My Master Is a God

Chapter 2509 There is a problem in Dugu Palace

Yang Yiyun looked at the emotional Ji Zixia and smiled bitterly in his heart. He knew that the young senior sister had misunderstood and thought it was pity or charity for her.

Ji Zixia, the little senior sister, has been the pride of heaven since she was born, and she is a proud person from the bottom of her heart.

Since her grandfather Ji Wuming gave the Ji family thunder stone to Yang Yiyun before he died, it was Yang Yiyun's thing. Ji Zixia knew this in her heart. Besides, if it hadn't been for the appearance of Yang Yiyun, the younger brother of the Ji family, the whole family would probably have escaped. But the ending of destruction.

The thunder stone is suitable for Yang Yiyun to hold both emotionally and rationally.

She has never been jealous.

But Yang Yiyun now took out the Thunder God Stone and wanted to return it to her Ji family. This made Ji Zixia think that it was pity or sympathy, and that she did not regard her as one of her own, and her emotions broke out in an instant.

However, for Yang, it doesn't matter whether he wants the Thunder God Stone or not. If he does, it is the icing on the cake. He has cultivated the Thunder Tao seed in his body. This is the foundation. The God Stone is an external force. In contrast, he hopes that the God Stone will have a positive effect on him. Little senior sister is useful.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yiyun looked at the complicated eyes of the young senior sister and the stubborn look on her face. He knew that he would not listen to any explanations or other words given to her at this time.

The key is that it also hurt her self-esteem, which is not good.

It must be corrected.

How to change it?

Explanation is useless, so I can only use simple and crude methods.

Perhaps the most effective and direct.

The next second Yang Yiyun made a bold move.

A move that Ji Zixia never expected.

When her heart was ups and downs, she didn't expect Yang to step forward directly and stretch his head over.

Then Ji Zixia only felt a masculine breath coming towards her face, her mouth was warm and soft, and with a bang, her mind went blank.

This scene and situation were something she had never imagined.

After being kissed roughly by someone Yang for several minutes, Ji Zixia's mind was completely blank. What other thoughts did she have at this moment? Nothing.

Only then did Yang let go of her, looked at the confused Ji Zixia and said, "Senior sister, you have to remember that you will always be my most important and dearest person, and there will never be any distinction between us. Treat you as one of my own family.

You must not have random thoughts in the future. The Thunder God Stone can only be the icing on the cake for me, but if you get this treasure, you can help deal with Ji Wuxin next. If you want to atone for the Ji family, just listen My Haosheng retreated to comprehend and absorb the Thunder God Stone.

You are the most important person to me and will always be. Everything from now on is up to me. What happened to Ji Wuxin will not be the Ji family’s fault, let alone your burden. I can also kill Ji Wuxin and avenge your grandfather. of……"

After a fierce operation, Ji Zixia was completely stunned. Under Yang's innocent words, she unknowingly took the Thunder God Stone and nodded her head, like a little woman obeying her husband. The arrangements are the same.

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, she finally came back to her senses. Her face turned red and she didn't dare to look at Yang Yiyun. She just lowered her head and said, "I...I listened to you and went into seclusion~"

Without even finishing his words, he disappeared in front of Yang Yiyun.

"Hehe~ It's finally solved, woman, sometimes it's actually quite simple." Yang said to himself, very proud. Looking at the little senior sister who was running away like flying, he felt secretly happy. Thinking about the past, the little senior sister was almost like a god. Not afraid of that kind of thing.

Unexpectedly, with just one kiss from him, the little senior sister, who was known as the female devil, instantly turned into a little woman, and she also lost her temper.

He made up his mind to use this trick next time.

In fact, in the final analysis, he also likes the little senior sister in his heart, and the communication between the two has been for a long time. He has had some kind of illusion since he did not enter the small world, because the dead old man used to be in his world. When he was playing pot, the one who often came up in his mind was the little senior sister, and he even joked once again that he would assign the little senior sister to him.

After coming to the fairy world, he basically stayed with the little senior sister. He also liked her lawless character but was extremely protective of him. There were several times when the little senior sister breathed her life for him.

In addition, Ji Wuming's intention before his death this time was to directly hand over the young senior sister to him. For various reasons, it is actually destined that he and the young senior sister will be inseparable in this life. Today, he also gave a disguised excuse. The overbearing strap.

The effect was good, at least he thought so.

Some things, in his opinion, should be done sooner rather than later.

Today's rough behavior was not an expression of his inner feelings.

