My Master Is a God

Chapter 2409: Taking pills to break through and cover a mountain

In Yang Yiyun's perception, the powerful evil spirit was no less than that of his senior brother, which meant that he had the ability to comprehend the first level of heaven.

The point is that the combat power of the demon race is inherently stronger than that of the human race.

Yang Yiyun's expression changed when he felt the breath.

He is stressed because he has to face it personally next.

"Senior Brother Bai Ya, please withdraw and let me continue my investigation. Thank you~" Yang Yiyun squinted his eyes and looked at Grotto Mountain.

"Junior brother, I will go with you~" Dabai Ya said through gritted teeth.

Yang Yiyun said seriously: "Thank you for your kindness, senior brother, but I need to face the next thing by myself. Don't worry, senior brother. If you can help me find the whereabouts of other partners, it will be a big help to me~"

"This... okay, then, junior brother, be careful. I will wait outside for help. However, you must not underestimate the enemy of the big demon brother under the Flying Eagle Throne. The last time the White Flood Dragon King and his entourage were in the hinterland, it was a fluke~

The White Dragon King is aloof and arrogant by nature, and he is located in the center of the five giants in the foreign world. He does not develop his own power, so last time you made a big fuss in the Dragon Mansion and retreated safely, it was okay. This is because the Dragon went to the Road to Heaven and there was no one under him. A powerful demon.

But the other four giants are different. The other four giants all have powerful demons gathered under their seats. Even if the giants are not here, these demons should not be underestimated. Each one of them is also a person who has cultivated the profound knowledge.

I don’t know what happened in these years, but since the vision of heaven and earth, I heard that among the huge forces in the four directions, there have been many people with extremely powerful cultivation levels, surpassing the level of respect.

And now there are signs of chaos in the foreign world. The White Dragon King's forces have been in a state of decline since you made a big fuss. Then the other four parties started to dote on them, which is equivalent to breaking the balance among the five parties...

Just say that the Flying Eagle King is sitting down. He claims that there are eight great vajra monsters. Now I am afraid that all of them have mastered the mysticism. Junior brother, don’t be impulsive when doing things. You can’t retreat for one way or another. "

Big White Fang said solemnly.

Yang Yiyun nodded and thanked him. He knew that Dabai Ya might not have reached enlightenment at this level, but what he said was correct.

Since the five giant monsters in the foreign world can go to the heaven, it means that the five giants are all at the ninth level of heaven. It is not surprising that there are big monsters who have understood the first level, second level, third level, etc. when they sit down.

Last time he and his senior sister made a big fuss in the White Dragon King's Mansion to rescue Diao'er. Now, listening to what Senior Brother Bai Ya said, it was really his luck.

If the White Flood Dragon King had sat down and there was a great demon at the enlightenment level, he and his senior sister would not have been able to leave the foreign world last time. Fortunately, according to what Senior Brother White Ya said, the White Flood Dragon King was aloof and aloof and was in an important territory of the foreign world. At this time, we have not really developed the power to gather the great demon, otherwise there will definitely be a great demon at the level of enlightenment.

A fluke.

But not this time.

Where the Rat King was, he was being targeted by the great demon who was sitting on the level of the Flying Eagle King.

This time he had to face it by himself.

"Senior Brother Bai Ya, don't think about it, I'm going~"

Yang Yiyun clasped his fists and walked toward Grotto Mountain in a flash.

Although he was a great demon at the level of enlightenment, Yang Yiyun still left firmly.

It's not that he doesn't have the confidence, he certainly has the means.

The Qiankun Pot and the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons are currently his strongest weapons.

I believe we can fight.

Moreover, he also had a bottle of Nine-Revolution Xuantian Pill presented by Yunhe. It was the top-level Nine-Revolution Pill. Although there were only three pills in a bottle, it was a real elixir.

Because he had studied it during the alchemy period and asked his senior brother what the difference was.

According to the senior brother, the biggest difference between Yunhe's Nine Revolutions Xuantian Pill and ordinary elixirs is that the fusion of Yunhe's alchemy insights into the pills is the most powerful.

Yunhe's Nine Revolutions Xuantian Pill not only has huge magical energy, but also has his realm perception in it, so his pill is different.

This is an alchemy madman who is obsessed with alchemy. In order to pursue alchemy, he even swore that he would not be able to refine divine elixirs and that he would not achieve enlightenment.

Others may see it as persistence, but after Yang Yiyun studied Yunhe's elixir, he thought it was a manifestation of the Taoist heart that is as solid as a rock.

According to the elder brother, if Yun He had not pursued refining the elixir of the divine way, he would have reached the state of enlightenment long ago, and might even have reached the level of enlightenment of his master's wife.

Just because of an oath, he has been stuck at the peak of Immortal Lord.

Therefore, it can be said that Yunhe is the real leader among the great immortals, and his insights are very profound.

According to Senior Brother's opinion, one of Yunhe's nine-turn Xuantian Pills is enough to raise a small realm. Of course, there are no absolutes in everything.

Those who take elixirs depend on their natural talents. One elixir may be able to improve three minor realms...

So Yang Yiyun felt confident.

He took out a Nine-turn Xuantian Pill and held it in his mouth just in case of emergency. He would not take the pill unless he reached a dead end.

After all, pills are auxiliary, and truly powerful cultivation is achieved step by step by oneself. This is the most stable level of cultivation.

After all, there will be more or less hidden dangers when taking elixirs for improvement.

