My Master Is a God

Chapter 2442 Northern Expedition Purple Gold Armor Emperor Lineage

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!


Seeing the three old lions kneeling down, Yang Yiyun felt inexplicably relieved.

In fact, he knew that the three old lions were too precious about their lives and did not want to really risk their lives to fight with him. Otherwise, it would not necessarily be easy for the three old lions to risk their lives against him from the beginning.

Maybe he could still win, but it would definitely not be easy. He would even have to pay a heavy price to win the three lions.

Because after all, they are great demons who have understood the peak of the fourth heaven. This can be concluded from the injuries of the three of them.

He activated the power of the Qiankun Temple and only knocked the three old lions away, not killing them all at once, which shows how powerful they are.

The injuries on their bodies seemed to be serious and tragic, but in fact they did not really injure the root cause of their fatal injuries.

Being able to kneel in front of him was mostly due to fright.

The maximum number of times he can use the power of the Qiankun Temple is three times. If he cannot kill the three lions after three times, he is finished.

Of course, fighting desperately can still help him even if he faces three giant lions who have reached the pinnacle of the fourth heaven.

The limit of his own strength is only at the peak of the fourth heaven. Or facing the enemy of life and death, he may be at his limit. If he exerts all his strength, he can face the fifth heaven~

Anyway, he's awesome, he knows it.

Although he has not reached enlightenment, he can kill him. From a certain point of view, his cultivation has actually mutated, and whether he has attained enlightenment or not is no longer important.

To be more precise, it can be said that the realm of cultivation in him can no longer be defined. Just like Diaoer, Little Phoenix, Loach, and Snow Cat, he has strength but does not have a common definition of realm level.

After the change in cultivation method, it went beyond normal understanding.

It seems more appropriate to say that he became a monster.

The power of the ten attributes within the immortal crystal in the body is greatly balanced and integrated into the immortal crystal. This is something that no cultivating creature can imagine, right?

At least not in the fairy world.

The end point is Yang Yiyun's discovery of the existence of ten attribute powers and their own laws.

This is the most awesome thing, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make ten big monsters disappear into ashes with a snap of his fingers, and he would be able to make the wind and rain rain with just the opening of his mouth.

It's really a magical method.

Of course, this is not the most awesome thing. The most awesome thing is that Yang discovered that after the ten attribute powers are fused together, there will be infinite possibilities, which indicates his unlimited potential...

Just like before, he condensed ten spheres of power and suddenly thought of using the formation. As a result, the formation was powerful and infinitely powerful.

I believe there will be more such excavations in the future, which means that his strength will become stronger and stronger.

The power seeds formed by the convergence of the ten attribute powers in the Immortal Crystal are now as small as millet grains. He is already absorbing the power of heaven and earth and the laws of heaven and earth at any time and place, and is constantly condensing and refining. In other words, his cultivation is growing. It did not stop because of the changes in the Immortal Crystal, but was improving rapidly.

This feeling is simply not too good.

Ten millet grains in the Immortal Crystal are equivalent to a brand new foundation, a perfect upgraded version. This foundation not only has power but also has ten attribute laws.

A new sea change.

That's why Yang Yiyun feels that he has become a monster.

Now he has been able to instantly defeat and comprehend the third heaven and defeat the fourth heaven. He really doesn’t know what his cultivation will be like if he continues to grow further in the future.


Of course, Yang Yiyun discovered a key problem.

The key is a matter of growth and improvement, which is the practice.

The practice of the Qiankun Creation Technique has been smoother than ever before, and it is perfectly matched with the foundation of the ten powers within the Immortal Crystal. The operation has truly reached the point where the mind is connected and heaven and man are one.

Yang Yiyun thought to himself, maybe this is the real operation of Shinto skills!

Seeing the three old lions kneeling down and trembling in submission, Yang Yiyun grinned and said: "Lift up and open your mouth~"

As he spoke, three drops of water of life appeared and floated towards the three old lions.

The three old lions listened to Yang Yiyun's words and looked at the three drops of water that appeared in front of them. Their whole bodies trembled and they cursed in their hearts: "Treacherous human race, we all said that if we surrender, we will naturally hand over the demon soul mark, and you will accept it." Are you still worried about the control of life and death? Are you giving us poison?"

In the eyes of the three old lions, three drops of green water with a hint of purple are poison.


But it didn't seem to look like it. Even the three drops of water contained huge vitality. I couldn't help but swallow my saliva and wanted to swallow it in one gulp.

But is this the poisonous water of the human race?

"Dear human beings, we three brothers are willing to hand over the demon soul mark, why don't we give up a way out?" the eldest among the old lions said.

Yang Yiyun was stunned and instantly understood what these three old lions were thinking.

Hehe smiled and said: "Idiots, I have already taken action to deal with you. At this moment, these three drops of divine water may wish you to take a further step in your bloodline and break through to the fifth heaven. Carefully feel the power contained in your inner seed. But what power?

