My Master Is a God

Chapter 2453 Sugar-coated bullets

It is no exaggeration to say that the purple and gold pangolin clan occupies a geomantic treasure land.

Under the leadership of Zijin's father-in-law, Yang Yiyun and his party went deep into the Zijin Grand Canyon and then entered the mountain.

According to Eunuch Zijin, the entire mountain is its own space, and after countless years of construction, it became the Zijin Palace.

The purple-gold mountain has a unique color, and the ancient and thick mountains have aura, and every place is filled with the vitality of heaven and earth.

There are peaks on the top and rocks in the cave. The peaks and rocks combine to form a place where pure sun gathers, which is the blessed land of cave heaven.

When you walk into the Purple Mountain Cave, which is 50 to 60 meters high and 60 meters wide, your first impression is that it is luxurious and noble. The ground has been polished to the point of being calm and bright like a mirror. There are steps everywhere where you need to go up and down, and they are not crude at all.

The various carvings on both sides are all of the Purple Gold Pangolin body carved from Purple Gold Stone. There is a portrait carved on the cave walls on both sides, recording the development history of the Purple Gold Pangolin clan.

The entire cave is decorated with unique purple and gold flowers, and there are also guarding maids.

The cave is very long and stretches away.

Every 100 meters on both sides, there are cave doors facing each other. They are exquisitely carved. In the words of Zijin's father-in-law, they are all side halls.

At the end is the royal palace of the Zijin clan.

Along the way, Yang Yiyun discovered densely packed pangolins with all kinds of auras, but none of them were enlightened.

Twenty-eight pangolins were enlightened, seventeen were swallowed by the loach and the rat king, and the remaining ten were taken down by him and thrown into the space of the Qiankun Pot.

The only strong person, Eunuch Zijin, also surrendered. Now there should be no enlightened strong person in the entire Zijin clan.

However, there were quite a few demon lords and demon emperors. Along the way, the auras of the side halls on both sides were filled with demon emperors and demon lords, no less than several hundred.

This can be regarded as the foundation of the Zijin clan.

According to Eunuch Zijin, this is only the periphery of the Zijin Palace, and most of them are not pangolins of Zijin blood. There are also five hundred Zijin clan members in the palace, all of whom are demon emperors and demon lords.

Hearing this quantity, even Yang Yiyun was stunned. It was worthy of being a giant. The Zijin clan was probably the most powerful among the five giants in the foreign world.

Along the way, Yang Yiyun talked with Zijin's father-in-law and learned a lot about the Zijin family.

Of course, it is of no use to him now. He comes from the Zijin clan for two reasons.

The first thing I came to see was Chuan Shanxiao, and I wanted to catch the autumn wind. The autumn wind had already hit me.

Second, let’s see if the Zijin clan has any news about other great demons. It’s a pity that Eunuch Zijin has said so.

This was what Yang Yiyun had expected. This time he came to the foreign world to find the Little Phoenix, the Rat King, the Purple Emperor and a group of great demons from the past, which was already the biggest gain for him.

Of course, there are also his two demon women, Peacock and Magpie.

However, Yang Yiyun was not in a hurry to pick them up. They were arranged by the Rat King and the Purple Emperor to practice in seclusion in another place.

But this time he came to the foreign world to cause a scene in the foreign world, and was planning to go to the White Shark Whale's territory. He was thinking that after transferring to the foreign world, he would pick up Peacock and the others before leaving, but going now would expose them. , if he makes such a big noise in the foreign world and plays a powerful role, he will implicate them instead.

When he left the Lion King's territory, he had a conversation with the Purple Emperor and asked the Purple Emperor to protect the peacock and magpie for the time being. When everything was over, he would take them with him when he left.

As for Zihuang, she wanted to establish her own business. Yang Yiyun did not force her, and she also knew that forceful melons were not sweet. Everyone has their own path to take, and that was the way to help Zihuang.

