My Master Is a God

Chapter 2476 One-sided massacre

The Meteor Star Palace is located in the Meteorite Immortal Territory in the south of the Immortal World. As one of the superpowers in the Immortal World, the Immortal Territory owned by the Meteor Star Palace is very large. It is surrounded by numerous large and small fairy mountains. It is the first-class overlord in the south of the Immortal World.

Yang Yiyun and his party traveled forward on the Loach. After flying for half a month, they entered the territory of the Meteorite Immortal Realm. Of course, half a month was a bit long. This was Yang Yiyun's request and did not tell how hard the Loach should be rushed.

Anyway, just go as normal and shine as brightly as you want. This is one of Yang Yiyun's plans.

Now that we have announced a declaration of war between several major forces, let's do it.

He wanted all the creatures in the immortal world to know that Yunmen, led by Yang Yiyun, was going to declare war on several major forces. He wanted all the creatures in the immortal world to know the existence of Yunmen, and he wanted to make Yunmen a truly top-notch super immortal sect in the immortal world.

I want to give Yunmen a reputation that no other immortal sect dares to offend. I want future Yunmen disciples to go out and make other immortal sects stand in awe...

This time the declaration of war begins with the Falling Star Palace.

First destroy the Meteor Palace, then destroy the Xiaoyao Palace, and then destroy the three major Tianzun forces.

The goal is clear.

Along the way, Yang Yiyun asked Snow Cat to activate the intelligence personnel of the Dark Night Palace to spread the news of the attack on the Falling Star Palace, just to build momentum.

Regardless of whether he said it or not, I believe that the Meteor Star Palace knew from the moment they left Yunmen. In this case, why should they hide it? They just wanted to leave in a big way, so that all the creatures in the immortal world would know that he, Yunmen, was going to be destroyed. Meteor Palace.

Building momentum is indispensable for Yunmen's reputation accumulation.

Sure enough, there were more and more immortals following them along the way. Of course, most of them were watching the fun. They followed them to the Immortal Domain of the Falling Star Palace.

"Master is already followed by tens of thousands of immortals. Do you want to send them away?" Eunuch Zijin gave full play to his role as a personal eunuch.

"What are you doing? How can there be a lack of audience when this big show starts? Don't bother and let them follow. As long as they don't make trouble, if someone makes trouble, just kill them." Yang Yiyun stood on the loach's head with his hands behind his back, his eyes Talk while looking at the endless starry sky.

Although Mr. Yang's words at this moment were plain, everyone standing around him could feel that Mr. Yang was exuding a soaring and overwhelming evil aura.

Everyone knows that this time out, it will definitely end in a river of blood.

In the end, it may be a war that engulfs the entire fairy world.

Because the several super powers in the immortal world and the various immortal sects in the immortal mountains are actually inextricably linked.

Just like the Yunmen's attack on the Falling Star Palace this time, all the major immortal sects under the Falling Star Palace will definitely participate in the battle, and the powerful Falling Star Palace, the three major Tianzun forces and Xiaoyao Palace have obviously formed an alliance.

Then whether it is the Great Immortal Sect or the Small Immortal Sect that is related to the three major Tianzun forces, Xiaoyao Palace, Meteor Palace, etc., it will inevitably be involved. This situation will be an endless loop, and it will eventually evolve into a war that sweeps the entire Immortal World. It's no exaggeration at all.

Yang Yiyun and the people around him have analyzed that the attack on the Falling Star Palace this time will definitely be an unprecedented tough battle, and it will also be the main battlefield for several companies combined.

Because as the three major Tianzun forces and Xiaoyao Palace, they definitely do not want their territory to be affected, so the best outcome is that the main battlefield is placed in the chassis of the Falling Star Palace, so once the war begins, the three major The forces of Tianzun and Xiaoyao Palace must have come to the Falling Star Palace for a decisive battle with Yang Yiyun.

It depends on how several forces may have already responded to this, and may have been waiting for him.

Yang Yiyun was thinking about this, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile that only he knew.

"Sir, we will enter the Immortal Realm of the Falling Star Palace in five hundred miles."

At this time, Snow Cat spoke softly in front of him. Ever since that incident in the main hall, Snow Cat had completely fallen into despair. She spoke very gently to Yang Yiyun. However, she was already in the original Snow Cat state when she was in front of others, but now Snow Cat The cat is Kyuubi.

The appearance is very attractive, with flawless snow-white hair without a trace of color, and a pair of blood-red eyes, which are very eerie.

"Well, let's get ready, everyone. I guess the people in the Falling Star Palace will not let us put the battlefield deep into the Falling Star Fairyland. If nothing happens, we will start a war soon~"

As soon as Yang Yiyun finished speaking, a wave of waves leaped over, but it was a hidden ghost immortal.

"Greetings to the sect master and palace master."

The ghost fairy knelt down.

"Get up~" Yang Yiyun waved his hand.

Snow Cat said: "Just tell me."

She is the intelligence chief, so she naturally knows what this ghost fairy is doing.

"Reporting to the Palace Master, the people from the Falling Star Palace, numbering in the thousands, have gathered outside the Falling Star Immortal Domain, two hundred miles away from us." The Ghost Immortal said.

"Only a thousand people? How strong is the opponent?" Snow Cat asked.

"I am ashamed. My cultivation level is too low to see through it, and I dare not get close." The ghost immortal said.

"I know, let's go down." Snow Cat's tone was slightly unhappy, as if he was not satisfied with the answer, but he did not embarrass the ghost fairy.