There is no need to hand over the demon soul. From the moment you kneel down, I will accept your surrender. There is no need to poison you anymore. To be honest, if you don’t want to see the effect of the divine water, I also value your enlightenment. With cultivation at the peak of the Fourth Heaven, three drops of divine water will not be given to you in vain. "

"Master, Master, since they don't want to give it to me, I need it, I need it~"

At this moment, the Rat King's voice sounded with excitement, and he appeared next to Yang Yiyun.

This guy knows the efficacy of three drops of divine water and has benefited from it. After he came to the fairy world, he once imagined that after meeting his master, he would ask him for a drop of water of life. It was indeed true that Yang Yiyun conquered Hei Tan that day. I begged him sometimes, but the master didn't give it to him.

At this moment, the three old lions actually thought it was poison, and after hearing the owner talking to the three old lions, he couldn't help but shamelessly approached and asked for it.

This is the fairy world. He, the Rat King, has become a demon fairy, and his master is even more of a fairy. After so long, it is obvious that the water of life in his master has also changed.

It was a greener color than when he took it back then, with a hint of purple in it. Obviously, the master had made the treasure evolve to a higher level, and there must be great benefits after taking it.

The Rat King really wanted it.


Yang once again disappointed the Rat King.

"You idiot, just wait, remind me to give you three drops in a year." Yang Yiyun laughed and cursed when he saw the Rat King drooping.

"Thank you, Master~" The Rat King was overjoyed. This promise from his master was enough, and he even gave him three drops at a time.

Not to mention three drops, he felt that if he was given one drop now, he would be able to enter the realm of enlightenment. It's a pity that it would be cheaper than three old lions.

The three old lions listened to Yang Yiyun's words, and with the interruption from the Rat King, they also knew that Yang Yiyun had no reason to poison them.

There is indeed huge vitality in the three drops of water, and they cannot be fooled by this.

Facing Yang Yiyun's power, they couldn't even think of resisting, so let's just swallow it in one gulp.

The next moment, the three lions drank the three drops of divine water in front of each of them.

Yes, according to Yang Yiyun, it is the divine water.



When the three lions drank three drops of water of life, they roared suddenly and transformed into their true bodies. The roar was full of pain.

However... they did feel the benefits after taking the water of life, and their bloodline began to improve...

As a monster, which monster doesn't want his blood to evolve back to his ancestors?

The strength of each practice is a bloodline return to the ancestors. The more the bloodline evolves back to the ancestors, the closer it is to the footsteps of the ancestors. However, every monster group is always the ancestors who are powerful.

Despite the pain, they were in ecstasy.

From a distance, one could see that the three lions were covered in blood, and the demonic aura erupted. Their bodies were covered in flames, but they became increasingly red...

Half an hour later, the light on the three lions dissipated, but the flame talent turned completely blood red.

"Boom boom boom~"

At this moment, the three lions roared one after another.

The demonic energy surged again, and the overwhelming pressure spread...

Yang Yiyun laughed. As he expected, the three old lions broke through and reached the fifth level of enlightenment.

There are actually two reasons for giving the water of life to the three lions.

One is naturally not believing that they will really surrender. Even if they hand over the demon soul mark, Yang will not trust them. Therefore, the water of life is a necessity. With the control of the water of life, he can truly feel at ease.

Second, after he merged the ten powers of heaven and earth that day, the Qiankun Pot also underwent a metamorphosis. There was no big change, but the color of the water of life had a hint of purple. He knew that the water of life had advanced again. .

So he needed to try the effect, and Three Old Lions were the most suitable.

As expected, the current water of life is becoming more and more powerful for the evolution of the demon bloodline.

Not only did the injuries on the three old lions recover as before, but they also evolved their bloodline, breaking through from the peak of the fourth heaven to the fifth heaven.

In his perception, the connection between the Water of Life and the three lions became closer and closer, and the control was much stronger. With the control of the Water of Life, he was not allowed to take the demon soul mark at all.

The demon soul mark seems to hold the soul of the demon clan in its hand, but after all, it is just a mark. Some demon clans with extraordinary talents have secret methods, but after their cultivation is strong, they can cut off the demon clan. Control of soul marks.

Yang still believed in the control of the water of life, thinking that it had never let him down.

Even the feathered birds and the old willow trees cannot escape the influence of the water of life.

Not to mention the three old lions.

"Greetings to the master and thanking him for his blessings. The subordinates will definitely die for the master in the future."

The three old lions said in unison, they now understood that this was indeed the divine water~

I can't help but be excited. My bloodline has improved by one level, and my cultivation level has reached the fifth level. It feels so good.

Of course, as a great enlightened demon, he also felt this magical divine water, which was integrated into their bodies and demon souls, and had a clear and strong connection with Yang Yiyunzhi.

And this feeling is one that cannot be resisted.

The three lions knew that their life and death were completely in Yang Yiyun's hands.

But the atavistic improvement of bloodline and the breakthrough of cultivation force them to ignore this point. Anyway, the deal is done, there is no point to care about this. It would be good if they follow a master who can make their bloodline atavistically improve.

