My Master Is a God

Chapter 2424 The Eagle Skeleton and the Sycamore Tree

Yang Yiyun and Cui Dong’s magic power fell against the solid coffin~


After the dull sound, the entire jade coffin erupted with dazzling light. Yang Yiyun closed his eyes subconsciously, but he could feel the space waves rippling around him, and he felt the world spin.

However, this feeling did not last long and returned to normal.

When he opened his eyes again, Yang Yiyun found that the main hall had disappeared.

But it appeared in a space that looked like a starry sky, but he knew that it was not a real starry sky, but a virtual condensed space.

The ground is still made of white jade, but above and around the head is a scene of a sea of ​​clouds and stars.

To say that the space is small, it is more like a small world.

What shocked Yang Yiyun was that there was a demonic aura here that made him breathless. It was so powerful that he had the urge to worship.

However, after turning the universe around, this pressure gradually eased.

The source of the pressure comes from the huge skeleton of this small world.

The skeleton exuding a milky white halo looked like a huge mountain peak emitting a dazzling halo to Yang Yiyun.

It was very big, but when he used the Eye of the Universe, what he saw was a crystal-clear giant skeleton as big as a mountain.

The very complete skeleton allowed Yang Yiyun to immediately tell that it was a bird skeleton. As for what it was, it was self-evident. This was the forbidden area for flying eagles, and the eagle kings of the past generations were buried here. It was obvious that this huge mountain-like skeleton was that of an eagle.

A huge eagle skeleton that was beyond Yang Yiyun's imagination.

At a glance, you can't see the edge, Gao Yue's skeleton of hundreds of feet.

He gasped, wondering what kind of hawk could actually have such a huge and boundless body?

A few of them are several thousand feet long!

Just as Yang Yiyun was sighing, the space behind him fluctuated for a while.

Yang Yiyun looked warily.

In the dazzling light, the next moment is the body of the black charcoal roc coming from the space portal.

"Black charcoal~"


The servant and the master each saw each other.

Yang Yiyun thought that if Heitan could come here, he might be in a similar situation to himself.

Sure enough, after asking, I found out that it was indeed the same. They also opened the jade coffin and then the eagle soul opened the portal and arrived here.

However, Hei Tan did not get any Eagle Soul Beads. He was really embarrassed in the battle with the Eagle Soul, but he came through smoothly.

Now the two of them confirmed each other, but they both believed that all the tombstones should have reached this point after entering.

This is the real forbidden area for flying eagles.

Facing the huge eagle bone, Heitan stammered along with his saliva: "Master, this may be the legendary eagle bone. It has been circulated in Feiying Mountain for a long time, but everyone just regarded it as a rumor. Now look at it. It’s true, the mountain in front of you is the skeleton of a condor.”

"Anything else to say?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"No more~" Heitan shook his head.

"You..." Yang Yiyun was speechless, just this version of the story?

While the two were talking, a loud shout came from a distant place.

"Master, Hei Tan~" The Rat King's voice clearly reached Yang Yiyun's ears.

Yang Yiyun and Hei Tan looked up at the same time.

However, he found a golden streak on the condor's skeleton in the distance, which was undoubtedly the Rat King.

The Rat King has always entered through other entrances. Anyway, it seems that as long as the tombstone is turned on, the destination after entering will be here.

"Come on, let's go there~"

When Yang Yiyun spoke, he wanted to use his magic power to fly up, but his expression changed. He actually couldn't use his magic power. It seemed that the entire Dantian was not sealed~

"Hei Tan, can you use magic?" Yang Yiyun asked Hei Tan quickly.

"Ah~ Master, I can't use my magic anymore~" Heitan was shocked.

"Huh~" Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then I'll be relieved~"

When Heitan said that he couldn't release his magic power, Yang Yiyun knew that it was not his problem alone, but that there was suppression in this place, most likely the suppression of the Condor Bone and other factors here.

It can't release magic power, but it can circulate the magic power in the body, which is really weird.

However, in this case, the magic power loses its effect, so you can only rely on your own physical strength.

Whoever is physically stronger will take advantage.

Of course, there don’t seem to be other creatures here!

So far, there are only three of them, and I don’t know if Diaoer and Loach are here?

