My Master Is a God

Chapter 2445 It is indeed the Zijin royal family with profound heritage.

Sure enough, three purple-gold rays of light appeared in Yang Yiyun's sight. The next moment, three middle-aged people appeared, suspended in the air, staring at Yang Yiyun without any fluctuation on his face, and the big demon beside him.

Three enlightenment peaks of the third heaven!

This is not bad among the major giants in the foreign world. The big demons that appeared under the Flying Eagle Clan and the Lion Throne before were not of this level.

Even the three Xie brothers were the last to appear.

As for the current pangolin clan, the masters of the Purple and Gold Royal Family are three great monsters who have understood the third heaven, which can be said to be quite powerful.

And Yang Yiyun believes that there is definitely a strong person who has not come out in the finale.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes~

At this moment, all the pangolin demons stopped resisting and stayed behind the three purple and gold royals after they appeared.

They all paid homage in unison: "Meet the three elders~"

These three are the guardian elders of the Zijin clan.

"Please step back~"

One of them opened his mouth and gave an order. The next moment, countless pangolins retreated like a tide. They entered the Laughing Cave on both sides of the mountain and disappeared without a trace.

The valley that had been filled with loud killing noises fell silent, with only three elders of the Purple Gold Royal Family suspended in the air.

Yang Yiyun did not speak, nor did he order the big demons under his command to attack. He waited for the three purple gold royals to speak. He was an intruder, but he showed great power. Behind him, there were a group of enlightened big demons. I believe that they would not be able to attack the three purple gold royals. A small deterrent.

The ones who want to speak are definitely the three purple and gold royal families.

Sure enough, the leader of the Zijin Royal Clan stared at Yang Yiyun and said: "The human race and I, the Zijin Clan, have no intention of being your enemy. Now please take your big demons out of the Zijin Canyon. We, the Zijin Royal Clan, can promise that you will do anything in the foreign world." , our clan will not interfere, as long as you retreat now, we will not pursue you if you cause trouble to our Zijin clan today."

These words were gentle, but the connotation was obvious and dangerous. But in the final analysis, Yang Yiyun knew that they were also timid and did not want to be enemies with him. This was indeed true.

Without him, because the big demons behind him are indeed powerful. In the face of strength, even if you are horizontally domineering, it still makes sense.

That's why the three elders of the Zijin clan said such condescending words.

Because they are all understanding people.


Yang laughed and said: "Okay~"

But when Yang Yiyun said yes, the three elders of the Zijin Royal Family had unhappy expressions on their faces.

But they were also stunned. They didn't expect this human race to be so easy to talk to. Before they came on stage, they had already learned about what happened in the past few hundred years. They knew that this human race used some means to destroy Feiying Mountain and the Lion King Dojo. And he made the Tongwu Great Demon under the two major forces surrender to him.

The Zijin clan doesn't know the reason, and there is no need to know. It is enough for them to know that this human race is not easy to mess with. The key point is that this human race comes to their Zijin clan.

It was obvious that this human race came to their Zijin clan with a plan, and whatever the plan was, they had no choice but to surrender.

But the Zijin Royal Family has a transcendent status in the foreign world, and its strength is definitely not comparable to that of Feiying Mountain and the Lion King. If such a situation really happens, their Zijin Family can also drive this human race out, but... it will definitely not be easy, even There will be a heavy price to pay.

So the best result is to negotiate with this human race and let him leave with a group of big monsters. It is even better to let this human race retreat without opening the business. They can even pay a big price for this. This price can be Treasures from heaven and earth.

If that doesn't work, then the only option is to start a war, which the Zijin clan may not be afraid of.

But I didn't expect that this human race was so easy to talk to, and he agreed immediately.

Do you know the background of my Zijin clan?


It's impossible to think about it. Among the major forces in the foreign world of the Zijin clan, only its own members are all pangolins, and they have never absorbed the expected race. How can this human race know the details of the Zijin clan?

However, when the three elders of the Zijin Royal Family were confused, they heard the other party speak again.

"Yes, yes, but I have conditions. As long as I agree, I will retreat and not touch your Zijin clan." Yang Yiyun said lightly.

