My Master Is a God

Chapter 2450 After closing eyes

While Yang Yiyun was speaking, he also slashed out with the dragon-slaying sword in his hand.

"Boom boom boom..."

When the three brothers Little Phoenix, Loach, Rat King and Xie heard Yang Yiyun's shouting, they attacked with all their strength ten meters to the left without even thinking about it.

Although they saw that the ten meters to the left were empty, which was the rhythm of beating the air, Yang Yiyun's orders were carried out to the letter.

Everyone believed in Yang Yiyun. Anyway, Yang Yiyun said we should fight as he said, and he couldn't be wrong.

Sure enough, after a roar.

But the place where the attack was located was filled with purple and gold light.

Now everyone understands that the attack was indeed correct.

And Yang Yiyun was also happy that it worked.

The mental image of anticipating the enemy's attack worked.

His incredible screen talent is to predict the enemy's next attack screen, which is equivalent to an invincible advantage.

No matter what you do when you are strong, I will know how you will deal with me next.

Of course, it is also difficult. In the face of absolute power, knowing is one thing, but how to deal with cracking is another matter.

However, Yang not only has magical powers, but also has the assistance of small phoenix, loach and other big monsters. This battle may seem difficult but it is not difficult at all.

Yang Yiyun is confident in this.

After a round, the two sides seemed to have a tacit agreement to separate.

At this moment, the Zijin High Priest's heart was churning. He was considered the wise man of the Zijin clan, and could even be said to be the wise man of the entire alien world's demon clan. How could he not see what was going on?

This kid actually launched the attack in advance, and it was exactly where he stayed next, so that the magical power he had planned was not used. It was really weird.

It must have been an accidental collision!

The high priest Zijin felt so comforted.

Then he narrowed his eyes and purple light burst out, but he waved his hand and the earth began to tremble.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun said: "Thirty meters into the air~"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~

The next moment, Little Phoenix and the other big demons left the ground without hesitation and soared to thirty meters in the air.

"Boom boom boom..."

Just when they had just leaped into the air, sharp purple stone thorns rushed out of the ground in a large area, reaching a height of twenty meters.

"Wow~ Master, you are really amazing~"

The Rat King couldn't help but cheered. Looking at the stone thorns under his feet, he still felt a little chilly in his heart.

They were facing the high priest of the Zijin clan, a strong man who had understood the sixth heaven. The stone thorns condensed by the summons were naturally extraordinary, even if they had the cultivation of the fifth heaven. Being hit by thousands of stone thorns wouldn't be good either.

However, what was more shocking was the Zijin High Priest. His pupils suddenly shrank. If the first time was an accident, then the second time was definitely not a coincidence.

He stopped and looked at Yang Yiyun.

"Human, you are a bit interesting. You can predict my attack in advance, but this is not enough. Even if you can know in advance my next attack, you may not be able to resolve it. It depends on your real ability. I hope you can Don't let me down." The Zijin High Priest became more serious than ever.

It's like a lion fighting a rabbit.

Yang Yiyun listened to the words of the Zijin High Priest, and Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly in his heart. The real test had come. He knew that the Zijin High Priest was right. Even if his talent could predict the opponent's attack method in advance, he had to be able to resolve it.

Indeed, he has already seen in his mind the next step of this old monster, which is to block it!

He saw an extremely strong purple-gold mist appearing in the entire Purple Gold Canyon, covering the entire Grand Canyon in the sky and underground, and the old monster could no longer be seen.

He clearly saw what the other party was going to do next, but he was unable to respond, let alone rush out.

Because they were deep in the Purple Gold Grand Canyon, facing the methods of such powerful people, they couldn't escape at all. The appearance of the Purple Gold Mist caused the entire Grand Canyon to appear instantly. No matter how fast they were, it would be useless.

Rather than choosing to escape, it is better to stay where you are and treat it calmly.

Besides, he had no intention of escaping.

