My Master Is a God

Chapter 2478 Zu Jitian self-destructs, two chapters in one~

Everyone's eyes almost popped out of their heads in shock.

Hallucination is impossible.

I rubbed my eyes several times, but nothing happened.

Zu Jitian's heart was beating wildly, and all the Tongwu people behind him were shocked.

Enlightenment to the Nine Heavens, what is this?

There is no one who has understood the Nine Heavens in the entire Immortal World, right?

This time, an enlightened ninth level person actually appeared under their noses.

What's more incredible is that this person actually started to break through from the peak of Immortal Lord. In just a few minutes, he reached the ninth level of enlightenment, one level after another.

Not all hallucinations are better than hallucinations.

This is simply a myth.

Or it's really an illusion, just a huge illusion staged by Yang Yiyun for everyone~

How is it possible that enlightenment can lead to such a breakthrough?

Which one of the cultivations from each heaven to the next requires thousands of years of practicing Qi to break through?

It’s not even necessarily a breakthrough.

So be it!

Both Zu Jitian and Tongwu behind him believed that Yang Yiyun, Tongwu Jiuzhongtian, was definitely watery and was just trying to scare people.

However, all the great demons from Yunmen behind Yang Yiyun believed it.

As for Yang Yiyun's enlightenment to the Nine Heavens, is there any water?

Only Yang Yiyun himself knows this.

For Yang, in fact, his cultivation method, when he absorbed the ten major attribute powers in his body and had Tao seeds in the immortal crystal, he had already jumped out of the realm problem.

After thousands of years of practice, after his Tao seed sprouted, his Tao practice could be said to have jumped out of the sky. He always felt that it was very ethereal, but also very real, and he felt like he was in control of the world. He was the king of heaven and earth. A general feeling, so when Zu Jitian mocked his realm, Yang Yiyun felt as blessed as his soul and directly entered the ninth level of enlightenment.

Just a thought in his heart, or what he thinks in his heart, can be realized directly in the next moment, and it really comes true. This is the feeling of being the king of heaven and earth.

"It's just enlightenment, nothing special." Yang Yiyun stared at Zu Jitian and said calmly.

Yang Yiyun truly understood the realm of the Nine Heavens in his body. His aura and other things were not visible to everyone present. It was really a huge shock.

But for Zu Jitian, he didn't believe it, because the cultivation of enlightenment was too difficult. It was difficult to reach the heaven. The ninth level of enlightenment was the real top of the pyramid in the immortal world.

The entire Immortal Realm may not be able to comprehend the Nine Heavens in one era.

And Yang Yiyun jumped from Immortal Lord to Enlightenment Nine Heavens in one breath, which in Zu Jitian's eyes was just a bubble of myth.

"Impossible, you kid is just trying to make things up. No one from ancient times to the present has been able to reach the ninth level of enlightenment from the Immortal Realm in one go. I have been enlightened to the eighth level for 80,000 years, and yet I am still trapped in the secret realm of immortals and demons. After the adventure, it turns out that your illusion is indeed very real, and it is true that it is very clever. Even I can't see any flaws in it, but an illusion is an illusion after all. To stand on the top of the fairy world, you ultimately rely on strength, and You are not being clever, let me break this illusion of yours now."

After Zu Jitian was shocked at the beginning, he came back to his senses and gave Yang Yiyun the result of enlightening the Nine Heavens, which was just an illusion.

Many people listened to Zu Jitian's words and felt that it made sense. They thought that in the way of cultivation, there is no such thing as saying that enlightenment means enlightenment, and that you can reach the peak of enlightenment in one breath and stand at the top of the pyramid of the powerful in the immortal world. No, not at all.

So everyone thinks that Yang Yiyun is just an illusion and a bubble to scare people.


Zu Jitian gave an order, and more than thirty Tongwu Preliminaries took action.

No matter what, he had to fight, and he had to try Yang Yiyun's strength.

Although Zu Jitian said that Yang Yiyun was an illusion, he thought so in his heart, but looking at the expressionless face of Yang Yiyun, who was hundreds of meters away, he felt weak and didn't know whether it was true or not.

But when I think about the fact that I am enlightened to the eighth heaven, I can still fight even against a real strong person who has enlightened to the ninth heaven, I feel relieved, and let’s fight.

I think you are an illusion, so break it. Cultivation and strength are the way to go.

He immediately rented for a few days and took the lead. Behind him were the Seven Heavenly Enlightenment Powerhouses from the Falling Star Palace, the Three Heavenly Lords, and Xiaoyao Palace. The rest followed behind him in steps. This was also a very powerful force.

When you step out, you can sweep across the fairy world.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

And what about Yang Yiyun's opposite?

Naturally it won't be bad.

Not to mention being fooled, Eunuch Zijin, Zamao Bird, Sister Mei, Black Lotus, Snow Cat, and Little Phoenix can all fight against the Eighth Heaven of Comprehensive Enlightenment. There is only one Zu Jitian on the side of the Falling Star Palace who is the Eighth Layer of Comprehensive Enlightenment and Seventh Heaven. No amount of it is enough in front of the Eighth Heaven.

