My Master Is a God

Chapter 2455 Xiaolong Palace

When Yang Yiyun saw the environment within the field of vision, or should be said to be under the field of vision, it somewhat subverted his previous understanding of the fairy world environment.

"This...should be a lost ancient civilization, right?" Eunuch Zijin said.

"Maybe~" Yang Yiyun also muttered.

At this moment, their group was stopping at a place 10,000 meters below the surface of the water, and below 10,000 meters, there was a strange scene.

He felt that this trip to Nanze Country was more like an adventure into a lost civilization.

And adventure often involves unexpected surprises and the unknown.

Yang Yiyun thought for a while, then said to the Rat King behind him: "The Rat King and Hei Tan went back, took the Flying Eagle bodyguard with them, and then found Qing Niu and Peacock. They returned to the Cloud Gate of the Chaos Fairyland to wait for our return. We went to the Cloud Gate to tell All the best to everyone, let them not worry.”

While speaking, Yang Yiyun touched the mouse king's forehead, gave him the coordinates of Cloud Gate, and took out thirteen purple gold elixirs, saying: "Four of them are given to the green ox, the purple emperor, the peacock, and the magpie. The rest are given to him." Zhao Nan divided it among several children."

"Master..." The Rat King became anxious upon hearing this, as he thought that the master was going to take risks.

"Okay, execute the order, and nothing will happen to us. We are just afraid that there will be unknown situations and delaying time. Yunmen will be worried. You can just go back and report." Yang Yiyun interrupted the Rat King.

Indeed, he felt the unknown here, so he arranged for the Rat King to find Qing Niu. Before Qing Niu, he sent Qing Niu to find Peacock and Magpie, and they were in retreat in a secret place.

"It's the master." The Rat King did not dare to disobey Yang Yiyun's order and left with Heitan.

After the Rat King and Hei Tan left, Yang Yiyun looked down again.

A place that is 10,000 meters deep seems to be a very obvious bipolar world, with hatred and hatred clearly defined.

The bottom of the water was dark, but ten thousand meters below was a bright world. Although it was still an underwater world, there was a halo of light everywhere, almost no different from daytime.

There is a layer of barrier existing at a depth of 10,000 meters, which separates the underwater into two worlds.

Right under Yang Yiyun's feet was a barrier, but this barrier didn't feel dangerous, it was just isolation.

There are actually mountains below, but the difference is that the vegetation is different from that on land. In addition, there are ancient buildings that look like ruins.

In other words, the world below is completely submerged in water.

This world completely submerged under water felt dangerous to Yang Yiyun, exuding the atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes.

To be precise, he felt the unknown, so he let the Rat King and the others leave, and took Peacock and the others back to Cloud Gate.

His intuition told him that once he entered this ancient world, things he could not imagine might happen.

The reason why it is said to be a lost civilization is because the architecture of this underwater world is incompatible with any architecture in the fairy world, and everything is full of a sense of vicissitudes of history.

I don’t know how big it is here, but I can’t see the edges.

very quiet.

So far, they have not found any living beings.

"Something's wrong, old dog. This is the territory of the White Shark Whale King. Even if the White Shark Whale King goes to the Heavenly Road, there should be a big demon to look after the house. We just walked in like this, and nothing happened. Are there any living creatures?" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but ask Eunuch Zijin.

"Master, tell the truth. Among the giants in the foreign world, the White Shark King is the most mysterious. He has almost no contact with the outside world. It is located in the underwater dojo of Zeguo. Other creatures will die if they enter, so few creatures understand it, and neither does this old slave. Outside, maybe...what happened here, let's go down and take a look." Duke Zijin said.

"Let's go and explore this world." Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and stepped out, with a halo of ten colors all over his body.

The next moment he touched the barrier, he originally thought about using the power of swallowing the universe to enter, but he did not expect that after the contact, the barrier made a buzzing sound, and the next moment he entered without any obstruction.

Approaching Diao'er, Little Phoenix, Loach, the three Xie brothers, Eunuch Zijin, the six pangolin demons as well as the blood eagle, parrot and cat eagle all came in easily.

"It's not dangerous~" Yang Yiyun said to himself.

At this time, Eunuch Zijin smiled bitterly and said: "Master is not that simple. This barrier is only inaccessible. It is not a simple barrier. We are afraid that we will not be able to get out."

After saying this, Eunuch Zijin suddenly hit the barrier with a blow.

"Buzz~" The barrier buzzed. It was only shaken, but it was not damaged at all.

Yang Yiyun was also shocked at this time. He knew that Eunuch Zijin was the most powerful being among all of them. His attack did not shake the barrier at all, which showed that the barrier was beyond the ordinary.

Without saying a word, Yang Yiyun stepped forward and raised his hand to activate the Devouring Power of the Qiankun Pot. He wanted to try it. If his Devouring Power of the Qiankun Pot failed, it meant that his previous intuition was correct, and this place would be filled with energy. unknown.

