My Master Is a God

Chapter 2412 Is this the law of wind?

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun felt at ease.

For the time being, he didn't have to worry about the battle between the three of them and the crowned eagle. At the moment, he opened the Eye of the Universe and locked onto the iron-billed eagle.

Fight Tongwu!

After his cultivation has been improved here, is it possible that he still cannot achieve enlightenment to the first level of heaven?

When there was a big commotion in Yaochi, it was true that he was no match in the hands of the second elder of Yaochi, but that was the case.

"Kill - behead~"

The Dragon-Slaying Sword and the Panlong Family, Yujian Baizhang slashed at the Iron-Beaked Eagle.


With a long roar, the iron-billed eagle may have felt the pressure, and it did directly transform into a large black eagle with a body of eight or nine meters, and its sharp hooked beak pecked twice.

The wings fluttered and the strong wind blew up, directly neutralizing Yang Yiyun's two swords.


The black eagle roared loudly, and under the flickering wings, the surrounding sky and earth were filled with violent winds, and tornadoes formed out of thin air.

Yang Yiyun's expression changed, but he felt that the world around him was sealed by the strong wind. He knew that this was the law of wind.

It is the iron-billed eagle's enlightened law.

In the blink of an eye, nine violent hurricanes tore through the space and headed towards him.

At this moment, he knew that he had to be careful. One bad move would lead to the consequences.

"Shun turns into Yang~"

The yin-yang mirror of the gods and demons in his hand activates.

Dazzling golden light burst out, and Yang Yiyun faced the hurricane coming from all around.

"Boom boom boom..."

Under the explosion of pure Yang power, a tornado exploded and dissipated.

This made him very happy.

However, at this moment, his heart jumped suddenly, and he felt danger approaching from behind, so he hurriedly dodged.



After all, it was a step too late.

A sharp pain in my back.

Yang Yiyun spat out a large mouthful of blood.

From the corner of his eye, he saw the sharp beak of an iron-billed eagle, pecking him on the back with a swift blow that was impossible to dodge, with the force of thunder.

There was a burning pain in his back, and when he looked down, he pecked directly through his chest.

With his remaining momentum intact, he was carried by the iron-billed eagle and landed on the ground below...

At this moment, Yang Yiyun felt that a large amount of mana was being lost from his body, and then he thought that this was the eagle swallowing his mana.

Too old to think too much, he desperately activated the internal and external Qiankun Kung Fu. Fortunately, the technique worked, resisting the loss of mana and maintaining the balance in the body.

But the iron-beaked eagle's beak still pierced him and didn't let go.

For a moment, Yang Yiyun seemed to see the eyes of this flat-haired beast and smiled jokingly.

"You evil beast, you think that I have no means." Yang Yiyun roared: "The Supreme Breaker of Heaven~"

He slapped the Iron-billed Eagle on the head with his backhand.


There was a loud bang.

The sky is filled with feathers.

But that's all.

He underestimated the defensive capabilities of the enlightened demon.

He hit the iron-billed eagle on the head with his most powerful supreme supernatural power, only some feathers fell off.

"Hmph~ I don't have the enlightenment level. With your strength, this palm can only scratch my itch. Do you know why I am called the Iron-billed Eagle?

Haha, my ability lies in the eagle's beak. It will swallow up your mana, essence and blood, and it will only be a matter of time before you are finished. Let's see how long you can hold on~" The iron-billed eagle snorted coldly, still leaning on Yang Yiyun and falling downwards.

"Netherworld three-headed eagle, come out~"

Yang Yiyun was frightened, but he still remained calm. He knew that he couldn't panic. Once he got distracted, everything would be ruined.

The Nether Bone in his hand moved, summoning the Nether Three-Headed Eagle to come out.

"Ho ho ho~"

The next moment, the three heads of the Netherworld Three-headed Eagle roared out and suddenly pounced on the back of the Iron-billed Three-headed Eagle. The three heads bit hard on the Iron-billed Eagle's back.

A pair of inhuman arms also hit the Iron-billed Eagle on the back.

"It's also an eagle. Let me show you, you evil beast, how the eagle I raised is like~" Yang Yiyun sneered.


The Iron-Beaked Eagle obviously didn't expect that Yang Yiyun could summon such a monster, and he screamed in panic.

But the next moment, the whole body was covered in darkness, and it exploded~

"Puff puff puff puff~"

The feathers on the Iron-billed Eagle's body exploded like arrows.


The three-headed eagle of the underworld died instantly and disappeared into thin air.