"Sure enough, I won't give up easily~"

The three elders of the Zijin Royal Family secretly thought to themselves, looking at each other and communicating.

Let's listen to what his conditions are. As long as he can avoid fighting, it's not a bad idea to pay some price. Right now, the Zijin clan has a more important matter, the demon clan. Compared with that matter, other things are not worth mentioning.

At this juncture, there can be no chaos within the clan.

"What are the conditions?" Elder Zijin, who was the leader, asked.

Yang Yiyun said slowly: "I have a younger brother who is a member of your Zijin clan. He is the ninth son of your Zijin Armor Emperor. The conditions are very simple. I heard that his mother was imprisoned by you in the forbidden area of ​​your Zijin clan.

Release his mother, and the Zijin Armor Emperor has gone to the Heavenly Road and will probably never come back. The Zijin clan lacks a head, so the Ninth Prince can become the new king of the Zijin Royal clan. On this condition, you can do it and I will leave. "

As soon as Yang Yiyun said this, the expressions of the three elders of the Zijin Royal Family changed drastically. The major events that their Zijin Royal Family had done recently were related to this Ninth Prince.

As for the matter of the Ninth Prince, it is listed as the biggest secret of the Zijin Royal Family, and the people who know it are all core members of the royal family. Could it be that this human race knows about the Ninth Prince?


There was no way he could know that the secrets of that humble Ninth Prince could never be spread to outsiders. This human race asked for the Ninth Prince and wanted the Ninth Prince to become the king of the Zijin clan. This was simply a big joke.

"Human race, except for the matter of the Ninth Prince, everything can be ignored. You can change the conditions." The elder of the Zijin Royal Family took a deep breath and said, he made his final statement.

Yang Yiyun shook his head and said: "That's it, don't talk about anything else. Either do as I say, or... I will crush you and your Zijin clan."



The other two were furious.

Yang made a gesture of picking his ears and ignored it.

At this time, the leader Zijin's face turned gloomy and said: "It seems there is no more talk?"

"If you want to fight, fight, but let your powerful men come out. You three are not enough." Yang's words made the demon angry to death.

At this moment, the elder of the Zijin Royal Family suddenly said to the air: "Your Highness, please make a decision~"

Yang Yiyun was stunned, why did a royal highness appear?

But he is obviously the one who can really make the decision.

Maybe it’s the brother of the Zijin Armor Emperor~

There is no doubt that he should be a strong man, but since he has already joined the Zijin clan, he will not retreat.

And one thing is certain now, that something happened to Chuan Shanxiao.

There is something fishy about the pangolin in the Zijin clan. Although he doesn't know what it is, it seems from the test just now that it must be related to the pangolin.

If Yang Yiyun couldn't even protect one of his subordinates, then the changes in his cultivation direction would be in vain.

At this time, he narrowed his eyes, waiting for the other party to jump out.

I want to see if any tricks are used, can a group of pangolins change the world?


Then there was a sound that seemed to come from Jiuyou, and it was impossible to tell the direction, and it resounded throughout the Zijin Canyon.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

In an instant, the entire Zijin Canyon changed color in all directions, and purple light burst out.

Yang Yiyun looked up and saw a purple-gold barrier appearing above his head, with flashing inscriptions, completely sealing off the entire canyon.

They were shrouded in a barrier.

Powerful auras appeared in all directions, more than twenty in total.

And the lowest one has understood the first level of heaven, among which there are five third level heaven, three fourth level heaven, three fifth level heaven, plus the previous three Zijin elders, Yang Yiyun found that a total of twenty people appeared around them in an instant. Eight enlightened demons of the Zijin clan.

"Sure enough, it's a big deal. After all, the power of the emperor in the foreign world has a deep foundation. It's not simple or simple ~" Yang Yiyun said to himself but without any timidity.



Both sides spoke at the same time.

"Boom boom boom..."

Twenty-eight strong men of the Zijin clan all transformed into pangolins, showing the most peak battle.

Each pangolin is eight or nine meters long, with purple and gold scales all over its body and inscribed inscriptions.

Yang Yiyun gave an order, and the big demons around him also transformed into their true bodies. The true body state of the demon clan is the most powerful state in combat.

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