My Master Is a God

Chapter 2444 Can’t sit still?

Boss Xie walked towards the valley and shouted: "Yang Yiyun, the master of the Chaos Fairyland, came to visit the Zijin clan~"

The sound echoed through the sky and into the valley.

Yang Yiyun looked at it and felt that he didn't even see the existence of the formation with his eyes of heaven and earth. However, when he closed his eyes and released the ten major attribute powers of heaven and earth, he finally felt the difference.

What kind of difference?

Naturally, the energy is different. Any formation requires energy to maintain.

And the ten major energies in Yang's body guarantee almost 99% of all the energy in the world, and there is no energy fluctuation that he cannot feel.

Your formations are exquisite and awesome, can they be better than mine?

A formation that even the Eye of Heaven and Earth could not see was clearly appearing in his mind at this moment.

Of course, to put it bluntly, it is just a portal.

He found it, but he was not in a hurry to force his way in.

Be polite first and then fight.

It would be fine if the pangolin clan invited him in, but if...

Then hit it in.

He didn't care anyway.

You, the Zijin clan, are so awesome, can you be better than me, Yang, who has so many enlightened demons behind you?

It is true that there are four top powerful people around Mr. Yang, and Little Phoenix is ​​the number one. After taking his water of life, the three brothers of the Xie family broke through and reached the fifth level of enlightenment, basically on the same level as Little Phoenix.

Next are the Blood Eagle who has comprehended the pinnacle of the third heaven, Black Carbon and Cat Eagle from the third heaven, the parrot who has comprehended the second heaven, and the eight flying eagle guards.

After that, Diaoer, Loach, Rat King, and himself.

Among these great demons, except the Rat King, who is slightly weaker, the others are all enlightened great demons.

To be honest, this sub-power will definitely cause a big sensation in the immortal world. Yang Yiyun believes that even if the three major Tianzun forces know about it, they will have to worry about it.

Zijin clan, you better not put on airs, let alone do anything to Chuan Shanxiao, otherwise I, Yang, will be rude to you.

Waiting is always the most upsetting thing and the most emotionally affecting thing.

Boss Xie's shouting was like a stone's throw into the sea, and he didn't get any response.

Yang narrowed his eyes.

Okay, you Zijin clan really don’t take me, Mr. Yang, seriously, so blame me for being ruthless.


Yang Yiyun appeared directly next to Boss Xie in a flash.

"Master didn't respond~" Boss Xie said awkwardly.

Indeed, he has a great name, the master of the Chaos Fairy Realm.


People ignore it~

"Stand back, they will come to the door if I don't break it." Yang was about to use violence when he spoke.

However, at this time, a voice did sound out of thin air.

"What a bullshit chaotic fairyland, you are so domineering, why don't you go to heaven?"

A sentence full of contempt echoed all around.

This is not giving him any face, and he is still openly slapping Yang in the face.

It’s true that people don’t recognize it, let alone know about it.

Yang is so angry~

Damn it, I've been stirring up trouble in the foreign world for hundreds of years, but you, the pangolin clan, haven't gotten any news at all?

I wouldn't believe it even to death.

So the anger in Yang's heart suddenly rose up, and he deliberately slapped me in the face~

Okay, I asked you to pretend to be confused.

In fact, the pangolin clan really didn't know that Yang was causing trouble in the foreign world. Almost all of their clan had the habit of staying in caves and not going out. They were super otakus.

It is normal not to know what has happened in the foreign world in recent hundreds of years.


Yang punched out, and the ten powers of heaven and earth exploded with colorful lights.

Soon, in the eyes of Boss Xie and other big demons, a flashing transparent outline appeared out of thin air at the mouth of the valley.

In other words, a portal is more appropriate.


There was a crisp sound, and the next moment Yang violently broke through the door of the pangolin clan.

Then the surrounding world was distorted.

The next moment, purple light flashed, and a huge purple-gold canyon appeared in front of everyone.

The Zijin Mountains that reach into the sky on both sides are vertical at 90 degrees, like a mirror. Densely packed caves are scattered all over the Zijin Mountains on both sides of the canyon.

The mouth of the valley looks like three thousand meters, but it's actually not that wide, because the mountains on both sides are so high that they block the light from the sky. However, the inside of the canyon is not dark at all, because the purple mountains on both sides shine brightly. , providing enough light to the canyon.

The depth of the Grand Canyon is also invisible to the eye, but it is unknown how deep it is.

This is the real Zijin Grand Canyon, the home of the pangolin family. Of course, the people in charge are definitely the Zijin Pangolin family.

This is a kingdom-like Grand Canyon.

"Bold you..."

Two demon emperors came out, wearing leather armor, with half-naked arms and dark scales like natural armor. They were in human form, but they retained their scales.

Apparently the soldiers guarding the portal.

Yang Yiyun took a look and said to himself: "This pangolin clan is indeed stronger. The demon emperor is used to guard the portal. With such cultivation, some small fairy mountains in the fairy world are definitely the masters of each sect."

No wonder he became an emperor.

It is very rare for the demon clan to have two demon emperors holding spear weapons and they are immortal weapons. Many demon clans have no weapons because the demon clan is not good at refining weapons. However, there are human trading houses in the foreign world. , obviously their immortal weapons came from the human race.

