My Master Is a God

Chapter 2460 Killing the Siren

"Master Little Octopus's memory and what he said are true." Eunuch Zijin finished searching for the soul, and waved his hand to wipe out the demon core of the octopus.

Yang Yiyun was trembling all over, and he almost didn't need to check again to be sure that it was Sister Mei.

There are dozens of ascended dragon clans, and there is no one else in the world except the dragon clan led by Sister Mei.

The real dragon clan has long been extinct in the long history of history.

Even Sister Mei and the others are dragons evolved from the Qiankun Pot Dragon Fish.

Yang Yiyun could almost imagine how miserable it would be to see Sister Mei leading the dragons to ascend and being chased in the wild sea.

Of the dozens of dragons that were killed, only nine of them fled into the abyss of the desert sea. These giant sea monsters were still thinking about it and never gave up. Now they actually want to go into the abyss of the desert sea to hunt down Sister Mei.


Okay, very good~

Yang Yiyun's face was so gloomy that he could cry.

He took a deep breath and said, "Do you know where the abyss of the desert sea is?"

He was asking Eunuch Zijin.

"Master knows, Octopus has the memory, and the cultivation of the overlords of the four directions in Octopus' memory is that they have understood the Sixth Heaven." Eunuch Zijin replied in a low voice, after he felt the murderous intention emanating from his master. , speak carefully.

"Even if they realize the Nine Heavens, they will all die, and God will not save them." Yang Yiyun spoke in a cold voice, and then said: "I will give you three years to take the purple gold elixir, and each of you will be rewarded with a drop of water of life. I want You will all advance to one level within three years, and your bloodline will evolve at least once. This time I aim to kill all the sea monsters in all directions, and I will start with you."

As Yang Yiyun spoke, a drop of water of life flew towards Eunuch Zijin.

"Thank you Master for the reward." Eunuch Zijin was overjoyed. He took a drop of the water of life. He was very clear about the value of it. His bloodline returned to his ancestors by one level, but his cultivation level did not break through. However, he believed that after taking this drop, he would definitely be able to reach the general level. Enlightenment to the seventh heaven.

Yang Yiyun can have three drops of water of life in a year. Three years is almost enough for the big monsters around him to improve once.

He is now surrounded by Eunuch Zijin, the three brothers of the Xie family, the blood eagle and the parrot, the cat eagle, the little phoenix, the mink, the loach, plus the six pangolins, a total of sixteen. There is no need for the loach to take it, as he has already taken many drops. , taking more than three drops of the Water of Life will not have much effect, and the remaining amount is just enough for other big monsters.

This time, another two drops of Yang Yiyun flew out with a snap of his fingers and gave them to Blood Eagle and Parrot. The two demons thanked them. Although they had never taken the water of life, they could tell from the expression of Eunuch Zijin that it was definitely a lot of things.

The remaining little phoenixes have to come one by one year after year. Of course, little phoenix and Diaoer still have some purple and gold elixirs to take.

There were only three fourth-level enlightened demons and three fifth-level enlightened demons from the Pangolin clan, but Yang Yiyun made a pot of elixirs based on purple golden fruit for them alone, three elixirs for each person. , but it contains the stock elixir cultivated in his Qiankun Pot space, and its efficacy is no worse than the Purple Golden Pill, or even stronger. As for the water of life, they can only wait for the follow-up to replenish their transformation bloodline, which is okay.

The Rat King and Heitan left with eight flying eagle guards and were not considered.

A three-year plan for improvement and cultivation has begun...

In the past three years, Yang Yiyun has devoted himself to studying the changes in the ten attribute powers within the fairy crystal and the operation of magical powers. He knows that there are many ways to develop them, which can improve a lot of strength.

Now, with the murderous intention in his heart, all he wants is combat power, the combat power to kill the enemy.

The Overlord of the Four Sides of the Wild Sea is the number one enemy on the blacklist, and even in his heart, all the sea monsters in the Wild Sea deserve to die.

Unless he kills all the sea monsters in the Wild Sea, it's hard to understand what's going on in his heart.

Regardless of whether she is a golden dragon, Sister Mei is his woman.

He could imagine the situation of Sister Mei being chased by the sea monsters in the entire wild sea.

