My Master Is a God

Chapter 2508 A big responsibility

The core place inside Yunmen, this is just another forbidden area of ​​Yunmen.

Named a global village by Yang Yiyun.

All the buildings were designed by him personally, and he built modern buildings and courtyard buildings for family and friends to live in.

No one who is not trusted by Yang Yiyun can enter, and other Yunmen disciples dare not enter.

After all, Yang Yiyun's family and friends live here. Compared with the people of Yunmen in the immortal world, these people's cultivation is weaker. This is why Yang Yiyun arranged for everyone to live here.

Yang Yiyun always wanted to give his family the best environment, and building this global village took a lot of energy from him.

He will feel at ease when he enters the global village, because it is full of the atmosphere of the earth's environment.

"You're back. Didn't you say you'd been out for a long time?"

But it was Zhao Nan who appeared with surprise in her eyes. Although they had been an old couple for thousands of years, the time they spent seeing Yang Yiyun was getting less and less, so she cherished the time every time Yang Yiyun came back.

Seeing the soft color in Zhao Nan's eyes, Yang Yiyun nodded and stepped forward to hold her hand and said, "Something happened and I came back early. Is everyone still there?"

"The other sisters are all here, but Qingqing and Lin Huan are out traveling. We are also thinking about going out in a few hundred years, but the two of them are impatient and left early. Our parents are practicing in seclusion~"

While they were talking, the two walked into a small courtyard built to imitate the old courtyard of the Yang family on Earth, but it alarmed others.



"came back……"

But Yuan Jinfeng, Teacher Ouyang, Lou Haitang and other women all walked out of the room.

Yang Yiyun's heart softened when he saw the beauties one by one. He stepped forward and hugged them one by one. Back in the hall, Yang Yiyun talked about Ji Wuxin's incident this time.

After he finished speaking, a figure flashed in at the door and said excitedly: "Sir, has my sister been found?"

But it was Lu Yushu who heard Yang Yiyun's words outside the door and couldn't help but rushed in with tears in her eyes.

"Well, but I need some time for Xue Xi to regain her consciousness. For the time being, she can only stay in the Qiankun space. Yu Shu can rest assured that your sister will be fine." Yang Yiyun comforted her.

"Thank you, sir~" Lu Yushu smiled and cried. He had worried about his sister for thousands of years and finally found her. Although his husband said that her sister's consciousness was sealed, it could be solved. Finding her would be better than anything else.

Over the years, Lu Yushu has even thought about the worst side, thinking that her sister has long since disappeared from the world, or that she died under the Loose Immortal Tribulation. After all, her sister follows the path of the Loose Immortal, and each of the twelve calamities of the Loose Immortal is better than the last. Zed is more powerful.

Fortunately, the husband finally found his sister, and she can finally feel at ease.

Lu Yushu wiped away her tears and said, "Sir, can I go into your cave to see my sister?"

Yang Yiyun muttered: "It will take a while. Your sister's situation is a bit special. It won't be too late for you sisters to meet each other when I let her recover. I have more important things to do now."

Thinking about it, Yang Yiyun still didn't let the two sisters Lu Yushu meet, which was also good for them. Lu Xuexi's condition was like losing her mind. If Lu Yushu went in rashly, there was no guarantee that Lu Xuexi would hurt her. You must know that Lu Xuexi has spent ten years now. The existence of the Second Tribulation Loose Immortal Tribulation, the strength and cultivation level are equivalent to enlightenment to the seventh heaven.

The sudden increase in strength and cultivation was entirely due to the knowledge of taking blood lotus, which also showed from the side the power of the evil ways that Ji Wuxin had studied.

Because according to normal logic, Lu Xuexi at this time should be at the stage of passing through the Sanxian Heavenly Tribulation to the ninth Heavenly Tribulation at most, but he has not gone through twelve tribulations, which is equivalent to enlightening the seventh heaven.

This shows that Ji Wuxin's evil magic and the effect of the evil blood lotus can create evil strong men one after another, almost giving birth to strong men.

But the higher the level of cultivation strength, the more countless mortal lives it represents.

Although Lu Xuexi's consciousness was controlled by the seal, the fact is that her powerful cultivation was poured out by countless mortal lives.

Yang Yiyun knew in his heart that Ji Wuxin was evil and a real old devil. In Yang Yiyun's opinion, his evil and power were not due to his strength and cultivation, but to the cultivation of evil magic and blood lotus. Give birth to the cultivation of monks.

In terms of improving their strength, few monks can resist such a huge temptation, and for this reason they do not hesitate to take risks and kill mortals.

So these are the things that make Yang Yiyun afraid of Ji Wuxin.

