My Master Is a God

Chapter 2477 You must be hallucinating

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun has been holding back his desire for revenge for thousands of years, and today he started taking revenge.

The thousands of people killed were just an appetizer.

Next, he estimated that it would be time to directly face the powerful man from the Falling Star Palace who understood the eighth level of heaven.

I don’t know if they have any strong people who have understood the eighth heaven. I guess they don’t have you, right?

The eighth level of enlightenment is really not a big deal.

But even with him, he was not afraid. The Purple Gold Eunuch beside him stepped into the eighth heaven. Zamao Bird also said that after the training is over, he can seek revenge from the people of the eighth heaven in the Meteor Palace. In other words, Zamao Bird is also in the eighth heaven. level.

Next is a drop of purple gold water of life from Hei Lian, coupled with thousands of years of cultivation. Although Hei Lian was not asked, Yang Yiyun thought that Hei Lian's strength would only be stronger than others in the eighth heaven, not weaker.

There is Sister Mei, the five-clawed golden dragon, who is considered to be a top-notch existence, as well as the little phoenix and the snow cat, who are all similar.

The rest also have the combat power to comprehend the sixth and seventh heavens. The formation of these forces is the confidence that Yang Yiyun dares to declare war on several major forces.

Of course, there is also himself. Let’s not talk about this for now. When he sees the old guy in the Falling Star Palace, he will let the old guy know why the flowers are so red.

"Loach sets off at full speed, aiming for the headquarters of the Falling Star Palace. Everyone obeys orders. Anyone who blocks his way along the way will be killed without mercy."

Yang Yiyun gave the order again. After watching thousands of people being destroyed, he suddenly felt no interest in it. He just went directly to the headquarters of the Falling Star Palace and flattened it.

"It's the master."

Loach agreed and disappeared the next moment.

At the headquarters of the Falling Star Palace, Zu Jia fled back in embarrassment.

Enter the main hall.

He shouted from a distance: "Uncle Master..."

At this moment, there are more than thirty people in the main hall of the Falling Star Hall headquarters.

Everyone is a powerful person with enlightenment.

The person sitting at the top is an old man in his sixties. This person is Zu Jitian, who was also the leader of the attack on Yunmen more than a thousand years ago, and who has mastered the cultivation of the eighth heaven.

Among the other thirty or so people, not only the people from the Falling Star Palace, but also the enlightened experts from the three major Tianzun forces, and the powerful people from the Xiaoyao Palace, naturally formed an alliance.

In the battle against Yunmen that year, Black Lotus finally appeared and repelled them, leaving a deep impression on them. When they learned that Yang Yiyun had spoken out to declare war, the strong men from these families naturally got together.

However, from the three great Tianzun forces, only three enlightened men came, but they were all powerful men who had enlightened the seventh heaven. Two people came from Xiaoyao Palace, who also had enlightenment to the seventh heaven, and the rest were from the Falling Star Palace.

Except for Zu Jitian, who is enlightened to the eighth heaven, the remaining enlightened experts in the Falling Star Palace include five people who have attained the seventh heaven, eight people who are in the sixth heaven, and the rest are below the fifth heaven. This can be regarded as the highest in the entire Falling Star Palace. Strength.

When Yang Yiyun came with people swaggering all the way, Zu Jitian naturally received the news, so he sent Zu Jia, who was enlightened to the sixth heaven, with eight enlightened people and thousands of immortals, just to test it out.

Since Yang Yiyun dares to come so arrogantly, what other existences exist in Yunmen besides powerful people like Heilian?

Zu Jitian was waiting for news with the three great Tianzun forces and the people from Xiaoyao Palace.

He also thought about how to destroy the people of Yunmen.

From the beginning, Yunmen actually didn't take it seriously, because the people sitting in the Falling Star Hall at the moment were all powerful people in the Immortal Cultivation Pyramid.

His ancestor Jitian understood the eighth heaven, three of the three great heavenly powers understood the seventh heaven, and the two seventh heavens of Xiaoyao Palace were all strong men who came out of the secret realm of immortals and demons.

When they went to attack Yunmen, the people from these two families who had understood the seventh heaven had not yet gone. They had just come out of the secret realm of immortals and demons hundreds of years ago.

Zu Jitian also recovered from the injury he suffered from the black lotus, and his cultivation level improved again, so he didn't take Yunmen seriously at all.