This battle is destined to be a losing battle.

It's just better than Zu Jia's temptation at the beginning.

Since Mr. Yang dared to declare war at the same time and traveled thousands of miles to seek revenge, he was just talking about it.

What he wants is to completely wipe out the Falling Star Palace and Xiaoyao Palace, directly destroy the three major Tianzun forces in the Ninth Heaven, completely make Yunmen have no enemies, and reshuffle the order of the fairy world.

"Don't let anyone get away. What I want is for the Falling Star Palace to disappear into the fairy world."

Yang Yiyun stood on Loach's back with his hands behind his back, staring at Zu Jitian and others who were rushing up, and gave an order.

He didn't even prepare to take action, because in his eyes at this moment, Zu Jitian, the eighth level of enlightenment, could no longer change the world.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

This time, all the big demons around him were moved, including Black Lotus.

"Ho ho ho..."

This is a life and death battle.

Yang Yiyun's order was to completely wipe out the Meteor Star Palace, and the people Zu Jitian brought with him were all highly skilled people. The real fight was life and death.

Therefore, the big demons around Yang Yiyun all transformed into their own bodies to fight.

It was extremely tragic from the beginning.




The shouts of killing shook the sky.


The sky collapsed and the earth split, reaching into the sky.

As soon as the battle began, the peaks surrounding the gate of the Falling Star Palace turned into destruction one by one.

Yang Yiyun stood on Ni Loach's head and said to Ni Loach: "Let's go, Ni Loach, to destroy the mountain protection formation of Meteor Star Palace."

The body of the loach has also shrunk~

It turned into more than ten meters and landed directly in front of the mountain gate of the Falling Star Palace with Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun did not attend the battle in the field.

I thought that Zu Jitian was the only one in the field who had understood the eighth level of heaven, but it was Zamao Bird and Hei Lian who went to deal with it together.

Back then, Zamao Bird suffered a big loss at the hands of Zu Jitian, and he said that he would personally seek revenge on Zu Jitian. Yang Yiyun is very clear about the strength of Zamao Bird now. He can definitely reach the eighth level of enlightenment, and is only stronger than Zu Jitian. Jitian is strong and will not be weak.

It is said that Zamao Bird alone can deal with Zu Jitian, but Black Lotus has also passed, which is a complete certainty.

Not to mention others.

Yang Yiyun just glanced at it and stopped paying attention, because he saw that Zu Jitian was suppressed by Zamaoniao and Heilian from the beginning.

So there is no suspense in this battle.

And there was no need for him to take action at all.

With nothing to do, he took Loach to the mountain-protecting formation of the Falling Star Palace.

He wants to be a butcher.

We need to break the mountain guarding formation of the Falling Star Palace and kill all the disciples of the Falling Star Palace inside.

He wanted to avenge the 70,000 to 80,000 Yunmen disciples who were killed by the Fallen Star Palace, and he wanted to avenge his three old friends.

Of course Zu Jitian is the culprit, but Zu Jitian's end is doomed, and it is his revenge to completely destroy all the disciples of the Meteor Star Hall and make the Meteor Star Hall completely disappear from the fairy world today.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yiyun jumped up from Loach's head in the next moment and flew directly to a thousand meters above the mountain gate of the Falling Star Palace.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun closed his eyes, slowly stretched out his arms, and made a gesture of pressing down with both palms.

At this moment, ten colors of light were shining all over his body, energy gathered from all directions in the world, the wind and clouds moved, and thunder and lightning flashed and converged on him.

Yang Yiyun's body could no longer be seen a moment ago, and was completely wrapped in Yun Lei.

A huge dark cloud thousands of meters tall appeared in the place where it was located, with bursts of thunder and flashes of thunder and lightning, as if it was a catastrophe, but the scene looked even bigger than the catastrophe.

Yang Yiyun, who was inside, felt a movement in his heart. Within the immortal crystal in his body, ten Tao seeds suddenly erupted into various colored haloes and spread out, suddenly gathering in his palms.

Yang Yiyun suddenly opened his eyes and shouted softly: "Broken~"

Press down with both palms.

Suddenly, what appeared to the outside world to be huge dark clouds were two tornadoes of dark clouds carrying thunder and lightning, spinning and landing quickly, with the target being the mountain guard formation of the Falling Star Palace.

The dark clouds and tornadoes at both ends fell down in long lengths, hundreds of feet thick.


In just one move, the mountain-protecting formation of the Falling Star Palace was disintegrated.

A very huge mountain range appeared, and below it was a large group of buildings. This is where the headquarters of the Meteor Star Palace is located.

The buildings alone stretch for five hundred miles, and with some mountain peaks, the entire Meteor Star Palace headquarters is actually thousands of miles away.

After the mountain-protecting formation was broken, countless streams of light rose up from where the Falling Star Palace was.

The more than 200,000 disciples in the entire Falling Star Hall fell down in panic, screaming in agony...