If only minks and loaches enter the tombstone, they will definitely appear here.

Mana cannot be used, but blackheads can play a big role at this time.

Black Carbon's main form has wings, but here it can fly.

Yang Yiyun stepped on Heitan's back and rose into the sky with a long roar, thinking of the condor's skeleton and flying away.

Three minutes later we arrived at the Rat King.

"Master~" The Rat King came over.

"Why did you appear here?" Yang Yiyun jumped off Heitan and asked.

The Rat King's answer was the same as Hei Tan, everyone was in the same situation.

They were on a bone about tens of meters wide. Yang Yiyun took a look and it should be a bone behind the tail of the condor's skeleton.

Looking at it, I could vaguely see a fire-like light in the sky in the distance. This is the only difference here.

"Let's go and take a look. Maybe the mink and the loach are over there~"

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he signaled Heitan to take off.

Black Carbon spreads its wings and flies away.

High in the sky, Yang Yiyun saw that the place of fire in the distance should be the head of the condor's skeleton.

The distance was very far, seemingly as far as the horizon. It took Heitan more than ten minutes to get close.

After getting closer, Yang Yiyun finally saw clearly what the fire was like.

It's not something substantial like a flame.

Instead, a screaming tree exuded a halo of light, looking like a burning flame tree from a distance.

"It's... it's a sycamore tree..."

Yang Yiyun blurted out that when he was in the lower realm, he planted a sycamore tree for Little Phoenix, so he was naturally familiar with it.

This is a real towering sycamore tree in sight.

The shocking thing is that it grew from the head of the condor bone, or did someone deliberately plant a sycamore tree on the head of the condor bone?

It was obvious that the energy of the entire condor bone had been absorbed by the sycamore tree, otherwise this sycamore tree would not have grown to a height of hundreds of feet, with lush branches and leaves.

What makes Yang Yiyun strange is, how come there is a condor skeleton in the forbidden area of ​​Feiying Mountain? What's even more strange is that a towering sycamore tree will grow on the condor's skeleton.

Seeing this sycamore tree, Yang Yiyun felt a little excited, or kind, because he sounded like a little phoenix.

Could it be that the little Phoenix is ​​here?

"Wow~ The master is a sycamore tree. This is a treasure tree. It is known as the sacred tree. It is the art of the great road of heaven and earth. It is the first-class treasure tree in the world~" The Rat King couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Heitan, go down~" Yang Yiyun ignored the Rat King and ordered Heitan.

The Dapeng was huge, and Yang Yiyun and the Rat King were inconspicuous on its back. As soon as they fell down, their bodies were not stable. Yang Yiyun and the Rat King had not even gotten off the Dapoc's back, but they let out two long roars and curses. Laiqi said: "How dare you, a big bird with yellow feathers, dare to chase you in, let's see if I don't kill you~"

"Squeak~ Loach fuck him~"

Then there was another crisp sound.

When Yang Yiyun heard these two voices, he was stunned. After reacting, he quickly shouted: "Diao'er, Loach, stop~"

The two living treasures were finally found~

But it sounded like he was going to attack Hei Tan. Now that Hei Tan had been subdued by him, he naturally couldn't start a fight. He quickly shouted to stop.



A golden ray of color leaped down from the tops of the dense sycamore trees.

Yang Yiyun looked up and saw that two live troublemakers, Diao'er and Loach, had appeared.

Yang Yiyun jumped off Hei Tan's body, and Diao'er rushed into his arms, with loaches also swirling around him.

It seems that Diao'er is not injured, but his aura has greatly increased. Even Loach is the same, feeling stronger than Diao'er.

No need to ask what opportunities the two living treasures had.

"Come down~" Yang Yiyun lowered his face and roared angrily.

The mink shrank its neck and got off its shoulders, while the loach instinctively took a few steps back.

Knowing that Yang Yiyun could find this place, the two living treasures naturally knew about their situation in Feiying Mountain and knew that they were in trouble. Diaoer's big dark eyes looked pitifully at Yang Yiyun and whispered: "Brother~"

"Uh~" Yang Yiyun's angry and sullen expression was instantly shattered by Diao'er's look.

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