Does it really mean that the Thunder God Stone is the icing on the cake for him?

Yes, but definitely more than that.

The ancestral treasure of the Ji family, the treasure that Ji Wuxin went to great lengths to snatch, especially one that is so simple?

It's just that he cares about Little Senior Sister and returns this treasure to Little Senior Sister, the Ji family.

Yang's concept is that he will be happier if the people around him are better than him.

I believe that with the Thunder God Stone, the little senior sister's cultivation will definitely improve a lot.

Treasures such as the Thunder God Stone are actually the foundation of the Ji family, because they were taken out from the Ji family altar. After being taken out, the entire altar space collapsed, which meant that the foundation of the Ji family was gone.

Therefore, this object is definitely a treasure beyond imagination.

He naturally left the best things to his little senior sister.

This is his inner thought.

Looking at the young senior sister running away in the background, Yang Yiyun smiled broadly.

At this time, a stream of light came, but it was the second senior brother who leaped over.

At this moment, the smile on Yang Yiyun's face disappeared, but was replaced by a gloomy look.

The second senior brother had previously sent a summons, saying that he had discovered something at the outer gate of Yunmen. It was obvious that he had discovered the evil magic passed down by Ji Wuxin. During the summons, the second senior brother did not say much and went directly to the interview.

This only shows that things are actually much worse than imagined.

"Second Senior Brother, tell me directly what's going on?" Yang Yiyun was mentally prepared and asked directly.

Xingchenzi looked a little weird and wanted to stop talking.

"Speak directly, I am prepared in my heart." Yang Yiyun looked at the second senior brother's appearance, his heart sank, but he still spoke.

At this moment, Xingchenzi said: "There is no problem with the inner gate of Yunmen, but we found the outer gate, Dugu Palace~"

Yang Yiyun's brows jumped up.

Dugu Palace?

Yang Yiyun's body trembled and he felt a little dizzy.

In the 108th Hall of the Outer Gate of Yunmen, although he did not let his three apprentices and several children enter the inner gate at first, he arranged for them to go to the outer gate to practice with the Zhanqing people. Of course, it was like this at first, but later the Yunmen Gate was established After that, he gave each of his three apprentices and several children the right to occupy a palace.

After all, they are disciples, and they can't be embarrassed. This is what the senior brother and the elders of Yunmen mean. After all, they are the disciples and children of the sect master. Even if Yang Yiyun trains them, their status has long been determined, and the specifications cannot be determined. too low.

Therefore, each person is given a hall to practice. Anyway, there are a lot of 108 halls in the outer sect. Even Chen Qibian, Lao Fang, Liu Xiqi and other Yunmen elders have their own halls.

Yang Yiyun had thought about whether there were people who practiced evil arts in Yunmen. He had thought about many people before, focusing on the group of old immortals in the Immortal Refining Sect, but he had never thought that there would be someone like himself. What's wrong with apprentice?

Duguhui is his first disciple!

This was a big blow to him.

His body swayed, Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and asked: "Second Senior Brother, can you tell us about the situation?"

Xingchenzi saw Yang Yiyun's ugly face, but he quickly said: "Junior brother still needs to find out, maybe there are other reasons. When we went to check, we only found the magic weapon sensor in Dugu Hall, but Dugu regretted it no longer. Men and several nephews have gone on a trip, and we didn’t go in to search. Ah Hui’s identity is your chief disciple, but I didn’t dare to reveal it, so I came to you quickly to discuss it. Maybe there’s something hidden in this!”

"Is there anything unusual among those who made the Immortal Alliance?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Eight of the elders went out to travel in the mountains, and the rest found nothing." Xingchenzi understood what Yang Yiyun meant.

"I ordered again that all Yunmen disciples who have gone out must return to me within three days, otherwise they will be regarded as treason, and people will be sent to bring Duguhui back to me." Yang Yiyun said in a deep voice.

"It's a very important matter. I asked Luoyang to go there in person. I've already contacted him and should be back soon," Xingchen said.

"Let's go, take me to Dugu Palace." Yang Yiyun's voice was trembling as he spoke.

He hoped that what the second senior brother said was true. There was a hidden reason for the magic weapon's induction in Dugu Palace. However, he knew very well about the evil of the Blood Lotus, and few people could resist the temptation.

The two of them walked out of the main hall and went directly to Dugu Hall, but Yang Yiyun secretly said in his heart: "Ah Hui, I hope you won't let me down."

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