My Master Is a God

Chapter 2397 Yunmen needs a sun

From the beginning to the end, Mr. Yang was very calm. That was because he got the water of life into the demon elixir of the Zamao Bird. From the moment the Zamao Bird merged with the demon elixir, he sensed the water of life.

This is tantamount to grasping the Achilles heel.

The Water of Life is the first treasure to appear in the Qiankun Pot. It is difficult to find it without attracting the miscellaneous feather bird. Moreover, the miscellaneous feather bird was overjoyed when it saw its own demon elixir at first, and did not check the demon elixir at all. , swallowed it in one gulp.

So, Yang didn't care about the threat of the bastard bird at all. Let him have fun, and then give him a blow when he has enough noise. It would be enough to make it remember and even leave a shadow on its psychology.

The blow worked!

When the miscellaneous feathered bird was full of self-confidence, someone Yang activated the water of life in its demon elixir, and the difference between heaven and hell was instantly felt.

The screams continue~

Yang didn't stop at all.

This time he would not give up unless he left some shadow on Zamao Bird's psychology.

It's just a matter of manipulation, and it doesn't cost you your life, so I'll let you live and die.

You are awesome, try it~

People who know the secrets of Mr. Yang's Qiankun Pot can count them on their fingers. Of course, he is referring to the secrets of the internal species. Zamao Bird is the one and only one, because Zamao Bird had a conversation with the Qiankun Kettle Spirit back then. .

The weapon spirit was destroyed by him.

But the bastard bird was still chirping in front of him.

Now that's it, let's beat Yang together.

He doesn't even know the origin of the Qiankun Pot. The magic of the water of life affects even the old willow trees, and even you, the bastard bird, can't escape.

Yun Changsheng looked at the feathered bird rolling on the ground begging for mercy, but he gasped in his heart.

He and Xing Chenzi looked at each other at the same time, looking at the back of their junior brother, they smiled bitterly.

The strongest one in Yunmen is the old willow tree, but today the old willow tree seems to be a bit weaker in front of the god and demon bird. If it is as strong as the old willow tree, what can it do if it is as strong as the god and demon bird?

He shrank into a ball in front of his junior brother.

If you really think about it, the strongest person in Yunmen is undoubtedly the junior brother.

Without him, just because he can control the divine and demonic birds, and he can control the divine and demonic birds as well as control them.

Before, they were still worried that Yunmen would be targeted by the three Tianzun forces and worried about the safety of their junior brother, but now they are finally relieved.

Anyone who messes with the little junior brother who has the God and Demon Bird by his side is a fool.

On the other side, Yun Changsheng and the others were filled with shock. On the other side, Yang looked at the feathered bird that was almost like a dead dog and said with a smile, "Are you still squeaking?"

"I can't help you, stop it, I don't dare anymore~" Zamao Bird quickly begged for mercy, no longer as arrogant as before.

Yang stopped with a grin.

In fact, he knew in his heart that Zamao Bird was just trying to deal with him, but it was impossible to really scare him to death. On the other hand, he did the same to Zamao Bird.

After being together for thousands of years, the communication between him and the mixed-haired bird was probably that of enemies. They had experienced more life and death together than anyone else.

When he ascended to the Immortal Realm, he took a miscellaneous feathered bird with him.

It's enough to explain the problem.

The first time he used the power of the Temple of Heaven and Earth, he was backlashed and it was the Zafeo Bird who used its own golden blood to save him...

So he knew that the bastard wouldn't really hurt him, that it was just a bastard, nothing more.

However, if the arrogant bird is not curbed, it will cause trouble in the future. Today's incident is enough to leave a shadow in its heart. Punishing it will be of great benefit to getting along with it in the future.

Looking at the motionless feathered bird lying on the ground, Mr. Yang grinned and said: "Okay, don't pretend to be dead. You're not afraid of embarrassment. You can play harp, but don't do it again in front of me. Brother, I'm feeling better now." It’s the Lord of Yunmen, you don’t give me face, you make me embarrassed in front of my senior brothers and sisters, this is a light punishment.”

"You are so weak..." The feathered bird flew up and opened its mouth to curse.


"Huh?" Yang glared, and the bastard became frightened again.

