My Master Is a God

Chapter 2425 Diaoer is the boss

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun couldn't hate him every time he saw Diao Er's look. It had been like this since the beginning of the earth, and it was still like this now.

However, Diao Er has a cute look, a pair of big human eyes, and a pitiful expression that no one can resist.

"You...forget it, I'll take care of you later~" Yang's doting on Diao'er was boundless.

"Master~" Loach felt relieved when he saw that Yang Yiyun didn't blame Diao'er, and stepped forward with flattery.


Loach was wrong.

A mink is a mink, and there is no pardon for a loach.


Yang sneered and slapped him with his backhand.


"Wow~ Master, why are you hitting me~"

The loach screamed and was knocked back three or four meters by Yang Yiyun.

"You are a fool, you are the Kunpeng Divine Beast. You don't know how to lead a good leader, but you also lead Xiangxiang to bad things. You are too courageous. Do you know that you are breaking into the forbidden area of ​​Feiying Mountain? Do you know how dangerous it is? ?”

At this moment, Yang took all his anger out on Loach.

Loach had a look of resentment and grievance on his face and said weakly: "Master, Diao'er is obviously leading me..."


“I still don’t know how to repent~”

Another blow in the curse.

"Wow~ Master, I was wrong~"

Loach finally understood. Mr. Yang was biased. He had to shoulder the responsibility. Who could make him the master?

Who told Mink to act cute?

Under Yang's gloomy expression, Ni Loach looked aggrieved and glanced at Diao'er, while Diao'er glanced at Ni Loach vaguely, gave Ni Loach a look that looked like a dead Taoist friend but not a poor Taoist, and then turned away. head.

At this time, even if I wasn't punished by my brother, I was already feeling very happy.

When Loach saw Diao'er's eyes, he howled in his heart!

But I also know that there is no other way. The master's anger always needs to be vented, and someone is always needed to bear it. This is impossible for Diao'er. He is the only one who is rough-skinned and thick-bodied.

Judging from this incident, he finally understood that Diao Er's status in the owner's heart was far ahead of him. Originally, he thought that since he was the Kunpeng divine beast, his status in Yang's heart would be very high.

But now he knows the difference, which makes Loach feel aggrieved.

Anyway, he no longer dared to refute, but he also knew that he and Diao'er had indeed gotten into trouble this time and caused trouble to the master. It was no wonder that the master was angry.

Thinking about the power of Dapeng Bird before, he was definitely a powerful monster of the demon clan. He suffered losses several times and was almost caught.

If Diao'er hadn't been clever and he, Kunpeng, was also extremely talented, the consequences would have been hard to predict.

The last one was forced to enter the forbidden area of ​​Feiying Mountain.

Now that the master is here, it goes without saying that he has taken a lot of risks and even gone through a fight, right?

Loach felt much better when he thought about it.


He looked behind Yang Yiyun from the corner of his eyes.

Dapeng bird~

He and Diao'er had been chased by this guy before and forced into the forbidden area of ​​Feiying Mountain, but when they met, the bird actually followed its owner Yang Yiyun.

And it seemed to be respectful. Needless to say, the loach had already guessed that this bird had become another little brother beside its master.

"If you still know you are wrong, then there is still hope. Get up~" Mr. Yang expressed his satisfaction after the loach surrendered.

Of course, Yang also knew that he had actually tortured Loach. In fact, he knew very well that Diao'er was the culprit. Every time the spiritual pets he accepted caused trouble, Diao'er took the lead in most cases.

But he couldn't be angry with Diao'er.

Fortunately, now that I have found these two living treasures, it is not a big deal.

Just find a way out now and get out of here.

But this is obviously the world of Ichiban Space, and the way out may be difficult to find.

Loach felt relieved when he heard that Yang had no intention of pursuing further, and then quickly thanked him: "Thank you, master~"

He has learned well. It is better not to talk back to this unreasonable master than anything else. Whatever the master says, he just listens and does it.

The result of defending can only be a violent beating.

"Brother, what happened to this bad bird?"

At this time, Diao'er calmed down Yang Yiyun and came up to ask questions in a low voice, but her big dark eyes were staring at Dapeng or now Heitan with an unkind expression.

Diao'er remembered how embarrassed he and the loach were when they were chased by this ugly bird, and the resentment in his heart was hard to calm down. However, as smart as he was, he also guessed that this bird must have been followed respectfully by his brother's side. Brother subdues.

Even though he had already guessed, he still asked like this, just because he wanted to put some eye drops on Hei Tan. Diaoer never suffered any loss.

When Yang Yiyun listened to Diao'er's question, he knew that this ghost spirit was not at a disadvantage and wanted to sue him.

