My Master Is a God

Chapter 2461 Kun is growing up in my family

Yang Yiyun didn't pay attention to the roar and monstrous aura that rang out from all directions.

Indeed, in his perception, there were four powerful demonic energies that were as powerful as Eunuch Zijin's before.

In this way, it is the pinnacle of enlightenment to the sixth heaven.

But so what?

You've come just in time, I'm really sorry for you.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun noticed four figures appearing around him, a hundred meters apart, three men and one woman.

At this time, Eunuch Zijin stepped forward and said: "Master, according to Octopus's memory, these four people are the four overlords of the Wild Sea. The sea snake, crab, octopus, and electric eel are the strongest sea monsters in the Wild Sea at present."

"I understand. Old dog, don't hold back later. Just crush the four of them and kill them. The demon core will be yours. Are you sure?" Yang Yiyun asked.

At this moment, Eunuch Zijin's expression was unprecedentedly solemn, and he said solemnly: "Master, the four of them have understood the peak of the sixth heaven, but I think that the great demons of the sea clan who can become the overlord of a party are all gifted. If it's a life and death fight, I'm afraid it's really hard to deal with. The old slave doesn't dare to talk big. If it's on land, he's sure of one against three.

But now we are in the deep sea, home to the sea monsters. I may only be able to do it one-on-two. It’s not just the four sea monsters. We just fought in a wave. Although we killed hundreds of thousands, they are not big monsters. , but the remaining three to four hundred big monsters are considered elites. We are all in our early twenties, and we are still very nervous when facing these sea monsters. This will be a real life and death fight. "

Listening to Eunuch Zijin's story, Yang Yiyun nodded to express his understanding, and he naturally took this into consideration.

It is true that the four overlords have appeared, and this battle is an extremely difficult fight. Although Little Phoenix and the others have improved, there is still a gap between them and the peak of enlightenment to the sixth heaven.

The point is that the three pangolins who have understood the fifth heaven have not broken through, but have only reached the critical point of the fifth heaven. The same is true for the three brothers of the Xie family, who have not entered the sixth heaven.

But it's not that there is no chance of winning. The opponent's strongest ones are four, and Eunuch Zijin has broken through to the seventh heaven. One can handle two, and he has his own plan for the remaining two.

He immediately said: "Shan Hong and the three brothers of the Xie family restrained the Crab King, Loach Diao'er and the three purple gold elders restrained the Octopus King (the three purple gold elders here refer to the three pangolins who have understood the peak of the fifth heaven). Lao Gou Sheng You can restrain the Sea Serpent King and Electric Eel King below, while the others go and kill the remaining three or four hundred sea monsters for me."

"It's the master~"

All the great demons answered in unison.

What about Yang himself?

He has positioned himself as the last-hitting person. He seems to be the easiest, but in fact he will be the one with the greatest pressure.

It is actually not difficult to leave three to four hundred sea monsters, but it is not easy either. So if Blood Eagle and the others are left to face hundreds of sea monsters, even if their cultivation level has been improved by one level, they will still have to face unparalleled pressure. Now It was truly a desperate effort.

Three to four hundred Kraken are also the key to winning or losing.

Yang Yiyun's first goal is to kill the remaining three to four hundred sea monsters and eliminate all factors that can affect the situation of the battle.

At this time, the four sea monster overlords appeared, giving the remaining three to four hundred sea monsters a backbone. In fact, they were all monster clans under the four sea monsters. One by one, they quickly ran over and stood next to the four sea monster overlords and began to cry.

In a few minutes, the four sea monster overlords understood the situation. Suddenly, the land monster and a human race appeared and massacred their sea race inexplicably.

The next moment, four sea monsters with hundreds of enlightenment level sea monsters came towards Yang Yiyun and others, stopping at a distance of fifty or sixty meters.

At this time, Yang Yiyun also saw clearly the four Kraken Overlords. The Sea Serpent King's upper body was a human and the lower body was a red snake tail. The Crab King's characteristic was that his hands and legs were both crab bodies.