He couldn't help but feel angry.

The four overlords, enlightened to the Sixth Heaven, and countless sea monsters require unparalleled combat power to kill.

Therefore, he needs to better understand the mutated power in his body, study it to find out the clues, and exert unparalleled combat effectiveness.

Three years is neither fast nor slow.

After the third year.

Eunuch Zijin got his wish, and his bloodline returned to his ancestors and his cultivation level reached the seventh level of enlightenment.

The bloodline of the little phoenix has also taken a step forward. When the main body is transformed, the flames all over the body become more and more bright. No one knows how much the little phoenix has improved.

Diao'er and Loach were the most careless, but after Yang Yiyun's order three years ago, they also practiced diligently. Of course, only the two of them know how much they have grown.

As for the blood eagle, parrot and cat eagle, they all broke through the first level, while the six pangolin monsters also improved by one level.

This time everyone's overall strength has improved a lot.

Yang, on the other hand, has also gained a lot in the past three years. He can finally use the ten attribute powers in his body to operate in all aspects at will. This is a qualitative breakthrough.

"Departure to the abyss of the deserted sea."

Three years later, Yang Yiyun led a group of great monsters towards the abyss of the deserted sea. They were full of murderous intent and had the momentum to kill gods and Buddhas in their way.

Of course, what he wanted to kill this time was the Siren in the Wild Sea.

The Abyss of the Wild Sea is 30,000 miles away from here. In the land of the deep sea, Eunuch Zijin obtained the route from Octopus's soul-searching memory. The reason for choosing three years is because there is a crack in the Abyss of the Wild Sea in Octopus's memory. , a group of sea monsters calculated that it would open up again in three years, and it would be a lot less troublesome to get in by then.

It was not a kind place.

The time when the four Kraken Overlords chose to gather was also three years later.

Yang Yiyun wanted to kill him at this moment.

Another worry in his heart was that he didn't know if Sister Mei would be okay after taking the remaining Nine Dragons into the abyss of the desert sea.

It was thousands of years ago, I really don’t know how she is doing.

The more he thought about this, the more murderous intention he felt in Yang Yiyun's heart.

All deserve to die.

After entering the deep sea, the loach exerted a huge advantage and transformed into a body of a thousand meters. Yang Yiyun let all the sea monsters ride on the back of the loach.

The loach's speed is not affected at all in the depths of the wild sea, and it is even more agile than the sea monster.

The huge body still looks small in the deep sea, but compared to the creatures under the sea, it is a giant.

Wherever it passed, the aura emanating from the loach made many sea creatures retreat.

Didn't encounter any attacks.

It only took Loach three hours to travel the 30,000-mile sea journey.

The whole journey of Eunuch Zijin.

"The master has arrived~"

Yang Yiyun sat on the loach's head and woke up from meditation. When he opened his eyes, everyone saw Yang Yiyun's eyes flashing with ten colors of light, like a sea of ​​bright stars.

"Go down~" Yang Yiyun said to Eunuch Zijin without a smile on his face.

Loaches begin to descend.

The Abyss of the Wild Sea is deep under the sea, and it is about to descend to the bottom of the sea.

For half an hour, everyone saw an unparalleled huge sinkhole under the sea, completely dark.

The diameter reaches 10,000 meters.

At this moment, the loach is hundreds of meters away from the bottom of the sea.

Standing on the back of the loach, Yang Yiyun saw the environment below.

The entire abyss is a tiankeng, which indeed looks bottomless. There are mountains and rivers on the seabed, and a tiankeng with a diameter of 10,000 meters on the flat seabed.

Around the sinkhole, we saw dense numbers of sea monsters.

"Hiss~" Eunuch Zijin gasped and said, "Master is afraid there are hundreds of thousands of sea monsters~"

"Are you scared?" Yang Yiyun asked calmly, still staring down.

Indeed, the sea monsters surrounding the sinkhole were probably among the 700,000 to 800,000, and they all gathered at the edge of the sinkhole as if waiting for something.

Yang Yiyun released his spiritual consciousness unscrupulously. He did not see the existence of the great demon who had understood the sixth heaven. Obviously, the four overlords mentioned by the octopus have not yet arrived.

