My Master Is a God

Chapter 2399 The Peony Empress takes shape

Yang Yiyun then turned around and said solemnly to Yun Changsheng: "Elder brother Big Green Turtle, you will personally follow the instructions and find a place to build a Green Turtle Pond and set up a forbidden area."

"Okay, I will handle this matter personally." Yun Changsheng nodded and agreed. He knew that the back of the big green turtle was engraved with the secrets about enlightenment cultivation left by the master. On this big green turtle.

Then Yun Changsheng left with the big green turtle.

Yang Yiyun stood there and looked at the completely disappeared Yunmen Hall, and glanced viciously at the feathered birds in the sky.

It was really hateful to burn down his Yunmen main hall with a fire.

While cursing the God and Demon Bird in his heart, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

Because he felt a powerful aura appear.

At first glance, I found that there was a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth appearing in the distant sky. The strong energy of heaven and earth condensed into shape, and a huge bright red peony flower appeared.

He was stunned for a moment, then his consciousness swept away, but he still said in surprise: "Peony has transformed~"

After saying that, he disappeared on the spot and headed towards Peony Valley.

Along the way, a strange scene appeared throughout Yunmen, with thousands of flowers blooming at the same time...

The air is filled with the fragrance of various flowers.

There are peonies in the sky formed by the condensed energy of heaven and earth. The flowers are blooming on the ground and the fragrance of flowers is strong in the air. It is simply a wonderful sight.

Yang Yiyun discovered in his consciousness that it was the vision of the Peony Valley, and knew that the Peony Empress was finally about to transform.

He was very happy at the moment.

The Cloud Gate Ceremony is approaching, and there are some minor twists and turns, but in general, good things continue.

The secret of enlightenment left by the dead old man appeared on the big green turtle, the mixed-haired bird recovered the demon elixir, and now the Peony Empress is about to transform again, and good things happen one after another.

This shows that the founding ceremony of Yunmen is auspicious.

How could he be unhappy as the leader of Yunmen?

Everyone in Yunmen discovered the scene of thousands of flowers blooming at the same time, and discovered the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth. A huge peony scene appeared in the direction of Peony Valley. Out of curiosity, they went to Peony Valley...

Yang Yiyun suddenly appeared in Peony Valley.

"I've met the master~"

At this moment, five to six hundred flower fairies were surrounding the peony tree, each looking at it with extremely surprised faces.

Seeing the peony tree shining brightly, they knew that the empress was finally about to transform.

Yang Yiyun nodded but made a silent gesture. The Peony Empress was transforming. It was also a critical moment and she could not be disturbed.

Then Yang Yiyun also stood aside and waited.

When we rescued Peony and these flower fairies, we knew that Peony used to be a transformed flower demon at the level of the Great Immortal Emperor, but in order to protect these flower fairies, he lost his cultivation in a battle, and now he has to rebuild it again.

It is also difficult to transform again.

It was not long before they were brought back to Yunmen to settle down, but Peony never transformed.

Today is strange, he started to enter the transformation stage without any warning.

Yang Yiyun accidentally glanced at the sky, but was stunned and immediately understood what was going on.

He thought of the feathered bird.

Let the feathered bird transform into the sun, which is an opportunity for the peony.

Flowers thrive on sunlight, which is typical.

The sun incarnated by the miscellaneous feather bird is even more extraordinary, with pure Yang vitality, which is of great help to the peony.

It is also equivalent to an enlightenment.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun sent a message to the magic bird: "The crow can help Peony~"

"You kid won't let me take a break~" The God and Demon Bird cursed through the sound transmission.

But the scolding returned. The next moment, a golden light from the sun shone directly on the peony tree.

"Look carefully, don't do anything wrong." Yang Yiyun added, he was afraid that the feathered bird could not control the intensity, so if a pure golden light of the sun didn't come down and burn the peonies to death, it would be a lot of fun.

"You weakling, shut up. I'm known as the number one god and demon bird in the three realms. Do you really think I'm a rookie like you who doesn't know anything~"

The demon bird cursed Yang Yiyun unceremoniously.

Yang Yiyun is so angry~

But there was no way to refute.


At this moment, the pink peony burst out with a roar.

An extremely dazzling halo flashed up.

Yang Yiyun and the hundreds of flower fairies around him subconsciously closed their eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, it was...


Yang couldn't help but swallowed.

Immediately my nosebleeded.

Because he saw an unparalleled and erotic scene.

But after the transformation, the red peony fruit appears in a faint halo, but Yang's eyes are the eyes of the universe and he can see everything clearly.

