My Master Is a God

Chapter 2475 Hatching python eggs

After choosing a remote valley and setting up a barrier, Yang Yiyun took out the python eggs.

"Sister Mei, let's start~"

I had already told you about the python eggs when I found Sister Mei. Although dragon blood is precious, if Yang wants it, Sister Mei will naturally give it to you.

What's more, Yang Yiyun came up with the python egg just to find her, so he should help hatch the python egg.

"Yeah~" Sister Mei nodded, her chest flashed, and a drop of pure golden blood appeared.

Yang Yiyun suspended the python egg and smashed it into the air. With a wave of his hand, a drop of purple-gold water of life appeared at the same time. Just in case, since he promised the white shark to hatch the python egg, he must do it.

The purple-gold water of life can bless the eggs of pythons. Not surprisingly, this is also a blessing. Especially, Mr. Yang has a selfish intention, and it is better to start raising pets from an early age.

With Purple Gold Water of Life, I believe that after the python egg hatches, it will naturally have a good impression of him.

Although Yang didn't know what kind of python could be hatched from this python egg, he thought it was definitely not a mortal thing.

Because the white shark is completely exposed to the light of the python egg and becomes the white shark king. So how awesome is the white shark king?

As a giant in the foreign world, his status is equivalent to that of the titled supremes in the fairy world, and he is an absolute powerhouse who has understood the Nine Heavens. Thinking of this, Python Egg is even better than White Shark Wan.

It is said to be a python egg left over from ancient times. How can it be a mortal thing?

So Yang Yiyun is looking forward to it.

Not to mention anything else, when he saw the python egg, he asked Eunuch Zijin, who was enlightened to the seventh heaven, to come into contact with it. If he hadn't taken action from the poison released, Eunuch Zijin would have been poisoned and fell down. Of course, he might have been poisoned to death. , but it can definitely poison a strong person who understands the seventh heaven.

How many poisons are there in the world that can poison a powerful person with high levels of enlightenment?

This is the toxin that has not hatched in the python egg. If it hatches, Yang Yiyun is not sure about the poison of the little python, and he doesn't know whether he can see it.

It’s begun~

Almost at the same time, Sister Mei's dragon blood and his purple-gold water of life entered the python egg.

Suddenly, the fist-sized python egg burst out with blue light.

A powerful and unparalleled demonic energy also emitted immediately.


Faster than expected, the python egg burst out of its shell with a click.

The blue light flourished and then disappeared in an instant.


The neighing sound was low, like a baby's cry.

Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei looked over at the same time.

The next moment, a small blue head poked out of the cocoon.

At first glance, the little guy seemed a little shy, but Yang's first reaction was that he was a mother.

The small blue head is the same color as the cocoon shell. There are two blue feather-like tentacles on both sides of the head. There are two small dragon whiskers at the corners of the mouth. The overall head is a bit triangular. It looks like a snake or a dragon. Outline.

A pair of eyes are black and shiny, very spiritual.

It makes people fall in love with it as soon as they see it.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei extended their palms to the little python almost at the same time.

This is a multiple-choice question. The first thing I see when the little python breaks out of its cocoon is the two of them, but I don’t know whose hand it will fall into?


Yang Yiyun only felt his palm light up, but the little python fell into his palm.

I felt happy in my heart. Sure enough, the Purple Gold Water of Life had a great effect, and it was within Yang Yiyun's control.

But Sister Mei on the side raised her cute little mouth and snorted.

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "Sister Mei, wait a minute, I'll let you play later."

Well, he didn't feel right about anything he said.

Very ambiguous~

Sister Mei's face turned red and she took a sip.

Yang Yiyun smiled awkwardly and focused his gaze on the little python hovering in his palm. Only then could he see the whole thing clearly.

That is, the body of a baby with thin arms is about one meter long.

Except for the eyes, the whole body is azure, including the scales and armor.

There are actually five claws under the abdomen.

This really surprised Yang Yiyun.

I have heard that only dragons have five claws. For example, golden dragons like Sister Mei are called five-clawed golden dragons.

Even if a python has claws, it actually has five claws, which is really eye-opening.

