My Master Is a God

Chapter 2449 The arrogant old monster

Yang Yiyun squinted his eyes and answered this question without any pause: "Yes, it is indeed possible."

Because he knew that when the Zijin High Priest asked this question, he already knew the secret of Chuanshan Xiao.

In other words, sending so many purple-gold pangolins out to resist him, even after he mentioned the Ninth Prince, it was already destined that all the pangolins would attack.

The Zijin clan is conducting some sort of guinea pig research on the Ninth Prince Chuan Shanxiao.

There is no doubt that his drop of life water back then made the Ninth Prince Chuanshan Xiao's blood return to his ancestors, and for any monster clan, blood return to their ancestors is their ultimate pursuit.

Returning to one's ancestors means evolving once again and becoming stronger again.

This attraction is a fatal temptation. They want to find the answer to how bloodline evolves from Chuanshan Xiao.

It was obvious that Chuanshanxiao was loyal to his master, and did not tell the story about the Water of Life and him. He even made some soul-searching defenses, so that the Zijin clan did not dare to search for the soul to get the answer.

However, in the hands of an old monster who has understood the sixth level of heaven, even if Chuanshanxiao restrains the monster soul from being searched, Yang Yiyun is still fragile. This high priest can still get 70% to 80% of what he wants to know. .

So there is the current conversation.

Hearing Yang Yiyun's answer, the Zijin High Priest's eyes flickered, and he continued: "Can I understand that those water drops came from your hands?"

Yang Yiyun nodded calmly: "Yes, it was indeed made by me."

"Oh, that's right, you can ask next." Zijin High Priest said.

Yang Yiyun said directly: "Are you the most powerful of the Zijin clan?"

The high priest nodded, then shook his head.

Yang Yiyun was stunned and quickly understood. The high priest's meaning was very obvious. He was indeed the most powerful in the Zijin clan at present, but the strongest person in the entire Zijin clan was the Zijin Armor Emperor.

All in all, he is the high priest.

Because after the Purple-Gold Armor Emperor went to the Road to Heaven, who knows if he can come back?

Anyway, Yang Yiyun felt that those strong men who went to the road to heaven would never come back.

Yang Yiyun asked again: "Do you want to get that kind of water droplet?"

The high priest of Zijin nodded: "Yes, who among the monsters in the world wouldn't want to have a treasure that can improve the bloodline and return to the ancestors? Of course I am no exception. I have lived too long. If I don't improve, I will die of old age. At this point, I saw hope in the Ninth Prince.

Originally, I was already selfish, and when it was time to dissipate after a thousand years, I planned to go to the forbidden place to wait for death after settling my funeral arrangements, but the appearance of the Ninth Prince ignited the hope in my heart..."

At this point, the purple-gold high priest's eyes sparkled with brilliance, and his tone became a bit high as he continued: "I have now comprehended the sixth heaven. If I take one step further, not only will the longevity problem be solved, but I will even be able to aspire to the heaven.

Our Zijin clan is originally a clan with noble bloodline. How difficult it is to evolve bloodline, but I see great hope from the Ninth Prince, or from you.

Originally, it might take hundreds of years to determine the research on the Ninth Prince, but I didn't expect you to come. But after you appeared, I knew that the secret of the Ninth Prince's bloodline returning to his ancestors was closely related to you. Sure enough, a... After the battle, the big demons around you all exude the same aura as the Ninth Prince. The aura of returning to the ancestors of the bloodline, although it is very weak, cannot be hidden from me. "

The corner of Yang Yiyun's mouth twitched and he said: "Just to confirm one thing, you will let the Zijin clan have twenty-eight enlightenments and die?"

"Why not? Their ability to achieve enlightenment is due to me as the high priest. Besides, I am the ancestor of the Zijin clan. They can die for me and die well. The way of heaven has changed. It is not what it used to be. The beginning of a great era is also the beginning of great chaos.

If a race wants to survive, it needs the protection of the strong. If I don't die, the Zijin clan will never be destroyed, and there will be a steady stream of enlightenment born in the future. "Zijin High Priest said.

"That's cruel, but what you said makes sense." Yang Yiyun said.

