My Master Is a God

Chapter 2385 Hundreds of Thousands of Immortals Outside the Mountain Gate (Seventh Update)

As he thanked him, the famous three-headed eagle made no move, not even turning its three heads.

Yang Yiyun smiled, and with a wave of his hand, the Netherworld Three-Headed Eagle turned into a stream of gray air and entered the Netherworld Bone. When fighting, a thought can come out.

For him, the netherworld creatures are actually one-time consumables. They will dissipate if killed in battle, and next time he can summon other netherworld creatures through the netherworld bones.

However, he really valued this three-headed eagle. After all, he had made great achievements, and he wanted to preserve it as much as possible in the future.

"Let's go back to Yunmen..."

Yang Yiyun waved his hand and the loach transformed into a mount, and the group all climbed up and headed back home.

"Finally out~"

The way back is still the same way, and it still comes out from the entrance that looks like the eyes.

Yang Yiyun exhaled a breath of thick air.

Let the loach speed up.

One day later, we finally reached the sky above Yunmen.

Calculating that the time is less than ten days, it will be the time for the founding ceremony of Yunmen.

While in mid-air, Yang Yiyun suddenly shrank his pupils and saw the heads of the good guys outside the Yunmen formation below...

Of course they are all human.

This scene shocked Yang Yiyun. His first reaction was that Yunmen was surrounded by people.

Quickly let the loach fly down.

When he reached the ground, Yang Yiyun was stunned again, something is wrong~

He heard all kinds of noises in his ears, and at this moment he walked into the earth's large vegetable market in a trance.

"Come, come, take a look, there is only one bottle of the best Xianyuan Pill..."

"Three thousand years of immortality, only a hundred low-grade immortal stones..."

"The Blazing Sun Armor is made by masters of weapon refining. This is the only one. Don't miss it if you pass by..."

"Ni Loach, we went to the right place, right?" Yang Yiyun looked at the people coming and going, various street stalls, and even temporary shops. It was a huge market, and he couldn't help but ask Ni Loach.

Loach said: "Master is right, it's just outside our Cloud Gate. Look at the unique cloud thunder in the sky. It's right~"

"What's going on...?" Yang Yiyun was confused.

I am willing to be besieged and surrounded by people for Yunmen.

Unexpectedly, a large market has formed outside my mountain gate. I just looked at it from the sky and saw that there are hundreds of thousands of people gathered there.

These immortals obviously spontaneously formed a free market.

Although he was a little confused, he felt relieved now, as long as no one was attacking Yunmen.

At this moment, looking at the crowded crowd and listening to all kinds of noisy hawking sounds, Yang Yiyun also had a clear understanding.

He understood somewhat in his heart that these people were all rushing to Yunmen to watch the ceremony.

Of course, this point also proves that the establishment of Yunmen this time caused great confusion in the immortal world. As for why these people did not enter, it is obvious that they are either not qualified enough or there are too many people. Senior Brother and the others cannot let them go. People go in.

There are actually a hundred thousand immortals outside the Yunmen Mountain Gate alone.

Can you imagine how many people will come to this Cloud Gate founding ceremony?

The cultivation levels of these immortals are also uneven. He glanced at them casually. They ranged from heavenly immortals and true immortals to immortal kings and emperors. Of course, the immortals could not be seen. There were only a few immortal kings and emperors. Most of them were immortals. They are all middle- and low-level immortals.

Such a bustling and lively scene, Yang Yiyun did not expect to appear outside the Yunmen Mountain Gate.

Yang Yiyun walked all the way with the Bee Fairy and others, but he was not in a hurry anymore. They were already at the door of his house anyway.

Seeing all kinds of natural materials and treasures being sold at each street stall, Yang Yiyun laughed in his heart. He casually walked to a street stall and picked up a thousand-year-old elixir to look at.

The stall owner is an old man in his sixties with a shrewd look on his face. Seeing Yang Yiyun's extraordinary bearing, he is followed by the powerful Bee Fairy, the little kid, and the old rooster that is nearly two meters tall. It's a demon, but it's following a human race. It's obviously a master with a background.

As for the loach, Yang Yiyun was afraid of being too ostentatious and directly put the loach back on his left wrist. It was like a bracelet. There was a god and demon bird squatting on his shoulder. It was the most inconspicuous because it had no breath at all. Just a black crow all the time.

This combination is rather strange. Seeing that the old man who owned the stall did not dare to neglect at all, he said with a smile: "This Taoist friend has a keen eye. At this moment, the three-leaf clover that is unique to the southernmost fairyland in the fairy world is a thousand-year-old fairy medicine, but it has many If you want the neutralizing elixir that is often used in elixir refining, take fifty high-grade immortal stones."