It is really……

He also didn't expect that Peony Empress would be like this after she transformed.

Fortunately, the next second there was a flash of light, petals all around floated, and a set of pink clothes appeared on Empress Peony.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your help."

A soft and gentle voice sounded, but it was Empress Peony who saluted the sun in the sky.

"Thank you, thank you weakling Yang Yiyun~"

Yang Yiyun didn't expect that Zamao Bird, for the first time, did not take credit, but instead allowed him to express gratitude.

At this moment, Empress Peony turned to look at Yang Yiyun, but when she came over, her face was flushed and shy, and she slowly saluted: "Thank you, Master~"

Yang's face was actually hot at this moment. How could he not see why Empress Peony's face was flushed?

Apparently he just looked at something he shouldn't have seen and someone found out.

But he coughed and gave up in embarrassment: "You are also a member of Yunmen, so you should do it, but I still thank Zamao... Oh, it's the God Demon Bird. It is one of the protectors of my Yunmen Dharma Protector Hall. It can help you transform. The shape should be the same.”

Empress Peony thanked her again.

She looks about thirty years old, but in Yang's eyes she is a standard imperial sister.

There was so much charm in every smile and every frown, which really made his heart beat loudly and gave him a strange feeling that he hadn't seen for a long time.

It is really too charming. This is the natural charm of the Peony Empress. It is a great temptation for any man.

Standing in front of her, Yang was already trying his best to control his concentration, but his heart was still beating wildly.

Swallowing his saliva, he said: "Congratulations... Congratulations to Empress Peony for successfully transforming again and her cultivation has improved further. It's a great congratulation. However, there is no candidate for the Yunmen Patriarch's Hall yet. If the empress is willing, she can serve as the master of the Patriarch's Hall."

In Yang's heart, the Yunmen Patriarch's Hall is a relatively quiet hall among the nine. What he has to do in the future is to sort out the life and spiritual maintenance of the ancestors and others. It is suitable for the Peony Empress of the flower demon lineage. Avoid going to other halls and causing any bad trouble.

Every palace needs people, and the Patriarch's Palace happened to be vacant. He didn't expect anyone, but now the Peony Empress is suitable.

Moreover, she re-cultivated it once, and her cultivation level actually directly reached the Great Perfection level of the Immortal Lord. The plant, tree, spirit, and monster lineage itself is also a unique cultivation group. This lineage is relatively kind, and it is the most peaceful and natural path. Its future achievements are also limitless.

Let Empress Peony take hundreds of flower fairies to take charge of the Patriarch's Hall, which can also avoid some troubles. Because there are many disciples of Yunmen, these flower fairies are weak and will be bullied if they are not kept together, and the Patriarch's Hall is not an important hall like martial arts or anything else. .

But it is a hall that symbolizes spirituality, and its status is undoubtedly the first hall of the Yunmen Main Hall. With such a high status, they naturally dare not be bullied by anyone, which is very suitable.

"I am only subject to the orders of the sect master. Thank you for your care... In the future, please don't call me empress. If you really want to disgrace me, just call me peony." Empress Peony's beautiful eyes were shining with light. But she understood that Yang Yiyun's decision to let her take charge of the Yunmen Patriarch's Hall was to protect her and a kind of sister, and she was deeply moved.

He glanced at Yang Yiyun with his eyes turned, and then his eyes became firm, as if he had made some important decision.

But Yang Yiyun didn't just stare at them, and said: "In that case, you can take everyone to the Grandmaster's Hall. In three days, there will be the founding ceremony of Yunmen. The Patriarch will be worshiped then, but the Grandmaster's Hall must also prepare a ceremony. Fancai, if you need anything, just come to me."

"Yes, I understand~"

The Peony Empress bowed to accept the order, and then led a group of flower fairies to leave the Peony Valley and go to the Patriarch's Hall.


After Mudan and others left, Yang breathed a sigh of relief and felt some sweat on his forehead.

But at this time, the voice of the miscellaneous bird came out: "Hey, you weakling, you are having sex~"

"Gungungun, be your sun, don't make noises, keep an eye on the inside and outside of Yunmen, if anything happens, you can deal with it first and report later."

Yang Yiyun cursed the magic bird, and then he left the Peony Valley.

Three days later will be the day of the ceremony. His Yunmen main hall was burned to ashes by the miscellaneous birds. He still has to find a way to rebuild it. Even if he uses magic to condense it, he must first build a main hall to deal with it, otherwise It will become a joke, so I have to go find Lu Pengbin...

Time passed very quickly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Today is the founding ceremony of Yunmen.

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