My Master Is a God

Chapter 2441: One method can solve all methods, two chapters in one ~

Yang looked at the three old lions, raised his hands, then dug his fingertips, and said slowly: "You have also seen it before, your ten big monsters were wiped out in a snap of my fingers. In fact, I just It only took three successes~

Now you three, you are giving me a bit of a hard time. It seems that you are not willing to be the watchdog of my Cloud Gate. No, I made a mistake. Don't be angry. You are lions. Well, you are not willing to be my Cloud Gate's guard dog. If you are a guard lion, then you can only fight.

Well~ you three are very powerful, so I decided..."

At this point, Yang's voice became longer, and then... then nothing happened.

The three lions on the opposite side felt a little proud when they heard someone Yang say that they were very strong. Seeing that Yang Yiyun had nothing to say, Laozi among them said impatiently: "So you are not our enemy anymore?"

Yang Yiyun smiled evilly, then slowly shook his head and said: "No, so I am going to use 100% of my skills against you..."

When Yang was speaking, he made a gesture with his fingers for a missile, and then said quietly: "Before that, you should look behind you. If you feel that you really want to fight, then go ahead~"

The three old lions looked back in unison as they listened to Yang Yiyun's words. The next moment, they all trembled, and felt an inexplicable chill in their hearts.

Because the three of them saw ten huge light spheres of ten colors behind them~

It was exactly the same as the ten-colored spheres that Yang used to kill ten big monsters before, but there was one difference, which was the reason why the three-headed lions' hearts beat wildly.

That is, the sphere that appeared this time was larger than before, dozens or hundreds of times larger.

You must know that when Yang Yiyun dealt with the ten big monsters, the sphere was only as small as a walnut, but now it is actually dozens or hundreds of times larger, with a full diameter of about three meters.

It was a colorful sphere, suspended behind them, blocking out the sky and the sun.

When Yang was dealing with the ten big monsters just now, he used a little bit as small as a walnut, leaving the ten big monsters completely powerless to fight back, and they were tortured into dogs by Yang.

Now, at some point, this kid actually made ten huge colorful spheres behind them. What was he doing?

Is this going to wipe them out all at once?

Although these three old lions are much more powerful than the ten great demons and are great demons who have reached the pinnacle of the fourth heaven, at this moment, facing Mr. Yang's calm attitude, the three of them really cannot remain calm~


Because Yang said just now that he only used 30% of his strength to deal with the ten big demons, but now he used 100% of his strength to deal with the three of them.


This is going to kill you, it looks worse than being wiped out in ashes~

what to do?

Fighting with Yang Yiyun?

But have you ever fought to the death?

They had all seen Mr. Yang's methods just now. They had never seen such magical methods before. The three old lions had no experience at all, and they had no confidence in their hearts.

Although they have mastered the Nine Heavens and the nine realm levels, every third level is a Heavenly Slash. The three of them are at the peak of the Fourth Heavenly Slash. They have just passed the first Heavenly Slash, which is equivalent to entering the second day of Heavenly Slash.

In terms of strength, it is definitely not comparable to Sansanzhong.


The three old lions had no confidence at all.

Because facing someone Yang, they couldn't see through the depth at all.

What are the big colorful balls behind you?

Those are the ten major attribute powers between heaven and earth. Each colorful sphere is integrated with the ten major attribute powers. This is equivalent to integrating all the existing powers between heaven and earth.

Who can do this?

In the memory of the three old lions, they had never seen such a strange method before, which could integrate the ten major attribute powers in the world and be able to display them at will. The important thing is that they did not explode and die.

It's truly a miracle.

Any cultivating creature knows that the powers of different attributes cannot be blended together. To achieve a balance, the only way is to absorb the power of the five elements of heaven and earth into the body at the same time.

But who can do it?

The power of the Five Elements attributes is difficult, not to mention that in addition to the Five Elements, there are also five major attribute powers.

This kid is simply not human.

Anyway, in the eyes of the three old lions, Yang Yiyun is a weirdo, a freak, a freak who should not appear in the world.

The three old lions struggled internally.

what to do?

Do you really want to surrender at the feet of this human boy and serve as his watchdog? Oh, not a guard lion?

How can their noble flame lion do this?

Isn't it more uncomfortable than death?

But if they don't surrender, as big as this kid, they really don't know what to do.

The three brothers looked at each other in the same way, and the old man sent a message to the third brother: "I, you go try the water~"

"How come it's me, eldest brother~" The third child didn't want to send the message.

"Because you are young and old, you go." The second child sent a message.

"Uh~ I'm the youngest, shouldn't I be the eldest?" The third child was very resentful, and he was the one who got into trouble every time.

