My Master Is a God

Chapter 2398 Three Hundred Thousand Immortal Beasts


The God and Demon Bird was confused by Yang Yiyun's words.

"Taiyang? You still won't let me go." The demon bird became angry.

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and said: "You have never been stupid. I am now the leader of the Yunmen Sect. You made me look bad in front of my senior brothers and sisters, which made me very embarrassed. Moreover, the noise was so loud that the entire Yunmen disciples knew about it. .

You have to do a little bit to show off to outsiders. Besides, your three-legged golden crow has no means of getting Yunmen to the little sun.

And the most important point is that letting you transform into the sun is also a deterrent to the outside world, letting them know your existence. Now that you have recovered your inner alchemy, even if you give out a little aura, it is scary. To be honest, your aura before was really scary. Very scary.

The founding ceremony of Cloud Gate will be soon. When the time comes, you will transform into the sun and hang high in the sky of Cloud Gate. This will be a deterrent, letting the immortals in the outside world know that I, Cloud Gate, have you as a powerful guardian bird. Even if someone makes a small move at that time, you Can also monitor.

Wouldn't it be better to solve the problem in the first time? So don’t really think of it as a punishment for you, but think of it as an opportunity for you to show off your divine power. Moreover, the pure Yang light radiating from your body has powerful vitality properties, which is unique and unique to Yunmen. Everything within is also beneficial..."

Yang Yiyun said a lot, half-truths and half-falsehoods, and also meant to flatter him. He had taught the bastard a lesson before, so it was reasonable to praise him a few words now.

The point is that based on his understanding of the miscellaneous feathered birds, this guy really does this.

Sure enough, the Zamao Bird was immediately happy when he heard this: "Hey, if you are smart and discerning, I can turn into a sun by just spitting out my life energy.

Everything in the world is inseparable from the vitality of pure Yang. When the time comes, Huiyunmen will be full of vitality, and the aura of heaven and earth will become stronger and stronger. I have done this. "

After being praised by Yang Yiyun, Zamao Bird readily agreed.

"Okay, okay, go quickly, but remember not to be too strong." Yang Yiyun grinned.

"I know, I know, it just so happens that I need time to adapt to my inner elixir and recovery, so I will turn into the sun and go to sleep. I guarantee that the sun will shine on the entire Yunmen. If anyone dares to cause trouble, I will be burned to ashes by a scorching light."

The God and Demon Bird still spoke in the same domineering tone as before. Before today, Yang Yiyun would still think that he was bragging.

But now he knows that this bastard bird is really not bragging, because today the old willow tree was indeed intimidated in front of the bastard bird.


The feathered bird roared into the sky with a long whistle, straight into the sky.

The next moment, bright golden light burst out, and a small sun appeared above Yunmen.

“This is the feeling, it’s comfort and nostalgia~”

The warm sunshine shone on his body. Yang Yiyun felt the smell of sunshine on the earth and was obsessed with it for a moment.

And with the entire Cloud Gate as the center, hundreds of lights spread out within a radius of thousands of miles, and all living beings invisibly felt an aura of vitality.

Of course, this kind of vitality is a little different from the vitality of life. It is a very warm vitality.

All the immortals inside and outside Yunmen looked up at the sky at this moment, but a sun appeared on the sky.

Everyone was extremely surprised.

The fairy world is so big but it is a strange environment. There is no sun in some places. The appearance of the sun transformed by the magic bird has made many immortals full of envy.

Because the light of the sun shines on all things, it represents vitality.

The point is that everyone sees that this is a sun that appeared under the eyes today, or it is pure Yang vitality.

There is no sun in many places in the fairy world, but there is pure Yang vitality. All these places are Feng Shui treasures, and they are often built into sects or cultivated by some strong people or powerful forces.

The sun that suddenly appeared in Yunmen today had a pure Yang aura that was unheard of.

All the immortals were thinking about it, and they all guessed that it was Yunmen's handiwork, but they didn't know what was going on.

After the God-Demon Bird transformed into the sun, Yun Changsheng and the other three came over, looked at the sun in the sky and said, "Junior Brother Master asked you to be kind to the God-Demon Bird. It seems right. The sun it incarnates is equivalent to the cloud." There is a heavenly eye in the door that monitors Yunmen. If there is an intrusion from outside, it will be known immediately and it will be better able to resist, which is really good."

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "Yeah, I didn't expect that the hybrid bird would be the three-legged golden crow. In my hometown, the three-legged golden crow itself is the incarnation of the sun. It seems right now."

