My Master Is a God

Chapter 2432 The ten foundations of strength are revealed

The most common power between heaven and earth and the easiest for every cultivating creature to absorb and comprehend is the power of the Five Elements. However, the power of space and other powers is not so easy to comprehend and absorb.

It requires chance conditions, special physique, etc.

Yang Yiyun was sitting behind Loach at this moment, relaxing his mind and feeling the power of heaven and earth around him.

In fact, he already has a foundation for the power of space, but it is not difficult for him.

The space and space inscription he obtained at the beginning were a medium for him.

The beginning of a change in his cultivation ideas also means a change in his cultivation path, and this change will be a huge change.

Yang Yiyun never thought that the change in thinking he made today would affect his life in the future.

To understand the changes in the surrounding world, the focus is on the strength of the soul.

Now his Yuanshen is naturally no longer the Yuanshen from the cultivation period. It can be said to be more powerful than the Yuanshen of ordinary enlightened first-level heavenly beings.

Once you find the goal of cultivation, it will be much easier to perceive the power attributes between heaven and earth.

Yang Yiyun closed his eyes and released his consciousness.

The next moment, he seemed to feel something different.

The first is the familiar power of the Five Elements, which is a power he often comes into contact with and can be easily felt.

The breath of metal seems to be smellable. I feel like there is metal surrounding me. I feel something in my heart. Under the operation of the Qiankun Creation Kung Fu, streams of metal air enter my body.

Then the grass and trees came to life, and he knew that this was the power of the wood attribute.

Then came the warm, very comfortable fire attribute power...

The moist but refreshing water attribute power...

Finally, there is the earth attribute power which is thick and has the direction of earth.

The power of the five elements pours into the body under the operation of Qiankun's creation power.

The power of the five elements gathered into the body. This time Yang Yiyun did not refine it into mana, but guided the power of the five elements attributes into the diamond-shaped fairy crystal in the dantian.

When viewed from the inside, the fairy crystals as small as walnuts are actually from another universe. They are incomparable and more like a starry sky in the universe. Of course, this is an illusion.

But it also shows how huge the little fairy crystal is, which is the power to absorb and store mana.

It is also the foundation of magic power for the Immortal Lord’s cultivation.

After Yang Yiyun guided the five five elements of power into the immortal crystal, they did not come together. Instead, they could be dispersed and condensed separately, and they were continuously compressed and tempered. This process was the refining of mana.

In an instant, the power of the five elements formed five spots as small as rice grains in the fairy crystal, and then they swarmed in, absorbing, tempering and accumulating continuously.

In fact, after cultivating to his level, there is no need to deliberately run the skills to absorb the power of heaven and earth. The immortal crystal will naturally absorb the power of heaven and earth as it rotates endlessly. But today, Yang Yiyun can classify the five elements and absorb them again for cultivation.

After the five five-element forces stabilized within the fairy crystal and did not conflict with each other, Yang Yiyun once again focused his consciousness on the surrounding world.

Slowly but feel...

If you have a strong soul, you will be sensitive to the changes between heaven and earth.


He seemed to feel a light breeze, followed by a strong wind, as if he was in a violent storm, or in a stormy world.

I have understood the law of wind before, so it is naturally much easier to feel the power of wind attribute now.

This is the power of wind and cloud.

Yang Yiyun began to slowly guide him into the body...

After a while, the power of the wind attribute appeared in the fairy crystal, and also formed a millet grain, which began to gather, compress and temper.

It is very dangerous to have the power of multiple attributes in the body at the same time. What is needed at this time is the powerful power of the soul and willpower as well as the solid fairy crystal to stabilize it.

Fortunately, Yang Yiyun is good among the three.

He has many conditions beyond the same realm, and it is not a plane crash when he is operating at this moment. Of course, the main reason is that he has been exposed to these powers before.

It's quite familiar to control now. The attributes are the attributes of these powers.

Then Yang Yiyun suddenly heard a roar.


This is the power of thunder.

Of course it was just the sound of thunder he heard just after closing the door.

He has experienced the power of thunder before, and he is familiar with it.

After a while, the power of thunder successfully condensed millet grains into the fairy crystal.

After that, Yang Yiyun started to tremble all over, but he smiled because he knew that this was the power of Yin.

There is a sense of familiarity because the power of the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons is the power of Yin and Yang.

Zhiyin and Zhiyang continued to appear at the same time successively, and they were attracted by him to condense the millet grains into the fairy crystal successfully.

The last one left is the power of space.