One of them scolded, but he was shocked before he finished his sentence. Behind this human race, he saw a large group of big monsters. Their auras were so powerful that it was impossible to see through them at all.

I was taking a nap while guarding before, and I also heard the words of the Lord of the Chaos Fairyland coming to visit, but I didn't pay attention to it at all. Their pangolin clan is different from other monsters in the foreign world. They are arrogant and not like you ordinary monsters. He was dealing with people, so he didn’t even look to see what kind of demon clan was coming. Without even thinking about it, he responded to the outside with a sentence: “Why don’t you go to heaven?”

Unexpectedly, there was a roar the next moment, and their formation mountain gate disappeared directly. A human race appeared in the sight, and they immediately cursed angrily, but they were stunned because they couldn't stop cursing.

However, the other pangolin demon emperor was smart and fled away in a swoop, shouting in panic: "There is an enemy attack..."

The shouts suddenly spread throughout the depths of the valley...

Yang Yiyun could have slapped him to death and couldn't shout, but he didn't do that. Instead, he let the pangolin demon emperor send the signal...

Because he doesn't need to be sneaky anymore.

It would have happened before, but not now.

After finally gaining strength, you naturally have to show it off. Your Purple-Gold Armor Emperor is no longer there, can you still defy the odds?

At this moment, Mr. Yang's mentality is like a famous cartoon picture on the Internet: a buddy is holding a 40-meter sword and asks you to run 39 meters first.

Of course, he didn't even care which one ran out.

Instead, he looked at the demon clan in front of him and said, "It was you who asked why you can't go to heaven just now?"

The Pangolin Demon Emperor was shocked all over. He was frightened and nodded subconsciously.

"Okay, I'll let you go to heaven~"

After saying that, Yang raised his foot and kicked it out.



With a whoosh, the pangolin demon emperor was directly lifted into the sky by someone Yang, and disappeared deep into the clouds in an instant, never to be seen again.

As for the result, it is self-evident.

With Yang's current cultivation level, kicking away a demon emperor is bullying people, oh no, bullying demons~

But this feeling can only be described in two words - so cool.

"It turns out that bullying people, not monsters, feels so good. Why didn't I notice it before?" Yang said to himself. He didn't feel guilty at all. He was a monster after all.

But when the three brothers of the Xie family who were following behind heard this, they all shrank their necks, and secretly thought to themselves that this master seems to be very unfriendly to the demon clan, so be careful what you say and do in the future!

The three brothers made eye contact and warned secretly in their hearts.

What is it actually?

Yang sometimes treats the demons better than the humans. He is just more ruthless to the hostile demons, while the pangolin clan is already hostile from the moment he forcibly breaks down the mountain gate and enters, so there is no need to be soft.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

In an instant the whole valley exploded.

Of course it's not a real explosion, just a description.

Countless armor-piercing ones flew out, with colorful scales. In one sentence, in Yang Yiyun's eyes, it was a complete collection of armor-piercing varieties.

Not only are the scales colorful, but the body shape and appearance are also extremely complex.

But they are all pangolin monsters.

There are fully human beings, half-human beings, and there are also those without substantial existence.

Thousands of them flew out from the caves on both sides of the Purple Mountain. Countless ones appeared in the sky and on the ground. The number is unclear, maybe tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands.

There are both high and low levels of cultivation, but so far Yang Yiyun has not found any powerful characters, only three pangolins with enlightenment levels have appeared.

He was actually very ferocious, attacking them without saying a word.


Yang stood with his hands behind his back and casually killed with one word.

Suddenly, a group of big demons behind him rushed forward. Only Xiao Fenghuang, Diao'er and the three Xie brothers followed him and did not take action. So far, there was no need for Xiao Fenghuang or the three Xie brothers to take action.

Of course Yang didn't take action either.

The real Zijin clan has not yet appeared. He felt that the Zijin clan was deep in the valley, and perhaps the noble and proud Zijin pangolin clan still disdained it.

Then kill all these cannon fodder and go deep into the valley.


A deafening roar sounded.

Yang Yiyun looked at it for a moment, but he didn't expect the loach to rush to the front, opening its mouth to devour the densely packed pangolins.

"Is this idiot so hungry?" Yang Yiyun cursed.

"Brother, Loach said that he must improve his strength quickly, otherwise he may be abandoned by you one day if he is not strong enough. That would be too shameful for him, so he wants to devour and improve his strength." Diao'er squatted on Yang Yiyun's shoulder and looked seriously. said.

"Uh~" Yang Yiyun was speechless for a while, abandoning Loach? Unless he's out of his mind.

However, he knew that the appearance of the little Phoenix next to him put great pressure on Ni Loach. In a real sense, Ni Loach had Kunpeng bloodline and was stronger than the little Phoenix. But now the little Phoenix was stronger than Ni Loach, which stimulated Ni Loach.

Good thing~

Yang did not stop the loach from devouring the pangolin.

He knew that as the loach devoured more and more, its power would become stronger and stronger. This creature's attribute talent seemed to be to devour other creatures and turn its power into its own strength.

In just a few minutes, more than half of the densely packed pangolins at the mouth of the valley were lost, and they retreated steadily into the depths of the valley.


A loud roar echoed through the valley.

Yang Yiyun looked deep into the valley and sneered to himself: "Can't you sit still?"

He knew that the royal family among pangolins appeared.

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