My Master Is a God

Chapter 2413 I like your demon core more than your surrender...

The crowned eagle on the other side was frightened~

Because he had been paying attention to the battle between the iron-billed eagles. After seeing the iron-billed eagle peck through Yang Yiyun's body with one blow, he originally thought that Yang Yiyun was going to be finished.

But in a blink of an eye, he discovered that the iron-billed eagle had turned into ashes.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Yiyun turned into a storm and swept over.

Now Wang Guandiao is anxious~

His friend Iron-billed Eagle died, and his heart was bleeding.

He and Tiezuiying opened their spirits and practiced together, and they took refuge under the Flying Eagle Throne together. They were even in the training cave together. They spent countless years together, and now Tiezuiying's brother died in one day.

Killed by humans.

"Chirp...I want you to die..."

A long roar came from Wang Guandiao's mouth, and he seemed to be furious.

Facing Yang Yiyun and sitting down with three monsters, Wang Guandiao became more and more frightened.

Let’s not talk about the Rat King. This guy is good at controlling the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, just like a turtle shell. Previously, the Rat King hid in the Grotto Mountain and turned the entire Grotto Mountain into metal, hiding himself in it. It took a lot of effort for him and the Iron-billed Eagle to go in and find it, and they jointly sealed the place. When they were about to dig out the Rat King, they didn't expect Yang Yiyun to appear.

But this is enough to show that this mouse is extremely talented.

And that mink may not look small, but it has a pair of extremely sharp claws that can tear apart space and damage the defense of laws. He was almost injured by this mink several times. Fortunately, he has enlightenment and cultivation, otherwise He had been severely injured by Diaoer.

As for the one whose whole body glows in seven colors and whose body has transformed into a thousand-meter-huge monster, it is even more difficult to deal with. When Wang Guandiao faced it, he could actually feel an inexplicable fear from the depths of his soul.

Wang Guandiao knew that this was a monster with a noble bloodline, but he couldn't tell what kind of bloodline this half-sized monster was. While fighting, he paid attention to the battle between Iron-Beaked Eagle and the human race. With one focus on two things, Wang Guandiao He actually ended up in a tie with three little demons in his eyes.

It is unbelievable that the great enlightened demon failed to capture three small demons who were not enlightened.

Coupled with the death of the other half of the iron-billed eagle, the crowned eagle was mentally stimulated.

He roared loudly and went crazy.

Two different emotions arise, anger and fear.

Under the bright golden light, the crown eagle transformed into a golden eagle with a body of more than thirty meters. The fleshy crown on the top of its head was extremely bright red and extremely eye-catching.

Looks like a crown~


Flames emanated from the Crown Eagle's body.

The hot air waves swept towards the Rat King and Diao Er.

The loach was huge, with inscriptions appearing all over its body. With the flickering of its wings, it flashed the scroll towards its flames, and immediately went away.

The Rat King's whole body moved with five colors to protect himself, but he was submerged in the flames.

Diao'er tried to tear apart the space to escape, but the space fluctuated under the flames of the Crown Eagle and it could not escape. It was also swept into the sea of ​​fire.



The next moment, different screams from the Rat King and the Mink rang out.

Obviously he suffered a loss.

The space was turbulent with the golden flames of the Crown Eagle, which was enough to show the power of the flames he was erupting at this moment.

Yang Yiyun swept up in the storm and said in a deep voice: "You three, stand down~"


Controlling the hurricane to fly past, Mouse King and Mink were instantly rescued from the sea of ​​​​fire by the Crown Eagle.

A hurricane blew through, separating the flames.

He knew that the crown eagle was not an ordinary flame, but a manifestation of the law of fire.

The three Diao'ers are not enlightened after all. Facing the great demon of enlightenment, the three of them have noble blood, but they are still far behind.

He killed the iron-billed eagle, which stimulated the crowned eagle and became ferocious.

He may be the only one who can block the Crown Eagle.

At the previous moment, he didn't know how powerful the enlightened people were.

But now I have an understanding.

Because if he had not guessed, the wind he felt at this moment was the law of wind.

Like mountains and seas, the wind is like a world of wind.

Not energy, but better than energy.

So Yang Yiyun knew this was the rule.

His senior brother once told him that the reason why enlightenment is powerful is that he can feel the ultimate law, and the law after Dacheng is to feel the hugeness of mountains and seas and be able to control it. This is Dacheng and enlightenment.

He now feels like he is in the world of wind, in the wind world of mountains and seas, and has become a part of it. His whole person is integrated into it, and he can better control this wind world.

Obviously he is a late-stage immortal master, but he can control the entire wind world. This is a manifestation of what the senior brother said can only be achieved by enlightenment.

But now he has done it.

Yang Yiyun didn't know if this was considered enlightenment?

I guess it doesn't count, because according to the description of enlightenment left by the dead old man on the big green turtle, it doesn't count as enlightenment.

Not really, but he can do it, and he can perceive things that only enlightened people can do.

Don't know what the situation is.

In the end, it can only be attributed to his perfect physical talent.

In any case, he knew that now that he could mobilize the power of heaven, earth and wind, he could better control the laws of wind.

Facing Wang Guandiao, the enlightened demon who controls the fire attribute, only he can deal with it.

