My Master Is a God

Chapter 2465 Little Prehistoric Heaven Joins Cloud Gate

"Here it comes~"


The conversation between Yang Yiyun and Hei Lian was very simple. Even though they hadn't seen each other for a long time, their greetings were like two old friends asking, "Have you had dinner?" One said "Yes, have you eaten?"

But it is the most emotional words.

It doesn't feel strange at all, it's even more intimate.

The relationship between him and Hei Lian is actually that of both teacher and friend.

It can also be a matter of life and death. Yang Yiyun is not surprised that Black Lotus can appear in Yunmen's crisis.

According to the senior brother, it was really thanks to the appearance of Black Lotus this time, otherwise the destruction of Yunmen would have been possible.

In terms of aura, Black Lotus is more powerful than Zijin Gong, and should be at the peak level of the seventh heaven.

Black Lotus's cultivation also belongs to the kind of existence that cannot be distinguished into obvious levels, just like Little Phoenix, Loach, etc. Of course, now he has become such a practitioner.

All in all, it is very powerful.

For this kind of cultivating beings, Yang Yiyun calls them - detached cultivating beings.

Because it cannot be judged by common sense at all.

Huge potential and extraordinary talent can be summed up in eight words.

"Can you stay when you come this time? I need you." Yang Yiyun asked, looking at Hei Lian's eyes that were as deep as the stars and the sea.

"Yeah." Heilian still had no extra words, just nodded slightly and said yes.

This was regarded as an agreement. Yang Yiyun was moved and stepped forward to hug her gently.

Hei Lian was still the same as before, his voice and expression were always so emotionless, but Yang Yiyun still expressed his gratitude with a hug.

Trembling slightly, Hei Lian frowned slightly, but said nothing and allowed Yang Yiyun to hold her.

But Yang didn't mean anything else, it was just a simple hug and then separated.

He didn't say anything, and he didn't ask anything. It was enough as long as Hei Lian stayed.

Of course, even if Heilian didn't show up, he still planned to go to heaven to find her.

Then Heilian looked at the two big demons on his left and right sides and said, "They are the two great emperors of the Little Ancient Heaven - Tai and Sang."

Heilian still didn't introduce much, just said the names, the male was Tai and the female was Sang, both had the same word.

"I've met Master Yang."

The two adults, or demons, standing to the left and right of Hei Lian, a man and a woman, both looked like young men, and saluted Yang Yiyun with clasped fists.

Yang Yiyun couldn't see their real bodies, but he felt that these two people had the strength to comprehend the peak of the sixth heaven, and their whole bodies exuded the aura of the ancient times.

There is no doubt that he is a descendant of an ancient race.

Hei Lian's short sentence actually revealed an important piece of information. These two were the Emperors of the Little Prehistoric Heaven, which meant they were the great demons who had the right to speak in the Little Prehistoric Heaven.


Now it seems that they are following Hei Lian. Although Hei Lian did not say it out loud, Yang Yiyun could see that the eyes of these two demons were full of awe and fervent admiration for Hei Lian.

It is obvious that Heilian has become the master of Little Prehistoric Heaven.

"Thank you both~" Yang Yiyun also clasped his fists in return. What he was grateful for was that when Yunmen was in crisis, these two great demons followed Heilian and came to Yunmen to help. Of course, although it was Heilian's face, in Yang Yiyun's view He was still kind to Yunmen, and Yang Yiyun wanted to remember this favor.

"Master Yang, there is no need to be polite. Let's follow my master." Tai Ze opened his mouth and looked at the black lotus. The master he mentioned was naturally the black lotus.

The woman Sang said leisurely: "I dare to ask Yang Clan Master, who is the master and who is the minister between Yunmen and my lord in the Chaotic Immortal Domain? Only my Heavenly Court has always been the orthodox one in the Chaotic Immortal Domain, but now my Lord is the leader in the Heavenly Court. , I don’t know what Master Yang has today..."

At this time, Hei Lian frowned and shouted softly: "Sang, step back."

The voice was very soft but extremely majestic.