The blue python with five claws is unheard of and unseen~

Of course, this python is different and is a product of the times.

To be honest, the python is a creature of its own, but it may have some dragon genes.

Anyway, the shape of the little python looks very cute now, and it doesn't have the instinctive fear of snakes as expected.

This is quite strange.

Yang Yiyun was looking at the little python in his palm, and the little python was also looking at him.

One person and one python, big eyes staring at small eyes.

In fact, little pythons are very cute.

It looked harmless to humans and animals, but Yang Yiyun knew it was a big poison.

Now let’s see how poisonous it can be.

Yang Yiyun looked at the little python in his palm and thought it should be given a name.

"Xiaolan, let me call you Xiaolan from now on~" Yang gave the little python a name casually, still so casually.

But fortunately, there is no name like loach or black charcoal. Xiaolan is a nice name, and it is also the result of the blue color of the little python's body.


The little boa constrictor, or should I say Xiao Lan now, stuck out his tongue and hissed, but nodded.

Very spiritual.

I can completely understand what Yang Yiyun said.

This is normal. After all, this little guy is different. He is the egg of an ancient python.

Of course, it seems that Xiaolan can't speak people's words now, but if he can fully understand them, this is already very good. As for speaking, it will be a matter of time.

"Xiaolan, let me feel the poisonous gas after you spit it out?" Yang Yiyun was looking forward to how powerful Xiaolan's poison would be.


Xiao Lan hissed and shook his head.

He actually refused.

Yang Yiyun was stunned: "Just spit out a little bit. I just want to know how heavy your poison is?"


The next moment, Xiaolan hesitated for a moment under Yang's request again, but nodded.

At this time, Sister Mei said: "Yunzi, why not forget it, Xiaolan is very spiritual, and since there is more, it means that the toxin is very powerful, and I can also feel that there is very dangerous energy in Xiaolan's body, which should be the toxin.

Xiao Lan shook his head, maybe because he was afraid of hurting you. It had just hatched, otherwise it would be better to forget it and don't let anything happen. "Sister Mei's worries are not unreasonable.

"It's okay, just let Xiaolan vomit a little and try. I also need to understand Xiaolan's poison. Maybe I can help when the time comes." Yang Yiyun insisted.

Next, Xiaolan flew up in Yang Yiyun's palm, and then a blue light as thick as a chopstick appeared in the palm of his hand, only half a foot long. After spitting out from his mouth, it condensed into a small ball, which never dispersed.

In an instant, both Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei felt that the air between heaven and earth had changed. They couldn't see anything or smell anything, but they could clearly feel it.

It was very depressing, even breathing became difficult, and even using mana felt extremely depressing.

Yang Yiyun was frightened. He felt that it was indeed very different. This was just the result of condensation. If Xiao Lan's poisonous gas dispersed, Yang Yiyun could not imagine what would happen to the poison.

"Xiaolan, okay, okay, put it away, it's okay, it's okay~" Yang Yiyun said quickly.

The next moment, Xiaolan opened her mouth and sucked in the poison.

Suddenly there was a lightness all around the world, and it finally returned to normal.


Yang Yiyun exhaled a breath of turbid air and finally took a breath. He knew that Xiaolan could be used as a trump card.

The small blue light flashed back into Yang Yiyun's palm.

This matter is finally done.

The next day, Yang Yiyun walked out of Yunmen with ninety Tongwu.

In the first battle, his target was the Falling Star Palace.

First destroy the Meteor Palace, then destroy the Xiaoyao Palace, and then the three major Tianzun forces.

The former two are in the fairy world, and the latter is in the Nine Heavens.

Lao Liushu was left to take charge by Yang Yiyun, and some others, such as the Ancestor of the Soul Master, Dongfang Haotian, Du Jiebin, etc., were all left to look after the house. After all, the entire Yunmen family is now a big business, and many things need people to do it. The sect is also the operation of a large machine.

Set off with ninety enlightened souls.

Yang Yiyun made the loach reach its maximum size, reaching a height of nine thousand meters. This time he was arrogant and did not care about low-key issues at all.

Just to let the entire fairy world know.

He, Yang Yiyun, declared war on several major forces.

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