My Master Is a God

Chapter 2464 Yunmen was almost doomed

Another half month passed before Yang gave the order to set off and return to Yunmen, the Chaos Fairyland.

The group of them entered the foreign world, but came out of the sea of ​​wilderness and returned directly to the fairy world.

The total time before and after this trip exceeds a thousand years, but for Yang, the harvest was huge.

Little Phoenix, Sister Mei, Rat King, Purple Emperor and most of the old people from Yunmen have been found back. This is the most important thing to him.

In addition, the most rewarding thing is that the changes in his cultivation, the huge changes after absorbing the power of the ten attributes, allowed him to break out of the conventional cultivation framework and enter a cultivation path that he himself did not know.

It is not only a little bit more powerful than before, it is simply a subversive change.

There are seeds of the ten great powers in the body, including the foundation of the ten great laws. This is a condition that no living being in the fairy world has. Although it is unknown, everything is good so far.

In addition, he has conquered the Purple Gold Eunuch who has enlightened the seventh heaven, and the purple gold pangolin demon who has three fourth heavens and three fifth heavens. Of course, they have now reached the pinnacle of the fourth and fifth levels.

Here are the three Xie family brothers who have reached the peak of the fifth heaven, the three golden lions, and the blood eagle who has evolved from the first heaven and reached the fourth heaven.

However, the parrots, owls, and five triple-heaven pangolins perished in this battle.

After that, the eight flying eagle guards, Rat King and Heitan who had enlightened to the first level were accompanied by Yang Yiyun to pick up the peacock, magpie and other great demons and returned to Yunmen. They escaped, otherwise Yang Yiyun felt that the eight enlightened people this time The flying eagle bodyguards of the first layer of heaven are definitely on the road to perdition.

Of course, Loach, Diao'er, and Little Phoenix have also made rapid progress, and their combat effectiveness has reached the intermediate level of enlightenment.

Anyway, this time his wish to find the big demon from the old Yunmen tribe in the lower realm was mostly fulfilled.

The next few remaining ones are Yun Lei Beast, Niu Xiaozi, Daxianshi, etc. Although there is no news yet, Yang Yiyun believes that it will be soon, because the little phoenix has appeared, and the others are not far away.

Furthermore, the reputation of Yunmen in the Immortal Realm has been spread in the Immortal Realm. The chance is very high. I believe that if Niu Dauzi and the others are free, they will definitely look for it.

When he left, he only took Diao'er with him, but when he returned, he was surrounded by all the big monsters. The most popular ones were Sister Mei and the nine true dragons.

When leaping up, Jiulong opened the way, and the huge body of the loach took to the air, followed by a kind of big demon, who wanted to pull the wind as much as possible.

This is because Sister Mei, the five-clawed golden dragon, has not yet transformed into her true form. If she transformed into her true form, she would be even more influential.

"The clouds are too dazzling. Let's all turn into human forms and tone it down a bit. Please note that there are people outside the world and there is a sky outside the sky." Sister Mei said, leaning next to Yang.

"Hehe, I just took a look at the lineup and listened to you. We have to keep a low profile." Yang Yiyun smiled and ordered all the big demons to turn into human forms. He also asked you to shrink to a size of tens of meters, and then let all the big demons stand on the backs of loaches. Up, the next moment the loach's four pairs of wings flashed, and it was thirty thousand miles away.

Yes, the loach has grown, from its original wingspan of nine thousand miles to its current wingspan of thirty thousand miles, which can be described as rapid progress.

This guy has swallowed an Octopus King who has reached the peak of the Sixth Heaven this time, as well as countless other monsters. It is normal for him to make great progress.

Three days later.


Yang Yiyun exhaled a breath: "We're finally here, let's go down there~"

From the Fairy Mountain on the edge of the Sea of ​​Desolation into the Sea of ​​Starry Sky, the loach flew wildly for three days, and finally reached the sky above the Chaos Fairyland. This distance was very far away, more than tens of millions of miles, but the loach leaped over directly.

Of course, every time the wings flicker, there is space to jump.

Thunder thundered in the mist.

This is the scene of Yunmen in the Chaotic Immortal Realm.

However, when Yang Yiyun and the others went down, they could no longer see the current scene.

This made Yang Yiyun's heart skip a beat.

The scene of clouds and thunder is still there, but it is not as condensed as before.

Looks very scattered.

what happened?

Yang Yiyun didn't have time to say anything more, and jumped directly from the back of the loach to check.

He was shocked~

But it was discovered that the entire formation had been renovated.

In other words, it was completely rearranged.

The natural thunder and cloud mist has become much thinner, and it is obvious that it has suffered a huge attack.

Apparently Cloud Gate was attacked.

Who dares to attack Yunmen?

You must know that there are old willows and miscellaneous birds in Yunmen. These two powerful people were able to reach the fifth level of enlightenment when he left. The sun that the miscellaneous birds transformed into burned with the fire of the sun. everything.

Although Yang Yiyun didn't know the level of Lao Liushu's strength at the time, it was not much worse than Zamao Bird. When the Valkyrie and the Princess Master left, they said that Zamao Bird's cultivation strength was amazing. It is possible to attain enlightenment to the fifth heaven, even if it means a life-and-death struggle to the sixth heaven.

This kind of strength is definitely not bad in the fairy world. Among the big forces in the fairy world, there are not many strong men from the fifth and sixth heavens.

Most of them are in the second or third heaven, and the highest number is the fifth heaven.

