My Master Is a God

Chapter 2459 All the sirens in all directions deserve to be killed and destroyed.

It seems that the water monsters are all soldiers and generals. Although there is no enlightenment, it has to be said that these monsters are still very powerful in the fairy world.

It's just that Yang is powerful now.

Of course, he himself still looks like the peak Immortal Lord on the surface.

However, from the moment he absorbed the ten major powers in the world, his cultivation could no longer be measured by realm.

Speaking of which, he also became a freak.

The auras of these water monsters were very fierce, and they were surrounded at this moment, but Yang Yiyun, Xiao Fenghuang and others did not panic at all.

Because these water monsters are no different from ants in their eyes.

These water monsters didn't say anything to them or use force, they just surrounded them.

So Yang Yiyun didn't order the action, he just wanted to see what would happen to the other party next?

"Master, these water monsters seem to be waiting for something." Eunuch Zijin said.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "I see it, don't act rashly first, look at the situation, and try to cause as little killing as possible without taking action."


Eunuch Zijin and a group of great demons answered.

Sure enough, hundreds of water monsters surrounded them the next moment and gave way.

Yang Yiyun saw a huge monster appear in his sight.

Or rather an octopus.

The first half of his life was that of a human body, with six tentacles from the waist down, and the arms were normal, but when Yang Yiyun thought about it, they were obviously tentacles, like an octopus, just right up and down.

"Master, he is a master. He has comprehended the cultivation of the fourth heaven, but his aura is different from that of ordinary monsters. It has the aura of the ancient times. His real strength should be much stronger than the ordinary ones who have comprehended the fourth heaven." Eunuch Zijin narrowed his eyes slightly. said.

"It's interesting. It reminds me of an indispensable ingredient for barbecue stalls, but I don't know how it tastes?" Yang said to himself, staring at the octopus.

But hearing it in the ears of Eunuch Zijin and all the great demons, they trembled all over.

What is the master doing?

"Hey~ It turns out it's the human race and the land monster race~" The octopus stepped forward and said, "What are you doing here in the Wild Sea?"

Yang Yiyun was straightforward when he heard the questioning, but his eyes fell on Eunuch Zijin. Obviously, in the eyes of the octopus, the old eunuch Eunuch Zijin was the leader, but it was no wonder, who made the old dog have the highest cultivation level.

"Old dog, let's watch your performance. I want to know the distribution of power in the Great Wilderness Sea." Yang Yiyun said to Eunuch Zijin.

"Don't worry, Master." Eunuch Zijin whispered.

Immediately, the flattery on Eunuch Zijin's face disappeared, replaced by a cold and arrogant look. His flattery was only for Yang Yiyun, and other people or monsters could not afford his flattery and pleasant look.

Eunuch Zijin stared at the octopus and said coldly: "What are you doing here? I don't need to give you a small fish in return. Come here, I have something to ask you..."

"Bold land monster, let me capture it."

The next moment, the octopus was directly angry and ordered to attack Eunuch Zijin because this old land demon actually called his majestic octopus king a little miscellaneous fish. This angered the octopus king who traveled thousands of miles across the sea. .


The surrounding shrimp soldiers and crab generals immediately took action against Eunuch Zijin.

Yang Yiyun's face was full of black lines, uncle, he said he wouldn't take action if he could. This old man said that he was just looking for trouble. Is it strange that he didn't take action?

But having said that, this octopus is also rough and will do whatever it wants. Well, since you are looking for death, then it will be granted.

Yang Yiyun knew that these monsters were not enough for the old dog Zijin Eunuch, including the octopus.


In the next moment, Eunuch Zijin turned into a ray of purple gold light and disappeared with a sneer.

Immediately afterwards, the whole audience screamed, but wherever the purple-gold light passed, hundreds of soldiers and crabs either had their bodies exploded or became stumps and limbs, and the place was filled with blood.

Everything was over in just three breaths, and the sea water was dyed red.

However, the octopus was not harmed at all, because Eunuch Zijin did not attack the octopus at all. The first thing he dealt with was the little water monsters around him, and the last one was the octopus.

"Xiao Zayu, I will give you a chance to surrender. Now surrender to my master and I will spare your life."

Eunuch Zijin stopped, stood opposite Octopus and spoke coldly.

"Damn land monster, you have made me very angry. I will cut you into pieces." After Octopus said that, he suddenly let out a long roar, and the next moment it exploded into half of the mountain. Instead, it turned into an octopus nearly a hundred meters tall, with each tentacle being one to two to three hundred meters long.


The waves rolled hundreds of feet and submerged most of the island where Yang Yiyun and others were in an instant. Yang Yiyun, Little Phoenix and others flew up.

But at this moment, I heard Eunuch Zijin snort coldly: "Since you are seeking death, then I will help you."

As soon as he finished speaking, it turned into a purple-gold light and rushed straight towards the octopus.

Threads hundreds of meters long attacked Eunuch Zijin.


Yang Yiyun knew that this octopus was going to be in trouble.

Because Zijin is at the pinnacle of enlightenment to the sixth heaven and has even improved his bloodline, while Octopus is unique because he only has enlightenment to the fourth heaven. This battle was destined to be a one-sided massacre from the beginning. .



Purple gold light flashed, the octopus screamed, and the tentacles broke inch by inch...

