My Master Is a God

Chapter 2451 High Priest, you lost

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

After all, the Purple Gold High Priest is powerful and arrogant, and Yang is just right, more arrogant than him.

Your grandma has nothing but legs, you are just an old monster. If you are strong, you will be strong, but don't show your superiority in front of your buddies. Now, I'll take you down, you old monster.

Although I think you, the old monster, are very powerful, I am not bad either!

Yang was thinking about something in his mind and started planning. This time he would lift the Zijin High Priest high and then throw him down to decide the outcome in a battle.

At this moment, the Zijin High Priest stood on the edge of the Zijin mist and looked at Yang Yiyun. In his eyes, Yang Yiyun was facing his back, still standing motionless.

As he waved his hand, the mist inside the purple-gold light magic circle began to roll, and the purple-gold high priest said: "Wind Blade~"

The next moment, thousands of wind blades appeared and instantly turned into a forest of wind blades, surrounding Yang Yiyun from all directions.

This time everything was silent, and there was no sound. However, the Zijin High Priest raised his hand, as if with a wave of his hand, these wind blades would join Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun seemed not to see or even feel this at all.

The High Priest Zijin really doesn't believe in evil. Doesn't he believe that this kid can go against heaven?

It's really amazing to be able to predict what he's going to do in advance, but knowing it is one thing, being able to resolve it is another.

Next, I will attack you in a large area every time. How do you respond?

There was a smile on Yang Yiyun's lips. He naturally felt countless wind blades covering him silently, but - no fear.

Because this is the wind attribute power condensed into the wind blade.

Any attack that is condensed from the ten major attribute energies in the world can be broken by him.

Because the power of his ten powers gathered together is simply invincible. It can be condensed and disassembled. It is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

But this time he was going to put on a show for the Zijin High Priest, and gradually make him relax his vigilance, so that he could give this proud high priest a harsh blow.

The next moment, the Zijin High Priest waved his hand.

The wind blades all over the sky fell towards Yang Yiyun.

"Boom boom boom~"

The sky and the earth roared.

Yang Yiyun let out a muffled groan, and all ten colors of light burst out, and countless wind blades fell on him.

The next moment the wind blade dispersed.

There were blood stains on the corners of Yang Yiyun's mouth.

High Priest Zijin could see this scene clearly, and a trace of complacency appeared on his face.

Of course, I also had a hint of admiration for Yang Yiyun. Countless wind blades landed firmly on this kid. Although they were all blocked, Yang Yiyun vomited blood in the end.

This scene was expected by the Zijin High Priest. This wind blade attack was several times more powerful than the sharp arrow just now. This kid still blocked it, which I have to say is a bit interesting.

However, is this really the case?

not necessarily.

In Yang's mind, he was muttering at this moment: "Old monster, the wind blade method is indeed very strong. It hurts a little when it falls on the body, but it's just a little. The blood stains at the corners of the mouth must have been deliberately bitten by the gums. , I don’t know if your acting skills are passable?”

It is true that this wave of attacks is powerful, but when Yang mobilizes the ten powers in his body to resist, that's all.

It didn't hurt him at all.

This fully proves once again the strength of the ten powers in his body.

The blood stains on the corners of his mouth were just acting for the High Priest Zijin.

Of course, this is only the first step. He will continue to act next, and when the time is right, he will give this old monster a fatal blow and make him fall from heaven to earth.

"Old monster, if you have the ability, you can remove the fog and fight openly and openly. What kind of ability is it to hide under the command and act secretly?"

It seemed that Yang was so angry that he started to curse.

In the eyes of the Zijin High Priest, this is only reasonable.

Hearing Yang Yiyun's curse, the Zijin High Priest smiled slightly and spoke slowly, but his voice resounded in all directions and was unstable, deliberately making it difficult for Yang Yiyun to understand.

"Haha, boy from the human race, I am a demon race, not your hypocritical human race. In a life-and-death fight, you have to talk about bullshit rules. Don't you have a saying in the human race? You have to be a bitch and you have to build an arch. I don't care about that. .

Demons are demons, and they can use any means. This purple-gold light magic circle is my ability. If you have any means, use it, and I will continue. This is just the beginning. I haven't done anything for a long time, and I am lonely. That's it. You kid is just trying to relieve your boredom. Don't worry, I won't let you die so quickly. At least I won't let you die until I get the water droplets on your body. I just want you to understand the methods of my Zijin High Priest and let you know. Know what it is to be a great demon who has understood the sixth heaven. "

The Zijin High Priest looked at the furious Yang Yiyun and spoke slowly, his words full of pride.

Yang Yiyun heard the voices coming from all directions and laughed secretly in his heart: "This old monster is really a difficult character, so be cautious~"

But for him, it is not worth mentioning, because after his ten major energies are released, the space between heaven and earth within a hundred meters is the space formed by his ten major attribute powers.

It seemed that he was trapped in the purple and gold mist, but in fact, the purple and gold high priest was already trapped in his space at this moment.

If you want to play, come on~

"Use whatever tricks the old monster has, I'll take them all." Yang Yiyun cursed, walking around, but getting closer to the Zijin High Priest.

"Okay, let's try my method~ Go to the Purple Gold Flame~"

The purple-gold high priest waved his hand and instantly purple-gold flames burned around Yang Yiyun, and they burned on Yang Yiyun's body.