"Stop talking nonsense and do it quickly. You test it. If we are behind, we can still have a way out. We can't be intimidated by this kid, right? Are you really willing to guard the door for the human race? Hurry up, you are in danger for me and me. Second brother, give up immediately and you'll be fine." The old man said in a deep voice.

" are really my good brothers~" the third child muttered, but still took action because all three of them understood that this was the best way.

Test the methods of this human race and see if he is trying to scare them from time to time. If so, then the three brothers will tear this kid into pieces without hesitation.

And if this kid really can't be hostile, then give in as soon as possible.

As for the noble dignity of the Flame Lion...

Forget it, that's bullshit.

Dignity is nothing compared to old life. If you die, you will truly have no dignity.

If old lions like them, who have lived for a long time, are not really in a desperate situation and have no choice, how can they fight for their lives?

At least this kid's intention is obvious. The choice given to the three of them is guard dog, ah, not... guard lion.

This is not a desperate situation.


The third child roared instantly.

A fiery red halo erupted all over the body, but it transformed into its true form.

A stone with a body of eight or nine meters tall and a body burning with earthy yellow and white flames appeared.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, this lion is naturally different from ordinary lions. It is majestic, powerful, and demonic. Except for the fiery red hair around its neck, the rest of its body is covered with scales, and there are faint traces of it. The inscription is presented.

The other two lions did not move.

He knew that the three lions wanted to test him, but it also showed that the three lions actually had no confidence in him.

And what about him?

But he was relieved and smiled in his heart.

To be honest, after he successfully absorbed and integrated the ten major powers in the world, he was indeed defying the heavens, but the defying the heavens here is relative.

He is not invincible in heaven and earth all at once.

Everything has its limits, not unlimited.

Yang Yiyun was very clear about his situation. After absorbing the power of the ten major attributes, a great balance was indeed achieved. Earth-shaking changes had indeed taken place, and the benefits he had received were beyond his expectation.

But the changes hidden in it were a completely new world for him, and many mysteries were yet to be understood.

But one thing is very clear.

That is the limit of his strength.

In fact, at the third level of enlightenment, he clearly understood that every third level was a Heavenly Slash.

After he merged the ten powers, his power greatly increased after the great transformation of the Immortal Crystal, but the limit was at the level of enlightenment to the third heaven. However, this was only the level of power. In fact, there were many mysteries between the attributes of the ten powers. For example, the spheres he used to deal with the ten great demons just now even had magical effects that he had not discovered. Together, these were enough to enable him to comprehend the great demon at the peak of the third heaven in seconds.

As for the great demon who has comprehended the fourth heaven, there is a realm between the third heaven and heavenly slaying, which is completely incomparable.

He felt that he was powerless against the great demon who had reached the peak of the fourth heaven.

But if it's just one of them, then he has plenty of means to suppress it.

That's right, so he actually scares the three old lions.

The huge colorful sphere containing the power of ten attributes is indeed very scary, but that's all. As long as he wants to, he can lay it all over the sky.

Of course, this was not just about scaring the three lions. He had had a sudden idea before and used the power of the ten heavens and earth to set up a formation to fight against the enemy, so the ten demons were defeated by him.

However, he knew very well that he knew that even if his true power had not changed, it would not be enough to deal with three lions who had reached the pinnacle of the fourth heaven.

So scare if you can.

However, I also know that the three old lions are not so easy to fool, and they will definitely be tempted.

Sure enough, it came from his heart~

The other two old lions did not move, and one came out to test him.

Yang Yiyun knew that as long as he knocked down this lion in this test, the other two old lions would give in immediately.

On the contrary, if he can't be defeated, the other two old lions will also attack him immediately and give him a ferocious kill.

So he must kill this old lion with thunder.

In response, Yang Yiyun was laughing in his heart.

In terms of magic power, all his powers combined can barely compete with the fourth level of enlightenment, but this is only the stage of his top ten powers.

After all, he still has the existence of the Qiankun Pot, as well as the auxiliary existence of magic weapons such as the Yin and Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons.

If we use the sum of these powers, what if we reach the peak of the fourth heaven?

He can still get it down.

So far, he feels that the total of his methods is at the level of comprehending the peak of the fourth heaven. If the existence of the fifth heaven appears, it will be another story.

Facing the roar of the old lion after its transformation, Yang Yiyun waved his hands and his lights flashed brightly, but he softly shouted: "The Dharma of the Yuan Shen is now~"


The next moment, his Yuan Shen Dharma Appearance appeared behind him, or it was also called the natal god statue. It had merged into the Yuan Shen, but it did not mean that it had disappeared, just like the Yuan Shen magical powers such as the Eastern Emperor Bell, the Gate of Youdu, etc. Although it is integrated into the body, it does not mean that it disappears.

