My Master Is a God

Chapter 2466 The long river of destiny

Yunmen is closed~

Yang Yiyun personally ordered the mountain to be closed for a thousand years. After a thousand years, the top powers in the fairy world will be destroyed.


For Yang Yiyun, this is no longer a matter of revenge, but of responsibility.

It was a disaster for Yu Yunmen, and it was a huge blow to him.

Seventy or eighty thousand disciples have perished~

This is his responsibility as the sect leader.

More importantly, three of his friends died.

Zhan Qingren, Hu Xianer, and little monk Liaofan were all his companions when he was on Earth~

They entered the world of mountains and seas, and then to the world of cultivators, but now they have ascended to the immortal world and fallen, falling in Yunmen.

Yang Yiyun's heart was bleeding.

Regarding the little monk Liao Fan, according to the elder brother, it was he who went to the foreign world and ascended to the fairy world with Mei Shiying and others. It was the disciples of Yunmen who received the Yunmen of the chaotic fairyland.

Most of the Yunmen disciples in the lower realm have returned.

Liao Fan and Mei Shiying are probably your last batch. They came to Yunmen not long after...

Hu Xianer, a native of Zhanqing, is even more his relative...

Are you angry?

It can no longer be reflected.

Yang Yiyun asked his senior brother that the resting place of the three people was in a valley in Yunmen. He entered the valley alone and came to the tombs of the three people. He sat on the ground without speaking, just sitting quietly.

One year, two years, three years...

Not a word was spoken.

Many women had come and talked to Yang Yiyun, including Mei Shiying and his sister Mei, and all the women who could come came to persuade them, but Yang Yiyun dismissed them all.

He just wanted to sit here and spend time with his three old friends.

Until the fourth year, Black Lotus came.

Heilian paid homage to the three of them, and then stood next to Yang Yiyun and looked at him: "I know you feel uncomfortable, but it's useless to be sad. I don't think the three of them want you to be like this."

Yang Yiyun still said nothing.

But the next moment Hei Lian said: "There is a rumor in my inherited memory. I don't know whether it is true or not. I think it will be useful to you."

She paused and continued: "There are six reincarnations in the Three Realms. Reincarnation originates from the Netherworld. After death, all living things in the Three Realms return to the Netherworld, enter the long river of destiny, and re-enter the six realms to be born in the Three Realms. Maybe they did not die, but returned to the Netherworld. Out of the netherworld."

At this point, Yang Yiyun's unwavering eyes suddenly shone brightly, with ten colors of light shining, but they quickly disappeared, but he finally spoke.

Yang Yiyun said in a hoarse voice: "I know you are comforting me. If a person dies before forming the pill, he will return to the Netherworld. Just like the old man said it was Lingling, I believe she will be in the Netherworld one day. I will find her in the underworld one day.

But the three of them are different. They have become immortals. When an immortal falls, his soul will be scattered, and there is no chance of reincarnation. How could he go to the Netherworld? And I still don’t know where the Netherworld is? Where are the Six Paths of Reincarnation..."

Heilian still spoke without emotion: "You didn't understand what I said. I'm talking about the river of destiny, which is the origin of all things. And I don't need to comfort you. I just want to tell you about my inherited memories. There is one thing I want to tell you. I will not be wrong in inheriting the memory. Although I don’t know whether it is true or not, it is a hope after all, isn’t it?”

Yang Yiyun pondered for a while.

And Hei Lian continued: "As you know, people under the formation of pills will exist in the netherworld after death and form another kind of life form. That refers to mortals, and Liu Lingling is this kind. I also know this.

There is no chance for immortals to die and their souls will be scattered into reincarnation. This is a fact that is well known to those who practice Taoism in the immortal world. But one thing you don't know, and even many creatures in the immortal world don't know, is the source of fate.

There is a source of destiny in the three realms. Legend has it that it is the origin of the birth of all living things. It can also be called the soul. I don't mean the soul in the broad sense, but the soul of the origin. Destiny is nurtured in the long river, although it is the inheritance of memory. legend, but I think it exists.

Because no one knows what the original soul looks like or what it is. The soul of an immortal dissipates after death, and it is just another form that disappears into the world. But what is the world? Heaven and earth are the river of destiny, which means that the souls of immortals after death return to the river of destiny, returning to the original state of life. When the time comes, the river of destiny will give them a new life. Doesn't this exist? "

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun was shocked. He glanced at the tombstones of Fan and the others, then looked at Heilian and said, "Is it really the content of your inherited memory, and not the story of the long river of fate that you made up to comfort me?"

Hei Lian said calmly: "Do you think I will make up a story to comfort you?" Hei Lian asked back.

Yang Yiyun thought about it and this was definitely not Heilian's style, which meant that everything she said came from inherited memories.

That's probably true.

For Yang Yiyun, Hei Lian's words were a spiritual hope. Even if it was slim, he chose to believe in this slim hope.

Black Lotus continued: "Maybe one day you will be able to understand the secret of the river of destiny if you can achieve the status of a god. The underworld and reincarnation will definitely exist. There are many things in the world, things in the three realms, and beyond transcendence. You and I can do it. I don’t know, I haven’t even heard of it, or maybe I think it’s horrifying if I’ve heard of it, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or happen. It just depends on whether you can get in touch with the avenue.