"Get up. From now on, you three brothers will be called the guarding lions of Yunmen. Well, I will give you names, Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Boss, Xie Lao Er, and Xie Lao San. Does it mean anything?"

Yang looked at the three old lions that had turned into human forms. Apart from their red hair, they had evolved to look much younger and middle-aged. They looked exactly like the version of Xie Xun's fairyland in movies and TV series, which satisfied some evil tastes.

"Thank you Master for the name~"

The three lions thanked each other in unison, feeling that the name given by the master was a good one!

The Golden Retriever Lion King sounds much louder than the Flame Lion, more domineering, and more in line with them. From now on, they will be the Golden Retriever Lion King clan.

Hei Tan and Loach not far away felt jealous when they heard their master naming the three lions.

Listen to their names. Thank you for the boss, thank you for the second, thank you for the third. What about us?

A black charcoal, a loach.

Heitan and Loach resented Yang very much, but they just thought about it in their hearts and did not dare to say it out loud.

At this point, the forces under the Lion King, the oriental giant in the foreign world, have been completely destroyed by Yang.

Then his next target was placed in the north of the foreign world, where is the territory of the pangolin clan and the territory of the Purple-Gold Armor Emperor. Of course, when Yang first came to the foreign world, he had conquered an illegitimate son of the Purple-Gold Armor Emperor, and He promised to let that kid's bloodline be called purple and gold bloodline, or even higher.

When he left that year, he was asked to go to the Zijin family to find out the news. Although no news has come yet, Yang Yiyun is not ready to wait any longer. Now that he has the strength, he will go in person.

He would search for and take away all the enlightened demons under the giants of the foreign world.

This trip to the north is also to find the remaining big demons and to search for masters.

Yang didn't dare before because he didn't have the strength, but now he dares to walk sideways in the foreign world. He is no longer prepared to wait and takes the initiative.

It is his goal to subdue the enlightened demons one by one, because he has to prepare for dealing with the three major Tianzun forces in the immortal world, Xiaoyao Palace, and Meteor Palace in the future.

These big forces of the human race do not have any masters of enlightenment, but who knows?

In particular, the three great Tianzun forces can dominate the immortal world for countless years. Even if their Tianzun leaves, how can they have no foundation?

Even Yang Yiyun wouldn't believe it.

He has already formed a feud with these families and cannot resolve it. Unless he kills them, he will feel uneasy and Yunmen will not be at peace either.

So Yang wanted to search for the great demon from the foreign world.

I came to the foreign world to find those old friends. Now that I have power, let’s go through the foreign world again!

It was the demon tribe’s territory anyway, and he didn’t care if there was chaos or not.

Next, Yang Yiyun gave the three lions Oh no, now it should be the three brothers of the Xie family who said, "Take your family's treasure house, let's go to the north."

After so many twists and turns, Mr. Yang naturally did not forget to search for heavenly materials and treasures. In fact, he cleared one side of the Eagle King's lair and gained countless things. Naturally, the Lion King will not forget it either.

Yunmen was established not long ago and needed natural resources and treasures to support the cultivation of its disciples.

One day later, the three brothers of the Xie family painfully handed over the treasures of the Lion King's lair. Yang smiled happily and waved his hand: "Let's go to the Northern Expedition~"

Of course, he said something to Zi Huang before leaving, but he didn't know what he said.

It was after Yang left that the Purple Emperor used iron-blooded methods to integrate the large and small monsters on the Lion King's territory, and then led the group of monsters to Feiying Mountain...

Mr. Yang only took away the big monsters at the enlightenment level. After enlightenment, he didn't take away those monsters. The group of monsters was huge.

It was obvious that someone Yang had fulfilled the Purple Emperor.

Because he knows that the Purple Emperor has ambitions. Well, I'll leave the foreign world to you. Anyway, buddy, I'm not interested, only those big monsters.

As for the fact that if the five giants of the foreign world come back in the future, you and Zihuang will take the blame for making a big fuss in the foreign world. It has nothing to do with me, Mr. Yang.

Of course, the possibility of coming back is slim ~

Ten days later, Yang led a group of great monsters to appear in the north, the territory of the Purple-Gold Armor Emperor.

What is different from other places is that in the Zijin Armor Emperor's territory, there are only pangolins and no foreign races.

Among the five giants in the foreign world, it is rumored that the Zijin Armor Emperor is the strongest one. Of course, this is on the surface. The truly powerful giant, according to the three brothers of the Xie family, is actually the White Shark Whale Emperor in the southern swamp. He is a mysterious strong man.

Whether it is overtly or covertly, these two are kings and should not be underestimated.

But now that they have all gone to the Heavenly Road, they are not too worried.

On the other hand, if the leader is strong, the demons he accepts will naturally be good.

So when Yang Yiyun arrived at the Zijin Armor Emperor's territory, he remained vigilant and asked Ni Loach to stop and wait for news.

Of course, the one waiting is Pangolin - Pangolin Xiao, the illegitimate son and ninth son of Emperor Zijin Jia.

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