Because the two hundred-foot tornadoes descending from the sky swept the entire Meteor Star Palace with them, bringing destruction to the sky and the earth. They swept up wherever they passed, and all the disciples of the Meteor Star Palace who flew out during the rotation were swept in. No one escaped.

Landslides and ground cracked, and the buildings were reduced to ashes.

The real blood flows like a river, and the red ground is thousands of miles away.

The crying and shouting lasted for less than three minutes and finally ended.

The two tornadoes that penetrated the sky and the earth turned forward and backward, sweeping away the entire Falling Star Palace.

All sounds disappeared, buildings were reduced to dust, and mountain peaks were razed to the ground...

The entire Falling Star Hall completely disappeared, along with more than 200,000 Falling Star Hall disciples.

Above the sky, the clouds and fog slowly disappeared.

Yang Yiyun's figure appeared, and the various colors on his body disappeared.

He opened his eyes and looked at the disappeared Meteor Star Palace below. The pungent smell of blood was in the air, and said to himself: "Don't blame me. If you want to blame me, blame you for being the disciples of the Meteor Star Palace. If you want to blame the Meteor Star Palace for killing me, Yun There are 70,000 to 80,000 disciples in my sect. I am very protective and even more selfish. I want to avenge the 70,000 to 80,000 Yunmen sect disciples who were killed by your Fallen Star Palace.

When Yunmen was founded, I promised that I would be responsible for every Yunmen disciple. Killing you is my responsibility to my Yunmen disciples. I can do this butcher. "

The battle on the other side is coming to an end.

Yang Yiyun took a look and found that there were less than ten enlightened people in the Falling Star Hall.

What was a little surprising was that Zu Jitian was still alive. Although he looked very embarrassed, he was still holding on despite the siege of Zamao Bird and Black Lotus.

The whole body was charred and black, and it was so miserable that it looked like it was set on fire by a feathered bird.

But after Yang Yiyun stopped, Zu Jitian completely collapsed after the Meteor Star Hall was an hour old.

He roared and cursed in grief: "Yang Yiyun, you... you are so cruel, there are more than 200,000 disciples of the Falling Star Palace... you are a devil, you are a butcher, you will be punished by God... ah, I will fight with you..."


The next moment he finished speaking, Zu Jitian actually blew himself up.

"Be careful~" Yang Yiyun immediately felt that he was going to self-destruct when he saw the chaos in Zu Jitian's body. His expression changed and he shouted to Hei Lian, the bastard bird, to be careful.

But Zu Jitian's self-destruction exploded on the spot almost instantly.

After an earth-shattering roar, a mushroom cloud soared into the sky.

The figures of the miscellaneous feathered bird and the black lotus were swallowed up.


Yang Yiyun's heart skipped a beat and he instantly rushed into Zu Jitian's explosive mana.

He wondered if Zu Jitian's self-destructing black lotus and miscellaneous feathered bird could block it?

This was the self-destruction of a powerful man who had comprehended the eighth level of heaven. The moment the power was released, Yang Yiyun felt his heart palpitate.

In his heart, even if Hei Lian, Zamao Niao and Hei Lian lose even one hair, he will feel distressed.

The next second, Yang Yiyun's whole body was filled with colorful lights in the energy of Zu Jitian's self-explosion, and the Qiankun Dao Seed in his body was operating to the extreme.

His eyes were full of color.

In the dazzling mana explosion, the ten-colored light in Yang Yiyun's eyes appeared in the white light, which was extremely dazzling.


An extremely powerful explosion, this was the power of Zu Jitian's self-destruction. Yang Yiyun just rushed in, and he withstood the power of self-destruction.

The magic clothes all over his body exploded and turned into flying objects.

But the five colors and ten lights on Yang Yiyun's body exploded to the extreme, and the ten rays of light from the immortal crystals in his body exploded to the extreme, resisting the power of Zu Jitian's self-destruction.

Yang Yiyun frowned. There were blood stains on his body, but he didn't even notice it.

He only thought about the comfort of the black lotus and the feathered bird.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he saw a huge black lotus.

He knew that Black Lotus had transformed into its true form. It seemed that Black Lotus's true form had no injuries, which meant that the problem was not serious.

Then his whole body exploded, dispelling Zu Jitian's self-destruction energy.

At this time, he took a breath and said quickly: "Crow? Black Lotus~"

Although he didn't see the bird, Yang Yiyun could feel that the bird's breath was still there.

I think it should be in the lotus platform of the Black Lotus body.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

One after another figures rushed over, including Little Phoenix, Eunuch Zijin and others. After the battle, they came over immediately. Everyone was shocked by Zu Jitian's self-destruction.

Fortunately, Zamao Bird and Hei Lian were far away from each other in the battle against Zu Jitian at the beginning. Otherwise, if they self-destruct this time, they would definitely suffer a big loss. We still don’t know what is going on with Hei Lian and Za Mao Bird.

They finished the fighting one by one and rushed over to Yang Yiyun's side. However, the situation was a bit awkward at this moment. Yang Yiyun rushed in under the power of self-destruction and lost all his clothes.

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