The Octopus King has the same shape as the previous Octopus. Only the Electric Eel King is considered normal. He is also the only female among the four sea monsters and is completely humanoid.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, the Electric Eel King is also the most dangerous one, and he looks like the leader of the four sea monsters.

Yang Yiyun was sizing up the four Kraken Overlords on one side, and the other side was also sizing them up.

The next moment it was the Electric Eel King who spoke, and she was looking directly at Yang Yiyun. She was very keen and saw that Yang Yiyun was the leader of these land demons.

"Why did the human race kill me, the sea monster?" The voice was cold and filled with supreme pressure.

Yang Yiyun sneered: "You deserve to be killed."

He offered no explanation.

"This is the deserted sea of ​​the human race, not the fairy mountain of your human race. You are seeking death~" But it was the Crab King with a loud voice who spoke.

"What's going on? Today I will let you wait until the sea monster is exterminated." Yang Yiyun said with murderous intent.



The remaining Octopus King and Sea Serpent King were furious.

The Electric Eel King gently raised his hand to stop the other three demons, and then stared straight at Yang Yiyun with a pair of eyes flashing with thunder and lightning and said: "Human race, are you here for the dragon race?"

"What do you think?" Yang Yiyun snorted coldly, murderous intent erupting.


The Electric Eel King seemed to have thought wrong, and then said: "You have the strength and qualifications to enter the abyss of the wild sea. We, the sea people, respect the strong, but we want more than half of the dragons in the abyss. All creatures in the world know that the dragons are full of treasures. Here is The Great Wilderness Sea, after all, is our place. You are outsiders. In view of your strength, I will give you 10% of the dragon blood. This is the limit of what we can give you.

Otherwise, let's fight. Although one of you has enlightened to the seventh heaven, if we really fight, the four overlords like us will not be afraid. How about the human race? Take the land monsters around you to go into the abyss with us and capture the dragons. If we cooperate, you will have a share of the gains.

You can forget the past for the massacre of our sea people. If not, the four overlords like us and the three or four hundred sea monsters behind us are all enlightened. Even if you have many masters around you, you can't stop our large numbers... "

"Hehe, hahaha..."

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun sneered and laughed wildly.

This bastard actually thought he was someone who came to hunt the dragon clan.

Even now, she is still thinking about sharing the food with Sister Mei and the others.

Damn it.

"Human, why are you laughing?" The Electric Eel King frowned.

Yang Yiyun stopped laughing and said word by word: "I am telling you now, listen carefully, I will kill all of you sea monsters."

"It's my turn to kill, kill, kill..."

Yang Yiyun roared and roared.

He just wanted to confirm whether these sea monsters were chasing Sister Mei and the others. After getting the news from the Octopus, he still didn't believe it. After all, Sister Mei and the others were real dragons. These sea monsters were really brave. Aren’t the Dragon-Eating Clan afraid of being punished by God?

Now it seems that he was wrong. These sea monsters are extremely courageous.

If so, then die!

"Boom boom..."

A more brutal fight broke out.

According to Yang Yiyun's previous assignment, everyone has their own goals.

The Purple Gold Eunuch alone restrained the two big demon overlords, the Little Phoenix and the three Xie brothers restrained the Crab King, and the Diaoer, Loach and the three Purple Gold Pangolins restrained the Octopus King.

Although this arrangement is dangerous, it is no problem to contain them. In the end, after the other sea monsters are eliminated, they can attack together.

The blood eagle, parrot, cat eagle, and the remaining pangolins faced four or three hundred enlightened sea monsters.

And Yang Yiyun also joined in. In fact, he knew that killing these three to four hundred sea monsters would not be a big problem.


The dragon-slaying sword was pushed to its peak by him, and the sword energy exploded for thousands of meters. Under the light of the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons in his right hand, the ordinary first- and second-level sea-monsters were directly turned into ashes. Even the third-level sea-monsters who were enlightened were also destroyed by the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons. They became sluggish under the influence, because the Yin-Yang Mirror of the Gods and Demons reversed and captured the soul. Although these sea monsters above the third heaven could resist, they could only resist for a while. In the process of being sluggish, they were seized by the blood eagle and other big monsters. torn into pieces...