The ten powers bring together the nine attributes.

The power of space attributes is the most weird and empty, but it really exists.

But he has the foundation of space power.

It doesn't matter.

He was not in a hurry. He had been practicing for almost 10,000 years and his state of mind had calmed down.

I also know that there is no point in being anxious about some things, and letting things take their own course is the best way.

Slowly, he suddenly felt that bubbles seemed to appear around him...

"Here it comes~"

Yang Yiyun was pleasantly surprised.

Bubbles are hollows, and hollows are spaces.

This is the power of the space attribute, but it is very subtle. The small bubbles are so small that it can only be felt when the mind is calmed down by the power of the soul.

I don't know how long it took, but Yang Yiyun finally successfully condensed the space power into the fairy crystal and condensed it into millet grains.

Looking inwardly, he saw the ten colorful millet grains in the immortal crystal exuding halos of various colors, just like ten seeds. Yang Yiyun had an illusion that he seemed to have planted ten seeds in his body. A seed of strength that will one day take root and grow into a towering tree.

It feels ridiculous but it is what it is.

The millet grains formed by ten different attributes of power, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and cloud, thunder, space, yin, and yang, formed a circle and were suspended in the fairy crystal.

It is incomparably spectacular when viewed from within.

The biggest change is that Yang Yiyun feels that the power contained in the Immortal Crystal is now more than ten times greater than before.

Maybe a hundred times more.

This is not an illusion.

But real feelings.

Immortal crystal is the foundation of his magic power.

At this moment, the magic power contained in the immortal crystal far exceeds that before he condensed the power of the ten major attributes.

After feeling it carefully, Yang Yiyun himself felt a little scared.

He even thought about whether one of the immortal crystals would explode?

After all, it is the power of ten different attributes gathered in it.

But when he went to observe again, he found that he was worrying too much.

He found that after the power of the last spatial attribute was condensed, the ten attribute forces were balanced with each other, just like the forces of the five elements were mutually reinforcing each other, and the balance of the ten forces was more stable than the mutual restraint of the five elements.

Just like the power of the five elements is a small balance, and the ten forces together are a big balance.



While Yang Yiyun was observing, there was a sudden buzzing sound inside the Immortal Crystal, which really startled him.

Is it going to explode?

Cold sweat broke out at this moment, and the hair all over his body stood upside down.

He even had the thought of committing suicide.

Sure enough, something would happen if there were too many powers with different attributes...?

Yang thought with a huge shock in his heart.

But after waiting for a while, it didn't explode.

He was stunned and quickly looked inside the Immortal Crystal.

The next moment, his eyes widened.

The ten grains of rice attribute power are connected to each other, like being connected into a string of bracelets.

And each grain of rice emits a beam of light rising into the sky. Of course, this rising into the sky refers to the void inside the fairy crystal.

It's okay, it's okay~

Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief and realized the fairy crystal. In fact, he saw the diamond-shaped fairy crystal burst out into ten kinds of dazzling halos in the vast Dantian world and spread out...

At this moment, Yang Yiyun felt a very warm but spiritual power in every part of his body.

He suddenly understood~

After the power of the ten attributes within the Immortal Crystal reached a great balance, a mysterious upgrade of power occurred that he had not expected. After being balanced together, the power of these ten attributes were fed back to the Immortal Crystal. The Immortal Crystal is a transformation A large machine like a weapon radiates ten kinds of power to every inch of his body, adding value to this body.

Not only did nothing happen, but it caused great changes inside and outside the body.

However, Qiankun's internal and external skills are running ten times faster than before, which also indicates that he can absorb energy ten times faster than before.

It was originally perfect, but the flaw was that it was ten times slower than others in absorbing energy and cultivating. It was great, but I didn't expect that this problem would be solved at this moment...

After feeling the comfort of being nourished inside and outside the immortal body by the ten energies of heaven and earth, Yang Yiyun suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment, there was always light flowing in his eyes.

"Zhi~ Brother... you, you, you... your eyes are so scary~"

Diaoer squatted beside Yang Yiyun and spoke with his big eyes flashing.

Just now Diao'er and Xiao Fenghuang noticed that a very frightening aura suddenly appeared on their brother's body, but it only disappeared after a moment. After that, they felt that the aura emanating from his brother was very comfortable, which made them feel very comfortable. Diaoer couldn't help but want to get close.

Unknowingly, he moved closer to Yang Yiyun and took a look, but was startled when someone Yang suddenly opened his eyes.

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