So to attack Yunmen, you must at least be enlightened to the sixth heaven or above, but is there such a thing as the immortal world?

According to what the master's wife said back then, there are basically no strong people beyond the fifth heaven in the immortal world.

But Yunmen was obviously attacked.

This shows that it absolutely exists.

Thinking about it, what the master's wife said may not be completely correct, but it is relative. After all, the fairy world is too big.

Who knows?

But attacking Yunmen is different. There were mixed feather birds and old willow trees in Yunmen, and they were all attacked, so a big change occurred.

He has been out for more than a thousand years, which is not a long time at his current level, just the blink of an eye.

Something happened unexpectedly.

Yang Yiyun first thought of the three major Tianzun forces, Yuxing Palace and Xiaoyao Palace, which had a life-and-death feud since the establishment of Yunmen.

The strength of these companies is really all...

Yang Yiyun was in a state of confusion.

Walk towards the formation.

The next moment, his whole body was shaken again.

As he expected, the formation could not be entered. This was obviously because the formation was rearranged after it was attacked. The original formation had been removed and disappeared, and the induction between him and the formation's eyes no longer existed.

His face turned pale.

The formation was rearranged, which showed that the enemy broke through the formation and rushed in.

His parents, women, children, relatives, friends, disciples, brothers and sisters were all in Yunmen. Yang Yiyun did not dare to think about the consequences if the enemy broke into Yunmen.

Most of the people closest to him are of low cultivation, many Yunmen disciples, and most of them are not at the level of Immortal King or Immortal Emperor. If even a master who has understood the first level of heaven takes action, the result will be death and a large area will be killed.

He knows best how powerful the attack at the enlightenment level is.

Yang Yiyun was trembling all over now.

Being blocked from the mountain protection formation, Yang Yiyun was afraid to step in. He was very afraid. After entering, he heard terrible consequences that he could not imagine.

The previous Yunmen formation could withstand the attacks of strong men who had comprehended the sixth and even seventh heavens. This was the formation that the confinement master's wife had blessed back then. It could withstand the attacks of those who had mastered the seventh heaven. This was what the master's wife said herself.

What now?

The formation has obviously been re-modified.

All this shows the seriousness of the problem.

Yunmen has undergone great changes!

"What's wrong with Yunzi?"

Sister Mei jumped down and felt Yang Yiyun's trembling and fearful mood. She held his hand in front of her and spoke.

Then the little phoenixes came down one by one and stood next to Yang Yiyun after being transformed.

Diao'er squeaked and noticed the changes in the Yunmen Mountain Guard Formation. After Diao'er said this, everyone's expressions also changed.

At this moment, a series of piercing sounds appeared.

Clouds and thunder rolled.

Yang Yiyun suddenly raised his head and looked up, his whole body filled with aura.

He felt an incomparably powerful aura coming from the depths of Yunlei, at least three of the sixth heaven, one of which he even felt was more powerful than Eunuch Zijin, the great demon of the seventh heaven.

Among the rest, one person has enlightened to the fifth heaven, two have enlightened to the third heaven, and the remaining ten people have all enlightened to the first heaven.

With murderous intent.

The big demon behind Yang Yiyun also burst into flames instantly.


Just then a familiar voice sounded.

"Everyone stop~"


Then Yang Yiyun and the previous voice shouted stop almost at the same time.

A figure appeared in the mist.

What Yang Yiyun heard was the voice of senior brother Yun Changsheng.

It turned out to be Senior Brother and the others.

Then Yang Yiyun saw that the second senior brother Xing Chenzi, the young senior sister Zixia, and the elders who had forged the Immortal Alliance, now discovered that the senior senior brother Yun Changsheng and the young junior sister had already understood the cultivation of the third heaven, and the second senior brother It's more like an unsheathed sword, standing tall against the sky and the earth, and actually achieved enlightenment to the fifth heaven.

Only the other elders of the Immortal Refining Alliance, of course, are now members of the Yunmen Elder Group, and more than ten of them have all entered the first level of enlightenment.

When he left that year, he and his senior brother set a training policy. With the resources of Yunmen and the enlightenment left by the old man on the big green turtle, seventy members of the elder group at the peak of the Immortal Master would surely achieve enlightenment within a thousand years. Enlightenment.

Now it seems that it has indeed been successful, but there are far fewer people, only about a dozen people.

After that, Yang Yiyun saw a beautiful figure dressed in black. It was Hei Lian who he had been looking for but had not gone to heaven. Standing next to Hei Lian were two unknown big monsters with enlightened cultivation and aura. In the Sixth Heaven, what I felt before were the three people of Black Lotus.

"Master...senior brother~"

Yang Yiyun stepped forward and shouted with a trembling voice.

His eyes were full of worry.

When Yun Changsheng saw Yang Yiyun, he was also greatly relieved. Looking into Yang Yiyun's eyes, he knew what the junior brother was worried about. Without any explanation, he quickly said: "Most of the children, siblings, and your parents are fine."

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun felt a stone fall in his heart, but he also became gloomy again. He could naturally hear the senior brother's words. He said that most of them were fine, which meant that something happened to Yunmen.

Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and said, "But what are those major forces doing?"

"Well, it's good that you can come back safely. Let's go in and talk about the rest. By the way, our Yunmen was almost doomed this time. Thanks to Heilian's timely appearance, go over and say hello. I'll settle the rest of the people." Changsheng opened his eyes to the side, and not far behind him was the black lotus standing quietly.

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