It is said that there is one method of cultivation that is applicable to all methods.

Yang Yiyun knew that this was his current situation.

After integrating the ten attributes of power between heaven and earth, he slowly discovered that many things in his body became clear, and he would release them unconsciously and consciously.

This is the case with the natal statue at this moment.

In short, it felt like he had opened the door to his body's treasure house, which was very mysterious and mysterious.

His natal idol is still himself.

His heart moved, but he still attached himself behind him. After a buzzing sound, the colorful lights stood up between the sky and the earth. They were huge to a thousand feet, sacred and solemn.

When it appeared, it was in the form of pinching magic with one hand, with its eyes closed tightly.


Yang Yiyun drank softly, and slapped the old lion in the air with a single palm. The statue of the natal god moved and flew away with the same palm.

In fact, he is urging the natal idol.

Immediately as this palm was struck at the old lion, all the attribute forces from all directions in the world converged on the palm of the natal statue.

Originally it was just a phantom state, but after the ten major powers of heaven and earth gathered together, the whole world shook under this palm, and a colorful dazzling light burst out, and in an instant the sky and the earth lit up.


Heaven and earth roar~


The old lion seemed to feel the threat and let out a long roar, but in response to the suppressive palm, he spat out a mouthful of blood.


The lion vomited blood and the light turned into a huge blood-red flame beam.

The giant palm captured by Yang Yi's natal god statue, which covered the sky with clouds, instantly collided with the bloody flames of the flaming lion.


The whole world trembled.

Yang Yiyun's face was normal, and he thought to himself: "The great demon who has comprehended the peak of the fourth heaven is really extraordinary. The power of fire is unprecedented~"

With this blow, his natal idol gathered the ten attributes of heaven and earth into a palm, but it was still instantly burned through a large hole by the flames and dissipated.

And what he felt was not only the power of the flames, but also the power of the demon. It was indeed stronger than him, and the fire attribute law was extremely powerful.

At this moment he knew that he had lost half the move.

But it doesn't matter.

As expected, I didn't think about suppressing the old lion with this blow, it was just to buy some time.

This is enough.

As the old lion breathed flames, Yang Yiyun activated the power of the Qiankun Temple.

He wanted to try to see if there was any change in the power of the Qiankun Temple after the huge distance change in his body?

In other words, how far can the power of backlash reach? How would he react based on his current physique that combines ten familiar powers? Or how weak is it? How many times can he activate the power of the Qiankun Temple under such conditions?

"Give it to me~"

Suddenly the power of Qiankun Temple was activated.


The next moment, he punched in the air in the direction of the old lion, and the power of the Qiankun Temple burst out. The golden light on his left arm was bright, but it was still colorful with the colors of the ten attributes.

With a roar, a wave of ten-colored air erupted from his fist that was visible to his naked eyes.



Almost devastating, this air wave rippled away at the speed of light, covering an area of ​​over a thousand meters.

Three screams in an instant.

The transformed lion blocking the front screamed and flew backwards.

The boss and the second child not far behind clearly saw this wave of air coming, but they were too old to make any response. They were directly affected and flew backwards screaming.

In an instant, a mountain peak 10,000 meters away collapsed with a rumble.

"It's done~"

Yang's face looked overjoyed.

At this moment, he didn't feel any discomfort.

In other words, the counterattack power of the Qiankun Temple is completely unaffected.

And unlike in the past, he didn't feel weak, and he even felt that he could still send out the power of the Qiankun Temple twice.

Seeing the three old lions striking 10,000 meters away, Yang Yiyun looked at his fists and couldn't believe it. Could it be that the fusion and absorption of the power of the ten attributes was so awesome?

He knew that he had completely opened up the treasures of his body.

One method can solve all problems.

After coming back to his senses, Yang Yiyun suddenly appeared in the collapsed mountain 10,000 meters away.

The dust was still thick at this moment, and the three lions smashed directly into the mountain.

Hehe smiled and said: "Come out, knowing that you are not dead, are you still waiting for me to attack you?"

"Ahem...don't, don't, don't...we surrender, we surrender..."

Coughing with panic, the next moment the mountain soil and gravel exploded, and three old lions turned into human shapes and flew out.

It's just that the three lions looked miserable at the moment, with injuries all over their bodies, blood flowing from the corners of their mouths, and their faces were pale.

The worst thing is that the third child who just tested Yang Yiyun had a big hole in his chest, but Yang Yiyun punched it through.

"I'm waiting to surrender~"

The next moment, three lions knelt in front of Yang, their bodies trembling.

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