If he fights Black Lotus again, he is confident that he will kill Black Lotus, not to mention that there are three great Tianzun forces and the Tongwu Seventh Heaven of Xiaoyao Palace coming to help.

When Yang Yiyun let out the words and headed towards the Falling Star Palace, Zu Jitian sent Zu Jia to test, but it was not like he was surrendering his status. In his opinion, a Yunmen was not qualified to let him take action.

Simply wait in the main hall and wait to see what happens next, or let the forces of the Great Three Heavenly Lords and the Seventh Heavenly Enlightenment of Xiaoyao Palace destroy them.

At this moment, Zu Jitian frowned when he heard Zu Jia's panicked voice.

The next moment Zu Jia ran into the hall in panic.

Zu Jitian scolded: "How unbecoming is it to be in such a hurry~"

Zu Jia hurriedly said: "Master-uncle's situation is not good. Yang Yiyun has eighty or ninety enlightened people, and there are many enlightened demons around him. He can kill me with just one encounter. If I hadn't used Forbidden technique, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back.”

"Who knows what's going on? Look at how cowardly you are~" Zu Jitian cursed. He was a senior member of the Meteor Star Palace. He disappeared for tens of thousands of years and reappeared. Now he has returned to the Meteor Star Palace. After the Meteor Star Emperor went to the Road to Heaven , he is the head of the entire Falling Star Palace, and Zujia has to call him Master Uncle. Over the years, he has always spoken in the Falling Star Palace and is supreme. He also enjoys the feeling of being superior and scolding the people below him.

Zu Jia really didn't dare to retaliate at all, and said quickly: "Uncle Yang Yiyun, that boy, has many great demon aura disciples around him who can't see through the truth, even...even..."

"Say, hesitantly, what can't be said? It's just a small Yunmen. It can't change the world. Even if he is a disciple of Yuntian Xie, so what? It can't change the world." Zu Jitian frowned.

"Yes, yes, I know my mistake. Uncle Patriarch, this disciple feels that the aura of some big demons around Yang Yiyun seems to be on par with you, Uncle Patriarch..." Zu Jia's voice became smaller and smaller at the end of these words.

"Absurd~ When I went to attack Yunmen, there were only three people who were stronger, but they were definitely not up to my level of cultivation. More than a thousand years have passed, and Black Lotus, the one with the highest level of cultivation, could not survive until he died. The eighth heaven, not to mention how could it be possible to enter the eighth level at the enlightenment level after a thousand years?

It may not be possible to break through to the eighth level in ten thousand years. The remaining ones are the fire bird and an old tree, which were severely damaged by me. They will not be able to recover in ten thousand and eight years. Apart from these three, there is no strong person in this Yunmen. existence, not to mention the appearance of more than a dozen auras that are as good as mine, is it possible that there are strong people in his little Yunmen who have come out of the secret realm of immortals and demons?

Don't let the Immortals and Demons Secret Realm be controlled by us, how can other strong people come out? How long has it been since Yunmen was established? How can any strong person come out of the secret realm? "

Having said that, when Zu Jitian was scolding Zu Jia, he was also murmuring in his heart. He is a man who has become a spirit. It is natural to see whether Zu Jia is lying when he speaks, and Zu Jia does not. Dare to lie to him.

Is it possible that there are more than ten people around Yang Yiyun who have enlightened to the seventh and eighth heavens?

There are even powerful enlightened people in the 80s and 90s?

How can it be?

If it really happened when they attacked Yunmen, why didn't they jump out?

Something's wrong~

That guy Yang Yiyun wasn't at Yunmen back then, and now he suddenly appears. Could something have happened?

It's better to be careful in everything.

Everything is possible in this world. If his ancestor Jitian could come out alive from the secret realm of immortals and demons, then others can too, such as people from the three major Tianzun forces and Xiaoyao Palace, as well as people from other families. Coming out of the secret realm of immortals and demons.

He knew this very well.

Even the cultivation of those people is not weaker than that of his ancestor Jitian, and the background of the three great Tianzun forces is much stronger than that of the Falling Star Palace.

Zu Jitian's character was suspicious and cautious, otherwise he would not have come out of the secret realm of immortals and demons alive.

Although I think what Zu Jia said is unlikely, I would rather believe it or not. Only by being cautious can you live longer.

His ancestor Jitian finally came out of the secret realm of immortals and demons alive, so don't let the trivial things get him into trouble.