That's all I can tell you. If you want to conquer the Immortal Realm, I can accompany you. What's more, I want to tell you which one of the Eighth Heavenly Enlightenment in the Falling Star Palace is very strong, and I can only force him back. But I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat him within a thousand years.

That person came from the ancient ruins of the immortal world - the secret realm of immortals and demons. I heard that he was a person who disappeared for tens of thousands of years, but he came back. Not only that, the three major Tianzun forces, Xiaoyao Palace, Meteor Palace and other major forces all A strong man came out of the secret realm of immortals and demons.

Those who attacked Yunmen hundreds of years ago, in addition to those who have enlightened to the eighth heaven in the Falling Star Palace, there are also people from the three major Tianzun forces and Xiaoyao Palace. Although those people do not have the cultivation of the eighth heaven, they are all different. The aura of each person is somewhere between immortals and demons, far superior to immortals of the same realm. "

"What exactly is the secret realm of immortals and demons?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"The Mystic Realm of Immortals and Demons is just a general name. When it comes to real pursuit, no one can tell clearly. I heard that the Immortal Realm existed since its birth. It is an ancient ancient ruins. The main battlefield of the war between Immortals and Demons was there.

The Secret Realm of Immortals and Demons is also one of the most dangerous places in the Immortal World. It is extremely rich in cultivation resources. However, in modern times, the entrance is controlled by several major forces in the Immortal World, or it is controlled by the three major Tianzun forces. Every time it is opened, many people will enter. But very few came out, many disappeared directly, some died, and a few came out after taking risks, but after coming out, their cultivation strength increased greatly.

I heard from your senior brother that after you went to the foreign world, the secret realm of immortals and demons seemed to have undergone major changes. It opened independently, and then some strong men who had disappeared came out of it...

The one from the Falling Star Palace is the strongest one among them. Apart from him, there are naturally others, all of whom are members of several major forces in the Immortal Realm. The most likely ones are those of the three major Tianzun forces.

In this way, your enemies have gained a lot of masters. I don’t know if anyone will come out again in the future, but I think there will be. Anyway, the information your cat got is that the secret land of immortals and demons has been occupied by the three great gods. The forces are blocked and no one knows what the situation is.

Do you really decide to declare war on them simultaneously in a thousand years? With all due respect, even if the Little Prehistoric Heaven joins in, there will only be no more than thirty Enlightenments. The highest Enlightenment is Sang Hetai from the Sixth Heaven. And although the big demons you brought are not bad, they are I still absolutely want to declare war on the three Tianzun forces, the Meteor Palace, and Xiaoyao Palace at the same time. A thousand years is not enough.

If you are given five thousand years to develop Yunmen, it may be possible to have a war. Otherwise, I can't figure out how you can declare war. The current situation is indifferent and one Meteor Star Palace is enough to deal with it. Understanding the Eighth Heaven cannot be underestimated. I can contain it but I am not sure. Beheading, after all, I need time to practice and accumulate before I can win.

The combined forces of the three great Heavenly Lords are more terrifying than the Falling Star Palace, not to mention the Xiaoyao Palace, which has the most extensive connections in the immortal world. What preparations are there for you? "

After Hei Lian finished speaking, he looked at Yang Yiyun, waiting for his answer.

Yang Yiyun listened carefully and knew that what Hei Lian said was absolutely correct.

In fact, he had thought of all these.

A thousand years does indeed sound like a long time. In fact, for a powerful person with enlightenment level, it is just a flick of the finger. It is not long but very short. Black Lotus said that it would take at least five thousand years to declare war.

Yang Yiyun knew that this was Heilian talking about herself. In five thousand years, Heilian might be able to break through to the eighth or even ninth level. By then, there would be no problem.

But Yang Yiyun felt that a thousand years was a long time.

He was extremely depressed. He wanted to avenge Zhan Qingren, Hu Xian'er and the young monk Liao Fan. He wanted to avenge the 70,000 to 80,000 Yunmen disciples. He couldn't wait that long.

And he was confident that a thousand years would be enough.

The main force declaring war will not be Heilian, but Yang Yiyun himself.

He took a deep breath and said: "I'm prepared, don't worry. You just need to practice within a thousand years. Don't worry. Since I dare to say it, I can do it. I'm fine. You go, I will stay here for a while." Time, when you go out, tell my senior brother and ask him to come."


Heilian was still straightforward. Yang Yiyun didn't say where his confidence came from, and she didn't ask any more questions. Since he said he was confident, she believed him.

Then Black Lotus left the valley.

Yang Yiyun looked at the tombstones of the three people and said to himself: "If there is a river of destiny, then I will find it. In the God Realm, then I will go to the God Realm. In the end, I will find the river of destiny and find you." , I swear, I will not let you die in vain.

The Meteor Star Palace, the three great Tianzun forces, and the Xiaoyao Palace will all be buried with you in a thousand years. Don’t worry about me. I have mutated in my practice. Although I still look like an Immortal Lord, I am not the first level of heaven, but... so what?

Thousands of years later, if I am not enlightened, I will be better than enlightened. There is nothing special in the fairy world. The power of the ten attributes and the perfect foundation are my capital to crush them and avenge you..."

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