"Buzz buzz~"

But after Yang Yiyun put his hand on the barrier and swallowed it, the barrier began to buzz and turbulent, and the naked eye could see that the barrier was turbulent...


Yang Yiyun gave up after a few minutes.

It’s not that the devouring power of the Qiankun Pot is useless.

It's useful, but if it takes an unknown amount of time to break, he may die of exhaustion.

Using the power of the Qiankun Pot is not something that can be done once and for all. Whether it is the devouring power of the Qiankun Pot or the power of the Qiankun Temple, it will cost him a lot of mana and soul power.

But when he activated the Qiankun Pot to swallow it, he clearly felt that the power of the entire barrier was gathered together to resist the Qiankun Pot's swallowing, and it was continuous and extremely vigorous.

It's not that the devouring power of the Qiankun Pot doesn't work, it's just the opposite. The devouring power of the Qiankun Pot is still the same as before, but the ability to swallow all things is still there, but this barrier is equivalent to gathering everything to fight against it.

How big is the entire barrier?

No one knew, anyway, just by looking at it, you couldn't see the edge. Yang Yiyun thought that such devouring would most likely be hundreds of years later when he completely broke the barrier.

Not to mention the issue of time, first his power will be exhausted.

In this case, it is a situation where you can only get in but not get out.

So he gave up. Since he came in, let's just make peace with it!

It's all an adventure anyway, so go see this lost civilization underwater. There's no need to fight against meaningless barriers.

As for going out...

Look again, this place is vast, even if you look at the underwater world, there must be other exits.

When it really doesn't work, he can only spend hundreds of dollars to open this barrier and get out.

"Let's go, forget about the barrier for now. Now that we're here, let's go to this underwater world to find out what's going on." Yang Yiyun said to the big demon next to him.

Naturally, no one has any objections to this, and they all listen to the master Yang Yiyun.

Since Yang Yiyun entered this place, he has always felt weird, but instead he felt a little curious.

The purpose of his coming here is to find those big monsters, he has to try his luck, right?

The Southern Ze Country in the entire foreign world is the last stop and there is no way to give up.

And he did gain a lot from this trip to the foreign world. At least he found most of the great demons he was looking for.

At present, only the Dragon Clan led by Sister Mei, Niu Duzi, Yun Lei Beast, etc. are left.

Coming here to search was the last choice, and it was also his perception. He always felt that something was calling him here.

This side of the barrier is still an underwater world, but the bottom of the water here is a mountain of faces, and large-scale buildings can be seen on the mountains and some flat places.

Looking from top to bottom, there are still thousands of meters away from the bottom of the water.

They dive down...

I also observed other terrains, and actually found that the building was in an area within sight, and the rest of the area looked like mountains and rivers.

With the goal now clear, he headed straight for the underwater buildings.

But I don’t know if this building is the dojo of the White Shark Whale King?

A few minutes later, Yang Yiyun and a group of big demons landed on the underwater ground.

They landed directly in a square.

It's a very big square, ten times bigger than the one at Cloud Gate.

It's just that there are potholes and cracks everywhere, obviously damaged by some battle.

"The ground under the master's feet is made of black iron crystals. There are also ancient inscriptions. It's not simple here. The ruins of these civilizations are probably from before the last era. I'm afraid this place is not a good place~" The well-informed Eunuch Zijin After observing, I sighed.

Yang Yiyun held the dragon-slaying sword and suddenly stabbed the ground with the sword.


The black iron crystals under my feet were torn apart.

"What a pity~" He naturally also drove out these black iron crystals, which are top weapon refining materials. It can be seen that the power in the black iron crystals was suddenly exhausted in a battle. From ancient times, It can be seen from the inscription formation.

"Isn't that true? If this is a intact black iron crystal, it can be used to create the best immortal weapon." Eunuch Zijin also lamented.

"Master has discovered something~"

At this time, Boss Xie's voice came from afar.

Yang Yiyun rushed over...

Thousands of meters away, a broken gate appeared.

Countless years have passed, and although the gate looks dilapidated, it has not collapsed.

"There is writing~" Xue Ying said.

Yang Yiyun looked up and saw three words dozens of feet high.

Ancient vicissitudes.

But to be precise, it's more like an inscription.

Anyway, Yang Yiyun is not an acquaintance.

"Do you know the old dog?" Yang Yiyun asked Eunuch Zijin.

"Old slave, it looks like an inscription. It shouldn't be written in a different way, right?" Eunuch Zijin didn't recognize it either.

At this time, Little Phoenix opened his mouth and said: "Brother, this is ancient writing. It's not wrong to call it an inscription. I know."

Yang Yiyun looked at Little Phoenix with a thought in his heart. He knew that Little Phoenix was a sacred bird and had inherited memories, so it was not surprising. He looked at Little Phoenix and motioned for her to tell her.

Little Phoenix said: "The three inscriptions mean Little Dragon Palace."

As soon as he said this, Yang Yiyun's heart jumped inexplicably.

Xiaolong Palace?

Something to do with the Dragon Clan?

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