Yang Yiyun sighed in his heart. He knew that he was not Tongwu. He summoned the Netherworld Three-Headed Eagle, which was always at the level of Immortal Lord. It was still not enough in front of Tongwu.


That's enough.

Although the Netherworld Three-Headed Eagle was killed by the Iron-beaked Eagle's feathers like flying arrows, the Netherworld Three-headed Eagle appeared without any warning and attacked the Iron-beaked Eagle's back, tearing three bloody holes out of its back. In addition, the iron-billed eagle's burst of feathers consumes a lot of power.

Suddenly there was a gap.

Yang Yiyun suddenly felt the power of the iron beak piercing his body and was suppressed.

The opportunity has come~

He was waiting for now.

"The universe is swallowed~"

With one hand, he grabbed the beak of the iron-beaked eagle that was pierced through his chest, and Yang Yiyun activated the devouring power of the universe.

As his cultivation level increased, his power to control the Qiankun Pot also increased.

At this moment, the golden light of the Qiankun Pot burst out~

A wave of hot power flowed, and the next moment the Iron-billed Eagle screamed in fear, and the sound was transmitted to Yang Yiyun's mind: "Little... what have you done, stop..."

"Haha, you evil beast, it's time for you to die~"

Yang Yiyun sneered and tried his best to activate the Qiankun Pot. Naturally, he would not tell the Iron-billed Eagle that there was such a supreme treasure as the Qiankun Pot in my body.

A steady stream of energy clearly entered the Qiankun Pot. Yang Yiyun could clearly feel it, but he was not idle either, running his magic to absorb the power of the Iron-Beaked Eagle...

The fairy crystal inside the body shines brightly, and the magic power rises up.

The energy at the enlightenment level is very special, far exceeding ordinary energy. When Yang Yiyun absorbed this energy, he actually felt that it was more energy than the Nine Revolutions Xuantian Pill given to him by Yun He. This energy was also mixed with certain elements. An indescribable invisible force.

A flash of lightning flashed through Yang Yiyun's mind, and he thought of a word - the power of law.

It is the law of wind of the iron-billed eagle.


My body shook, and I broke through again.

Breakthrough from the peak of the Immortal Lord in the middle stage to the late Immortal Lord.

Moreover, the power of the Iron-Beaked Eagle is still being devoured by the Qiankun Pot.

The power of enlightenment level is really powerful.

Yang stabilized his falling figure and sighed in his heart.

At this moment, he found that the arrogant Iron-billed Eagle's gaze had become distracted, and it was only a matter of seconds before he was finished.

About three minutes later~

There was a slight dull sound after a touch.

The Iron-billed Eagle's body disappeared into smoke.

It was completely swallowed by the Qiankun Pot, and no residue was left.

And he and the Qiankun Pot absorbed the power of the Iron-Beaked Eagle.

Let him advance to a small realm again, and his cultivation has reached the late stage of Immortal Lord.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun closed his eyes and felt the power of wind, or the existence of wind between heaven and earth.

The law of wind exists.

After absorbing the power of the iron-billed eagle, it swallowed not only the mana of this flat-haired beast, but all the power, including the power of law.

And he himself is a perfect foundation. He can absorb all magic power and can also feel the existence of laws.

Nothing feels like anything.

But now I feel great.

The power and law of the wind attribute were felt at the same time. Perhaps the power of the iron-billed eagle was a media introduction, triggering the wind attribute seeds in his body.

At this time, Yang Yiyun seemed to be bathing in the ocean of wind.

What he felt was a relative, and as his heart moved, a massive amount of wind power entered his body and entered the fairy crystal.

And there was a familiar and friendly feeling all around. He knew that this was the law of the wind.

This is not energy, but it is like energy. It does not contain the body, but surrounds the heaven and the earth, wrapping him around.

In this feeling, he was like a fish swimming in the world of wind, free and easy.

He even had the feeling of transforming into the wind. As long as he wanted to, he could move freely with the wind, and could gather into wind and subvert the world.

Endless wind appeared.

He transformed into the wind, a small fish swimming in the ocean of wind, like a huge whale, and a piece of feather...

It can be weightless, or it can be as heavy as a mountain in an instant.

"Is this the law of wind?"

Yang Yiyun opened his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and murmured to himself.

The bloody hole in his chest returned to its original state in a matter of seconds.

In the distance, the sky and the earth roared and roared.

Diao'er, Loach, and Rat King were retreating steadily under the control of Crown Eagle.

"The wind is coming~"

When someone called Yang, a strong wind blew up around him. The color of the sky and the earth changed. A hurricane formed under his feet, but it turned into a 100-meter tornado, wrapping him and heading towards the Crown Eagle in the distance...

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