The latter trembled all over and knelt down quickly.

Yang Yiyun frowned, how could he not understand the meaning of this banshee named Sang?

Regarding the long-standing rumors in the Chaos Fairyland, it is said that the Chaos Fairyland is controlled by a real great demon. This was something that Old Man Dongfang had said back then, but no one knew exactly how it happened.

Yang Yiyun didn't pay attention to it back then, but now that Sang Ti has come forward, he has expected it. It is obvious that Xiao Honghuang's Heavenly Court is the master of the huge fairy mountain world of Chaos Fairyland, or it was before, or maybe they themselves will always Heaven is regarded as the master of the chaotic fairyland.

And now he has established Yunmen in the Chaotic Immortal Realm. For the control of the Chaotic Immortal Realm, there is a challenger for the Little Prehistoric Heavenly Court. And currently Heilian has become the leader of the Heavenly Court. As his subordinate Sang said This is normal.

However, as soon as Yang Yiyun returned to Yunmen, Yunmen suffered a catastrophe and he was in a bad mood. At this time, Sang raised this question, which made Yang Yiyun frown.

Fortunately, Hei Lian scolded Sang.

Then Heilian looked at Sang Hetai seriously and said: "I never thought of being the master of your heaven. I have my own way to go, and I will stay in Yunmen from now on. If you don't want to, you can leave. "

As soon as he said this, Sang trembled all over. He quickly lowered his head and touched the ground. He was shocked and said: "Sang deserves to die. Please forgive me. You are my future and the hope for the rise of my ancient clan. I will wait for you." I have sworn to follow the Heavenly Dao without any second thoughts. After all the Little Prehistoric Heavenly Clan are the Prehistoric Monster Clan, you are the master.

Since the Queen of Heaven has the intention, then the entire Little Prehistoric Heavenly Clan will be merged into Yunmen, headed by Master Yang. I have nothing to say. I ask the Queen of Heaven to forgive me for being presumptuous. "

"Sang also did it unintentionally for the sake of the Xiao Honghuang Heavenly Family. Please don't drive us away." At this time, Taiye spoke in panic.

"Hey~ I have no intention of being your master. Going to Little Ancient Heaven is also a visit to my hometown. The Demon Court back then has long become history. Now I only seek the high road. can make your own decisions~"

It was rare that Heilian was a little sad when talking to Sang Hetai.

Yang Yiyun could tell that there was important information in Hei Lian's words, but in the end it all became history.

It can be seen that Hei Lian still cares for Sang and Tai, they are both descendants of the little prehistoric mother!

Black Lotus itself is known as the nirvana of the first lotus in the ancient world. Now it seems that it has a deep connection with the Little Great Ancient Heaven. It is no wonder that Sang and Tai would follow Heilian. After Heilian's words came out, the two of them were very panicked, for fear of Heilian. Get rid of them.

"The Queen, we will listen to you in everything. We are willing to bring the Little Prehistoric Heavenly Family to join Yunmen. I beg the Queen to be merciful and not abandon us."

Sang Hetai knelt down and begged.

At this moment, Hei Lian sighed and wanted to say something, but finally sighed, and then looked at Yang Yiyun and said: "Can Yunzi let Xiao Honghuang Heavenly Court join Yunmen? The future era will definitely be chaotic, without protection, the Xiaohonghuang Heavenly Court clan will inevitably They will disappear into thin air. They are considered to be related to me. I cannot protect them for long.

Of course, their strength is pretty good, and you can rest assured that they will definitely be loyal to Yunmen and won’t cause any trouble~" Heilian spoke and looked at Yang Yiyun.

Naturally, Yang Yiyun would not refuse Hei Lian's request. It seemed that the Little Prehistoric Heavenly Family was taking advantage of joining Yunmen, but Yang Yiyun knew that it was a responsibility, but Hei Lian asked, and he could not refuse.

"As long as they are willing, Yunmen is willing to accept them and assume this responsibility." Yang Yiyun said to Heilian, and then looked at Sang Hetai.