Yang Yiyun looked at the old man with a smile on his face. How could he, an alchemist, not know the value of the elixir?

This immortal medicine can kill ten middle-grade immortal stones. The old guy really dares to cheat with his mouth wide open.

The old man was obviously an old man. He was stared at by Yang Yiyun with a smile but not a smile. His face was not red and his heart was not beating. He smiled and said: "This fellow Taoist has an extraordinary bearing at first glance. He comes from a large family. This immortal stone is not worth mentioning to you." Let’s go~”

"Haha, old man, I am an alchemist. This elixir is indeed a neutralizing elixir commonly used by alchemists, but you should also know that the price of the elixir is clear to the alchemist. Don't be too greedy when doing business~" Yang Yiyun smiled and spoke, but in fact he was not angry at all.

I am very interested in talking to these stall owners.

Of course, no one recognized him, otherwise the old man would not ask for this price.

Regarding Yang Yiyun's words, although the old man was an Immortal King, he didn't care at all and was not timid. He said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, are you coming from afar to the Immortal Realm?"

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment. He was actually regarded as a visitor from afar, but he didn't say anything. He nodded and said, "Yes, from afar."

The old man smiled and said: "It's no wonder. How can I put it? You are an alchemist and you know the price of elixirs. No one can deceive you. It is true that my price is a bit high, old man, but there is a reason~"

Yang Yiyun was immediately happy. He would never allow cheating to happen outside the Yunmen Mountain Gate. Of course, although the old man was not cheating, asking for too high a price was a form of rip-off. He, the Yunmen Ceremony, was about to be established and needed a good person. He will not allow any behavior that affects the environment of Yunmen to occur.

At least not now.

Since you are doing business outside the gate of Yunmen Mountain, you must have some ethics. High-priced business is not allowed, but don't be too fooling. A thousand-year-old elixir can cost at most fifty middle-grade immortal stones. You dare to ask for fifty with just one mouthful. The price difference for high-grade immortal stones is too big.


Absolute profiteer.

This matter cannot be ignored. Listening to the old man's calm words, without any hint of guilt, Yang Yiyun felt happy and wanted to hear what he had to say.

"There is a reason, okay, then you can tell me, and I will listen. If what you say is reasonable, I want this fifty-high-grade elixir." Yang Yiyun stared at the old man with a smile.

The old man looked at Yang Yiyun and asked, "Do you know why hundreds of thousands of immortals gather here?"

"Of course I know. I heard about the founding ceremony of Yunmen~" Yang said casually.

"Isn't that right? The establishment of Yunmen's main hall has caused a stir in the entire immortal world. Many immortal sects have flocked to it... Do you know the background of Yunmen?" the old man said with narrowed eyes.

Yang Yiyun felt that chatting with this old man was very interesting, so he shook his head cooperatively and said, "I don't know, can you tell me?"

The old man narrowed his eyes and glanced cunningly at the elixir in Yang Yiyun's hand, and said slowly: "I told you it's okay, but I haven't opened the business yet, old man~"

This statement couldn't be more obvious. It means you can't say it in vain. Once you buy my elixir, I'll tell you about it so that you, my kid, can learn a lot.

Yang Yiyun waved his hand and passed fifty high-grade immortal stones, a lot of them. At the same time, he put away the elixir and said, "Tell me about it~"

"Hehe, thank you fellow Taoist." The old man was happy in his heart and muttered a stick. He got fifty high-grade immortal stones, which was enough for him to practice for a while.

Then he said: "It is rumored that Yunmen has a big background. The leader of Yunmen, Yang Yiyun, is the legendary Supreme Yun Tianxie in the immortal world. He even merged the Immortal Refining Alliance. Yang Yiyun's senior brother Yun Changsheng is a powerful man with enlightenment. Senior brother Xing Chenzi is known as the number one sword immortal in modern times. There is a senior sister named Ji Zixia who was born in the Ji family, the first family of immortal emperors...

At the Yunmen Founding Ceremony, the top five forces in the immortal world gathered together, and thousands of immortals from all walks of life followed suit and came to Yunmen to watch the ceremony. This Yunmen Ceremony is known as the biggest event in the immortal world for thousands of years. You have seen hundreds of thousands of people gathered outside, let alone inside the cloud?

So now every inch of land outside the gate of Yunmen Mountain is valuable. The immortals who come here want to exchange their own needs for transactions at such a grand event. There is not enough space. I spent a lot of money to find this stall. I have to buy it from the people of Yunmen. This is where I came from, so let’s just say, the elixir is naturally a little more expensive than usual…”

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