Three minutes later, Yang Yiyun, Blood Eagle and other big monsters fought together, and three to four hundred sea monsters disappeared into thin air.

Of course there were casualties.

Two third-level purple-gold pangolins died, the parrot broke an arm, and the owl's chest collapsed and lost its fighting ability...

However, the results of the battle were brilliant. Although there were no fifth-level sea monsters among them, they were killed by Yang Yiyun and Blood Eagle.

Thousands of meters away from the sinkhole in the field, the roaring continued, the sea water rolled, and the real fierce battle was on the side of the four sea monster overlords.

Yang Yiyun took a look and transformed into his true form, Eunuch Zijin, to fight against the Electric Eel King and the Sea Serpent King. It was extremely brutal. Just as Eunuch Zijin said, the four sea monster overlords were all gifted. After they also transformed into their true form, they fought with the Seventh Level Enlightenment. Heaven's purple and gold father-in-law are as good as each other.

However, Yang Yiyun could tell that Eunuch Zijin was not bad at all. He would be fine in a short period of time, and he might even kill one of them in one fight.

Then the little phoenix led the three brothers of the Xie family to fight against the Crab King. The divine bird Phoenix became angry and the phoenix flames started. In addition, the cultivation of the three brothers of the Xie family had reached the peak of the fifth heaven. When they turned into their own bodies and fought, they would lead to the sixth heaven. The Crab King was faintly suppressed.

Of course, Yang Yiyun could see that the little phoenix was the main attacker. It was worthy of being the divine bird phoenix, and it looked like it could win.

Finally, Diaoer Loach and three purple-gold pangolins who have reached the peak of the fifth heaven are fighting to kill the Octopus King. The mountain-like octopus is huge and is about the same size as the Loach, which is a thousand meters tall. They fight directly against each other. They have many tentacles, but they are dead. Suppressing Loach and the others.

The huge and thick tentacles are extremely tough, each one looks like a swimming dragon but is flexible and powerful, and the three-headed pangolin cannot enter the body at all.

Seeing this, Yang Yiyun said to Blood Eagle and others: "Kill the Octopus King first~"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed straight to kill...

Facing the Octopus King, Yang Yiyun made plans freely.

"Diao'er, loach, etc., please retreat~"

Yang Yiyun shouted from far away, and three watermelon thunders and five purple tree five thunder leaves appeared in his hand and he threw them at the Octopus King. If he is half the size, he will explode you.

The loach, mink belt and three purple pangolins retreated a thousand meters after hearing the order.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun threw out Watermelon Thunder and Five Thunder Leaves.


With a soft drink, it detonated, and all the watermelon thunder and five thunder leaves exploded instantly.

"Boom boom boom..."

Earth-shattering loud noises and thunder exploded directly on the Octopus King.

"Ho ho ho..."

The screams of the Octopus King came from the explosion.

The huge octopus king's body erupted with blood, dyeing the seawater with blood, and countless tentacles broke.

Momentarily curled up.


How could Yang Yiyun miss the chance to make a last-ditch attack? This was the moment he had been waiting for.

With a command, the attacks of all the big monsters around him fell on the Octopus King.

He himself even stood above the head of the giant dragon-slaying sword and slashed it down in the air.



After a wave of attacks, Octopus King suffered numerous wounds on his body, but he was not dead yet.

But at this moment, a loud roar sounded.


But the loach let out a long roar, and the colorful masterpiece with a single horn above its head illuminated the bottom of the sea. It opened its bloody mouth and a huge whirlpool appeared. The next moment, it forcefully swallowed the body of the Octopus King that was still struggling.

At this point, the Octopus King is destroyed.

Yang Yiyun was a little surprised. The size of Octopus Wan was almost the same as that of a loach, which was a thousand meters long, but at this moment he was swallowed by the loach. This reminded him of the scene when the loach swallowed a golden-armored black turtle when it was born, and he couldn't help but feel guilty. Said: "Kun is growing up in my family~"

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