One thing he can be sure of is that although Zihuang will not follow him to Yunmen, he will never go against him, and will even become a foreign aid.

Letting the Purple Emperor stay in the foreign world is a good choice.

His goal is to seize the territory of the giants of the foreign world. This means that there is no territory for the giants of the foreign world, and the Purple Emperor will be the new emperor of the foreign world in the future.

Anyway, the territories of the Lion King and the Eagle King have been annexed by the Purple Emperor.

This can be regarded as the benefit left by Yang Yiyun to Zihuang. She talked with Zihuang that day and she expressed her willingness to become a foreign aid force in Yunmen.

Of course, the situation has changed now. Chuanshanxiao Yang Yiyun, the ninth prince of the Zijin clan, is also planning to stay. He will be a check on the Zijin clan in the future.

If something happens, it's good to have a buffer.

Anyway, he accidentally took away all the enlightened masters of the Zijin clan, leaving the rest to Chuan Shanxiao.

Anyway, all the goals are clear. With the Zijin clan in trouble, Yang Yiyun is going to go to the territory of the last White Shark Whale King, and then return to Yunmen. The next focus is to fight against several major enemies in the fairy world.

Destroy them with one sentence.

Anyway, it is an unsolvable grudge. Either you die or I die.

This is also the reason why he came to the foreign world this time. On the one hand, he is looking for people, and on the other hand, he is working hard to conquer the big demon and strengthen his own power so that he can prepare for future wars with several major forces in the fairy world.

And there is the road to heaven~

This is his core goal in the fairy world.

Climbing to the Heaven Realm on the Road to Heaven, seeking the highest path of cultivation, finding the mysterious reincarnation, and entering the Netherworld to find Liu Lingling, the biggest obsession in his heart.

From beginning to end, his original intention remained unchanged.

About ten minutes later, a group of majestic palaces on the mountainside appeared in Yang Yiyun's sight. Yang Yiyun was completely shocked. This was a city on the mountainside, a purple-gold city, with exquisite architectural style, even better than other buildings in Yunmen. fine.

Of course it is the visual feeling, because the material is made of purple gold stone.

The purple gold stones here are comparable to immortal stones, which means every palace is a spirit gathering array.


Yang Yiyun sighed.

"Master, please enter the palace~"

The chrysanthemum-like old face of Purple Gold Eunuch bloomed again, flattering and humble at the same time.

"Old dog~stop laughing~" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but kick Eunuch Zijin. In fact, his elder had such a mean face that he couldn't help but want to kick him.


Eunuch Zijin was kicked and let out a strange scream that made Yang Yiyun's skin crawl.

The Rat King couldn't help but muttered to Diao'er: "Boss Diao'er, this damn eunuch will steal your limelight again. The entire Yunmen community doesn't know that you are the most favored boss around the master. I think this old dog should be taught a lesson." .”

"I support the views of the Rat King. Boss Diao'er, we support you to beat up the old dog. A dead eunuch actually steals your limelight and beats her up." Heitan didn't think it was a big deal.

"Boss Diao'er, I also feel that this old dog is not pleasing to the eye~" Loach also spoke back.

Only Little Phoenix kept his mouth shut and said nothing.

Diao'er lay comfortably on Loach's head and listened to the voices of the rat kings around him. His eyes were rolling in his eyes, and his eyes were focused on the Zijin father-in-law who was walking next to Yang Yiyun.

Everyone knows that when Mink's eyes roll, someone is going to be in trouble. The Rat King and Hei Tan looked at each other and succeeded, haha~

Although Eunuch Zijin, who was walking in front, didn't look back, his whole body was trembling.

The voices of the little guys behind him were very low, but how could they hide it from Eunuch Zijin, who was practicing Tongxuan?

Eunuch Zijin is a goblin among goblins, how could he not understand what these little guys are up to?

My mind raced rapidly, and I suddenly had an idea.

Soon Yang Yiyun, led by Eunuch Zijin, entered the main hall of the Zijin Palace, the Zijin Hall.

