My Master Is a God

Chapter 2919 Ji Family Branch

"The power you are talking about is the entirety of the God Realm?" Yang Yiyun asked.

The female elf nodded: "That's all."

Yang Yiyun said slowly, "Isn't that right? As far as I know, the last Chance Universe Temple was considered a big force, right?"

"This..." The male elf hesitated.

Seeing his expression, Yang Yiyun felt something interesting in his heart. It was obvious that this elf knew about the Qiankun Temple, but he seemed to have some hidden secrets.

"Please let me know~" Yang Yiyun said immediately.

Well, last time the Qiankun Temple was also a major force in the God Realm, and the Qiankun God was the overlord. If it weren't for the forced union, there would be nothing to do with the Emperor in the God Realm today.

The powerful Qiankun Temple should have a place in Daocheng.

Of course, judging from the current situation, it must be that the branch of Qiankun Temple in Daocheng was canceled for some reason. Otherwise, the old man and the others told him that no one had ever said anything about Daocheng. Presumably the old people in the current Qiankun Temple are all If you don’t remember this, you can even say you don’t know about it at all!

Speaking of which, you are not qualified enough to know the existence of Daocheng. After all, entering Daocheng requires cultivation that has started in the realm of heaven.

Conditions are quite high.

In recent years, the Heavenly Dao Realm was born in the Qiankun Temple, but he was the one who brought it from the outside world, let alone Daocheng.

"Back to the Lord, the Temple of Heaven and Earth did have a branch in Daocheng in the last era, but it was later eliminated." The male elf said.

"What was the reason for the removal?" Yang Yiyun asked.

The male elf said: "We don't know about this. If you want to know the reason, please go to the Avenue Hall and ask. Representatives of the major forces are here all year round."

Yang Yiyun nodded, indicating that he understood, and did not bother the two elves anymore. Their cultivation was low, and they could only be regarded as minor gods here. They were kind of gatekeepers. They could not be the masters, and their knowledge was limited.

After thinking about it, Yang Yiyun said: "Do you know the branch of the Ji family of the top ten ancient gods in Daocheng?"

"Reporting to Shang Zunji, whose branch is in Daocheng." The female elf replied.

"Can you lead the way?" Yang Yiyun asked.

At this time, the male elf said: "Your Majesty, we can't leave Daoqiao, but we can give you a map of Daocheng. Your Majesty, you can go to Ji's branch."

"This couldn't be better." Yang Yiyun nodded.

Then the female elf took out a jade slip map marking various places in Daocheng and handed it to Yang Yiyun.

After Yang Yiyun thanked him, he entered the city directly.

The map is very clear, and the entire Daocheng map is clearly visible at a glance, each with its own mark, and the Ji family is clearly on the list.

It's quite easy to find.

Naturally, he decided to go to Ji's house to inquire about the situation of his little senior sister. After that, since he came to Daocheng, he had to restart the branch of Qiankun Temple in Daocheng and go to Daodao Palace.

Of course, he is going now as a brand new force. The current Qiankun Temple is in his hands and has been renamed Yunmen Divine Realm.

It can be seen that this Dao City plays an important role in the God Realm, gathering all the light and dark forces in the God Realm. Naturally, he, Yunmen God Realm, cannot be left behind.

But there is no rush on this point.

Right now, it’s business to go to the Ji family branch.

According to the jade slip map, Daocheng is a horizontal line, running north and south, and the Ji family branch is not far to the north.

Yang Yiyun walked all the way and found that the streets were relatively deserted, but there were no people there, just in twos and threes. However, here he took a breath of air-conditioning, but most of the people he saw were existences in the realm of heaven.

Occasionally, there are gods below the Heavenly Dao, who look like followers of those powerful Heavenly Dao people.

This is not surprising.

The streets were deserted and sparsely populated, and most of the powerful Tiandao people that could be seen were terrifying.

When he arrived at the Ji family branch according to the map, he had already seen sixty or seventy gods in the realm of heaven.

This is what we can see, but what about those in the attic palace?

Think about how many masters of the Heavenly Dao realm must exist in this Dao city?

I'm afraid they must have gathered quite a few of the gods from the Heavenly Realm in the entire God Realm.

Fortunately, I haven't seen the existence of the Tiandao rules level, otherwise, I would be really evil.

But even so, this Dao City now seems to be worthy of its name as the number one city in the God Realm.

In addition to the top forces in the divine world, naturally all gods in this city who have reached the realm of heaven can come.

The trading of cultivation resources and so on are carried out here.

Therefore, this Taoist city is of extraordinary significance and supreme.

When he arrived at the location of the Ji family shown on the map, he saw that it was a huge palace with magnificent carved beams and painted buildings. It seemed to occupy a large area. From the outside, it looked like there were at least thousands of square meters of internal space.

There were steps in front of him, and he climbed them step by step.

When they arrived at the gate, a divine light flashed and a God Emperor appeared.

"I've met the Supreme Lord. This is the branch of the Ji family. May I ask if there is something wrong with the Supreme Lord?"

Obviously not open to the public.

Yang Yiyun knew that this was the branch of the young senior sister's family, so naturally he would not be rude, but said seriously: "Yang Yiyun, who is in the lower Yunmen Divine Realm, has something to do to visit the Ji family, please let me know."

He directly stated his name. Since he is one of the top ten families in the God Realm, he must be aware of him. He is here for the young senior sister, so he must have the proper etiquette.

Sure enough, when the god emperor heard this, he was stunned for a moment, but then he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, please come in."

He took him directly into the hall.

This hall was not as empty as I imagined. After entering, I realized that it was like a maze, with different activity spaces separated by screens.

"Your Majesty, please sit down for a moment again. I will inform my master." The God Emperor took Yang Yiyun to sit in one of the booth-like spaces, which should be a place for receiving guests.

The nearly 100-square-foot space is fully furnished, and there are various kinds of magical fruits and wines on the table, some of which Yang Yiyun has seen for the first time.

"Thank you~" Yang Yiyun said nothing and took his seat directly.

After the god emperor left, two elf maids appeared behind the screen. They didn't say anything when they saw Yang Yiyun. After bowing slightly and saluting, they poured him some divine wine and stood in the corner, as if they were ready to be dispatched at any time.

Yang Yiyun glanced at them and saw that the two maids were both flower demons. Their cultivation level was not high, but not low either. They were high-level god kings.

When it comes to appearance alone, he can always describe her as a goddess in his heart.

It's not enough just to look at it, and he has no interest in teasing other people's maids.

Even though they were two maids who didn't speak much, Yang Yiyun could tell that even when they were doing the job of serving tea and pouring water, they were very well-mannered and well-organized in their manners. They looked like they were specially trained people.

I sighed in my heart, they are indeed an ancient family.

It is said that one can see the whole leopard when one glances at one spot. From the previous God Emperor to these two maids, they were all generous and beneficial, lawful and restrained. Facing him, a strong man with the laws of heaven, they remained silent and humble, inheriting the ancient ancient family of the gods. , indeed cannot be underestimated.

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