My Master Is a God

Chapter 2408 The Grotto Mountain in the Far West

Yang Yiyun knew that the situation was not good as soon as he heard Daya Bai's story. He was anxious and left as soon as he said it.

It was also Daya Bai's investigation that was not detailed, but he could not be blamed for this. The foreign world was so big, it would be good to find a Rat King.

Naturally, I have to say something to my senior brothers before I leave.

Yang Yiyun directly found his senior brother and simply told him tomorrow that he had found his former subordinate and was going to the foreign world.

Yun Changsheng frowned and said, "You are now the master of a sect. Logically speaking, I should not interfere with what you do, but junior brother, I am still your senior brother, so I still have to say what I need to say."

"Senior brother, when did you become so open-minded? If you have anything to say, just say it directly. How can I not listen to what you say, senior brother?" Yang Yiyun said.

"Yunmen has just stabilized and is now entering a period of rapid development. It is not appropriate for you to leave at this time. Moreover, so many Tongwu were killed that day. The three major Tianzun forces, Meteor Palace, and Xiaoyao Palace are considered direct enemies. Everyone is I know it will be a fight to the death.

Even though there were so many enlightened people who died that day, that could only be part of the power of those big forces. They would definitely not dare to come to Yunmen to make trouble, but that was not necessarily the case outside.

If those families get the news that you have gone out, they will definitely retaliate and kill you quickly. It is not the right time for you to leave the mountain at this moment. Besides, are your subordinates in the lower world really that important? Now you are the master of Yunmen in the Immortal Realm, and the master of hundreds of thousands of Yunmen people. You cannot make any mistakes, do you understand? "Yun Changsheng's last words were a pun.

Yang Yiyun naturally understood these words. He knew that his senior brother was right, but it also meant that he obviously should not take risks for the sake of his subordinates in the lower realm. In the end, even if all the Yunmen demons from the lower realm were brought back, It doesn't have much effect on today's Yunmen. At best, it's just the icing on the cake.

Today's Yunmen is not short of powerful people. There are hundreds of disciples at the Immortal Lord level, and the Immortal King and Immortal Emperor can grab a lot of them.

Rationally speaking, there is really no need to take risks to see those subordinates in the lower world.


Yang has always been an emotional person since he embarked on the path of cultivation. It is precisely because of this that he has come step by step to where he is today, and he is able to gather so many people around him to work hard with the demon clan.

But the senior brother's suggestion was rational, but he would not do that.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Senior brother, I know you are worried about me, but there are some things that I do and some don't do. The great demons who follow me in the lower world are all meritorious. Without them, I wouldn't be able to get to where I am today, so no matter what Whether their cultivation level is good or not, whether they are helpful to Yunmen in the fairy world, and how dangerous they are, I must find them and let them return to Yunmen one by one.

As for worries, don’t worry. I will be careful when I go out alone this time and will not let those forces find out. Moreover, the foreign world is the territory of the demon clan. The human race also has concerns when going to the foreign world. I have a way, senior brother, there is no need to worry. ,I will be careful. "

At the end of the speech, Yang Yiyun was extremely determined.

As soon as Yun Changsheng saw his look, he knew that his junior brother had made up his mind. He couldn't persuade him, so he sighed and said, "In that case, I'll go with you~"

"No, you have a heavier burden than me. You won't let me pass on the inheritance and teaching. Besides, I'm going to a foreign world and it's not appropriate to take people with me. I have a magical power that can change and imitate the aura of the demon clan. I have to do it conveniently. This matter Let’s just settle it, Yunmen will have to worry about your senior brother keeping an eye on it..."

"This... okay, be careful."

Yun Changsheng no longer insisted. He knew that this matter could not be made public, and it was best for Yang Yiyun to leave quietly.

After discussing with his senior brother, Yang Yiyun thought about it and summoned Diao'er and took him with him.

Diao'er has a keen sense of smell and is also a demon. He also has certain talents. Having him around can help him.

Originally, the most appropriate thing to go out this time was to take the Zai Feo Bird with him. With the Zai Feo Bird by his side, he would dare even to break through the sky in the foreign world.

However, Yang Yiyun did not dare to take risks after offending the three major Tianzun forces, the Meteor Palace and Xiaoyao Palace. He needed Zamao Bird to take charge of Yunmen to feel relieved.

Coupled with Lao Liushu, even if a high-level enlightenment comes, the two of them can handle it.

If he hadn't offended too many forces, he would actually be at ease with Lao Liushu, but now he doesn't dare to take risks. Yunmen has his relatives and friends, and some have hundreds of thousands of disciples. If something happens, he can bear it. Sorry.

It’s better to leave the miscellaneous feathered bird behind!

As for his own safety.

On the contrary, Yang Yiyun felt very relaxed.

The more important point is that the Valkyrie Master, Princess Master and Lan Xin spoke to him before leaving. The way of cultivation must rely on one's own efforts at all times. The help of external forces will not last long. Only one's own strength can protect him. Those who want to protect, this is your responsibility as the leader of Yunmen.

So the three of them did not stay and sit in charge of Yunmen.

Because doing so will only make Yang Yiyun and the entire Yunmen lose their ambition.

He knew this.

This trip to the foreign world is also a training for him. He needs to improve his power.

The master of a sect with hundreds of thousands of disciples should not be just an early stage Immortal Lord.

What's more important is that the enemies he is provoking now are extremely powerful forces, including many enlightened masters.