Yang Yiyun chuckled and said: "Mao'er, your demands are too strict. He is just an Immortal King and Ghost Immortal. He can find out a lot of people. If we want to know the other person's cultivation level, we still have to go and see for ourselves. But I estimate that the number of masters will not be too many anymore.

If your guess is correct, there may not be more than ten out of the thousands of enlightened masters. Even the strong man from the Falling Star Palace who has enlightened the eighth heaven may not show up this time. To put it bluntly, this is a test. That's all, let's go, go over and take a look, kill these thousands of people first. "

"Yes, I understand." Snow Cat nodded, but a moment later his figure disappeared directly beside Yang Yiyun.

However, Yang Yiyun felt the snow cat fly out directly, and he personally took action to find out the truth.

"Actually, you don't need to take action yourself." Yang Yiyun muttered to himself.

Then he said to Loach: "Loach, speed up, two hundred miles ahead, get ready for a fight~"

"Yes, Master." Loach responded and disappeared in a swish.

The next moment, two hundred miles away, in the land of the starry sky and sea, silver light flashed, and the huge body of the loach appeared.

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes and saw that there were indeed thousands of people suspended in the starry sky, under the banner of the Falling Star Palace, obviously waiting for them.

After scanning his spiritual consciousness, it turned out that it was as expected. Among the thousands of people, there were only nine people with enlightenment level, not even ten. Among them, the one with the highest level of cultivation was the sixth level of heaven, and the rest had enlightenment from the first to the fifth level of heaven. Yes, the remaining thousand people are all at Immortal level.

It is obvious that most of these people are from the Immortal Sect forces from the Falling Star Immortal Territory. As the leader of the Falling Star Immortal Territory, it is natural for someone to help at this time.

However, they will all become cannon fodder.

"Kill them all~"

Yang Yiyun stood on Loach's back, spoke softly, and said two words.


Behind Yang Yiyun, Tongwu rushed out instantly.

Although there are only ninety people and there are thousands of people on the other side, it is not a battle of the same level at all.

It is destined to be a one-sided massacre.

A person who has enlightened to the first and second heavens will have no problem killing thousands of immortals.

The faces of the people in the Falling Star Palace changed drastically.

They had long received the news that Little Cloud Sect actually declared war on several of their major forces, and the first stop was their Fallen Star Palace.

The person leading the team this time is an old man from the Falling Star Palace and a person who came out of the Immortal and Demon Secret Realm - Zu Jia.

He left the fairy world and went to the secret realm of immortals and demons and was trapped there for more than 30,000 years, knowing that it only appeared more than a thousand years ago and that 30,000 years can change a lot of things.

For example, human state of mind is the first priority.

When Zu Jia entered the secret realm of immortals and demons 30,000 years ago, he was just an immortal. When he came out 30,000 years later, many of his peers died, disappeared, and some of those who survived did not have enlightenment, and he In 30,000 years, he became a strong man who understood the Sixth Heaven.

Therefore, his mentality was a bit wandering, and he did not pay attention to the so-called Yunmen. This time he came out to block Yunmen, so he took the initiative to ask Ying, and asked Taishang Su Lao of the Meteor Star Palace to entrust him with the Eighth Level Heavenly Ancestor Jitian.

He brought eight enlightened masters and thousands of immortals and came.

He did not participate in the attack on Yunmen more than a thousand years ago. He only came out of the Immortal Demon Realm later, so he did not understand the situation of Yunmen, and he had absolutely nothing to learn.

In the eyes of his ancestor, Yunmen was just a small fairy sect that was not worth mentioning. He had never heard of it and didn't take it seriously at all.

But who knew that when the other party appeared, he would be eighty or ninety years of enlightenment, and many of his auras were higher than his. Now Zu Jia cursed crazily in his heart: "God's ancestor, Yunmen is so powerful. There are so many enlightenments, why didn’t you tell me in advance~”

Zu Jia's heart was beating wildly.

The next moment he saw the white-haired young man standing on the head of the huge monster beast, and after uttering the word "kill all", Zu Jia immediately had one thought - to run.

Run or die.

You would be a fool not to run.

Not to mention the many masters with powerful auras that he could not see through at all, the monsters that reached nearly 10,000 meters in size were not good people.

Although I didn't recognize what kind of monster it was, the aura it exuded was full of ferocity and wildness, and it turned out to be a big beast.

Even the Ancestral Armor of this monster beast feels like it can't be dealt with.

Zu Jia immediately disappeared without hesitation, turned around and ran away.

His soul was jumping, it was so scary.

What kind of small fairy sect is this? There probably aren’t that many masters and strong men in the entire fairy world, right?

In the blink of an eye, Yang Yiyun gave the order to start killing.

Little Phoenix, Eunuch Zijin, Black Lotus, Sister Mei, Miscellaneous Bird, etc. did not move.

The remaining Blood Eagle, Monkey Doudou, Rat King, etc. rushed forward...

The one-sided massacre began.

In less than ten breaths, thousands of people and eight Tongwu in the Falling Star Palace were all killed.

Of course, the leader Zu Jia escaped immediately, but how could the Rat King and Blood Eagle give him a chance to escape.

When he was about to chase, Yang Yiyun said: "Come back to the Rat King Blood Eagle. Let him escape. You always need someone to report the news to the Falling Star Palace, otherwise wouldn't it be too boring~"

When Yang said these words, he spoke with unparalleled confidence. He did not take this battle seriously at all. His target was the powerful man from the Falling Star Palace who had understood the eighth heaven, the man who had attacked Yunmen. Man, that man is the target whose life would be worse than death.

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