"Thank you so much, why don't you say thank you yet." Heilian said to Sang Hetai on the ground.

"Xiao Honghuang Tianting Sang pays homage to the sect master~"

"The Little Prehistoric Heavenly Palace pays homage to the sect master~"

"My little prehistoric Heavenly Family will definitely guard Yunmen from now on, become a member of Yunmen, and bear witness to the way of heaven."

But it was Sang and Tai who finally kowtowed to Yang Yiyun together and made an oath.

They are all ancient demons, so they naturally understand the deep meaning of Hei Lian's words. The future era will not be peaceful. In the face of the times, a group of people can easily be wiped out. Since it is the Queen's arrangement, they will absolutely abide by it.

"Get up, there will only be one powerful Yunmen in the Chaotic Immortal Realm, and Yunmen is the master. Not only will he be the master of one place in the Chaotic Immortal Realm, but he will also be the master of the fairy world. You don't have to worry about what Yunmen will do to you. If you bring harm, I promise that as long as Yunmen exists, there will be a place for you and other small prehistoric heavenly clans." Yang Yiyun said.

"Thank you, Master, and thank you, Queen." The two thanked them.

This matter is understood.

From now on, Yunmen will be the leader in Chaotic Immortal Realm.

Sang and the Queen Mother left and returned to the Little Ancient Heaven to relocate their clansmen. Since Queen Hei Lian wanted to stay in Yunmen, they would become a part of Yunmen.

After returning to Yunmen Hall.

Senior Brother Yun Changsheng reported this situation to this unreliable sect leader.

As he expected, those who attacked Yunmen this time were the three Tianzun forces, the Falling Star Palace and the Xiaoyao Palace, but it was led by the Falling Star Palace.

According to the elder brother, there is an old immortal in the Falling Star Palace. The old immortal has disappeared for tens of thousands of years and has returned from a great secret realm in the immortal world called the Ancient Immortal Ruins.

Just three hundred years ago, after the old immortal from the Falling Star Palace came back, he took the lead, assisted by the three major forces and the people of Xiaoyao Palace, to attack Yunmen.

The old Immortal of the Meteor Star Palace has the cultivation level of the eighth heaven. Together with the three great Tianzun forces and the people from Xiaoyao Palace, there are a total of thirty enlightened ones, including two from the seventh level, three from the sixth level, and five from the fifth level. , the rest are all those who have understood the first, second, third, and fourth heavens.

Such a powerful force is completely aimed at Mie Yunmen.

After a fight, the miscellaneous feathered bird was severely injured, the old willow tree was severely damaged, and more than 80,000 Yunmen disciples were killed or injured, and... several of Yang Yiyun's friends in the lower realm died.

Hu Xian'er, Zhan Qingren, young monk Liao Fan, and many disciples of Yunmen in the lower realm died.

As for the family, they were immediately taken to Lao Liushu by Senior Brother, and they managed to escape due to the desperate efforts of Lao Liushu and Miscellaneous Birds.

Of course, if Black Lotus hadn't appeared at the last moment with the great demon from the Little Prehistoric Heaven, Yunmen would have been destroyed three hundred years ago.

Although Black Lotus is weaker than the old Immortal from the Falling Star Palace, after all, Black Lotus is the existence of prehistoric Nirvana. Finally, he used the forbidden method to repel the old Immortal from the Falling Star Palace who understood the eighth heaven, and saved Yunmen.

However, 70% to 80% of the 70 members of Yunmen's newly advanced Tongwu elder group were wiped out, and only a dozen people survived in the end.

The battle was brutal.

Many people were hit hard.

It took a full three hundred years before some vitality was restored, and many people are still recovering from their injuries.

Such as Dongfang Haotian, Snow Cat, etc., were all seriously injured.

Yang Yiyun's chest rose and fell after hearing this.

His face was as gloomy as water.

After a while, Yang Yiyun spoke: "Elder brother ordered that Yunmen be sealed for a thousand years. After a thousand years, war will be declared on the three major Tianzun forces, the Falling Star Palace, and the Xiaoyao Palace."

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