For the sake of insurance, you still need to be a backup plan.

Thinking of this, Zu Jitian looked at the three great Tianzun forces and the five powerful seventh-level enlightened men from Xiaoyao Palace and said: "Fellow Taoists, I have learned that Yang Yiyun is a disciple of Yuntian Xie's gate. I heard that he is very demonic. Strangely, although Zu Jia's words may sound a bit ridiculous, it's better to be careful about things like this.

Destroying the inheritance of Yun Tianxie is the common goal of our family, and we have also become mortal enemies with Yunmen. Last time, when Yunmen was not destroyed, Yang Yiyun dared to declare war on us. This time, no matter what, he will destroy Yunmen. He and Yunmen were destroyed.

Therefore, fellow Taoists, please invite the powerful people behind you who have understood the eighth heaven to come over. What if there is a powerful person with profound Taoism around Yang Yiyun?

Will we capsize in the gutter then? These fellow Taoists are related to our own wealth and life, so we ask the powerful men behind you who have understood the eighth level of heaven to come and help! "

Hearing what Zu Jitian said, the five people looked at each other and knew that what Zu Jitian said was right, so they nodded in agreement. Indeed, there are indeed strong men who have understood the eighth heaven behind them. This time There were only a few of them here, all from the seventh heaven, but if there were really strong men from the eighth heaven around Yang Yiyun, it would be very dangerous for them.

Immediately, several people began to contact the masters behind them, asking for help from powerful men who understood the eighth heaven.


A figure flew into the hall, but it was an intelligence officer from the Falling Star Hall.

"Tell me~" Zu Jitian said.

"Reporting to Master, Yang Yiyun led the people from Yunmen to kill our Falling Star Immortal Mountain, and they are already outside the mountain gate."

"It came so fast~" Zu Jitian muttered to himself.

Then he stood up and said: "You guys and others have come directly to the door, let's go out and have a meeting~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zu Jitian burst out with the aura of a powerful man who had comprehended the eighth level of heaven and soared into the sky, causing the expressions of everyone in the hall to change slightly.

Zu Jitian is indeed powerful.

Outside the mountain gate of the Falling Star Palace, Loach stopped.

Yang Yiyun looked at the mountain gate shrouded in a large formation and prepared to order a direct attack on the mountain gate and rush in.

And at this moment, streams of light came out directly from inside.

One after another, a total of thirty-six people were enlightened.

The old man in his 60s who was the leader was indeed enlightened to the eighth heaven. Without asking him, he knew that he was the one who attacked Yunmen back then.

Zu Jitian looked at Yang Yiyun and others, and finally saw Yang Yiyun standing in front of Loach's head, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Wa hahaha……"

Laughing wildly is a mockery.

The next moment, he stared at Yang Yiyun and said, "You are just some bullshit Yunmen Sect Master Yang Yiyun, right?"

"It's me~" Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes.

"Haha, I, Zu Jitian, now you kneel down and commit suicide. I will give you the whole body. A little immortal can actually be the master of a sect. I am really laughing my head off. I thought you were a brat. At least he should have the cultivation level to reach the third and fourth heavens. I didn’t expect him to be the Little Immortal Lord. Hahaha, commit suicide quickly, don’t embarrass Yun Tianxie.”

Zu Jitian laughed, feeling that he was a little too cautious. It was true that there was a big demon around this kid, but his aura didn't seem to be at the eighth level. The Black Lotus woman was also there, and she didn't seem to have changed.

Listening to Zu Jitian mocking Yang Yiyun's weak state, Yun Changsheng and others frowned. The younger brother's cultivation level has indeed not changed much, but they know that the younger brother's strength is no weaker than any of them.

Yang Yiyun's expression remained unchanged, and he slowly said, "Enlightened? It's nothing special. Since you value realm, I'll satisfy you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Yiyun's whole body was filled with colorful lights and roaring sounds were heard.

"Boom boom boom..."

Then Yang Yiyun's realm began to rise.

Enlighten the first heaven, the second heaven...the eighth heaven...

It didn't stop until I realized the Nine Heavens.

But everyone in the audience, including those behind Yang Yiyun, Zu Jitian and others, all had their eyes widened and their mouths enlarged.

A breakthrough to the ninth level of enlightenment in one breath?

Is this really a trick on your eyes?

Or hallucination?

"It must be a hallucination, it's impossible." Zu Jitian roared in his heart.

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