The next moment, Yang Yiyun screamed, waving his hands in an attempt to destroy the purple-gold flames on his body, but to no avail, and instead grew bigger and bigger.

"Haha~ The purple-gold flame of this sacrifice is the innate flame of my purple-gold clan. It is no less than the fire of heaven and earth. It burns and rises. Unless your cultivation is higher than mine, the sixth level of enlightenment, you can't extinguish it.

Human boy, you can kneel down and beg me, don’t worry I won’t burn you to death, I will only make you taste like purple gold flames, beg for mercy how you want~” the purple gold high priest said with a smile.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was already thirty meters closer to the Zijin High Priest.

Yang Yiyun still screamed, but the next moment he fell from the air, landed on the ground and continued to roll, looking extremely painful.

The Zijin High Priest is already confident of victory at this moment.

In a flash, he appeared directly less than three meters away from Yang Yiyun, his whole body shrouded in purple-gold mist.

You can't even see his presence at all.

But Yang, who was screaming and rolling on the ground, raised the corners of his mouth.

When the Zijin High Priest appeared three meters away from him, he suddenly swung out of the left circle, and a dazzling light burst out.


Of course it was Yang who activated the power of the Qiankun Temple.


The purple-gold high priest felt something was wrong at the first moment, and instinctively jumped back, and resisted the purple-gold light all over his body.

But he didn't expect that a force that made his eyelids jump directly hit him. In an instant, he was like a lightning strike, without being blocked at all, he flew backwards.

In just such an instant, the purple mist in the entire Zijin Grand Canyon dissipated, and Yang Yiyun hit the Zijin High Priest and broke his spell.

"Do it~"

Then Yang Yiyun roared, which was naturally addressed to Little Phoenix and Loach. Yang Yiyun had already sent a message to Little Phoenix and the others when the flames of the Zijin High Priest appeared, telling Little Phoenix and others to get ready.

This was a double insurance. He was still afraid that the power of his attack on the Qiankun Temple would not be able to severely damage the high priest. After all, the old monster was an existence that understood the sixth heaven, which was unusual.





Little Phoenix, Loach, Rat King, Diao'er, and the three brothers of the Xie family, who had been prepared for a long time, were in mid-air and launched a full-strength attack at the Zijin High Priest who was flying backwards. The colorful mana attacks instantly buried the Zijin High Priest. priest.

"Boom boom boom..."

The roar that resounded throughout the Zijin Grand Canyon went straight through the sky.

The roar was mixed with the screams of the Zijin High Priest.

This time he was careless.

But who would have thought that Yang was a freak?

The purple-gold flame burned in his body. After Yang activated the fairy crystal in his body, the ten powerful forces emitted, and protected his whole body. It did not hurt a hair on his body at all. It only allowed the purple-gold flame to adhere to the surface of the body. , acting for the High Priest Zijin.

Finally, when the Zijin High Priest approached, when he relaxed his guard the most, he activated the power of the Qiankun Temple.

The result was a hit with one move.

Coupled with Little Phoenix and the others' last-hitting, this time even if the Zijin High Priest can't be killed, he will definitely inflict heavy damage on this sixth-level pangolin.

Yang Yiyun rushed up at the first moment, released the ten powers, and pressed on the Zijin High Priest in response to the attribute laws between heaven and earth.

After the attack by Little Phoenix and others was completed, he saw the high priest whose body was riddled with holes. He grinned, rushed past, and used his hands to cast hundreds of life and death talismans on the high priest's body in one breath.




Finally, Yang stepped on the chest of the Zijin High Priest, causing the High Priest to scream and vomit blood.

"Hey, high priest, you lost~"

Yang had a frightening expression at this time.


Hearing Yang Yiyun's words, the Zijin High Priest couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood.


The Zijin High Priest, who was arrogant to the depths of his soul, never thought that one day he would be stepped on by a descendant of the human race and look down on him from a high position.

He knew that he was careless and made a serious mistake, but it was too late. After all, this human boy was a monster and pervert.

Every time he takes action, he can kill anyone, even a human who has attained the sixth level of cultivation at the same level. Who knows that all the means will fail on this human boy, and he even shamelessly pretends to be a The gesture made him let his guard down.

But now that he thought about it and felt the power of the kid's punch just now, he thought it was difficult for him to stop it.

Too strong.

It is definitely not a power that a human race or even a creature from the fairy world can control.

If he had been a little stronger, the Zijin High Priest would definitely be killed in one blow.

Fortunately, this kid doesn't seem to be able to control all that kind of power.

Staring at Yang Yiyun, the Purple Gold High Priest's heart moved. A purple light appeared between his eyebrows, but a small Purple Gold Pangolin appeared. This was the mark of his demon soul.

"I lost the human race. I surrender my demon soul and am willing to surrender at your feet."

After saying these words, the Zijin High Priest seemed to have drained all the strength from his body.

At this moment, the arrogance in his heart disappeared completely, and was completely dispelled by Yang Yiyun.

"Haha, you are a bachelor." Yang Yiyun grinned and waved the demon soul mark of the high priest into his soul. In this way, he had a great demon who understood the sixth heaven under his command.


In fact, Yang was also afraid.

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