My Master Is a God

Chapter 2888 The entrance to the lair

"Here we are~"

Uncle You in front said something and flew down.

Yang Yiyun looked and saw darkness below.

But if you look carefully, you can see huge tree-like boulders standing on the ground, which is really like the name of the Black Stone Forest.

After falling, the black stone trees that were several meters or even hundreds of meters high seemed to reach straight into the sky.

But when he walked in and observed, Yang Yiyun discovered that it was either a stone or a strange black tree, but as hard as a stone.

It was originally black, but after walking in, it looked very dark and a bit eerie.

"Where is the demon king's lair?" Yang Yiyun asked Zhong Yuan.

"Brother Dao, don't worry, there is a mountain wall thirty miles away from here, and the Black Crow Demon King's lair is halfway up the mountain." Zhong Yuan disappeared and explained.

"Then why don't we just fly there instead of going down and bothering?" Yang Yiyun actually guessed that there must be a reason. He just deliberately quarreled with Zhong Yuan.

At this moment, the two of them are naturally still maintaining their proper demeanor. For both parties, it is not yet time to break up.

For Zhong Yuan, he was in the demon king's lair when he broke up.

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, was completely waiting for Zhong Yuan to take action, or to wait until he obtained the Demon King Crystal.

He was not in a hurry anyway, his intuition told him that this Zhong Yuan had a huge problem.

From now on, he must be careful. Although he does not take Zhong Yuan and his old servant seriously, he must be cautious. There is a high probability that the boat will capsize in the ditch.

He even sent a message to others to be vigilant and be careful about Zhong Yuan's master and servant.

Regarding Yang Yiyun's message, everyone except Lu Xuexi agreed and implemented it.

Although Lu Xuexi also knew that Yang Yiyun's analysis was reasonable, she still had a good impression of Zhong Yuan because he had always been helping her from the time she met Zhong Yuan until now.

This may be a kind of kindness in her heart!

Of course, she naturally listened to Yang Yiyun's words. After all, she was considered a veteran, so she should be more cautious.

Here Zhong Yuan smiled and explained to Yang Yiyun: "Brother Taoist, I don't know. There are countless black lichs in the entire Black Wuling Mountains. Even if we haven't seen them now, once we encounter them, they will appear in groups." , it will be very troublesome then, but it will be safer to walk on the ground."

"I see, Zhong Daoyou is really knowledgeable~"

Yang gave a very perfunctory compliment.

"It's all what I saw and heard during my training. Fellow Daoist Yang laughed at it~" Zhong Yuan responded to Yang Yiyun with a twinkling look in his eyes.

"It seems that Zhong Daoyou has been practicing everywhere. Can you tell me where you have been to practice?" Yang Yiyun began to talk.

The two chatted and laughed while walking. People who don't know may think that these two are good brothers...

But only they themselves know what's going on.

"I have set foot in all directions of the God Realm." Zhong Yuan said with a faint smile.

Yang Yiyun said he admired him, but in his heart he was disapproving. He was so loud.

The two of them chatted one after another...

Others followed them and continued on.

After about an hour, we finally arrived at our destination.

"The Black Demon King's lair is above. Please be careful. Although today is the day when the Demon King leaves the nest, we don't know if you really mean it."

Yang Yiyun obviously said this to others.

Zhong Yuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Yang, I have asked Uncle You to check. The demon king has left the nest long ago, otherwise this place would not be so quiet. Let's go up~"

Yang Yiyun glanced at Zhong Yuan but said nothing, but he sneered in his heart: "I believe you are a ghost."

He dared to come and break in even if the demon king left the nest or not, but Zhong Yuan didn't believe what he said.

But this time when Yang Yiyun looked at him, he found that this guy was actually looking at him, which meant that he really didn't speak. Maybe the demon king had left the nest as he said.

But he always felt that something was wrong. After he couldn't figure it out, Yang Yiyun stopped leaving. He just took a step and took a look. The soldiers would cover up the water and the earth.

He can't do it. A pretty boy can turn the world upside down.

The way up is a huge tree, winding and thick, so strong that a carriage can be driven on it.

It leads directly to halfway up the cliff, where there is a huge hole, like a vicious beast with its mouth open waiting for people to crawl inside.

Somewhat eerie.

"Let's go up~" Yang Yiyun said.

At this time, the Twin Shadow God Emperor and Nan Xuan jumped away with two swish sounds, directly following the huge black stone tree to the entrance of the cave.

"The gods are fine."

The voice of the Twin Shadow God Emperor came out from above.

This means no abnormalities were found.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, I will take the first step."

Zhong Yuan said something and leapt away with his old servant, landing directly at the entrance of the cave at a height of more than a thousand meters.

"Is it possible that I'm overthinking it?" Yang Yiyun muttered to himself.

"What?" Yu Linglong came over and asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. What do you think of this place?" He asked for Yu Linglong's opinion. Although Yu Linglong was weaker than him in cultivation, she had an exquisite heart and was far more intuitive than him. Moreover, she also had a talent for secret arts. Deducing the secrets.

"Although I haven't deduced it, I feel that there is an evil atmosphere here. We should be more careful. How about you wait for me to deduce it and see what happens?" She thought for a while and said.

Yang Yiyun shook his head and said: "Your intuition may be correct. I also feel uncomfortable. Don't speculate now. The pretty boy has already gone up. I don't want to be called timid by him. You all follow me." , let’s go up.”

"Alright~" Yu Linglong nodded.

Then Yang Yiyun, Yu Linglong, Dugu Wuqing, Lu Xuexi and Lu Yushu leaped up and stepped on the black stone book to the huge cave entrance at a height of one thousand meters.

After reaching the top, Yang Yiyun discovered that there was a large platform at the entrance of the cave. The entrance was thirty meters high and wide, like a natural cave.

But he knew that caves that appeared thousands of meters above the ground would not be naturally formed.

Since this is the lair of the Black Crow Demon King, it might have been opened by the Demon King.

Looking inside, it was extremely dark, so dark that you couldn't even see your fingers, and there was a slight real fishy smell.

This also shows that there is a ventilated place in this cave.

The fishy smell meant that there were indeed living beings living here. Yang Yiyun looked at the ground and saw dense triangular claw marks.

It's about a foot long.

Not far away, he saw a huge triangular paw print that was half a meter long, and it looked like it was coming out of a hole.

In the imagination, the black crow demon is the size of an ordinary crow, and I really forgot to ask Lu Xuexi and the others what their so-called black lich looked like before.

It doesn’t look simple now, I’m afraid it’s a ferocious beast~

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