The next moment, the octopus sank into the sea water, and Eunuch Zijin chased after it.

The water on the sea is calm.

But about three minutes later.


A purple-gold light rushed out of the sea water.

"Master, you are lucky to live up to your destiny~"

But it was Eunuch Zijin who returned, holding a pink crystal core in his hand, the size of a baby's fist, with a mini version of an octopus inside.

"Master, this is the demon core of this little miscellaneous fish." Eunuch Zijin handed it over. There were purple gold inscriptions on it, and it was obviously controlled by the old dog.

Yang Yiyun looked at it and smiled and said, "Well done."

"You should share your master's worries." At this moment, Eunuch Zijin returned to his previous flattering bitch look.

"Little octopus, if you cooperate, just be obedient and say whatever I ask you. If you don't cooperate, I will search your soul." Yang said.

"Don't...don't, don't, don't...what the king wants to know, the little demon will tell you, please spare your life." The octopus in the demon core replied in a trembling voice, it was already a barbecue grill, no, it was a sizzling fish. It was frightened. Not light.

Yang Yiyun asked directly: "Is there any dragon clan appearing in the wild sea?"

Since the White Shark King had made a prophecy, Yang Yiyun thought about it, and it was almost certain. There was no unnecessary nonsense. He didn't want to know about other situations in the Wild Sea. He just wanted to know if there was any dragon clan?

Or is there any news about Sister Mei and the others?

When they were in the lower realm, Sister Mei took dozens of dragons that turned into real dragons and ascended to the fairy world. This is what Zhao Nan and the others saw with their own eyes. It was said that Sister Mei took dozens of dragons and ascended together.

I believe that if there is, it must be in the wilderness.

The key is that he believes in the prophecy of the White Shark King.

Are there any dragons appearing in the Great Wilderness Sea?

When asked this question, the octopus demon soul in the demon core trembled, and subconsciously said: "No... no~"

Both Yang Yiyun and Eunuch Zijin could see clearly that this little miscellaneous fish was lying.

"Hmph, you are looking for death." Eunuch Zijin snorted coldly, the purple gold light glowed in his hand, and the next moment the octopus in the demon core let out a miserable cry.

"Ah... ho ho... I said, I said... there are dragon clans and dragon clans..."

After some torture, Octopus said everything.

According to Octopus, it is true that dragons were discovered in the Great Wilderness Sea about six thousand years ago. There were more than thirty dragons of various levels, led by a golden dragon. It caused a sensation.

At this point, dozens of dragons with very weak cultivation levels can imagine what kind of turmoil they have caused in the Great Desolate Sea. Of course, this disturbance is cruel to those dozens of dragons. In the eyes of the water monsters from all directions in the Great Desolate Sea, these The Dragon Clan is the meat and potatoes, the natural and earthly treasures that they use to improve their cultivation strength...

So a chase began.

In Octopus' story, the forces of the entire Great Wild Sea began to hunt the dragons, killing most of them. The dragon blood was divided into food, and many great monsters were created, evolved to high levels, and even became enlightened...

The four giants appeared in the Wild Sea, namely the Sea Serpent King, the Crab King, the Octopus King and the Electric Eel King. The dragon clan created these four top royal families of the Wild Sea and became the overlords of the four seas.

Of course, there are other great demon kings, but they are weaker than the four overlords.

After tasting the sweetness, the four eight overlords and each group of sea monsters became more and more crazy, chasing the remaining dragons everywhere, but in the end the golden dragon took the only nine remaining dragons and fled into the wild forbidden land - the abyss of the desert sea. Then it stopped.

The Abyss of the Desolate Sea is a forbidden area in the entire Desolate Sea. It is the land of death. For countless years, you can only enter and not leave the unknown place. There are rumors from various races that you cannot enter.

But things have changed recently.

Just eight hundred years ago, a strange sea phenomenon and a big rift appeared in the abyss of the desert sea. The four overlords decided to explore the abyss of the desert sea to find the final golden dragon, because to the four overlords, that golden dragon was the real one. The sweet pastry is the ultimate treasure that allows them to aspire to the heavenly realm.

The Desolate Sea Abyss is different from others. Although there are cracks after the strange phenomenon occurs and you can enter, it is still dangerous. Therefore, the four overlords notified the monsters from all around the sea to come to help. Of course, the promise is beneficial.

And this octopus is going to join the Electric Eel King and get a share of the pie.

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun's face became gloomy and terrifying, and he said to Eunuch Zijin: "Search for the soul and make him disappear into thin air."

"It's the master." Eunuch Zijin responded. Naturally, he knew that he had to verify it. Moreover, the master's murderous intention at the moment already explained the problem, but all sea monsters contaminated with dragon blood should die.

"Brother, the time we entered the spring channel of Xiaolong Palace is exactly eight hundred years. That is, when we entered the spring, a strange phenomenon occurred in the abyss of the desert sea. I calculated the time and the time we were in the spring channel was exactly eight hundred years. Does it have anything to do with it?" Little Phoenix said.

"It can't be wrong. Since it is the prophecy of the White Shark King, the one in the Desolate Sea Abyss must be Sister Mei. Get ready. Let's go to the Desolate Sea Abyss. All the sea monsters in the four directions deserve to die. They should be killed and destroyed." Yang Yiyun gritted his teeth.

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