"I feel that the environment of the entire Yunmen is changing, especially the various vegetations that are full of vitality and undergoing huge mutations. Given time, I am afraid that every plant and tree in our Yunmen will be able to cultivate." Xingchenzi said with a sigh. .

Yang Yiyun just smiled at this. It was not easy for humans to practice Taoism, let alone vegetation.

But none of them thought that a few years later, many flowers, plants and trees would actually appear in Yunmen.

Of course, there are many factors involved, and it is not just the result of the divine bird's incarnation as the sun.

"Junior brother, if you let the magic bird transform into the sun, wouldn't it be an overkill?" Ji Zixia stepped forward and said.

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "Senior sister, don't worry. The bastard bird is not completely transformed into the sun. For it, a breath of natal energy can transform into a sun. I just let him go in person for the time being. The day of the ceremony is approaching, and he has Staring from the sky can save a lot of trouble."

"That's good. I thought I wanted to transform into the sun forever. By the way, didn't you say before that there were any other immortal beasts you wanted to give to me? An old rooster is not enough. By the way, can I take this big green turtle with you?" "Ji Zixia is currently thinking about how to expand her Fairy Beast Academy.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said: "Senior sister, the big green turtle has the secret of enlightenment left by the master. It cannot enter your fairy beast academy. I have other plans for the big green turtle. As for the stuffed fairy beasts for you, I will I have been prepared for it for a long time, and now that the Immortal Beast Academy has been completed, I will fulfill my promise."

After speaking, Yang Yiyun looked at his senior brother Yun Changsheng and said: "Senior brother, remove the barrier~"

Yun Changsheng nodded and waved his hand to dismantle the formation covering the Yunmen main hall.

Yang Yiyun waved his hand and saw-toothed birds appeared all over the sky.

For a moment, the sky was blocked and the sun was blocked. The screams resounded throughout Yunmen and hovered in the sky.


Ji Zixia couldn't help shouting, her eyes shining brightly.

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "King Jagged Tooth will take your son and son from today on to follow my senior sister Ji Zixia and protect Yunmen without any mistakes."


The leading Jagged King nodded lowly, hovering in front of Yang Yiyun and responded.

After thousands of years of cultivation, Jagged King was given three drops of water of life by Yang Yiyun, and after evolution, it is now at the peak level of the Great Immortal Emperor in terms of cultivation. With its unique talent, Yang Yiyun believes that even against the early immortals King Jagged Tooth can handle it too.

And with the bloodline evolution of the Water of Life, Jagged King's potential in the future is huge. It would be good for Jagged King to follow the little senior sister.

Those ordinary Jagged Kings who had grown up had only thirty or forty thousand left after being killed and wounded when they were used to defend Yang Yiyun from the enemy. However, in the space of the Qiankun Pot, Yang Yiyun had added the water of life in the Dragon Fish Lake. After they drank the water from the Dragon Fish Lake, , the potential bloodlines have not evolved, and their strength has reached the level of Immortal Lord and Immortal King. A few of them have reached the level of junior disciples, and the rest are young birds born from saw-tooth eggs of the new generation. They were born in the Qiankun Pot. In the future The potential is huge.

He smiled and said to the young senior sister: "Sister, there are 300,000 saw-toothed birds. Although most of them are wild birds, they have all activated their spiritual intelligence. Now I hand them over to you. With the help of the saw-toothed king, they will surely With capable training, he has become the mount of my Yunmen disciple.

In addition, these saw-toothed birds have helped me in life and death several times. I also hope that my senior sister can treat them kindly. I also tell every Yunmen disciple who wants to get a mount in the future to treat every saw-toothed bird kindly. The ceremony will be held in three days. From now on An army of saw-toothed birds will be handed over to you. You can take them to maintain the order of the ceremony. Is it possible? "

"Junior brother, don't worry, I will treat you kindly and I will complete the task." Ji Zixia was very excited. She was now thinking about how to teach these saw-toothed birds.

"That's great. If anything happens, you can come to me anytime." Yang Yiyun nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, it's nothing. I'll take them to the Fairy Beast Academy~"

After saying that, Ji Zixia couldn't wait to jump on the back of the Sawtooth King, and in a blink of an eye, she drove the Sawtooth King to take 300,000 Sawtooth Birds to see the Fairy Beast Academy, and disappeared from Yang Yiyun's sight.

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