"Master, please take a seat~" Eunuch Zijin arranged for Yang Yiyun to sit on the throne that originally belonged to the Zijin Armor Emperor, a nine-headed purple gold throne.

Yang Yiyun was not polite and took his seat directly. As soon as he got up, he could feel the difference of this purple gold throne. It was actually a great spirit gathering formation, which could independently absorb the power of heaven and earth, and also had the effect of concentrating and calming the energy...

"Baby~" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but sigh.

"Master, this is made of the finest purple gold stone from our Purple Mountain. If you like it, I will build one for you myself." The flattering Purple Gold Eunuch said.

"Okay, this purple gold stone is also a good material for refining weapons. Let's get a batch back to Yunmen later." Yang opened his mouth and asked for it.

"It's Master, don't worry, I will arrange for the people below to sort it out. The most indispensable thing for the Zijin clan is purple gold stone. It is indeed a good material for refining weapons. It is a pity that our demon clan does not have a master for refining weapons, otherwise they can all be refined into high-grade products. Here comes the immortal weapon." Eunuch Zijin said quickly.

Then Eunuch Zijin waved his hand, and dozens of enchanting maids appeared, and all kinds of fairy fruits and wine were served on the table.

After Yang Yiyun was settled, Eunuch Zijin walked towards Diao'er and Little Phoenix, smiled more and more flatteringly and said: "The two young masters and old slaves have prepared the Zijin spiritual fruit unique to the Zijin clan, please taste it..."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a purple-gold fairy fruit appeared in front of Diao'er and Little Phoenix, and its fragrance filled the entire hall...

There was nothing bad about the mink, it was just delicious, and his eyes suddenly lit up.


Diaoer cheered, picked it up and ate it with relish.

The Rat King and Heitan saw that it was over, the Diaoer boss had been captured, and the plan was aborted.

Of course, Zijin's father-in-law then gave everyone a piece of Zijin Fairy Fruit, but it was less than what Little Phoenix and Diaoer had.

Yang Yiyun sat above and watched with a smile. He held the Purple Gold Fairy Fruit in his hand. He watched the Purple Gold Eunuch fawning over Little Phoenix and Diao Er. He felt funny in his heart. It turned out to be an old goblin, and he took down Diao Er.

Indeed, sugar-coated bullets are Marten’s favorite.

It's a good thing that the demons under his command compete with each other. In the future, having an old, cunning and versatile Zijin Eunuch will save him a lot of trouble, so he didn't say much.

Just after taking a bite of the purple golden fairy fruit in his hand, his expression changed and he quickly said: "How many purple golden fairy fruits like this old dog do you have?"

Yang Yiyun's face was solemn. After he took a bite of the Purple Gold Fairy Fruit, he discovered that the fruit actually contained spiritual power.

There are countless fairy fruits in the fairy world, but the fairy fruits that may have spiritual power are very rare. They are definitely rare and cannot be found. If you eat them like this, it is a waste of natural resources.

Refined into a pill, it can play a huge role.

His research on Qijun Alchemy has entered a bottleneck period due to the lack of suitable elixirs, and these Purple Gold Immortal Fruits gave him a breakthrough.

"Reporting to my master, my Zijin clan has accumulated less than a hundred pieces for countless years, and this is all we have in stock."

With a wave of his hand, he took out all of them, thirty-six of them. Including the ones just distributed, there were seventy-two in total.

"Okay, don't eat it. Eating it like this is a waste of natural resources. I will take it and refine it into a pill, which will have great effects." Yang waved his hand and collected everyone's purple golden fairy fruit.

"Squeak~" Diao'er hurriedly waved his hand and grabbed two of them, swallowing them in one bite. They couldn't help but taste so delicious.

"Foodie~" Yang Yiyun was speechless, but he didn't blame Diao'er.

As for other people who really didn't dare to leave one or two, only Diao'er did.

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