Moreover, he also has the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons and the Qiankun Pot with him. At this time, he has no fear when facing the Crown Eagle.

The power that had just been promoted to the late stage of Immortal Lord was moving majestically in the body, like a caged beast ready to come out and tear apart its prey at any time.

The crowned eagle opposite him, which had transformed into a sea of ​​fire, was now the prey in his eyes.

He will tear him to pieces.

Originally, after he killed the iron-billed eagle, he planned to subdue the crowned eagle. It would be very cool to have a great demon who has understood the first level of heaven as his follower.


This evil beast shouldn't have burned the mink and the rat king.

Under the fire, Diao'er and Rat King screamed and were seriously burned.

Now Yang directly sentenced Wang Guandiao to death in his heart.

"You... are very good. Even the gods and demons in the lower world can't save you today~"

Yang, who was inside the hurricane, looked at Wang Guandiao, who was in the sea of ​​fire, and spoke in a deep voice.

"I'm telling you, I will fight you until death today." Wang Guandiao looked like he was risking his life.

In a sense, the demon race is much purer and more emotional than the human race. The death of the iron-billed eagle made the crown eagle lose its anger.

"Then I'll make it happen for you~" Yang Yiyun finished his words, and with a wave of his hand, the storm surged around him, and hurricanes formed and appeared around the Crown Eagle, trapping the Crown Eagle in it.

"Boom boom boom..."

The hurricanes turned into sharp shapes and suddenly stabbed at the crown carving.

"Hmph, waves of fire are rising to the sky~"

The crowned eagle snorted and roared, the blood-colored flesh crown on its head glowed with blood, and a sea of ​​fire thousands of meters in diameter rolled up, like a huge wave, rising hundreds of feet and hitting the hurricane that Yang Yiyun unleashed.


A dull sound like thunder resounded in the sky.

The fire wolf surges into the sky, the hurricane reaches hundreds of feet~

After the confrontation, the color of the world changed and the space was turbulent.

In the blink of an eye, the attacks from both peaks dissipated.

This attack seemed evenly matched, but Yang Yiyun knew that he was weaker.

He also understands that there is a difference between the Law of Wind that he perceives or comprehends and others' true understanding. This difference lies in quality and control.

This is not possible~

Not bad though.

Although he is weaker, he still has a magic weapon in his hand. The biggest weakness of the demon clan is that they don't have a magic weapon, even though they are physically strong.

The magical effect of the magic weapon cannot be resisted by a strong body.

Yang sneered, clasping the dragon-slaying sword in his hand with both hands, and activated his magic power with a movement in his heart, and the energy of the surrounding wind continued to flow into the dragon-slaying sword.

At the same time, he closed his eyes and felt that he was in the world of wind. He imagined that all the winds in the world of wind were gathered in the dragon-slaying sword...

The huge sword energy buzzed out with a trembling sound.

The dazzling silver light sword energy went straight into the sky, seemingly penetrating the nine heavens.


Suddenly he slashed at Wang Guandiao with his sword.

The sword that penetrated the heaven and earth was fused with the power of the law of wind. At this moment, Yang Yiyun felt that a world of wind was being stirred up.


Wang Guandiao seemed to feel the danger of Yang Yiyun's sword, and suddenly let out a long roar, the blood-colored flesh crown on his head burst out with blood, and the golden flames in the entire sea of ​​​​fire turned red.

With a sudden explosion, it was raised thousands of feet, obviously in response.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun fell with his sword and struck Wang Guandiao in the sea of ​​fire.


Thunder exploded.

Looking from a distance, Yang Yiyun's sword energy cut the sea of ​​fire in half with force.

The whole world was dazzling.

The next moment when the light dissipated, the sword energy disappeared and the sea of ​​fire disappeared.

"Reverse turns become yin, forward turns become yang~"

The Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons in Yang's hand followed closely.

A black and a golden halo instantly enveloped the body of the Crown Eagle.


The crowned eagle let out a scream.

The body is shrouded in the yin and yang mirror of gods and demons.

Yang Yiyun took one step forward and appeared next to Wang Guandiao in an instant.

He felt the Crown Eagle resisting, very strongly.

And he has the right to activate the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons. He can't suppress this resistance for long, so there is one last step.

There's a close approach over there.

He raised his hand and grabbed the crowned eagle on its head.

"The universe is swallowed~"

In an instant, the Qiankun Pot was devoured, and only this attack was the safest.

With a movement, the Qiankun Pot exploded and began to devour it immediately.

It's not easy to get close, but once you get up close and catch the Crown Eagle in your hand, don't even think about having a chance to resist.

And as his cultivation level improved, the devouring power of the Qiankun Pot became more and more powerful.

A steady stream of energy entered the Qiankun Pot along his arm, like a bottomless pit.

The crowned eagle finally became frightened.

"Spare...spare my life, I am willing to surrender~"

Wang Guandiao struggled to say his plea for mercy.

Yang Yiyun said indifferently: "It's too late, I prefer the power in your demon core to your surrender~"


Wangguandiao let out a desperate roar, and he clearly felt that his power was rapidly passing away.

But Yang began to absorb the power of the Crown Eagle together with the Qiankun Pot, and he felt that his cultivation level began to improve again.

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