My Master Is a God

Chapter 2889 I can bear it

Yang Yiyun himself felt quite stupid, and he actually forgot to ask about the situation of the Black Crow Demon, not to mention that this was a demon king's lair.

I only remembered this when I saw the huge footprints on the ground.

Then he asked Lu Xuexi next to him: "Tell me about the situation of the black lich~"

Lu Xuexi rolled his eyes and said, "I thought you knew."

"How could I know this is my first time in Heiwuling?" Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly.

Lu Xuexi didn't say anything more and said directly: "Actually, it's nothing. The ordinary black black demon looks like a bird. Its feathers are pitch black but as hard as iron. Its mouth and legs are covered with scales. Sharp, broken gold and gravel.

Of course, I am talking about the ordinary kind, which is equivalent to starting as a god. There are levels of gods and kings above. The most powerful one I have come into contact with is the god king level... As for the basic level of the demon king, I don’t know, but it is definitely Not weak. "

After listening to Lu Xuexi's words, Yang Yiyun had a rough idea, but he also knew the basic situation of the black lich. Generally speaking, the black lich is strong or weak, and full of uncertainties. It is right to be careful.

"Let's go in." Yang Yiyun saw Zhong Yuan taking the lead with his laopu.

He smiled in his heart and led everyone to follow.

At this time, Zhong Yuan still showed a kind of magnanimity and took the lead to leave. It seemed to be telling him that if there is danger, I can stand in front and you can stay behind.

It also seemed to be a mockery of Yang Yiyun's timidity.

This made Yang very unhappy.

"The pretty boy looks so arrogant."

Yang muttered in his mind, thinking about Zhong Yuan chasing after him.

You are not afraid of a pretty boy, how can I be afraid of you?

Protecting weak women has always been my exclusive responsibility. Why are you pretending?

Besides, these are all my women, do I need you to protect them?

Muttering in his heart, he quickly chased after him and shouted: "Friend Zhong Dao, wait for me~"

In fact, Yang was afraid that Zhong Yuan would play tricks on him and approached this place to be the demon king's lair. It seemed that Zhong Yuan, a pretty boy, had done some research on this place.

"Brother Dao, are you afraid of the dark?"

Zhong Yuan's voice sounded in front of him, and his words sounded very serious, but it was very harsh to Yang Yiyun's ears.

"Aren't I afraid that Zhong Daoyou will be scared? I will work with you to embolden you." Mr. Yang has never lost in a quarrel.

"Fellow Daoist Yang is joking~"

Zhong Yuan paused and replied calmly.

I don’t know when the fight started between the two.

This is a signal to break up.

Of course it still looks peaceful on the surface.

Only Yang, who had grown up from a mortal and gone through many hardships, was snickering in his heart. He knew exactly what Zhong Yuan's bickering with him meant.

It shows that the pretty boy has begun to hide his hostility towards him.

This change is a good thing for Yang Yiyun, because it shows that Zhong Yuan, this pretty boy, really has something up his sleeve.

With a chuckle, Yang Yiyun suddenly asked Zhong Yuandao: "Zhong Daoyou seems to be very familiar with this place. Have you been here before?"

"Yes...well, this is my first time here. I know that all the news here is from Uncle You." At this moment, Zhong Yuan's words finally became a little unnatural.

Yang Yiyun almost laughed out loud, but fortunately no one saw the expression on his face in the darkness.

Zhong Yuan's words have revealed that there is a big problem.

In terms of formulaic language, Yang completely beats Zhong Yuan.

He smiled and no longer dwelled on this issue, but said: "Friend Zhong Dao, let's come together~"


Jong Won's unnatural answer sounded in the darkness.

Murderous intent was already brewing in his heart. Indeed, he almost said it just now. Although he had never been here before, he did ask Uncle You to come here and make some arrangements.

So he was very comfortable in the dark and rushed ahead, just to dispel Yang Yiyun's mental alertness, but he didn't expect that Yang Yiyun, a scoundrel, was always trying to tune him in between conversations, and he was almost caught in a conversation without warning.

Zhong Yuan became wary and secretly said in his heart: "I'll endure it. I'll let you cry when I get there."

In fact, if Uncle You hadn't found out Yang Yiyun's details yesterday, he wouldn't have cared about Yang Yiyun at all. But after knowing Yang Yiyun's details, he would have to be more cautious. To be honest, he really had no confidence in taking Yang Yiyun head-on, so this For now, we can only take Yang Yiyun to the depths of the Demon King's lair, where he has plans.

He is very confident that Yang Yiyun can be suppressed. When the time comes, Lu Xuexi will be in his pocket and will also trample Yang Yiyun under his feet.

Thinking of the image of being able to trample Yang Yiyun under his feet, Zhong Yuan's blood boiled with excitement. You must know that Yang Yiyun is one of the two giants in the main god world, and he is the supreme god.

Even the emperor sent by the Heavenly Clan’s Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace has repeatedly suffered losses and lost a lot of face. If he can trample Yang Yiyun under his feet, then he will be famous in the entire God Realm.

It's still hard to see in the darkness, but it doesn't affect the walking of gods like them at all. Inside the cave, the roads are smooth and wide. So far, no black lich has been found, let alone the demon king.

It seems that just as Zhong Yuan said, the demon king has left the nest.

After the demon king leaves the nest, he will naturally take countless little demons to follow him. Indeed, it seems that there is no danger in the entire cave.

But the quieter it was, the more unusual Yang Yiyun felt.

After all, it was the demon king's lair, but he didn't believe it. Even one or two little demons who were guarding the gate didn't stay?

Along the way, Zhong Yuan rarely spoke actively. No matter how provocative he was, he just pretended to deal with him.

Yang Yiyun was absolutely boring, so he stopped fighting him.

Focus on moving forward...

Half an hour later, light appeared ahead.

They came to a completely different place.

This cave was pitch black from the beginning, including the outside, but now that there is light, it is a little different.

A huge space appeared in his sight.

It's as big as a football field.

The light comes from the upper wind and seems to be the light from the outside world.

After walking in, Yang Yiyun found that it was indeed the case.

This huge space here is a circle with a spiral shape. You can see the open-air round opening above. It is indeed the light from the outside that shines down, making the entire space very bright.

And it is in the shape of layers of stairs, winding up in circles, and each layer seems to have dense caves.

It really looks like a huge nest.

In front of the sight is a flat land, and in the center is a large crystal clear stone.

It feels like a huge ice bed.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, this is the Demon King's lair, we've arrived~" Zhong Yuan spoke at this moment, but his voice was weird. In Yang Yiyun's ears, it sounded like he had suppressed it all the way and finally had a trump card to explode.

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