It's one thing to see the image of the other person in his mind, but he doesn't understand the purple gold mist. What is it?

Is it fog or what?

Are there any bad substances that exist...

"Everyone, don't reserve your full strength to deal with it. The Purple Gold Mist will appear next, so be prepared." Yang Yiyun could only choose a safe and conservative defense.

"Chirp~" Little Phoenix let out a long roar and drew her true form. At this moment, only Little Phoenix was not transformed. At this time, Little Phoenix had no reservations. Her true form was her peak state.

Others such as the Rat King, Loach and the three Xie brothers are all in the original state.

Everyone gathered together to form a circle, each defending a position.


After a sneer, Yang Yiyun saw that the Zijin High Priest had disappeared completely. He could not feel the other person's breath.

Immediately afterwards, a thick purple-gold fog appeared out of thin air, filling the entire Purple-gold Grand Canyon almost instantly.

Nothing seems big anymore.

Visibility was less than three meters.

Yang Yiyun's world-turning eye can't even see beyond three meters, and his spiritual consciousness is also blocked at this distance.

Sure enough~

Just because you can foresee it, you may not be able to resolve it!

However, that's what makes it interesting. I want to see what your Zijin High Priest can do.

Yang Yiyun muttered in his heart.

Then he said to Little Phoenix and the other big demons: "You guys gather together and don't separate. No matter what you see or hear, don't separate. Don't be impulsive. Respond to the attack with all your strength. Wait for my order. I'll go meet the high priest."

After saying that, he waved his hand and ten colored streams of light appeared, forming a light shield in an instant and enveloping the little Phoenix and others inside.

"Brother, I can help you~" Little Phoenix said.

"No, I have some means to prove it. When I need you to take action, I will speak up and just keep your heart. This purple and gold mist affects the mind and may create illusions. It is not convenient for you to enter it at this time."

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he took a step forward and disappeared into the purple-gold mist.

This purple-gold high priest is indeed powerful, but he is really unconvinced and wants to see if this purple-gold mist can confuse him.

In other words, whether the power of the ten attributes in his body can resolve such a high-level fog, what impact will it have?

Although the Zijin High Priest is very strong and has a cultivation level that understands the sixth level of heaven, if he really gets mad, he can now use the power of the Qiankun Temple three times in one breath. Even if he cannot kill him, the Zijin High Priest will still bleed. .

Yang is so awesome now and has such confidence.

But having said that, this Zijin High Priest did give him a very difficult feeling. The old monster knew the human race very well, and might even control many of the human race's magic powers and so on.

Apart from anything else, when the purple gold mist appeared, Yang Yiyun realized that it was not just mist, but contained profound formations, and many formations were garlanded together.

Illusion array and confusion array are one of them.

I don’t know what kind of means other than the first time.

This was indeed the case, but it aroused his desire to challenge.

The formations controlled by a demon race are actually higher than those of the human race, or in other words, the formation attainments have surpassed those of many powerful human races. He is indeed an interesting old monster.

Arrogance, very aloof arrogance.

But Mr. Yang was more arrogant than him.

You, a monster race, use the civilization and wisdom of the human race to deal with me, a real human race, what are you doing, are you trying to crush me in terms of IQ?

That's as you wish.

Let you see the real human method.

Of course, if Yang dares to step into the purple gold mist, in addition to being aroused by the high priest of purple gold, his greatest confidence is that he possesses the power and laws of the ten attributes of heaven and earth, although the power of laws is weak in front of the high priest. .

But the victory is more, the victory is completeness.

Because he knows that the composition of any power, formation, etc. in the world comes from the ten major powers and the ten laws in the world, so to a certain extent, these purple-gold mist and formations are useless to him.

He can break it with the wave of his hand.

But not ready to break.


Then follow the performance and find the flaw when the time comes. Give the Zijin High Priest a fatal blow and decide the outcome in one battle.

Yang stepped into my purple-gold mist. He closed his eyes and activated the immortal crystal. The power of the ten attributes filled the space between the inside and outside of his body and between heaven and earth.