"Haha, maybe this sounds vicious in your eyes, but we are a monster race, and the jungle law of the jungle will not change. You humans are essentially the same. In some ways, you are even a hundred times more ruthless than the monsters." Zijin Da The priest said mockingly.

Yang Yiyun did not deny it.

Then he said: "Are Chuan Shan Xiao and his mother still alive? Oh, Chuan Shan Xiao is your ninth prince, and I gave him his name."

"Chuanshanxiao, the filial piety of a filial son, is the vocabulary of your human civilization. It will suit the Ninth Prince very well. Don't worry, he will be the ninth son of His Majesty the Emperor no matter what. I will not kill him, not even the Zijin clan in the future. He will be the one to control it," said the high priest Zijin.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said, "Okay, last question, or I'll give you a chance and a choice."

"Please tell me." Zijin High Priest said.

"You, surrender to me, and I will give you what you want." Yang Yiyun said with a grin.

The Zijin High Priest has always had a neither happy nor sad face, but at this time he smiled slightly and said: "Do you know, human race, that I have traveled in your human world for tens of thousands of years, sects in the fairy world, and even cultivators in the lower world?" The world, the mortal capital of the small world, etc., have experienced being a mortal, going to the battlefield to kill enemies, studying in an academy, and serving in the court...

I have experienced all kinds of things in the world. I am full of awe for you humans, but I also look down on you. It is too hypocritical. No one in the world can surrender to me except my emperor, so give up your idea.

I know that you have what I need, so I will take it from you and will not surrender to you, even though you have the divine bird Phoenix by your side, and I am amazed that even the divine creature Kunpeng, which has been extinct for an era, is by your side. …

But I still will not surrender to any human race. No one can be my master, at least not in the immortal world. You are very unique. It seems that you are only an immortal, but you can kill enlightenment. You... look like a human but not a human, like an immortal but not an immortal. , you are like a god but not a god. Indeed, you are the strangest freak I have seen in my long life, but you are still not qualified for me to surrender. "

Yang Yiyun was not surprised at all by the words of the Zijin High Priest. He didn't intend to make him surrender with just a word, it was just a test.

But the result was unexpected. This was an old monster that had been baptized by the long river of human civilization. His thoughts were no longer monsters, let alone humans. He seemed to be the kind of creature with detached thoughts.


This is the only word that can describe this Purple Gold High Priest.

Taking a deep breath, Yang smiled and said, "What if I give you that drop of water?"

"Haha, human race, do you think I will? Your water drops are indeed fatal to my temptation, but I know that once I take those water drops, my life and death will be in your hands, so I don't want to give them to me. I want to snatch it from you, study your memory, and eliminate the side effects of the water droplets. I don’t want to be controlled by others." The Zijin High Priest said with ridicule.

"It is indeed an old monster who has become a great spirit." Yang Yiyun sighed in his heart, and then said: "Then how about a bet? Let's fight. If I win, you surrender to me, if I lose, hand over the water drop, and I will let you search for your soul without any resistance."

"That's how it should be. But human race, I'm not looking down on you. These big monsters around me are no match for me. Although there are divine birds and beasts among them, and even the existence of the fifth heaven, you should know that enlightenment There are nine realms, and every three realms is a heavenly slash. And I have crossed two great heavenly slashes. One person is enough to destroy you all. Even as the high priest of Zijin, I control the magical powers and magic, and I have no influence on your human civilization. His research is incomparable to even your human race.

So you are risking your life, but I understand your human race, and you will not be reconciled to this fight, so I agree to accept your bet. If I lose, I can surrender to you. Haha, I hope you have a chance to let me Surrender. "

At this moment, the Zijin High Priest really looked like an old monster, an extremely arrogant person, an old monster who seemed to have insight into everything in the world.

Yang Yiyun laughed, and found that he liked this old monster a little bit.

"It's a deal~"

"How to bet?"

"Put the opponent down."

"Is it that simple?"

"It's that simple."

"Then let's start~"


An old man, a young man, a man and a demon, looked at each other fifty or sixty meters apart. The conversation was over and they were not talking at all.

At a certain moment, the Zijin High Priest disappeared.

Yang Yiyun said: "Attack ten meters to the left with all your strength."

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