My Master Is a God

Chapter 2454 Entering the Southern Ze Country

Well, since Mr. Yang has confiscated the Purple Gold Immortal Fruit, let’s confiscate it. Anyway, everyone knows that this owner is an alchemist.

If the elixir is refined, their share will be indispensable.

Eunuch Zijin did a more thorough job. Seeing Yang Yiyun put away seventy purple gold fairy fruits, he said: "Master, there is a purple gold tree that was born in my purple gold forbidden land. It is also the root of my purple gold clan and grows in the eye of the purple gold vein.

It takes ten thousand years to bloom and it takes ten thousand years to bear fruit and it takes ten thousand years to mature. Every time it matures, there are three purple golden fairy fruits. The reason why my Zijin clan can become one of the overlords of the foreign world is largely because of the purple golden fairy fruit. Please have mercy on me, master... "

Eunuch Zijin was very smart. He saw the fire in Yang's eyes, and he was probably trying to get the Purple Tree's idea, so he asked for help.

The masters of the Zijin clan are not afraid of extinction. As long as this Zijin tree exists, the Zijin clan will still prosper and rise in the foreign world a few years later.

If the Purple Gold Tree no longer exists, then the Purple Gold Clan will really be doomed.

When he believed that Zijinshu would be fine, the growing environment determined everything.

The reason why he said it was because he was loyal and hoped that Yang Yiyun would not embarrass the Zijin clan.

"Okay, old dog, I'm not so petty." Yang Yiyun listened to Eunuch Zijin's words and knew what this old monster meant.

As for him, the Purple Gold Pangolin Clan has already gained a lot from this trip. Since the Purple Gold Clan is going to stay, the vitality of their family will not be cut off.

Obviously, the Purple Gold Fairy Fruit is the foundation of their clan. Seventy fairy fruits are enough. The more valuable the treasure, the more rare it is. He will not touch the Purple Gold Tree of the Zijin Clan.

"Master Shengming." Eunuch Zijin bent down.

"Go and find Chuan Shanxiao, let's get down to business~" Yang Yiyun said after drinking twice as much immortal wine.

"Yes, I'll do it now, old slave." Eunuch Zijin bowed, and then shouted to the outside of the hall: "Go ahead, invite the Ninth Prince."

In fact, Eunuch Zijin did not embarrass Chuan Shanxiao. At least he discovered that the Ninth Prince had been promoted through bloodline and started research on him, hoping to obtain the secret of bloodline promotion.

It's a pity that this secret is in Yang Yiyun's hands.

After a while, Chuan Shanxiao walked into the main hall.

After seeing Yang Yiyun sitting on the high purple gold throne, his whole body trembled and he became excited. He quickly ran over and knelt down to pay homage and shouted: "Wear the mountain to pay homage to the master~"

But his forehead was already on the ground.

He was deeply grateful to Yang Yiyun for his Chuanshanxiao. Although he was subdued by Yang Yiyun because he was chasing the monkey Doudou, but later Yang Yiyun, the master, rewarded him with a drop of divine water, which allowed his bloodline to revert to his ancestors and evolve to the purple-gold bloodline, even better than Any Zijin bloodline must be pure.

Hundreds of years later, he broke through to the realm of the Demon Lord, returned to his family, and wanted to save his mother.

The two conditions for the family at the beginning were to either be called the noble class or to have purple and gold blood.

He met these two requirements because of the magical water drop given by his master, but he didn't expect that the Answer family would be put under house arrest by the Zijin High Priest until now.

Of course, the high priest is investigating the reason why his bloodline has returned to his ancestors. Naturally, he cannot betray his master. He has already placed a ban on the demon soul. Once the soul search ban is activated, his soul will be scattered.

So the high priest can't do anything to him, and he won't really kill him. After all, he is the ninth son of the Zijin Armor Emperor. Although he is an illegitimate son, he is also of royal blood, even though his royal family has not been recognized since he was born. .

But after his blood evolved, he blocked the mouths of some people, such as his brothers and sisters.

Chuanshanxiao did not hate the high priest, because the high priest did not make things difficult for him, and even guided him in his cultivation for so many years, which made his cultivation improve by leaps and bounds, and now he is one step away from reaching the state of enlightenment.

