My Master Is a God

Chapter 2433 Is this the power of the gods?

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun blinked as he listened to Diao'er's words and said with a smile: "Your brother, I won't eat you. What's there to be afraid of~"

"That's true, but brother, you suddenly burst out with a breath just now. It was so scary. But in the blink of an eye, there was another breath on you, which made me feel very comfortable. Also, there was a burst of breath in your eyes just now. Ten colors, you can't see the true color of the eyes at all, it's just, I can't say it's weird anyway, brother, are you going to become a monster?" Diao'er said with his big eyes flashing.


Yang Yiyun hit Diao'er's head and said: "What are you thinking in your little head? Your brother and I have only cultivated the power of heaven and earth, but maybe, I might actually become a monster in the future, haha~"

These words were meant to make fun of Diaoer, but they were actually Yang's inner expression.

Indeed, from now on, his cultivation direction is different from that of anyone else. He actually doesn't know what he will become in the future. He may not really become a monster.

Of course, no matter what, he chose the path he walked and he had no regrets.

His intuition has not gone wrong since he started cultivating Taoism. This time he chose to absorb the ten powers of heaven and earth because he chose to believe in his heart. His heart told him that this was the right thing to do.

The perfect physique itself is unique in this world, and the way of cultivation is also different from others. This is what the old man told him back then.

He also said that any way is up to one's own choice. Everyone has their own way among the three thousand ways.

Choice is the obedience of one's heart.

Yang Yiyun knew that he was just following his own heart now.

As for what the outcome would be, he didn't know, but he didn't want to know.

As long as it is right at the moment, there are expectations, and there is hope, it is good and it is right.

This was a change, and he thought it was a good change.

He must change too.

Otherwise, I would be sorry for the Qiankun Pot, I would be sorry for the Qiankun Creation Kung, and I would be even more sorry for my status as the inheritor of Shinto.

Although the conditions are superior in all aspects, he always walks in fear and trepidation. He doesn't like this feeling and is very depressed.

What he needs is to be powerful, to have the strength to fight against any enemy and to have the ability to crush him.

The master returned to the fairy world to fight for revenge. He first helped, but he couldn't help and went to the road to ascend to heaven. He wanted to find the dead old man, but he couldn't. His relatives and friends from Yunmen in the lower world ascended and were scattered in the fairy world. He wanted to find him, but he was even more incapable. , we can only try our best to develop our power to find...

However, sometimes even if they are found, there is no way to rescue them.

This feels like Yang Yiyun doesn't like it.

So he changed himself.

He longs for more powerful strength to find his relatives and friends scattered all over the fairy world. He needs powerful strength to protect his relatives and friends.

Come to protect Yunmen disciples and develop and strengthen Yunmen.

When he saw the old man one day, he said sternly to the old man: "Damn old man, look at how I have developed and grown Yunmen, and I have protected Yunmen without embarrassing you."

Lu Xuexi, the strong woman who had been with him since the earth, disappeared. He didn't say anything, but he was anxious in his heart and wanted to find her as soon as possible. Where can he find her in the vast world of immortality?

Among the mythical beasts such as the Purple Emperor and the Niu Calf, which one is not a being with unlimited potential?

There was no news yet, and he was worried.

Liu Lingling, the woman he owed the most to in his life, he needed to go to the Netherworld to find Liu Lingling, he had sworn to find her.

But all of this requires strong cultivation and strength.

However, it has been almost 10,000 years since he started cultivating. Yang Yiyun feels that he has been growing and working hard. His efforts are even ten times and a hundred times harder than others. Is it useful?

All this made him extremely depressed, so he made a change.

In absorbing the top ten powers this time, he actually took a huge risk. Even he himself didn't know it. It was an unknown. Maybe it was a road that would lead to death without a burial place.

But at least not now, that will happen later.

As long as he can change now, find the person he is looking for, and protect the person he wants to protect, that is enough for him.

I really don’t want to practice in such a depressing way.

