My Master Is a God

Chapter 2920 Ji Yuanling of the Ji family

A few minutes later, Yang Yiyun heard footsteps and looked up.

But a middle-aged man appeared at the door around the corner.

With a Chinese-character face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and regular facial features, he walked in with the stride of a dragon and a tiger.

The first impression I had on Yang Yiyun can be described in two words - decent.

This person's eyes fell on him for the first time.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, this person is a cultivator of the Great Perfection of Heavenly Dao Realm.

But in the eyes of the other party, Yang Yiyun's cultivation level was invisible.

Under such circumstances, he walked over quickly, clasped his fists at Yang Yiyun and said, "Ji Yuanling from the Ji family branch has met Brother Taoist. What's the purpose of coming to our Ji family branch?"

When Ji Yuanling heard that his subordinates had come to report, he did not dare to neglect and came over immediately because he knew Yang Yiyun's name, but he did not know what Yang Yiyun was here for.

Daocheng is a city where major news from the God Realm gathers. The gathering of all the top forces is a gathering of information. Yang Yiyun's rise in the God Realm has long been no secret among the major forces in Daocheng.

As long as they pay some price for the information they want to know, they can get it.

However, when Yang Yiyun came, Ji Yuanling was confused. He was still thinking that the Ji family had never offended this upstart boss. He didn't look like he was looking for trouble. There was nothing evil on Yang Yiyun's face. , but with such a slight smile.

This made Ji Yuanling feel relieved.

Of course, he didn't know anything about Ji Zixia, otherwise he would have known Yang Yiyun's purpose.

Yang Yiyun stood up and clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, Yang Yiyun, has met Dao Brother Ji. I can tell you the truth. Yang came to Daocheng to find an old friend."

"Old friend?" Ji Yuanling was stunned, but looked at Yang Yiyun with some confusion.

Yang Yiyun continued: "I have a young senior sister in the lower realm. She is from the Ji family in the immortal world. After she came to the divine world, she later heard that she was picked up by the Ji family in the divine world. The young senior sister is a close relative of Yang, and she has many friends. For a long time, Yang ignored the young senior sister because of some things.

Now that I have some free time, I want to take the young senior sister back, but I don’t know where the Ji family is in the God Realm. So I can only come to the Ji family branch in Daocheng to find clues, and ask Dao Brother Ji to help. I am very grateful. "

Yang Yiyun finished speaking simply and sincerely.

But Ji Yuanling also understood Yang Yiyun's intention. He really didn't know about Ji Zixia.

Then he said: "Brother Dao, please forgive me. Ji has been sitting in Daocheng and has not paid much attention to family affairs. This matter is not a big deal. Brother Dao, please wait a moment. I will send someone to the family to understand something. If it is If this is indeed the case, I will definitely take Brother Dao to my Ji family headquarters, what do you think of me?"

After saying that, a person came in with a wave of his hand. Ji Yuanling said a few words and then left. Yang Yiyun knew that Ji Yuanling had ordered someone to verify.

"This is the best, so thank you, brother." What else could Yang Yiyun say, he could only wait for news. The Ji family is one of the top ten ancient god families, and they can inherit the rules freely. He knew that the other party would not be affected by his words. , take yourself to the Ji family headquarters.

Moreover, such an ancient big family might not pay too much attention to a descendant who ascended from the lower realm. Especially since Ji Yuanling was still in charge, he would naturally not pay much attention to the affairs of a young senior sister.

"It's okay, it's okay. If you are dissatisfied, Brother Tao, my Ji family has a long heritage and the family blood is spread across the three realms. I really can't pay attention to Senior Sister Ling's affairs, but please rest assured, Brother Tao, there will be verification soon, and it should be almost the same within a day. ." Ji Yuanling said.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Thank you, Brother Dao. Yang is just waiting. He is here to find his relatives, but he is not in a hurry."

After the two finished talking about the business, they sat down again.

To be honest, Ji Yuanling is very curious about Yang Yiyun, the descendant of God Qiankun. Of course, as a member of the Ji family of the ancient god clan, he will not elevate Yang Yiyun. In terms of status in the god world, even among the ten ancient god families, In the era of Qiankun God, the Qiankun Temple was not weak at all.

Not to mention now.

After all, the Qiankun God has become history. Even if Yang Yiyun, the descendant of the Qiankun God, is now in charge of the Qiankun Temple and has become an upstart in the divine world, the Ji family will still not care.

But from what Yang Yiyun said, he was here for a descendant of the Ji family who had ascended from the lower world. The two were somewhat related, so he was being polite.

Of course, for the Ji family, it would be a good thing if they could be on good terms with Yang Yiyun. Speaking of which, the top forces in the God Realm are all competing with each other. It is always good to have more helpers. It is something that is beneficial to the family. Ji Yuanling was still willing to do it.

It’s not a bad idea to make friends with Yang Yiyun.

After all, the power of the Qiankun Temple that Yang Yiyun inherited still has some weight. Even Yang Yiyun himself, according to his understanding, has been on the winning side in the battles with the Thirty-Three Heavens Temple over the years, and his own cultivation has made rapid progress, and he has soared. It has only been like a hundred thousand years since the God Realm, but it has already achieved the way of heaven.

Of course, he couldn't see what kind of cultivation Yang Yiyun was now. Anyway, there were rumors in those years that the three kings of Tiansheng Temple who sat down in the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace went out to kill Yang Yiyun, but nothing happened.

From this point of view, Yang Yiyun's cultivation should have reached the stage of heavenly law, or even higher.

In other words, there is a more powerful existence behind Yang Yiyun.

So it's a good thing to be better with Yang Yiyun.

After Ji Yuanling and Yang Yiyun sat down, they smiled and said: "Yang Shenzun is young and promising. In the hands of Yang Shenzun, the Qiankun Temple will surely regain its former glory."

Yang Yiyun smiled. He could guess that Ji Yuanling wanted to get better with him, but he didn't object. Anyway, it was the family of the young senior sister, which was a good thing.

He opened his mouth and said: "Qiankun Temple has now been renamed Yunmen Divine Realm. Yang does not ask for anything else. As long as his disciples can have a stable cultivation environment."

He also wanted to take this opportunity to ask about the branch of the Qiankun Temple that had existed in Daocheng earlier. Even if it was gone long ago, but now that he is here, he must restart it and let the Qiankun Temple. Oh no, it is now the Yunmen Divine Realm. The flag was raised again in Daocheng.

"Yunmen Divine Realm?" Ji Yuanling was stunned for a moment, then reflected and smiled: "It's a good name." Ji Yuanling knew in his heart that changing the name meant that Yang Yiyun was ambitious, and this person should not be underestimated.

"It's just used in the lower realm, it's nothing." Yang Yiyun explained casually, then he changed the topic and looked at Ji Yuanling and said: "Brother Yang is confused about something. I would like to ask Brother Taoist to clarify his confusion. Is that okay? "

"Master Yang, please tell me. As long as Ji knows something, he will know everything and tell you everything."

After Yang Yiyun revealed his identity, Ji Yuanling deliberately gave him face and called him a god. This title was known to the entire god world.

Theoretically, Yang Yiyun's status is equal to that of the head of the Ji family.

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