It was just that he was not allowed to step out of the prison palace for more than a thousand years.

Today, the guards respectfully let him out, and ordered the high priest to summon him to the Purple Gold Hall. The pangolin didn't know what was going on, but he felt that his imprisonment should be over.

Along the way he was thinking about what happened?

Until this moment, when I saw Yang Yiyun, everything became clear. It turned out that the master was here...

Chuan Shanxiao was deeply moved. In his life...oh, not as a demon, apart from his mother, the person who treated him best was his master Yang Yiyun.

He did not expect that the master would come to the Zijin clan in person for him. He was shocked at first, because he knew that the Zijin clan was full of masters, and then he was relieved. It was enough to say that the master could sit on the Zijin throne and have the high priest standing beside him to flatter him. question.

The master must have conquered the Zijin clan and the high priest.

"Get up, don't kneel down all the time, you're a monster."

The master's voice came from the purple gold throne.

Chuanshanxiao still bowed three times before getting up.

"Ninth Prince, you are free from now on, and the fate of our Zijin clan is entrusted to the master."

At this time, Chuan Shanxiao heard the high priest speaking and looked at his master Yang Yiyun with fiery eyes. He secretly thought that indeed, the Zijin clan was conquered by his master.

"Thank you, Master." Chuan Shanxiao thanked him again.

"From now on, Chuanshanxiao, the Zijin clan, you will be the masters of the family. I took this old dog and other masters of the Zijin clan away. Does that make any sense to you?" Yang Yiyun said bluntly.

"Everything is based solely on the master's instructions. It's meaningless for me. I just asked the high priest to order the opening of the forbidden area and let my mother out. I beg the master to do it." Chuanshanxiao knelt down again. The biggest obsession in his heart was his mother.

"Don't worry, I came here this time to fulfill my promise. I did what I said to return your bloodline to Zijin, and I have not forgotten the next thing about your mother." After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he looked at Zijin Eunuch. : "Old dog, why don't you release Yamataka Kawazuki's mother?"

At this time, the Zijin High Priest smiled bitterly and said: "Master, I may still need your help. The Zijin clan is in an ancient formation set up by the ancestors of the past generations. It requires at least nine tribesmen who have understood the third heaven to join forces to open it. The formation is unpredictable. , one of my subordinates cannot open it."

"That's it~" Yang Yiyun also understood, thought about it and said, "Okay, then prepare a secret room for me to retreat. I will retreat for a period of time, and after three years, I will open the forbidden area for your Zijin clan."

Yang Yiyun's Qiankun Pot Space severely injured and disabled several enlightened masters of the Zijin clan. He was not prepared to return these great demons to the Zijin clan, and planned to control them all with the water of life.

It takes a year for three drops of the Water of Life to appear each time, so it takes three years of retreat to wait.

Naturally, neither Eunuch Zijin nor Chuan Shanxiao had any objections to Yang Yiyun's reasons, and they immediately arranged a secret training room for Yang Yiyun without asking.

Yang Yiyun also needs to retreat. Not only to accumulate the water of life, he also wants to stabilize the combination of the ten attributes of the body with the formation, as well as the newly emerged talent of predicting images. He will study it in three years.

Three years have passed by in a flash. For Yang Yiyun now, three years is just a snap of the fingers. He doesn't think it is that long, especially for others.

In the past three years, he used the water of life to control the three fourth-level and fifth-level enlightened pangolins in the Qiankun Pot space, which also allowed their bloodlines to evolve a step further, and their cultivation levels reached the fourth and fifth levels. The pinnacle of Zhongtian.

It's a pity that one step away is a breakthrough. After all, it's one step away. When he believed that he would be able to break through within a hundred years.

After coming out of seclusion, Yang Yiyun gave Eunuch Zijin a drop of water of life, gave the Rat King another drop, and gave the last drop to Chuanshan Xiao.

After taking the three, Chuanshanxiao went directly to the first level of enlightenment and became the number one demon of the Purple Gold Pangolin Clan apart from other big demons. He believed that he would have no problem ruling the Purple Gold Clan.

Although the Rat King did not make a breakthrough, he stabilized his current cultivation state of understanding the fifth heaven.