Since he is the one who possesses the supreme treasure, the Qiankun Pot, and since he is the inheritor of practicing Shinto, he should have the strength to match it.

This is what he is pursuing now.

And this goal began to be achieved within a few days.

He, Yang Yiyun, wants to be strong, a strong person like the old man who can stand up to heaven and earth.

Instead of facing various enemies, you have to hide or run away, or rely on the people around you to protect the weak.

With these thoughts in mind, he looked at Diao'er. Diao'er's hair had been burned in the battle with Blood Eagle and other big monsters. It had not recovered yet and looked like spots and black spots.

He picked up Diao'er with some distress, stretched out his hand and gently touched Diao'er's hair. Ten colors of light flashed on his palm. These were the ten power elements in the body, and all the power in the world.

Gently stroking Diao'er's hair, Yang Yiyun said to Diao'er: "Xiangxiang, my brother will protect you from now on. Don't show off your strength anymore. You should stay in my brother's arms and be pampered. In the past, my brother was incapable, but From now on, I will be able to protect any of you~"

As Yang Yiyun spoke, the ten-colored halo on his palm, or the flow of the ten attributes of heaven and earth, caused the burnt hair on Mink's body to fall off quickly, but the next moment, brand new hair grew, which was more golden and smooth than before.

Diao'er closed her eyes comfortably at this moment, enjoying the gentle caress under Yang Yiyun's palm.

In fact, this is a brand new power produced after the ten major forces have reached a great balance.

A power beyond Yang Yiyun's imagination. He discovered the secret of this power when he incorporated the ten powers into the Immortal Crystal and connected the city.

With a wave of the hand, it can be full of life, or it can be silent and extinguished, it can be soft or hard, it can be yin or yang...

Always speaking, Yang Yiyun felt the changes in the power within his body and was also pondering the dynamics. What emerged in his heart was a huge confidence to control everything in the world.

It's very mysterious. Although I have never been exposed to it, it is a blessing to my soul.

This mysterious feeling is difficult to describe in Yang Yiyun's heart at this moment, but it really exists. In the end, he concluded: This is the power of gods, right?

The ten major powers discovered in the world were all integrated by him, and the subsequent changes were ever-changing.

"Brother...are you okay?"

Little Phoenix felt that Yang Yiyun's whole person seemed to have changed, and couldn't help but worry about asking questions.

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "Brother is fine, don't worry, he must have become stronger. Shanhong, has your brother changed in your eyes? What does it look like?" He asked Little Phoenix.

The little phoenix flashed its bright and beautiful phoenix eyes, pondered for a while, shook his head and said: "I can't tell, I... look at you, brother, you are still you, but... you are not you. The aura on your body has changed, and you have become like you. You are clearly in front of me, but you feel like you don't exist, as if... you have blended into the surrounding world. You are very powerful, so powerful that I feel a little scared, but at first glance, you are very weak, so weak that you look like A speck of dust, almost non-existent. There are many indescribable feelings, but I seem to want to be closer to my brother..."

As Little Phoenix spoke and listened to her evaluation of herself, Yang Yiyun also spoke in a deep voice, nodding from time to time. He actually didn't know what was going on.

But I feel that Little Phoenix's evaluation is accurate, but also inaccurate.

But in the final analysis, all these changes came from his absorption of the ten major powers in the world.

"It's okay, don't worry, I just chose the path I want to take in the future. Maybe this is a different path, but no matter what, I am your brother and will protect you."

Unable to think of the reason, Yang Yiyun stopped thinking about it and spoke to Little Phoenix so that she didn't have to worry.

"Brother, I'm actually very good now. According to the cultivation realm of demons and humans, I should be at the level of demon master and comprehend the fourth and fifth heavens. I will protect my brother in the future~" Little Phoenix said seriously.

"Silly girl, I am a brother. How can a sister protect her brother? Wouldn't it be too useless for me to do that as a brother? Protecting you is what I should do. Don't worry, brother, I feel very strong now, at least in the fairy world. Powerful." Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

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