect is!

The immortal essence in his body has become ten times purer again without even realizing it, and the magic power he possesses is almost ten times greater than when the Immortal Emperor reached Perfection. The pure magic power allows him to flow throughout his body, endlessly. Full of power, I feel dozens of times stronger than before.

It's not at the same level as the Emperor Realm.

A diamond-shaped crystal appeared in the Dantian in the body. This was a metamorphosis. From the golden elixir at the beginning of cultivation... it continued to grow and metamorphose, and now it became a white, clear, rhombus-shaped crystal as small as a thumb.

The inner seed is the source of the whole body's immortal power. All the power that enters the body will be gathered into this small crystal, stored, circulated, and regenerated endlessly. Yang Yiyun remembers that his senior brother said that this is the crystal of the immortal!

The foundation of immortal power.

Where all power belongs, if you reach the level of the Immortal Lord, you can basically absorb all kinds of attribute power in the world. No matter whether it is gentle or violent, the fairy crystals can be digested and absorbed and finally transformed into pure fairy power. .

What's more important is that the immortal crystal can roar with the energy between heaven and earth, thereby mobilizing greater and more power between heaven and earth with the cooperation of the soul. This time is the terror of the immortal realm.

Of course, there is a more important point, that is the spirit of the Immortal Lord.

This is the real core.

Yang Yiyun looked at his Yuan Shen at this moment, but found that the Yuan Shen was emitting a dazzling golden light, so bright that it was difficult to look directly at it. This kind of golden light was called in the mouth of the senior brother, the Yuan Shen golden light. The stronger the Yuan Shen golden light, the more powerful it became. The more dazzling and intense it shines, the farther it shines.

The powerful golden light of the Immortal Lord Yuanshen is known as the golden light. Yang Yiyun found that the range of his Yuanshen golden light was more than 20 meters, which was a bit weak. However, he also knew that he had just broken through to the early stage of the Immortal Lord. This was normal. He would cultivate in the future. In order to steadily improve, the golden light of the soul will naturally become stronger and stronger.

Of course, his calculations were good. According to the senior brother, under normal circumstances, some immortals who have just entered the realm of immortals do not even have the golden light of the soul, and some only shine for a few meters.

He was close to the thirty-meter golden light of the soul, which was supposed to be very good, but Yang was still a little dissatisfied.

Because the golden light of the powerful Immortal Lord shines brightly ~

The golden light of the soul is not just a symbol, the core is to protect the soul from inner demons and external attacks. The stronger the golden light, the more powerful it is.

The powerful golden light of the primordial spirit can project the dharma body away from the primordial spirit, forming magical powers such as the huge eyes of Master Tianji and Tianlong, the founder of the Meteor Star Palace.

Of course he could do it now without even thinking about it.

However, if you can say it, it will come. Under the protection of the golden light of the soul, the dharma body is condensed. In an instant, the mind can travel thousands of miles. It can open the space portal. With practice, it is possible to travel through space and even through the big boundary wall. For example, he can It is much easier to enter the lower realm, go to the three thousand realms of cultivation, and go to countless small worlds.

I asked my senior brother about this issue at the beginning, because he also wanted to go back to his hometown on Earth to see it in the future.

The senior brother told him that he could do it in the Immortal Realm, and in the lower realm, the laws are one level lower than those in the Immortal Realm. Immortals with powerful souls often travel in the sea of ​​​​stars, and their spiritual thoughts can cover a planet, and even worse, they can observe it with just one thought. A big world.

Anyway, achieving immortality is just one word - cow.

Yang has now stepped into the door of cattle.

Of course, he is only a junior Immortal Lord now, but he is still far from being a true master. In terms of cultivation, he knows that he still dare not relax his methods.

Because he is the first realm of the Immortal Lord's realm and the four smaller realms. Even if he reaches the peak of Immortal Lord's Dzogchen, if he is unable to gain enlightenment, he will be nothing more than an ant in the eyes of a powerful enlightened person.

Of course, enlightenment also has nine levels and nine heavens!

Lan Xin's words are still clear to this day. There is no end to the great road. There is no so-called end at all. There are only more divine and mysterious ways of existence.

What if you reach the ninth level of cultivation?

There is still a road to heaven waiting behind, and no one knows whether you can enter the divine realm if you step on the road to heaven.

Even if he enters the divine realm, the way of God will be another carrier, a world that he cannot understand, and that even the creatures in the fairy world cannot know and understand.

The heaven of the three realms!

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun's enthusiasm for having just advanced to become an Immortal Master cooled down, or he felt calmer.

A junior Immortal Lord, thinking about the road ahead, he felt that there was no difference between him and a rookie who had just entered the cultivation world...

He smiled bitterly in his heart and gave himself a cheer.

Whether it is the peak of immortality, enlightenment, or the divine realm on the road to heaven, he said that he would climb up step by step, and one day he would stand at the top of the avenue.

He has a lot of expectations waiting for him to fulfill.

And if you want to fulfill these expectations, you need higher cultivation, stronger strength, and the pursuit of a higher cultivation path.

In this regard, he will fight through thorns and thorns, killing gods when gods block, and demons when monsters block.

Although he has just joined the Immortal Master, Yang is confident that he can kill the Great Immortal Master now.

Because he has the conditions and strength.

The soul has mutated and is one level better than the immortals of the same realm. The fairy crystal is white, also known as color. It can sense any familiar power in the world, the laws of the great road, the five elements, space, darkness, wind and thunder, etc. At this moment, he seems to feel them all. .

These are his perfect fundamental talents.

So since he started practicing, he has always been able to fight and kill enemies across levels, and this is still the case today.

After an advanced realization was over, Yang Yiyun opened his eyes.

The color in his eyes is bright and shining.

There was a flash of light in his hand, and the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons was put into the body.

During this trip to Xiaohonghuang, although I couldn't wait to find Black Lotus on Xiaobuzhou Mountain, I gained a lot.

After meeting the Immortal King Lan Xin back then, he learned about the cause and effect, and obtained Lan Xin's improved magical power of the square inch of the universe. His strength improved, and he also made good friends with Lan Xin, which is equivalent to having a powerful friend.

Then he met Bee Fairy again, and successfully got Bee Fairy to come out and join Yunmen and get a strong man.

What’s more, I have subdued the little brat Fei Xiong and the old rooster. They are both ancient alien species, and they are also powerful demon masters. Yunmen needs strong men, and immortal beasts need immortal beasts. I have given an explanation to the young senior sister. .

Ni Loach has also grown a lot during this trip. In terms of strength, he can surpass the level of the Great Immortal. His enlightenment is definitely not good, but he is already very good.

Then the Nether Bone summoned again, summoning the Netherworld Three-Headed Eagle, which was even more powerful than before. The point was that this eagle brought him the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons from the bottom of the Netherworld Lake, allowing him to successfully break through to the Immortal Lord.

This trip was truly a fruitful one.

Let Yang's heart be filled with joy.

"Yunzi, congratulations on entering the realm of Immortal Lord~" Seeing Yang Yiyun finish his training, Bee Immortal congratulated him with a smile.

"Congratulations to the master for advancing..."

With Loach taking the lead, the little boy and the old rooster congratulated each other in unison.

"Hahaha~lucky, lucky~" Yang said modestly, but his happiness was written all over his face.

Looking back at the Netherworld Three-Headed Eagle standing quietly in the field, he walked over and said, "Whether you can understand me or not, I thank you this time."

There is absolutely no way to communicate with Netherworld creatures, and the media control is also Netherworld Bones.

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