He is not afraid of a face-to-face battle, but how can he not be afraid of greed and ambition?

Can you imagine how terrifying it would be once Ji Wuxin's evil blood lotus medicine spreads in the fairy world?

It will surely sweep through the entire fairy world...

Yang Yiyun couldn't think about things in detail, but Yang Yiyun knew that he had to think and do it.

Maybe Ji Wuxin will definitely become a great terror in the fairy world.

Once things get out of control, chaos in the entire fairy world is possible, and it may even spread to the lower world.

I really don’t know what the Ji family’s so-called incompleteness of the Yin Yang Thunder method is, how could Ji Wuxin learn such a terrifying evil magic from it...?

The first thing he should do next is to check Yunmen to see if anyone in Yunmen has fallen into Ji Wuxin's layout. If so, cut it clean and make sure that Yunmen is fine before he can deal with Ji Wuxin.

Secondly, the Cloud Gate issued a call to summon all the major sects in the fairy world to start self-examination to maintain the stability of the fairy world. Then, they cleaned up the fairy world and eradicated all the cancer that Ji Wuxin had laid out for seven thousand years. Finally, Ji Wuxin was found and the old devil was driven away. , Only in this way can we be truly stable.

At present, he still has some time to think about it, because he and Ji Wuxin's battle destroyed Ji Wuxin's Sanxian body, and the old devil must take time to recover from his severe injuries.

He wanted to stabilize the fairy world and find the old devil before Ji Wuxin recovered.

It is easy to say, but Yang Yiyun knows that it will be difficult to do, but he has no choice but to do it.

Because he eradicated the three major Tianzun forces and became the number one immortal sect in the immortal world. The entire immortal world also said that he was the leader of the new era of the immortal world. It was a great responsibility for him and Yunmen to have a transcendent status.

Secondly, he held Ji's heirloom Thunder Stone in his hand, which also ruined Ji Wuxin's good deeds and seriously injured Ji Wuxin. This was already an undying feud. If Ji Wuxin was not destroyed, he and Yunmen would be in trouble. The whole fairy world is in trouble.

No choice.

With anxiety in his heart, but still acting as if nothing had happened on the surface, Yang Yiyun went around the entire global village after comforting the women, and told everyone to practice well without leaving Yunmen from now on, and then returned to the Yunmen Hall. Because one day later, the second senior brother had already sent the news.

In the Yunmen Hall, the first person Yang Yiyun saw was the junior sister Ji Zixia. She went to the Patriarch Hall and brought news.

"Among Yunzi's more than 100,000 disciples, there are more than 30,000 who have gone out to travel, and hundreds of them have died. The core disciples' life cards are intact. An order has been issued for the disciples who have gone out to travel to return. For a few things that are nothing at present, can we Everyone who has been contacted has been contacted. Sister Mei, Xiao Fenghuang and others have gone to pick them up. However, the child Xingfu cannot be contacted for the time being. There is no response to the life card summons, but you can rest assured that Xingfu’s life card is intact. He should enter. He went to a secret place in the fairy world, and Xue Mao went to find him in person, so he should be fine." Ji Zixia spoke in a straight tone. Since the incident with the Ji family broke out, Yang Yiyun could clearly feel that the young senior sister seemed to have grown up and matured overnight.

Such a little senior sister made Yang Yiyun feel distressed. He didn't want his little senior sister to be so stable and mature. It was really uncomfortable. What he wanted more of was that his little senior sister would always look lawless...


Yang Yiyun knew that nothing could be changed,

He was filled with hatred in his heart: "It's all because of the old devil Ji who made the young senior sister do this unintentionally. I swear that I will make you, an old devil, go to pieces."

"Junior brother, I'm going to go into seclusion. You'll have to suffer from what happens next. Ji Wuxin is a member of the Ji family after all. If it causes such a big trouble, I, the daughter of the Ji family, should bear a share of the responsibility. When you find Ji Wuxin, remember Inform me and let me participate in the operation to kill him. The Ji family needs to give an explanation to those innocent mortals." Ji Zixia spoke seriously, but her eyes were extremely determined.

Yang Yiyun sighed, knowing that he could not comfort the little senior sister anymore. Thinking about it, a flash of purple light took out the Thunder God Stone and said: "Senior Sister, the Thunder God Stone is an ancestral possession of the Ji family..."

Ji Zixia's expression changed and she interrupted Yang Yiyun: "Junior brother, what do you mean? This thunder stone was given to you by grandpa before he died. It is your thing. Don't you regard me as one of your own?"

Ji Zixia was already speaking with anger, mixed with a bit of sadness.

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