Then he said with a smile: "I'm not happy that the demon pill is back. I'm just joking with you. You're too cruel. It's fatal. Do you know..."

This guy is a scoundrel!

Anyway, there is a reason.

Yang Yiyun also knew what kind of virtue it was, and snorted coldly: "Since you have recovered your demon elixir cultivation, you can't be idle. Listen up. From today on, you will be the guardian bird of Yunmen and the guardian of the Dharma Protector Hall." 1. Bless Yunmen to be safe and stable in the future, without any mistakes."


"Stop bickering. I know you want to say that you are the number one god and demon bird in the Three Realms. How can you give me a little Yunmenzuo Dharma Protector? Don't worry, I won't let you do it in vain. If you go to the God Realm one day, I swear, you If you want to do something, I will risk my life to help you~"

Yang Yiyun said these words with firm eyes. The reason why he said this was because he had felt a suppressed resentment, or a kind of hatred, in Zamao Bird's demon elixir before. He guessed that Zamao Bird He must be a bastard with a story.

This is giving it a promise.

Although his promise is somewhat illusory ~

God Realm~

That is the existence that is unknown.

Not to mention the God Realm, he is not even enlightened now, it is very far away...

But this attitude and this heart are sincere. Zamao Bird has helped him a lot. In his heart, Zamao Bird has long been regarded as a brother. If it has something to do, it will definitely do what it can do.

The miscellaneous feathered bird floating opposite Yang Yiyun heard Yang Yiyun speak, his golden eyes flickered uncertainly, and then he said carelessly: "Tch, you are just a weakling... Forget about me, I will wait until you get to where you are." , anyway, you are a weakling who has controlled the demon elixir, so I reluctantly sit here with you as the guardian of Yunmen, just think of it as training your mind."

When Yang Yiyun heard the bird's seemingly dismissive answer, he knew it had agreed, and he caught a hint of complicated emotions in the bird's eyes.

I sighed in my heart that it was indeed a bird with a story.

The conversation between one person and one bird suddenly became filled with heavy emotions.

Yang Yiyun grinned and said: "Okay, if you make me embarrassed in front of my senior brothers and sisters this time, I still can't let you take it easy..."

"Weak chicken, don't go too far. Don't come here. Your water of life in my demon pill has a power that can kill you. My soul is trembling. If you do it once, I will die for you." God Demon Bird thought Yang Yiyun was coming again and was immediately frightened.

Yang Yiyun laughed loudly. He knew that the Fruit of Life had great restraint on any monster race, and the Zamiao was no exception. He felt very happy, but after thinking about it, he said: "Let me ask you a question first, answer me truthfully. "

"What are you doing?" the mixed-haired bird asked warily.

"Have you ever been to the sun of the earth?" The image of the bird is the three-legged golden crow, so he wanted to confirm whether the three-legged golden crow in Chinese mythology was related to the bird.

Hearing Yang Yiyun's question, Zamao Bird trembled all over.

He didn't speak for a while.

"What's wrong?" Yang Yiyun felt something was wrong. There was a sad aura about the early bird at this moment.

The next moment, the mixed-haired bird said: "It's not me, it's my father. It happened a long time ago. My father was... Anyway, my father should have been to your sun. The reason why I went down to the world is also to find my father. But something unexpected happened and I never made it, but later I learned that my father had long since stopped living in the sun...

Boy, can you take me to your earth's sun to have a look in the future? I want to visit the place where my father once lived.

Our family is known as the number one god and demon bird in the three realms. This is no lie. The name Three-legged Golden Crow came from my father after he went to the sun on your earth. He is born with the highest pure Yang fire in the three realms. The light of the pure Yang fire can burn. Everything emits light with pure Yang vitality, so all things are born..."

Zamao Bird calmed down and said something like this, but it was also vague. It was obvious that there were some things that he didn't want Yang Yiyun to know.

Yang Yiyun could sense that Zamao Bird was in a low mood and stopped asking any more, but he finally knew the Chinese legend about the three-legged Golden Crow. From what Zamao Bird meant, there must be many stories in it.

But it was no longer appropriate to ask.

Looking at the miscellaneous feathered bird, Yang Yiyun suddenly thought of an exciting idea. He grinned and said, "I will punish you by turning into the sun. Yunmen needs a sun, haha~"

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