However, among these sea monsters, there are more than 200 who have comprehended the first to fourth heavens. The remaining demon emperors and demon lords are basically a thousand. The ones after that are all sea monsters with lower cultivation levels, but the number But there are countless of them, some have fully transformed into human beings, some have transformed into semi-human beings, and some have transformed into entities.

In one corner of the sinkhole, there is a crack that is thousands of meters long and three to four hundred meters wide.

One miracle is that although it is the bottom of the sea, flame-like airflow emerges from the cracks. Of course, any weird and unreasonable imagination is not strange to the ascetics in the fairy world.

According to Eunuch Zijin, these sea monsters have to wait for the flame-like air waves to dissipate before they can enter the abyss through the cracks. This is the safest.

If they entered directly from the abyss, it would be full of unknown dangers for the Kraken, so they waited until the second crack would extinguish the flames after it erupted, and then they could enter.

Because places where flames burn seem dangerous but are actually safe.

Obviously the four sea monsters have not arrived yet. Hundreds of thousands of sea monsters have condensed and are waiting for the four overlords to come, and then rush into the abyss to find the dragon.

Yang Yiyun's eyes flashed with color, looking at the hundreds of thousands of sea monsters below, and said in a deep voice: "Are you scary?"

"Don't be afraid~"

"not afraid……"

All the big demons behind him answered.

"In that case, then kill them all for me. Kill them all to extinction." Yang Yiyun stood on the back of the loach and spoke, then left the dragon-slaying sword in his left hand, and the right hand was the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons.

He suddenly jumped down, jumped off the back of the loach, and roared: "Death~"

A few hundred meters away, Yang Yiyun activated his sword with all his strength, and the sword energy spread across thousands of meters.


As soon as the sword fell, there was a huge scream.

He's killing.

Behind him, the sixteen great demons including Eunuch Zijin, Little Phoenix, and Blood Eagle transformed into their own bodies and attacked with all their strength.

The master Yang Yiyun said, kill them all and exterminate them.

They felt Yang Yiyun's soaring anger and acted without mercy.


The little phoenix transformed into its true body, and with a burst of phoenix fire, the big monsters within several thousand meters turned into ashes without even making a sound.

Purple gold mist all over Eunuch Zijin's body turned into thousands of purple gold sharp arrows and exploded...

Not a single big demon held back, they all exploded with all their might.

The sea monster below exploded. The moment Yang Yiyun took action, he felt the aura of destruction, and they fled in all directions...

But these big demons under Yang Yiyun are all enlightened demons, but they are not vegetarians. The massacre started when the explosion broke out.

The Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons in Yang Yiyun's hand turned forward and backward, and the sword energy of the Dragon-Slaying Sword burst out like crazy.

Boom boom...

The roaring continues and the sea water boils...

The massacre begins.

When Yang Yiyun led a kind of big demon to rush down from a place of several hundred meters, there were only hundreds of thousands of big demons left.

The cautious three to four hundred enlightened sirens who fled tens of thousands of meters away took most of them with them.

Under one attack, hundreds of thousands of sea monsters were wiped out.

After Yang Yiyun fell to the ground, there were no more sea monsters on the edge of the huge sinkhole. The three to four hundred sea monsters that escaped were all enlightened, most of them were in the third and fourth heavens, and there were only a few in the fifth heaven.

This massacre was actually destined. Mr. Yang himself took action with hatred, and beside him were the Purple Gold Eunuch who had reached the seventh level of enlightenment, the little phoenix and other divine birds, and the loach was growing rapidly, and could devour thousands of them with its open mouth. The Kraken of Ten Thousands…

No one is vegetarian.

This result was expected.

"Master, if he escapes, three or four hundred people will chase him?" Eunuch Zijin asked.

"Kill~" Yang Yiyun said in a deep voice.

Suddenly three to four hundred sea monsters ten thousand meters away became targets.

Yang Yiyun left in person.

But at this moment, long roars sounded one after another from all directions.

Yang Yiyun knew that the so-called four overlords of the Great Wilderness Sea were coming.

But the murderous intention in his heart became more and more intense, and he came at the right time. Even if he penetrated the Great Desolate Sea today, he vowed to kill the four sea monster overlords.

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