But now Yang Yiyun can't care so much.

The Rat King must die, and he...

Then he needs to fight, fight, fight, and fight again to baptize himself and improve his strength. He needs strength to protect everything he wants to protect me.


When we came to the top of the grotto, we found that the forbidden barrier indeed existed.

Yang Yiyun gave a soft drink, stretched out his hand and placed it on the forbidden barrier, turning the Qiankun Pot to swallow it.

"Buzz buzz..."

The entire forbidden barrier began to tremble and make a buzzing sound.


After a dull sound, the restrictive barrier dissipated under the swallowing of his Qiankun Pot.

What appeared in his sight was a gray grotto mountain that was 200 to 300 meters high, but its width and size were still invisible.

Full of holes!

This word is the most accurate description of what he saw after seeing this mountain.

There are countless densely packed caves, large and small.

The largest caves are dozens of meters in diameter, while the small ones are less than half a meter.

It was obvious that the entire mountain was empty.

After entering, there is a maze.

Yang Yiyun frowned.

You can't just go in like this, right?

Go in and walk around in circles?

This is not a good idea.

The two big demons went in and set up a restrictive barrier, obviously to prevent the Rat King from escaping, and they were bound to capture the Rat King.

He thought that if he went around the maze after entering, he would have been killed by the two monsters by the time he found the Rat King.

Moreover, he didn’t know what situations inner seeding was suitable for.

Wouldn't it be dark under the lamp to go in hastily?

After thinking about it, Yang Yiyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

A somewhat unrealistic idea came up.

However, if this method can be achieved, it is the simplest and most direct method.

This method is - the magical power of Fangcun Qiankun!

Lanxin's improved Fangcun Qiankun is more practical.

Can make things shrink...

What he wants to do is to shrink the entire mountain.

After the mountain is shrunk countless times, it will be simple, and maybe we can successfully take down the two big monsters by then.

No matter how hard it goes, the big demon can be forced out of the mountain, which naturally relieves the pressure on the Rat King.

But he knew that it was not easy to cover such a huge mountain, and the amount of mana and soul power required must be enormous.

But at this point he had to try.

Just do it as soon as you think of it. Before anything is done, it will be as difficult as reaching the sky, but after taking action, there will always be a turn for the better.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yiyun flew up and flew hundreds of meters into the sky. Facing the huge grotto mountain below, he could see everything in his sight.

It occupies an area of ​​about thirty miles.

Among the mountains, a mountain range of thirty miles is actually not worth mentioning.

But what Yang Yiyun wants to do is to wrap this thirty-mile mountain with magic power. This is a big project, and it is not known whether it will be effective in the end.

But he wanted to challenge it.

After all, he is now a junior Immortal Lord, and his soul power and mana are not comparable to those of an Immortal Lord of the same level.

The magical power of Fangcun Qiankun is the miraculous process of shrinking huge things and then shrinking them again.

"The universe is a small space, let's get up~"

A low roar came out.

Yang Yiyun waved his hands to form a seal and silently recited the magical secret mantra.


The magic power all over his body condensed instantly, and the power of his soul was mixed with it, and he suddenly swept away towards the Grotto Mountain...

A little bit of wrapping started...

One mile, two miles, three miles... an area of ​​ten miles in one breath, and the magical power of the universe covers one third of the entire grotto.

Yang Yiyun felt bitter in his heart.

After only one-third, 70% to 80% of his soul and mana were consumed, and his speed also slowed down. However, he gritted his teeth and insisted on continuing without stopping.

My forehead is sweaty~

His face was also pale.

He doesn't know it's possible~

If this continues, it will be impossible for him to wrap this thirty-mile cave with the magical power of Fangcun Qiankun.

But stop, that's impossible.

A surge of stubbornness emerged from the bottom of my heart.

"Come on, keep pushing forward..."

He gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice, and the next moment he bit open a Nine-turn Xuantian Pill in his mouth.


The huge energy of the elixir exploded in the body, and the internal and external skills of Qiankun continued to circulate. The huge energy circulated around the sky, absorbed into the fairy crystal, turned into mana, and spread out again...

The speed suddenly increased, and two-thirds of it was wrapped in one breath.

"Isn't it enough..."

I muttered to myself.

The remaining two Nine-turn Xuantian Pills were swallowed at the same time.

Only a man with a perfect foundation dared to swallow such a powerful elixir. Anyone else would definitely explode and die.


The power of the two pills exploded.

Yang Yiyun's face turned from pale to red.

The energy in his body exploded.

At the same time, a mysterious thing also appeared in my mind, an old voice that understood the great road sounded.

Great momentum.

After being shaken all over, his mana increased.

As this old voice sounded, he entered a mysterious realm.

At this moment, he knew that the effect of the Nine Turns Xuantian Pill exploded.

He broke through.

The early stage of Immortal Lord has reached the middle stage of Immortal Lord, and although the aura is rising, it is still improving...

It felt like a very long time, as if it would take decades or hundreds of years to stop.

But he knew it was only a few minutes.

With the help of the power of the elixir, his cultivation level finally reached the peak of the middle stage Immortal Lord.

The soul and mana are bursting at the seams.

With a soft drink, Yang Yiyun shook his arms, and with a bang, the entirety of the Thirty Mile Grotto was wrapped and covered by Fang Cun Qiankun's magical power.

At this moment he grinned: "Little~"

With a thought, the huge grotto mountain rose up in turmoil, producing invisible waves, but it was constantly shrinking...

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