Yang Yiyun was actually more anxious than anyone else and wanted to improve his cultivation.

This time a person goes to the foreign world to find the Rat King to practice.

His goal is to step into enlightenment.

Only in this way can he lead Yunmen, but the current Immortal Lord's early cultivation level is too far behind.

The new Yunmen merged with the huge Refining Immortal Alliance, allowing him to take the position of the leader of Yunmen. This was because of the support of his wife, senior brother, and others, and even more because of powerful people like Zafeoniao and Old Willow. There is a shock.

Let no one dare to say anything.

But if you don’t say it in the statement, don’t you think about it in your heart?

He believed that most Yunmen disciples would think about their own Yunmen cultivation.

Therefore, he needs to experience, go through dangerous adventures, and practice hard.

This is also the reason why he didn't bring anyone with him on this trip.

Dignity and respect are something you strive for yourself, not with the help of external forces.

He wanted to tell everyone in Yunmen that he, Yang Yiyun, was worthy of the position of the leader of Yunmen.

Among the four brothers, he is the weakest in cultivation.

But he is a close disciple of a dead old man, and he has an extremely talented and perfect foundation. Although he has not practiced as long as his senior brothers and sisters, the former conditions are enough to make up for it.

Yang Yiyun held his breath and left Yunmen.

Leave quietly.

Only senior brother knows.

After he left, he asked his senior brother to tell everyone that he was in seclusion.

I don't know how long it can be hidden.

Diao'er, who was suddenly excited on his shoulders, and with Big Teeth beside him, Yang Yiyun ducked out of the depths of the sky above Yunmen.

Then the loach on his wrist flashed and transformed into tens of meters.

Yang Yiyun and Daya Bai stepped on the back of the loach and set off to a foreign world.

The two pairs of wings on the back of the loach opened, and the power of space was activated in the blink of an eye...

It didn't take long to reach the foreign world.

"Senior Brother White Fang is the west of the foreign world, the territory of the Flying Eagle King~"

Yang Yiyun asked after entering the entrance to the foreign world.

"Yes, there is a cave mountain thirty thousand miles away in the far west. The Rat King is practicing in that mountain. After my son-in-law heard the news, I quickly came to inform you. What is the situation now? I figured it out. I asked after I went to find out. Anyway, when I came here, the news I heard was that the Flying Eagle King sat down with two demons to join forces to attack the Rat King." Daya Bai explained.

"Loach, have you heard it? The land of 30,000 miles to the far west, let's go~" Yang Yiyun gave the order to Loach.

"I know the master~" Loach's body was flashing with colorful halos, and the power of the space in the feathered cave was just fluctuating.

In a blink of an eye, it is nine thousand miles away.

For it, the strength of thirty thousand miles is only a moment.

After ten breaths, the loach stopped.

"The master is here~" Thirty thousand miles away, ten breaths have passed. Loach's speed is getting faster and faster. Yang Yiyun and Daya Bai stood on their backs and felt the powerful power of space. They couldn't see anything at all. To the naked eye, only the colorful halo can be seen flashing.

"Senior Brother Bai Ya, the mountains below are vast and there are countless peaks. Which one is Grotto Mountain?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Daya Bai looked at it intently, and after a while he said: "That's the big gray mountain five hundred miles to the east."

Yang Yiyun's Qiankun Eye looked and indeed saw a large gray mountain, but the entire mountain was covered with caves of different sizes. It was not a very high mountain, and it was very inconspicuous among the mountains.

The difference is the densely packed caves.

If you think about it carefully, it really looks like a hole made by a mouse nest.

According to Big White Fang, the Rat King controlled many rats and became the king in Grotto Mountain.

But for some unknown reason, he was targeted by the big demon who sat down with the Flying Eagle King.

"Let's go down and talk." Yang Yiyun ordered Loach to fly over.

The loach fluttered its wings and instantly flew down to the foot of the Grotto Mountain.

Yang Yiyun and Daya Bai jumped down, and the loach's halo shrank to one foot in a flash, wrapping around Yang Yiyun's wrist.

"Senior Brother Bai Ya gave it to you~" Yang Yiyun looked at Da Bai Ya as if he knew there were members of Da Bai Ya's tribe here.

"Okay, junior brother, wait a moment." After Big Yabai finished speaking, he pointed at an ancient tree with his finger. After the halo flickered, a black-headed ant appeared, turning into a half-human, half-ant form. After seeing Big Yabai, he bowed and saluted. : "Meet Elder White Fang~"

"How is the order to inquire about the Grotto Mountain? Please tell me more carefully?" Daya Bai looked at the ant clan and asked.

Ant-Man hurriedly said: "Seven days ago, the two big monsters sitting down by the Flying Eagle King had already entered the cave mountain. The entire cave mountain was surrounded by a barrier. My subordinates don't know what is going on in the mountain now. However, There are occasional earthquakes these days, so I guess there is a fight inside, and so far, the two demons sitting down, the Rat King and the Eagle King, have not come out yet."

Yang Yiyun frowned and said, "But what kind of big monsters are there at the two ends? Do you know what their cultivation level is?"

Ant-Man said: "Reporting to this lord, what level of great demon is it? I am too low in cultivation to tell. I heard that one is an iron-billed eagle and the other is a crowned eagle. They are both famous great demons in this far west. .”


At this moment, there was a roar, and the whole earth was shaking. Yang Yiyun felt a huge demonic energy rippling from Grotto Mountain. The aura was so powerful that his expression changed.

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