Perceived everything.

At this moment, the Purple-Gold Priest's Purple-Gold Mist was useless to him.

The right hand holds the dragon-slaying sword, which emits a buzzing sound. The dragon patterns on both sides of the sword are faintly flowing, and the sword is ready for use.

The Qiankun Pot pattern on his left arm emits bursts of heat, and he can attack at any time.

After letting go of his mind, the ten major attribute powers in the world within a hundred meters around him gathered together, which was equivalent to forming a layer of defense invisibly.

Everything within a hundred meters is under control.

But he did not notice the existence of the Zijin High Priest, which made him frown slightly.

Obviously this old monster is a hundred meters away.

But it doesn't matter, he is waiting here, and he can respond to any movement within a hundred meters.

At this moment, he was thirty meters away from Xiao Fenghuang and the others.

The reason why they left Little Phoenix and the others was to draw firepower to him, and also to focus more on dealing with the high priest.

At the same time, the little phoenix and others are not allowed to suffer.

He has strong perception and the seeds of the ten powers of heaven and earth in his body, which Little Phoenix and the others do not have. Yang Yiyun is afraid of the Zijin High Priest and knows that he is a difficult master, so staying thirty meters away from Little Phoenix and them is a kind of Protection, even if there is any situation, you can respond immediately.

Anyway, within a hundred meters of him, that's fine.

The Purple Gold High Priest who understands the Sixth Heaven must be extraordinary.

Yang Yiyun was in the purple and gold mist, with his eyes closed, but his body was in optimal condition and he was ready to attack at any time.


At a certain moment, a sound broke through the air.

Yang Yiyun grinned, finally here.

Countless purple-gold arrows came towards him from all directions, and the powerful arrows shook the space.

At this moment, five hundred meters away, the Zijin High Priest was staring at Yang Yiyun, waving his hand and condensing hundreds of sharp arrows and shooting away.

In an instant, he was dozens of meters in front of Yang Yiyun.

There is a smile on the corner of the high priest's mouth. This human being will be interesting then. Can he feel it with his eyes closed?

In the Zijin Dharma Light Formation of my Zijin High Priest, you can still turn the world upside down.

It was an almost 360-degree attack with no blind spots. In the eyes of the Zijin High Priest, Yang Yiyun could not dodge it anyway. Even if he dodge it, it would be just an appetizer.

I am actually interested in fighting this human race.

Countless years of training were very boring, and it was rare to have such fun. After completely destroying the self-confidence of this human race, he would take action and take it. Then he could know anything he wanted.

However, the next moment the Zijin High Priest's face froze, he was stunned, and couldn't help but said: "Is this possible?"

Hundreds of his sharp arrows made of metal were about to land on Yang Yiyun, but they all stopped one after another. Then he heard the human race say: "Burn~"

When the word "burn" was closed, hundreds of sharp arrows burst into flames and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

That's all gone.

This was made from amethyst he extracted from the Purple Gold Mountain, and with the blessing of his magic power, its hardness had surpassed that of a top-grade immortal weapon, but it turned into ashes in an instant.

Moreover, the speed he accelerated unexpectedly stopped so strangely, stopping less than one meter in front of the human race, without even touching a corner of the opponent.

"It's really... interesting~"

The high priest Zijin took a deep breath and said.

Then he dodged into the purple gold mist, or in his own formation, and stopped ninety meters away from Yang Yiyun. Within the formation, he controlled all attacks to double their power.

Having underestimated this human race, the Zijin High Priest was ready to use his full strength.

Yang Yiyun, who still had his eyes closed, smiled secretly. He sensed that the Zijin High Priest had entered a place ninety meters away from him, but he still didn't turn his head. He just pretended that he didn't know and waited for the Zijin High Priest's next attack. means.

He already felt a picture in his mind.

Smiling secretly in his heart, this game has begun, but he doesn't know if he can hold on?

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