The most excited person was Grand Eunuch Zijin. Although a drop of water of life did not allow him to immediately break through to the sixth heaven, it allowed his bloodline to evolve and loosened the bottleneck that had been in place for many years. According to him, it would not take him a few hundred years for him to reach the top of the world. Being able to step into the seventh heaven is equivalent to a new life.

Although he felt the restriction of the water of life after taking it, this old dog didn't care anymore. He finally didn't have to wait to die of old age. Instead, he became qualified to ascend to heaven. He wanted to kneel down and lick Yang Yiyun. .

After that, Yang Yiyun released six enlightened pangolins in the Qiankun Pot space, and teamed up with Eunuch Zijin to open the forbidden area of ​​the Zijin clan.

He released Chuan Shanxiao's mother and fulfilled his promise.

The Zijin clan was handed over to Chuan Shanxiao, and Yang Yiyun was about to leave, heading to the last stop in the foreign world, the territory of the White Shark Whale King.

When I left, I naturally took away a large number of high-grade purple gold stones. Roughly speaking, I can refine thousands of high-grade immortal weapons to prepare Yunmen. It can also be regarded as taking the military strength of Yunmen disciples to a big level. .

Of course, in addition to the purple gold stone, Yang Yiyun refined three furnaces of purple gold pills in three years of seclusion, attacking thirty-six pills.

This is a new breakthrough he has made in Qijun Dao Dan. This item has the effect of increasing mental power and stabilizing the soul. It is the most rare. It can not only improve the mana cultivation level but also the power of the soul, and is suitable for any stage. Practitioner.

The basis is the refining of purple golden fairy fruit. He spent half of the thirty-six purple golden fairy fruits in three furnaces. If time was not tight, he could still refine four furnaces.

But that's enough for now, the rest is to find time to refine.

Before leaving, he left three pills for Chuanshanxiao, which could be regarded as a reward. After all, they were made from purple golden fairy fruit as the main medicine.

Then the big monster around him, Yang Yiyun, did not build a wall, but Diao'er, Xiao Fenghuang and others. In total, the nineteen big monsters were rewarded with one pill, so there were only fourteen pills left in the hand, and he took one himself. Still thirteen noodles, thinking about giving them back to a few apprentices and wives...

Anyway, the Purple Gold Pill is a good thing, most suitable for breaking through the bottleneck of cultivation, and its effect is better than the Xuantian Pill. Yang Yiyun warned the dozen or so big monsters around him not to waste it at the critical moment.

After Chuanshan Xiao was reluctantly sent outside the Zijin Grand Canyon, Yang Yiyun led a group of big monsters straight to the territory of the White Shark Whale King in the south.

Open the space positioning directly and appear in the south of the foreign world.

An endless stretch of Zeguo appears at your feet.

"Master, this is the Southern Ze Country, the territory of the White Shark King. It is said to be a swamp, but in fact some places are no deeper than rivers, lakes and seas. The endless Ze Country is extremely mysterious. No one knows how many aquatic creatures live under this Ze Country.

However, the White Shark King also went to the Climbing Road. Now he is not afraid of the aquarium. Let’s go straight into the water. Although I have never entered here, I heard that the bottom of Zeguo is a place of its own. Find the White Shark Whale From the king's palace, one can know the situation in this Zeguo world. "Mr. Zijin said openly.

Yang Yiyun's consciousness was thousands of miles away in an instant, but he still couldn't see the end of this land. He really didn't know how big it was.

Looking at the color, there are dense forests and abundant aquatic plants in some places, but there is no bottom. The spiritual consciousness can no longer see through the water ten thousand meters deep, and it is also blocked in the water ten thousand meters deep.

This piece of Zeguo is indeed a bit mysterious. From the entire surface of the water, it is completely silent. There are no living creatures at all, even if you want to catch a tongue.

I can only listen to Eunuch Zijin’s advice and enter this underwater world to find out.

"Okay, the Flying Eagle guards will stay and take care of you. The others will follow me into Ze Country." Yang Yiyun ordered and immediately flew down and plunged into the swamp water.

Sure enough, it looked like an environment full of aquatic plants, but after entering the water, it turned out to be bottomless.

But they were all cultivating, so the water had no effect on them at all, not even touching the corners of their clothes.

After diving 10,000 meters, the situation changed and a whole new world appeared in their field of vision.

Sure enough, there is something under the water

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