He really didn't know whether to laugh or cry about Diao Er. He flicked his finger on its head and scolded it with a smile: "I'm having bad thoughts again. Let me tell you that Dapeng. No, it's called Hei Tan now. Hei Tan has surrendered. From now on, he will be one of his own. Can you?" Don't cause trouble for him. Don't chase him before. That's Hei Tan's responsibility.

But from now on, don't have any wrong thoughts, otherwise I will not let you go lightly, and the same goes for you. "Yang Yiyun also glared at Loach.

"Brother, don't worry, it will never happen~" Diao'er is very smart. It understood the meaning of his brother's words and cannot cause trouble for this smelly bird, otherwise he will never be lenient.

No kidding this time.

Diao'er, who knew Yang very well, naturally did not dare to offend her brother's authority.

But he said it sounded nice, but in his heart he was thinking, stinky big bird, we will see in the future.

"Don't dare, don't dare~" Loach quickly agreed.

"That's the best~" Yang Yiyun nodded. He was actually afraid that Diao'er and Loach would cause trouble for Hei Tan and would suffer a loss. After all, Hei Tan was a great demon who understood the second heaven. Diao'er and Loach were still far behind now. A big chunk.

And Hei Tan also saw from the beginning to the end that Diao'er held a very important position in the heart of his master Yang Yiyun. Hei Tan was shocked when he heard Diao'er speak. He was really afraid that Diao'er would sue him and let his master take care of him. , he really has no choice.

Especially when he saw the mink's dripping eyes looking at him, Hei Tan's heart skipped a beat for no reason. He made up his mind to stay away from this mink in the future. He couldn't be provoked anyway, and the mink was actually here all the time. The owner is so doting in his heart.

It can even influence the master's will, which is terrible.

At the same time, he was rejoicing in his heart. Fortunately, he had not caught the mink and loach before. If he had caught them before, according to his method, he would definitely kill the mink and loach.

If he really did that, Heitan would think that his master would cut him into pieces.

Thank you~

The master was wise and did not listen to Diao'er's bewitchment and punished him instead. Instead, he scolded Diao'er and Nilu.

At this time, Hei Tan also knew that he should express his attitude.

After all, he is also an old demon who has been cultivating for tens of thousands of years. He still has some emotional intelligence, no, it is a demon quotient.

Moreover, the Rat King sent a message to him at this moment: "Hei Tan, don't blame me for not reminding you. Boss Diao'er is a very important spiritual pet in the master's mind. He has followed the master since he was a mortal. He is more like the master's Like a child, I love it very much. If you don’t admit your mistake at this time, be careful that the boss of Diaoer will give you little shoes in the future~"

Heitan was shocked when he heard the message from the Rat King, and quickly thanked the Rat King for the message.

Then he took a step forward and said to Diao'er and Nilu: "Boss Diao'er, Brother Nilu, it was me and Heitan who was wrong before, but it was a last resort. Please forgive me. Now, I, Heitan, have been loyal to my master, and we will all be one family from now on." Man, please don’t bear any grudge against me, Heitan.”

After all, Hei Tan is one of the eight great demons under the throne of the Flying Eagle, and he is also the great demon who sits in the Flying Eagle Dojo. An old demon who has practiced for tens of thousands of years, he has extraordinary knowledge and understands the ways of the world.

After he finished speaking, a storage ring appeared between his backhand, and he handed it to Diao'er and said: "This storage ring contains some high-grade fairy fruits and other food. Please accept it, Boss Diao'er. I'll give it to you two." apologize."

Diao'er's eyes lit up, and the resentment towards Hei Tan in her heart disappeared. She stared at the storage ring handed over by Hei Tan, but looked at Yang Yiyun.

And Yang Yiyun was very satisfied with Heitan's cooking. It was rare to have a big demon with emotional intelligence under his command. It was clear that Heitan saw Diao'er's position in his heart, and he was trying to please him in different ways.

He nodded to Diao'er and said: "Since it is Hei Tan's intention, then accept it and get along well with Hei Tan in the future."

"Zhi~ Got it, brother." Diao'er waved her little paw and the storage ring in Hei Tan's hand disappeared. After a moment of hesitation, she said to Hei Tan: "The grudge between Black Bird and us has been wiped out. Don't worry, I will Cover you."

"Thank you, Boss Diao'er~" Heitan felt relieved, finally no longer having to worry about his master's confidant.

But when Yang Yiyun heard Diao'er speak, his face was full of black lines. He actually thought that he was the boss?

Still covered?

They are all bad habits brought from the earth, but are you worried that all the spiritual pets around you will be led astray by Mink in the future?

"Ahem, okay, let me ask you guys what's going on here. Did you and Loach find a way out?" Yang Yiyun coughed and asked Diao'er.

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